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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/09/19 in all areas

  1. Classy colour combination! I love the look of that double-P one. The bridge pickup looks pretty close to the position in a Stingray. Nice pair of basses! I went for metallic orange and specified as little 'aged' as possible. I actually went to pick it up a few hours ago... and it just looks like a high gloss new instrument, with a couple of very very very minor marks. It's pretty light (8.1 lbs), feels and balances great. Not a huge fan of the strings it came with but then I don't like new stainless steel strings ever... I'll wait a bit and see. I'll probably end up with DR Fat Beams, or maybe nickel Sunbeams as they're a bit mellower. The colour is very vibrant, much nicer than I thought from the pictures online. Here's a couple of pictures taken outside just now, taking advantage of the sun, as the pictures look just like 'in the flesh'. I haven't yet adjusted anything, I think it needs a *touch* on the truss rod as the relief is a bit higher than I'd prefer... which is not unusual as it was set up in Germany and the temperature/humidity here will be different, but even as it is it plays nicely and feels very "solid" despite its light weight. A quick test made me smile... good start Not sure I love that preamp, there's few 2-band preamps I love... we'll see. I've got a John East U-Retro in my drawer that could go in there if the original frustrates me... but first strings. Never judge the electronics in a bass until you've got the right strings on.
    6 points
  2. Not sure if I want to do this so i reserve the right to withdraw. And its really hard to price trade wise. Ive asked Martin Peterson how much it would cost to build this spec and its a little over £4000 (if this was a Sadowsky NYC I would be asking over £3000, work that one out) Price drop as I'm after a bass.!!!! Its a Sei Jazz bass, a lot of us know how well Martin makes his instruments.Totally hand made. Swamp ash body, Birdseye maple neck/headstock. The book matched olive wood top has flame and all sorts of burl. Its a lovely piece of wood, Brazilian Rosewood fb. Matching electronics cover on the back. The neck dots are surrounded by nickle which is a nice touch, Martin Steamed the Olive wood around the arm rest. He sunk the bridge into the body by 3mm for better resonance. The detail he puts into his basses are so cool. Ive seen and played others Sei basses and they are mind boggling in there detail. Brass ABM fully adjustable bridge.16.5 to 18.5 mm I believe, could be 19 mm not sure. Its the best bridge I've ever had on a bass period. USA HipShot Lollypop tuners. John East Deluxe Uni preamp. Bartolini B Axis pickups. The B Axis are a lot more aggressive and brighter than the usual Barts.. Its light weight at 8.9 pounds.. The B string is monstrous. Super taught. For a 34" scale bass its as good as any Lakland 35" ive ever played, really punchy. Its super comfortable body wise, with a very slim shallow neck.( if you want mm specs just ask) Labella steels on at the moment. It sounds like a modern Jazz. The East pre gives it lots of tonal options. Set (imo) right it is a beast of a Jazz Bass. Lots of growl. But passive its quite a polite instrument. Trade wise I'm after a Neuser Cloudburst, Mike Lull, Moon J, Xotic, GB Spitfire, Devon, Shuker, most J basses are welcome, sexy tops are more than welcome. 5 string only. Like I say I am happy to keep this gem. But its the GAS. Not sure if you have heard of it. No Fenders please unless its a Marcus Miller 5.
    5 points
  3. We do have a lot of fun! Here's tonight's set lists. I was sooooo pleased with my sound tonight, and I'm incredibly fussy! My band mates noted the time and date at the end of the first set when I joyfully announced that my sound was perfect! 😂 I've been chasing something for a long time, but didn't know what it was until recently. A bit of trial and error and a few gambles have paid off. I was playing the BB435 all night, through my pedal board and into my fairly newly aquired Rumble 500 combo, which I've had for a month or so, and 1x15 ext cab which I only got last weekend and hadn't gigged yet. This setup tonight was by far the best fit sound I've ever had for my band, seriously awesome! The BB435 itself performed admirably, I was very impressed! My prior research and careful consideration was worth the faff I feel, and I've ended up with the right bass for me. It was hard for me to put my own prejudices and preconceptions aside, and accept the fact that the mid range model was likely going to give me exactly what I wanted, and resist the urge to go for one of the higher range models. The traditional solid alder body, passive electronics, etc gives me just what I need. The neck profile is lovely, I'm not completely sold on the finish right now, but I can imagine it'll be just perfect once it's played in a bit. I was a bit clumsy to start with, due mainly to the unfamiliar string gauge, but actually even that was alright in the end. Very, very playable bass! Once it's set up with my usual strings it'll be even better. The pickups are just incredible, I have absolutely no desire to change them. Gives me enough of the Fender style tone, but actually a lot more too. From my brief affair with the Fender Player Jaguar recently I realised two things: firstly, that a passive PJ setup have me exactly the sound I was after, and secondly that a no frills but well made 'traditional' style bass would give me what I wanted. I need that organic, full, traditional tone to sit in the band mix right. Even though my previous setup was excellent, it perhaps didn't work quite as well in the band context. It's kinda where my comment about my 'perfect imperfection' epiphany comes in. I've never considered myself a gear snob, but equally it's very liberating for me to realise that I don't NEED expensive gear to give me what I need! Anyway, I'm rambling on, I'd better try and calm down and get to bed..... .....can't wait to gig it again next weekend though! 😁👍
    5 points
  4. UB40 split and became two, as if one wasn’t already too many.
    4 points
  5. I’m exhausted just reading that. I do whatever I usually do through the day, then put my stuff in the car and go to the gig.
    4 points
  6. There were more exhibitors and more visitors. The noise was slightly less harsh than it would have been in a smaller, flat-ceilinged hall, but it was still tiring to the ears, with distorted guitar soloing and loud bass slapping. The place, however, is beautiful.
    3 points
  7. But you’ve just spent all that time making it look nice a shiny??........😜
    3 points
  8. So...after a FIVE month wait on Bass Direct to get my order to me...it eventually arrived on Thursday...!! Time for a mock-up... The pup is a bit tight for the routing as is, might need to try file the tiniest wee bit away from the pup base, but shouldn't interfere with the fixing holes... Very happy with it the way it looks...however, my playing style, I generally play tight to the neck most of the time, I rest my thumb just on the thickness of the pickguard...so I'm thinking, do I go with head over heart and reposition the thumb rest to be practical rather than aesthetically pleasing...?! 🤔
    3 points
  9. Photo from one of our followers last night.
    3 points
  10. Heresy, heresy, HERESY! Mods please get this chap thrown off BC for use of such offensive, contented, language. 😁
    3 points
  11. And, on the same principle, it's time to STOP for the top and sides: Again, not flawless...but I know that if I try any more I will add more issues than resolve them I will leave this for the best part of a week to harden enough for general handling - by which time the neck will be fully sorted. Then assemble and string it up to make sure it all works OK and do the final setup. And then wait another week before it's hard enough for its final polish. And then it can go to Matt
    3 points
  12. Well, at the risk of being flamed I'm sticking my neck out and saying I'm not going, despite the waste of a ticket. I have scoured the programme and can't see its more than a pale shadow of last year's event. If I lived in norf Larndon and it was a few minutes walk away perhaps, but I'm not juddering across half of Britain on a bus and rail combination for what's listed. No early bird ticket for me next year, I'm waiting to see the full programme, even if buying late will cost me more.
    3 points
  13. Everyone on the waiting list for the first batch of cabs should now have received a pm from me with all the info re. payment and delivery. If you haven't received one, please let me know.
    3 points
  14. Hi folks! Aguilar AG700 - 700w class D head, really sounds incredible, by far the most 'full' sounding Class D amp I've used. Clearly very versatile, but has a slightly warmer character to it than most class D amps I've owned, and more presence across the frequency spectrum. Wide variety of sounds on offer, but it's virtually impossible to dial in a bad tone! It's in great condition, and will come in a Gator mixer bag I use to transport/protect it. Thanks for looking
    2 points
  15. NOW SOLD I bought this earlier this year from GG and during it`s second gig it developed a fault. I sent it down to Ashdown who gave it a check over and repaired the fault. Honestly their customer service is second to none. The amp is from 2009 and is in almost mint condition. It has all the heft you will need for any gig, 500 watts into 4 ohms. This model came in 2 sizes. The smaller head didn`t have the side vents like this one: this is the same amplifier but was put in the chassis of the EvO 2 combo amplifier when they had run out of the normal sized chassis. It is a beast of an amp. Collection from Paisley only or I don`t mind a wee drive to meet up and I`m not looking for trades.
    2 points
  16. NOW GONE. Just bought a Pedaltrain Nano simply because the lovely padded bag fits the HX Stomp rather snuggly with room for cables etc. So I have the Nano board itself along with the Velcro and ties that come with it free to anyone who cares to collect it.
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. As a complete guess I've always assumed that it was useful to know where the octave was so let's put a marker there. Then it would useful to have other markers so you knew at a glance where you were. If they were on every fret there would be nothing to differentiate them so every other fret was opted for. Now the choice is on the odds or evens, if evens were chosen then the octave at the twelfth wouldn't stand out, so odds were chosen. Markers on every other fret help you count quickly and the octave is easily rocognised by being on its own with a pair of unmarked frets either side. A quick glance and you know exactly where you are. I told you it was a guess.
    2 points
  19. Orange had a nice vintage area, as well as the normal stand.
    2 points
  20. Always take a baseball bat to gigs. Use this to apply corrections to your drummer's timing instead of whipping them with your lead, and they will last much longer*. *the leads that is, not the drummer.
    2 points
  21. Check the very first post in this thread - I've posted a comparison table there, which I did a while back for another BCer, for ease of reference. Shows the difference in design and materials between three of the Series 3 basses. The P34 will be pretty similar for actual materials to the 734A but is purely passive. In terms of finish: it's MIJ and has one of the Yammy bespoke sonic treatments (and I think dB mentioned having the fretboard additionally oiled also?)
    2 points
  22. If you're going to gig with it put the rest where you need it. Otherwise it is a trophy piece.
    2 points
  23. Defo gotta improve the quality of dem jokes Mr DB5 😁 Have a great gig! 😊
    2 points
  24. But he doesnt. It`s a Status Tele he plays now. Andy Bown has been in the band since 77 ish and Rhino since 85. Good enough for me. Still miss Rick though.
    2 points
  25. Link to our band FB page if anyone's interested: https://m.facebook.com/TwoPushCharlieUK/?locale2=en_GB
    2 points
  26. Normally after a visit to this website 🙂
    2 points
  27. I lied. I didn't rush. There was a car crash on the M8 near Edinburgh, but that wasn't me. The weather is beautiful so I drove gently doing 60-65mph, windows down and calm jazz playing (well, at times blasting to compensate for the wind noise but it was actually a nice fun drive, just under one hour to get there). As I arrive there, Teo sees me and smiles, but then his face changes and he says "Yes, the bass is here, but unfortunately..." and my heart sunk. What happened? Someone sat on it and broke it? They sent the wrong bass, what??? There was a problem with the finance. I took the 0% over 10 months finance option because I was going to sell a couple of things and that way it buys me time and I don't have to touch my wallet. It seems that Barclays was only paying if they deliver the bass to me, not if I collect it However, by now I've sold one guitar and two basses that alone more than cover the cost of the Sandberg, so all is good. I asked to cancel the finance and I'd just pay straight. Teo looked very relieved, and we proceeded to look at the bass and give it a quick run through some amp I didn't even pay attention to. The bass is really nice. The colour is better in person than I was expecting from the online pictures, and the ageing is practically non-existent... so very very very pleased with the finish. The neck is just right although the edges of the fingerboard could have been a little less sharp (I guess the more aged ones are a bit more rounded off?) but that's nitpicking, it really feels nice... The bass balances very well, it's 8.1 lbs, so nice and light, yet it *feels* solid. I can't describe it. Really happy with that. Sounds... early days. I like the basic sounds I'm getting, but those strings are not the ones I'd have chosen and they're far too bright, so I'll reserve my judgement until I have some of my favourite strings on it. I nearly returned a Schecter Model T once but I completely changed my mind after I put a set of DR Sunbeams on it... The preamp, I need to experiment and see how the controls interact to find my sweet spot, we'll see. If it bothers me I'll either make it passive or put a John East U-Retro that I already have in my drawer (was meant to be for the Maruszczyk Jake I just sold, but I ended up leaving it passive). Having said that, I am pleasantly surprised as I expected to dislike it like I dislike most 2-band preamps. The treble control does a good job at cutting just the amount of top end that I want. Many preamps just operate way too high or take too much off the mids. This one is nice. The bass is... BIG. I don't see myself boosting much here, but a quick try allowed me to see that I can treat it much like I treat the Stingray's 2EQ to get to the right amount of mids that I want in my sound, but turning down the bass a tiny bit and leaving treble flat or reducing it a bit too I seem to get a nice thick well defined sound with both pickups on. I'll have to play. I like that with the preamp EQ set at the centre detent it sounds just like it does in passive mode, and it's a good sound. The P pickup in particular I am enjoying. It's got a really nice bark, when you dig in it growls, but it can be mellow if you play more gently. The MM may be lacking a bit of 'oomph' on its own but when both pickups are together they sound very good, so I'm not inclined to change anything. I may investigate to see if it's wired in parallel, and see if I can wire it in series for a thicker sound... but I wanted this bass for the P and P/MM sound, and those are good. I have no idea what pickups are these, they are whatever Sandberg uses by default these days and they're good. Anyway, here is the beast...
    2 points
  28. The Bootleg Beatles have been together far longer than the real thing were. And they’re very good. The Feelgoods relaunched with the last lineup that backed Lee. He wanted them to continue, and given the number of tributes - many of a high standard - why shouldn’t they? Also, every member of Dr Feelgood still earns from them thanks to ‘fifth member’/manager Chris Fenwick. That can’t be bad...
    2 points
  29. The new BB looked and sounded great last night. See through cherry red colour, bolt on neck, matching headstock. Satin finish hardware, 3 tone controls, one volume and one switch. The second one had what looked like an extra inlay on the fourth fret between the d and g string.
    2 points
  30. I left my ABM on an angle in the back of the car once. Took a whole day to clean up the heft that had leaked out through the effects send, you can still see the stain and when it's warm the fillings in my back teeth hurt. Mythical? Hardly.
    2 points
  31. Some of richard cheeses stuff is brilliant, not the friends one you posted. How about this: Bearing in mind I really like the original.
    2 points
  32. I ended up the only original member of a blues band I only joined as a stand in favour for, very weird.
    2 points
  33. You may be correct. I was too young to know anything about that. It did have a ground wire under the pick up cover that was left off the CS reissue in the photo. I used only flats on it as that was really all you could get back then and I hated how bright they sounded when new! LOL. I purchased that old bass from a guy who had been in a fifties band for $75.00. I certainly wish I still had it! I have only one photo of it from my very first gig. A church picnic when I was a teenager. The amp was a cheapo piece of crap but I loved it.
    2 points
  34. Look what someone found in the loft. My old Aria SB700. My kid brother still has it. I got because Jack Bruce was endorsing them and I loved his sound on Cozy Powell's Over The Top. This photo must be 35 years old?
    2 points
  35. I don't have one, but sounds like the Polytune 3 can do this.
    2 points
  36. Is your long term memory broken?
    2 points
  37. Turn up. Set up your gear. Play. That is all.
    2 points
  38. To be fair to Richard Cheese, his reworkings were always tongue-in-cheek. Smooth Jazz in its more earnest form is, of course, an abomination, and I do believe that when the Four Horsemen rend the very skye and ride upon this mortal plain, bringing unto mankind the woes of death, of pestilence, of famine, and of war, one of them shall hold aloft a saxophone, yea, even of the soprano register, lo, and his name shall be Kenny G.
    2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. Hi, on sale a beautiful Pedulla MVP PJ 4 Custom . This bass was made in USA by Michael Pedulla in 1989, light gold original finish and very good contitions for the age. This bass was converted fretless (professional work) and sounds great...as you know!!All original components: Bartolini custom PJ pickups and electronic(vol./bal./tone), Schaller bridge and tuners. Weight 3,8 Kg. Included original hardcase and truss rod key. I can ship to Europe (you choose the courier company and pay the shipping cost). Bye!!! Link to a YouTube video :
    1 point
  41. Barefaced Super Twin for sale £650 This is a reluctant sale due to retiring from loud music. This Super Twin is in perfect condition, never gigged, just used for about 1 year of rehearsals with band, well looked after. 1200 Watts and very portable. Massive bass sound, what more can I say. Collection only please.. Pete
    1 point
  42. Stooging around at a local leisure centre the other day I found myself scrutinising posters for a range of upcoming musical attractions which ran the full gamut of 'authenticity' from some to none. * Gordon Haskell - alive and actually himself performing in a solo capacity; will prob not be playing any King Crimson covers * The Dreamers - one guy from a slightly later 1960s incarnation of the Freddie and The Dreamers band which toured the USA * An Everly Brothers tribute - one's dead and the other one's alive but he's not in the act * Elvis - obviously dead and therefore not the original artist * A Buddy Holly act - exceptionally dead and not currently touring Two things struck me: * Haskell apart, the absence of anything after the 1960's. Who goes to see these bands (not that people shouldn't)? * The extraordinary number and variety of wigs, apart from The Dreamers who clearly eschew such fripperies whether on the grounds of economy or of good taste
    1 point
  43. Super tempting. Had one a while back and loved it but it was way heavier than this one, so I sold it.
    1 point
  44. sorry to hear it ,, tho i guess i would be the same if it was say, a jam session bash ,, cool feet ,, stage fright ?? ,,, i call it stage sickness = after 3 mins i get bored " even tho i don't believe in boredom ,, yes i live so close i could take a long morning walk to get there ,, well ? we will report back in a few hours ,, a thumbs up thumbs down report as this could be The last LBGS ,, maybe the 1st LBGS in its new format ,, ; ) ps with all those long hair guitarist turning up ,, i am taking Flea Spray
    1 point
  45. The tech21 VTBass is a beaut of a head - nice little rig
    1 point
  46. Blimey, someone's hard to please!!
    1 point
  47. That's either the best typo or auto-correct ever! I shall never call them Overwaters again! 🤣
    1 point
  48. "You're 16, you're beautiful, and you're mine". Ew. I guess a lot of it is that now we're more 'woke' and post-saville, stuff that was 'ok at the time' is now creepy AF... Not to mention those sings were sung by maybe late teen/20somethings and now the original singers are like, 90, and still singing the same songs... As it was the anniversary of Rik Mayall's death the other day, i have to contribute: "Gonna lock her up in a trunk!" "I still feel that locking girls up in trunks is politically unsound!"
    1 point
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