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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/09/19 in all areas

  1. Finally made a decision, BB435 ordered and should be here tomorrow in time for the gig! 😁👍👌
    5 points
  2. Beautiful Sadowsky Nyc, with stunning burled top and rare Brazilian RW fingerboard (available only inside USA). Perfect conditions. With Sadowsky case.
    4 points
  3. 3 coats done on the back and sides and 2 so far on the top: So far it's behaving itself. With finishing, though, I always think it starts great, then goes horrid and then pulls back to OK. So I've still got the horrid bit to come The back is definitely getting more Mordor! The bookmatched bear-claws on the top really stand out now. I once saw a beautiful Guild covered in them! The other thing I like to see are the grain ripples (chatoyance?). It's a good bit of spruce - David Dyke done us proud again 3rd coat on the top will go on this evening. While this is drying, I have chance to start finishing off the jobs left on the neck. I have made the headstock a touch bigger than my last build, knowing that I wouldn't be able to keep completely straight string runs but, doing the mandatory full-size drawing to work out where to drill the tuner holes, have decided I need to slim the treble side just a touch to balance the visuals of the two sides of tuners: It's only the middle two strings that will have a slight angle, so not too bad. I used the template to drill the holes and to check whether I need to take the couple of mm off the bottom...but yes - I do. They operate fine but I think they will look better filed down to the sharpie line: I'll do that tomorrow and that means that I can start the final finishing on the neck too I reckon this will be playing tunes within 2-3 weeks, depending on how quickly the varnish fully dries.
    4 points
  4. Right. This is only up because I have a shot at getting a bass I’ve been after for 15/20 years which will sonically cover very similar ground. My only other option is to sell my Jazz but I’ve been through lots with that bass and can’t do it. If I can’t sort something out. I’m going to pull this listing super quick. it’s Japanese, amazingly well put together, sounds unbelievable, and in great nick. I’d really rather have this collected... It just screams quality. Sticking my neck out and saying it’s the best put together bass I’ve ever owned. 18v active bass/mid/treb/pan/vol no passive mode. trim pots for mid sweep on back. weight is about 9lbs maybe a fit more - but it balances like a dream. no case currently...may have a gig bag for it. Not a huge amount of information about these online - seemed to get a big push in the US about 2005 and nothing much after. The stuff I’ve seen all relates to Deviser/Bacchus and the SCG factory. But it’s mustard.
    3 points
  5. Well, a few years agi I had a good copy Jazz bass (bass type not actually important here) that had the passive EMG Hz pickups. I spent A LOT of money and bought a set of Joe Barden pups. These promised me to reproduce the "authentic, original sound of the early Jazz pickups". So I put them on and played. Nobody noticed. Nobody said "Gee, how wonderful your bass sounds now that you have spent large amounts of cash on your pickups!" I kidded myself for a while, imagining I could hear more top, deeper bass, more complex mids, but sooner or later I realised I was probably kidding myself. I went back to looking at the EMG Hz pups and discovered the blurb which said the would give the "authentic, original sound of the early Jazz pickups". Yeah. I re-installed the EMGs and - guess what - nobody noticed. Draw your own conclusions. G.
    3 points
  6. OK, everyone who has a kit on order should receive a pm about payment today.
    3 points
  7. It's was quite high when I made him an offer, but as soon as he accepted it I relaxed again. I haven't actually tried any yet. 🙂
    3 points
  8. You'll have to wait until he gets it from Heaven 17 😁
    3 points
  9. Hi all, I've been lurking for a while and decided to join in. I'm in my 40s and have been playing since my teens. I'm back playing in almost exclusively original projects after taking a hiatus for some parenting. Now that she's older I can concentrate on my music again. Joy!! Here's a link to my band if you'd like to check it out. I'd describe it as The Pixies meets Garbage with a little classic rock vibe for good measure. My wife is the vocalist/rhythm guitarist and so far, after a couple of years, our marriage has survived us being in a band together! https://www.facebook.com/thedaylilies I've been on TalkBass for a while but I also like the different sort of vibe that I find here on BassChat. I also like that it's UK based since I've been interested in non-US bass producers as of late and so this is a good environment in which to get better insight into what's going on in that world. I look forward to some good Bass Chats!! Thanks!
    2 points
  10. Hi Basschatters Up for sale is my main instrument from the last 10 years, and only reluctant sale given the "One in - One out" principle as I'm concentrating on fretless in the future. This is one of Mike Lull's earlier creations with a sn. of 479. I guess it's around 20 years old, and brought to Denmark from Ney York by a professional danish bass player, of whom I previously bought another of these basses. For those familiar with these basses, the age can also be detected by a slightly larger head than the current models. We all love our instruments but this one is simply the best of the three M5V I have had over the years, hence the one that stayed the longst. A "pick up and play" instrument commented by all those who have admired, and wanted to try it in the time I have had it. Spec: Beautiful and rare Burgundy Mist finish with very minimal scrathes and marks. None on the front Alder body is my best guess, irrespectively that there is a bit of Ash bark/growl in the sound when recorded. Graphite reinforced Maple neck with rosewood fretboard. Frets recently polished and no signs of wear 35" scale 21 fret neck with 12" fretboard radius. String spacing neck saddle 9,5 mm and 19 mm at bridge which can be adjusted (sideways) if preferred. Weight around 4.3. kg Mike's special wounded Seymour Duncan PU's and 3 band Aguilar pre-amp with passive by pull of volume, and 2 mid frequencies (400/800) No passive tone pot. THE SPECIAL FEATURE: Instead of balance it's fitted with a rotary swith given you: Front PU alone - like an old Fender Telecaster bass with the single coil PU. Both in parallel - Everything you want with a Jazz Sound. Rear PU alone - Pure Jaco Both in series - Powerful almost Musicman type of sound This is as close to a classic vibe modern build "Working man's do all instrument" as you can get, hence why it's been my go to bass for 10 years. And as you can see from the last photo, a small guy like me, 1,82m & 75kg don't have any issues playing a 35" scale bass (Photo from our rehearsal room and not a prison cell :0)) Price including shipping to main Europe and a Mike Lull gigbag. (Will be professional packed for damage free shipping) 20/09/2019: Taste is a subjective matter, but as the yanks are sayin' "Tort goes with everything". Like the tough decision every man faces, blond or brunette? You'd be the judge on that one (spare high quality three layer pickguard from Chandler in the US for one of my previous M5V's - will be part of the package free of charge) Kind Regards Thomas
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. It's only happened to me once, but it still hurts to this day.
    2 points
  13. Nice! Not on quite the same level of cool as this one, but I put one of @KiOgon‘s looms in place of my Hohner Jack’s terrible active circuit - sounds like a new bass! Which reminds me , I need to get another loom for my JV...
    2 points
  14. If you don't buy it, people might think you're chicken!
    2 points
  15. The latest Later with Jools Holland thread with the other twenty 😉
    2 points
  16. Some changes... Would love to replace tc with mood from chase bliss, then I think I'm done
    2 points
  17. Are you into headless basses?
    2 points
  18. Here’s my updated rig. I have a Tech 21 VT500 and Mark Bass LM3 (MB is backup incase god forbid I get a failure on the Tech 21), into a Trace Elliott Elf 1x10. Homemade pedal board on top has a Line6 G75 Wireless into a Boss TU-3 then into a Thumpinator. All this is DI’d into the PA for front of house. Really small footprint and an easy carry/setup. Very happy 😊🎶👍🏼🎵
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Picking up on @rushbo's post about his sports holdall, I just want to share a little tip - it's good to keep your spares separate from the stuff you always use. I also have a sports holdall, and I subdivide the main space using "really useful boxes". The bottom layer contain my spares, and generally don't need to get touched. The top layer contains the things I do use, and get emptied out at every gig. S.P.
    2 points
  21. 3 coats in Its very gold........ And yes, there is a poo by the rocking horse - I finally found it
    2 points
  22. "...because the drummer and guitarist usually can't be trusted to do either!"
    2 points
  23. Thanks. Now I have gigbag envy.
    2 points
  24. I say "A drummer has to keep in time, a guitarist has to stay in key. A bass player has to do both." 🙂
    2 points
  25. Same applies if any thing touches the shielding paint.
    2 points
  26. Oh dear. I shan't be bidding on that bass when it pops up on eBay...
    2 points
  27. I'd run everything straight into the amp. Most pedals are designed to run at instrument level, some don't like the higher line level that FX loops run at. Running modulation and time based effects on the loop is only really beneficial when your preamp is providing your overdrive sound, which is more common on guitar than bass. Compression is generally best before EQ, otherwise you could for example boost the bass EQ and end up over-compressing. I'd go Comp -> Pre -> Chorus. Tuner can go at the end if you want a more thorough mute switch if your chorus is prone to making a wooshing noise when everything else is silent. Otherwise would be best to place it before the chorus so you don't have to deactivate it in order to tune up!
    2 points
  28. I'm sure he's a fine singer and a good bloke but I've never quite got the all-round kudos Gregory Porter gets . He seems like a permanent resident of Later and yet there are entire genres that barely get a look in
    2 points
  29. I don't mind the headstock shape per se, it's not good, but I could live with it if I loved everything else about the bass. The font though 🤮
    2 points
  30. I wish there was a function on eBay to hide items forever - there must be about 50 basses that always get re-listed that always come up on my ‘new items’ search. Same for the books I collect. There’s only one left that I need and every week it says new items and it’s the same four or five copies of editions I already own, otherwise I’d set up an alert!
    2 points
  31. I have them on a couple of basses. One set is around 10 years old I reckon, the other set I bought offa fleabay last Xmas-time for a tenner (plus a couple of quid postage IIRC). They don't seem as 'bright' as the Fender flats, but they're not rubbish IMHO. 👌 After saying that, I'm far to 'cheap' to have compared them to proper expensive flats. 😬
    2 points
  32. The look of the headstock & pickups are weird & fugly. I dread to think what the resale value is likely to be on these.
    2 points
  33. If someone told me which frets to use I'd get in my car, go round to his house and park across the entrance to his driveway. Then I'd shag his missus and when he came home I'd tell him what I'd done and ask him which annoyed him more, the driveway thing or the missus thing. Whichever thing upset him the most, I'd do it again then I'd resign from the band on the proviso that I'd fulfil any future commitments until they'd found a replacement for me. It's only fair.
    2 points
  34. his main is a 57. I had the Sting signature for a while and it sort of purred. Ash body, maple board. Nice bass but then I had a replica made of his 57. Alder body, more thump but lovely
    2 points
  35. This is my '64 I purchased used as a boy in 1971. I have shared a very long ride with it and would never part with it.
    2 points
  36. Some ideias using 2 basses , hope you like 😃
    2 points
  37. I just don't see the point of this. A bass player is a person who plays the bass. This thread makes about as much sense as a "which male bassist has the best technical ability?" or "which bass is the bestest bass ever?". What next....who is the greatest ever gay bassist?...who is the most talented bassist of Jewish origin? Sooner or later it will descend into "my dad is bigger than yours!" Pointless.
    2 points
  38. Silvie and I put a helluva lot of work into getting gigs. We plan it like a military campaign ... there's a strategy (what sort of gigs to aim for, and in what geographical region), there's tactics (who says what when we get into the venue, and which marketing materials to show), and there's logistics (make each raid as efficient as possible, plan a route that gets us to the right places as quickly as possible and at the smallest expense). I play in two bands, each of which does about 30 gigs a year, and every single one of those gigs is brought in by us. Despite endless talk about their efforts, no other band member in either band brings in anything at all. Trouble is, that's largely our fault ... the more you do for people, the more they'll let you do. We've found most agents to be an incompetent waste of time, and most websites to be an expensive waste of time. There's no real substitute for actually going to the venue and talking to the people in charge, and if you bring in the gigs by schmoozing those people then they become your contacts and will be there to talk to when you need them. Being persistent, patient and polite also helps ... there are pubs that only gave us gigs on our third or even fourth visit. The one guaranteed fail is to think of landlords as being lying scum who are out to rip you off. We've met one or two who would match that description, but dozens and dozens who are friendly, hard-working people with very little time and a lot of pressure to deal with. By and large, we find they respond really well to bands who are honest and friendly with them.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. If its covers then for me it should be three things that need to be covered, the vocals, the feel and the hooks. How you get to that is kind of up to the musicians and does not need to be an exact copy of the original note for note. If you take the song "My Girl" for example. As long as the bass riff on the intro and middle part is there, the guitar riff is there, the vocals are correct and it generally feels like the original in terms of tempo, groove style then that's good enough. The guitar, drums and bass don't need to be exact but as long as the basics are covered (vocals, feel and hooks) then that's all that matters. I've attached our version of "My Girl" as an example. You can tell what song it is and its pretty close but there is no way any of us are playing it note for note like the original. I'm no James Jamerson on this but I'm playing as close as possible to what works. My Girl.wav
    1 point
  41. It sort of depends what you use the pedals for and when you use them along with what you use them with (I.e together or not) I’d put the tuner first so it gets a clean signal. Then the pre, assuming it’s kind of on all the time, then the chorus then compressor, again assuming you use it to govern your sound most of the time. Then have the amp flat to the active input, or if you really depend on the sadowsky pre then go into the power amp directly to bypass the front end of your rig. Alterations are maybe having the chorus post compression depending on settings as the comp might limit the effect I’d the chorus. That’s what I’d do but as I say it depends on what settings you use and your sound etc, there are no rules!
    1 point
  42. Yes. I've seen poor Dave also get the riding crop across the jacksie during "Hunting Girl". If that was the end of his derrière-based-bass-activities, he'd probably be happy. Unfortunately, this also happened...
    1 point
  43. Are they original or re issue?
    1 point
  44. Crass - now that's a band I haven't listened to since the 70's.
    1 point
  45. Ahhh that was easy, here it is! https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/stagg-gas-4-2-guitar-amplifier-stand
    1 point
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