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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/19 in all areas

  1. I so hate the idea that there are voters in UK who wish to strip themselves and their fellow countrymen of rights and freedoms we have enjoyed for decades. Who in their right mind would want to curtail their own personal freedom? onanists
    8 points
  2. Fingers crossed UK won't leave the EU, anyway. Problem solved.
    7 points
  3. Oh great. That feeling when you use the word porn and someone inserts a picture of a child in between the relevant posts. Apologies for my appalling timing.
    6 points
  4. Isn't it......and the swear filter changing see you next tuesdays into nasty pasties takes all the venom out of it. Let it be known that they will NEVER be forgiven
    5 points
  5. We're all 5 from the EU - 4 from UK and 1 dual Eire/UK national - he'll be OK
    5 points
  6. Just got a new black grill for my Barefaced two10 to match the Ampeg. This is the little set up. The big one is a six10. Im tempted to add the two together just for fun.. although I doubt I can lift the head that high!
    4 points
  7. If they haven’t about read it in whatever ghastly tabloid they read, then they probably don’t realise that ending FoM applies to them too. They just assume it applies to Johnny Foreigner.
    4 points
  8. I can report my mid 80s E-serial MIJ Squier Strat does, as did my '84 SQ serial Squier P. Any excuse for a pic of the most gorgeous bookmatched grain & burst ever...
    4 points
  9. 2018 Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray Special 4H – Charcoal Sparkle / Ebony I purchased this 4H model when these Specials came out last year. As some of you may recall I actually wanted a 4HH but due to be being quoted a 9-12 month wait for one in this colour, my extreme gas and impatience got the better of me and I came home with this one instead. Fast forward 12 months and after my bi-monthly random look around the usual stockists, I’ve finally managed to bag a 4HH model so this beauty is now back up for grabs. Body – Swamp Ash Body Finish – High gloss polyester ‘Charcoal Sparkle’ Scale – 34” Neck radius – 11” Nut Type - Compensated Nut Width – 43.5mm Frets – 22 high profile, wide, stainless steel Neck – Roasted maple Fingerboard – Ebony Tuners – Custom Musicman, lightweight with tapered string posts and ergonomic clover design Controls – 3-band active 18 volt pre-amp: volume, treble, middle, bass Pickup – Single humbucking with neodymium magnets Weight – 8.5lbs Case – Original hard shell case and case candy included This bass is absolutely immaculate, plays beautifully and is very light. No dinks or scratches, it’s never been gigged or even taken to a rehearsal (I’m still on an enforced sabbatical from gigging). Used for occasional home noodling only and cossetted in its case. I did finally remove the film from the scratch plate but other than that it’s as new. I would very much prefer for this to be collected or a meet up could possibly be arranged. Shipping to the UK only may be possible at buyers’ expense but only if fully insured. Price is firm and I believe very fair so no cheeky offers thank you. Not really looking for trades on this one as I'm having another cull but you could always try me, I can only say no. 😁 Any questions please pm me. EDIT Re Trades: As stated I'd much prefer a straight sale but in answer to a few PM's, if I was to take a part trade it would need to be: Basses - Four string, 34", fretted, headed, standard string spacing i.e.19mm, 42mm + nut (no jazz necks thanks). Possibly a P, Super P etc. Amps & Cabs - I'm sorted for cabs and amps really but I may be interested in a Mesa Walkabout and I’m always interested in a part-ex deal involving something old and green with a UV light on it. 😎
    3 points
  10. So this is a feeler, because I have just been offered the bass I really wanted to buy. If that falls through, then I'll be keeping it no question.... I ordered this Limelight from Mark and collected it in July, so it is 3 months old and has only been gigged about 4-5 times. It is an absolutely fabulous example of their take on a lightly reliced late 50s black P, with Maple neck and tort plate, fitted with Resolite reverse tuners and a new set of Elixir Stainless Steels (ordered in error, I use the usual Elixirs on all my basses, but these are a revelation! Incredibly soft and playable). At time of build it was the lightest one they'd ever done, weighing in at just 7.4lb, and perfectly balanced with it! It plays beautifully, looks amazing and, even without being the weight of a ships anchor, sounds absolutely thunderous, but I just can't buy what I really wanted without selling this first. The bass cost me £1075, so here is an opportunity to jump the queue and also save yourself a few quid on a new Limelight... the price has to be firm as I can't afford to lose any more money on this fabulous bass 😣
    3 points
  11. Here you go,and it’s got 5 separate control cavities!!
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. Take your ABBA record, and put it in a washing up bowl with soapy water.
    3 points
  14. But they are running the "Get Ready for Brexit" advertising campaign - someone must know 😫
    3 points
  15. I too love to do this. Only where the gig allows it though, set up time and space are always a consideration. Those who've not tried it will be in for a pleasant surprise - it is a unique way of setting up. I used to split my signal using a preamp with two outs into a stereo graphic thence into two separate amp/cab set ups. The most basic set up wouldn't be for a stereo effect, I would simply bias one amp towards the bass and one towards the treble. Then once I liked what I was hearing the volume knobs on each amp became simple tone booster/cut controls. What always surprised me was that when I took away the 'bass' amp how thin and weak the 'treble' amp seemed on its own. Likewise when muting the 'treble' amp the bass seemed impossibly dubby and lacking in definition and yet when blended together the sound was amazing and lacking nothing. Where the heck were the mids coming from??! (rhetorical question - I neither know nor mind not knowing). I absolutely accept to some people this sounds like ridiculous, eccentric behaviour. And that's fine. No one is forcing anyone to do it 😉, but for others this will appeal to a sense of experimentation and fun and it really does produce interesting results.
    3 points
  16. Finally got some tidgy little Allen keys... I could trap a single post it under the strings 😂 Plays like KY Jelly.
    3 points
  17. Dry fit done. I realised after looking at the photo that I had left off the four of the five small braces but like any good journalist, I won’t let the truth spoil a good story.
    3 points
  18. Two types of schools of thought for guitarists and volume controls. One, if you are playing just into a valve amp, it effectively controls the overdrive of the amp, and can be used subtly and tastefully. Two, more commonly, it means that once you have set up and got all the levels just right for the band, the guitarist can then turn up so they are louder than everyone else!
    3 points
  19. Could be a galloping success. I’ll get my coat.
    3 points
  20. Poking around the web for some inspiration, I came across this video. Firstly, it has really clear explanations, including diagrams, of the main causes of hum. Secondly, it has lots of easy suggestions for curing hum, including twisting the pickup wires around each other. A peek under the pickguard of my Squier Musicmaster revealed pickup wires not twisted together. Hmmmm - surely can't be that simple, can it? Easy fix, worth a try. Quick twizzle of the pickup twisted the wires together. Result was a much-reduced level of hum! Not really believing this, I fired up the washing machine, and was surprised to find that the the bass really was much quieter. Not only that, while getting all of my washing out of the laundry basket, I found a five pound note. Ha!
    3 points
  21. Hi folks, does anybody know what model this is,I snagged it on eBay for £90,it weighs a tonne I think the body is a slab of maple,so is the neck,but it plays great,pots are a bit scratchy,any info would greatly appreciated
    2 points
  22. Here's a 90" Ken Smith BT 5 strings custom .. It has average type of playwear and is in very good condition all original .Excellent condition
    2 points
  23. Hello chaps, long time no post. Sorry. As usual I've just popped in to pimp a thing I've written, it's relevant for once as it's about the skills you need to be able to play with other people, and how lucky I was to know a bloke that forced me to learn them when I was a kid. Link below, thanks. https://davedoesntwriteanythingever.blogspot.com/2019/10/how-eddie-and-dead-jesus-taught-me-how.html
    2 points
  24. Stolen from TB, what looks like an early protoype: (so yes, looks like they did have the 'logo chat' with Steve!)
    2 points
  25. That was taken before I went class D
    2 points
  26. Absolutely not selling my gear. I have the best basses and rig I have had in 32 years of playing so its all staying. Apart from the Kala SUB bass which is going towards funding the double bass ..wink, wink .. 😁
    2 points
  27. If that was a bass I'd consider it criminal - as it's a guitar I consider it something that should be done to all guitars. 😆
    2 points
  28. That’s awesome... sorry you feel you’ve fallen out of love with it. It’s always rough to feel you’ve lost something that’s a part of your identity. Who knows what’s round the corner though... you could be back here next week with a “I’m loving the bass again” thread 😊
    2 points
  29. They need to do this. In the same colours they’ve just done the new Sires in. LPB, Sherwood green, Burgundy mist...etc
    2 points
  30. Microphone stands are a bastard and will do everything they can to ruin your day. Both in terms of visual composition, and pulling the attention of your auto-focus. Turn off the auto-focus assist lamp on your camera. It won't help at that distance, and will just annoy other concertgoers. When something interesting happens, mash the shutter button like crazy. You can pick out the best moment when you get home. Use full-manual mode. Lighting at gigs has a tendency to bounce about all over the shop, and if you're in aperture or shutter priority mode then your camera will be constantly playing catch-up. S.P.
    2 points
  31. ... this. I regularly fall out of love with bass. I just lock it away for a while and I'm soon back. 32 years is a long while. Any road, what's all this twaddle about being 'almost 50', like it's end of t'road? I haven't seen 50 for 15 years and still strut my stuff - if a little forgetfully at times.
    2 points
  32. Don't fear that getting a double bass would be a waste of time . I started with one at 50 , wish I had started at 15 .
    2 points
  33. Yeah you can... get a longboard or a large mini-mal. I'm pushing 50 and I surf. 😀 I would say just have a break for a few months. Don't sell your gear. See how you feel after that... whether it is music in general, bass, bands, gigs, or whatever that is causing you to lose your passion. See which , if any, you miss and take it from there. I think many of us need to take a break once in a while. I don't know many people that keep hammering away at it and still enjoy it.
    2 points
  34. Alright that’s enough Brexit Bashing thanks, we try to eliminate politics here so although your original question was valid I think we’re straying off the path here big time.
    2 points
  35. Switchable octave but no overdrive, I'm right with you. Hopefully SH666 (hey, it's got to be called something) will have the right combination for rock bassists.
    2 points
  36. They don’t want people coming here doing that do they? They want the brightest and the best, though if I was part of that, this is one of the last countries I’d visit.
    2 points
  37. Exactly - and their friends living off pensions in the Costas are not immigrants, they're ex-pats. Totally different, see.
    2 points
  38. Is this the reduction in bureaucracy the Leave campaign were promising?
    2 points
  39. If you're going down that sort of route, then do it properly, Phil Lesh style. Quadraphonic pick ups sending individual signals from each string into a huge stack. Four sets of amps & cabs. Mind you, all I use to play his lines is a single Ashdown head and a Barefaced 1x12. We don't have huge trucks or a vast stage crew!
    2 points
  40. Here's an article on wood joint strength:https://woodgears.ca/joint_strength/glue_methods.html What I took away from this is that you should not apply excessive force to a joint when gluing but you should apply glue to all mating surfaces.
    2 points
  41. That is absolutely stunning - I love natural finishes and maple boards
    2 points
  42. In my previous band we used a couple of heavy duty wind up stands and two lengths of aluminium scaffold poles. Super sturdy, packed down nicely and was strong enough to hold lighting too.
    2 points
  43. I think he means a plastic spacer or coaster, that fits under the neck plate:
    2 points
  44. You would need to take a feed from both to get any benefit from using both, especially if they sounded different and the point of using two amps was to get the blend between the two. If there is no PA support for the bass then I suggest to the OP that they get a long lead or a wireless system and go around the the venue and check just how much tonal variation there is in different parts. What you probably find is that one amp/cab combination projects far more efficiently than the other, and while the tonal balance between the two is perfect where you are stood on stage, it will be completely different out in the audience.
    2 points
  45. I visited Steve Chick in 2009 on my way through to NZ. Back then he had Charles Cilia making the basses for him. Charles is an outstanding luthier, his guitars play like butter. The basses he made were OK but didn't do much for me personally and they weren't cheap as they were handmade, faithful replicas of a preCBS jazz bass owned by a friend of Steve's. So Steve has been spending a lot of time thinking about how to make the technology more accessible pricewise and one way was to use prefabricated parts which he completes the necks and does extra body drilling for the wiring. It's intentional. He wants the technology to be accepted by as many players as possible so the rationale is use a standard bass that everyone is familiar with tonally.
    2 points
  46. Hi there - apologies, I've only just read your message. Yup she's still available - I took her for a spin on Saturday night and you can see / hear her in action in this uploaded clip
    2 points
  47. Finally got hold of a Charcoal Sparkle 4HH. This is the model that I wanted last year but my impatience wouldn't allow me to wait the quoted 9-12 months for this model in this colour, so I opted for a 4H instead. After a random search on Friday I managed to find somewhere with stock. It arrived today, plays great and I'm very impressed with the range of tones available. Very, very pleased with it. 😁 The 4H is obviously now surplus and will very shortly be listed in the Basses for Sale section.
    2 points
  48. My three. Classic. Adrian Gurvitz. The most mangled lyrics ever foisted on the English language throughout all of eternity. Hi Ho Silver Lining. The perfect song to empty the party and get the punters out at closing time. Mustang Sally. Beloved of drunk mums and dads everywhere. Despised by all other sentient life forms. But what surprises me is that, 5 pages in, we've had no Morrissey numbers on here. You guys disappoint me sometimes. actually, I absolutely adore the Smiths but I know how marmite Mozza can be. I just expected better somehow.
    2 points
  49. 80's marmite stuff is what I love!! It looks like the Terminators calf. Well done.
    2 points
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