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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/19 in all areas

  1. Mrs S made the basic error of leaving me on my own with time to kill in Nottingham for the afternoon. I made the even more basic error of nipping in to Hotrox in Sneinton. They had this.... I wasn't going to buy it until i realised; a) that it is medically necessary as the binding on a 4003 is a bit sharp on the forearm, and b) that it will annoy Young Teebs. Oh, and; c) it is bloody lovely. Mrs S did the rolly eyes thing until I mentioned (b) then she understood why i had to get it. Of course, I've broken my one-in-one-out rule so expect some major activity in the marketplace shortly. Or I have a kidney if Raymondo's interested.....
    13 points
  2. I was waiting in all morning for a visit from the UPS man bearing bits & bobs from Thomann, including an EMG Geezer Butler pickup and a Fender High Mass Bridge for the Precision I bought new from Rockbottom in Croydon 37 years ago. As soon as the parcel was delivered I got my screwdrivers out and after installing the bridge & pickup and doing a setup this bass has never sounded so good or looked so cool.
    5 points
  3. Using flash for gig photography (as a pro/semi-pro) would be one of the quickest ways to get yourself ejected from the building! Or at least produce only photos of an artist scowling at you. Even presuming that your flash had the reach to be effective across that range rather than just mess with your exposure. It’s all about wide aperture, balancing “film speed” with image quality, balancing shutter speed with exposure... ...not using flash!
    5 points
  4. I thought these were only made in China? Congrats, enjoy and tick off mr Teebs.
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. Very short review: It's very good. Closest to the VTDI from the existing lineup, but with a darker speaker sim, tighter lows, more low mids, and a lower frequency on the treble EQ. Very flexible control of the mids and very punchy. Sounds more like a real amp than the other pedals.
    4 points
  7. I've seen that big, ignorant fat f*cker before with his long hair, bald at the front and looking about sixty if he's a day. Watching his channel is like having your car towed away by a 'Private Contractor' and going to their yard to get it back and you go in the Portakabin to pay some fat moron the fine and then you have to find your car and when you do you notice there's a big scratch on your driver's door so you go back to the Portakabin and the fat moron says 'It was like that when we towed it, pal. Prove it wasn't'. Just saying.
    4 points
  8. Oh, and; d) if you drop something on the laminate floor and take a chunk out of it you can saw a couple of inches off the finger board to patch it up with.
    3 points
  9. I sell 2010 Fender Precision Bass Custom Shop Pino Palladino. Perfect, 3.5kg one of the best in balanced and resonant circulation. Sound of fear, complete with original case and certificate of authenticity Custom Shop. Photo on request Any evidence, even shipping
    2 points
  10. Moving on this lovely 'wick as its not getting gigged. This bass sounds amazing, really powerful and versatile, if I had a use for it I'd keep it. Early (1999) German model with Wenge neck and fingerboard. Weighs 3.8kg Flame maple top and Swamp Ash Body. Passive MEC J and MM pickups with Seymour Duncan 3 band preamp. Black hardware. Bronze frets and Just-a-Nut There is player some player wear above the pickups, one of the tuners has been replaced and has a silver W logo on the back rather than black. Price includes postage in a Warwick semi-hard case, cheers
    2 points
  11. Just got one... pretty useful tool when you're playing about with a bunch of effects and wondering how to power all the pedals. Not much more to say... it just works... plug it in, see the reading, make a note. Here's a handful I just checked... First, a digital pedal that I thought was very power-hungry. The Source Audio Bass Envelope Filter... wasn't as bad as I thought, at just 120mA. Then, the EXH Bass MicroSynth... I had no idea how much current it required. I thought it would not be a crazy amount, but I was not sure. Now I know. Just 40 mA. How about the little Caline Reverb "Snakebite"? 33mA And what about an overdrive? A lot of this kind of pedals are between 10-15mA, so how about the Valeton Tube Refiner (which sounds GREAT on bass)... just 10mA. Cool. And finally... a monster. I got this valve overdrive pedal. It's a really strange thing, but sounds really nice. It's a Nobsound (yes, I know) G3 Little Bear that cost something like £35-40. A battery cannot power it. It's just very bad. It recommends a 500mA supply, if I recall correctly. I plugged into a 250mA supply and it worked ok, but it does work a bit better with a bigger supply. So, what does this one measure? 343mA!!! Makes sense.
    2 points
  12. They seem to be “desirable” but always come up for sale...weird.
    2 points
  13. These days they generally save the "Fish" era songs for festival slots and fan club shows. As this tour is billed as "With friends from the orchestra", none of the gigs on this tour so far have featured a Fish era song so far as I know, though they have pulled out some exceptional deep catalogue tracks. Glasgow may be the exception, but I doubt it. Hope you enjoy it 🙂
    2 points
  14. Hello! I just did a mod to my Swedish made Jazz bass. It used to have passive volume and a Stellartone - tone knob. Now it has an East J-tone. Passive/active with a push pull on the tone knob. Stacked volume/blend knob. Stacked bass/trebble knob. Really easy installation! Before Nice padded box! I just cut the old control plate out. Just screw the wires to the terminals Played it the day after with the band. Great!!!
    2 points
  15. That does look rather lovely Dave. Mrs S won't be making that mistake again
    2 points
  16. they're original. I've sold many Moon's like that over the years through my store. that bass is very very early 80's.
    2 points
  17. I’ve found a fairly quick way to do this - press and hold the mode button to go into pedal edit mode. Tap pitch shift, it defaults to interval as the first parameter, then use up/down to change between -1/-2. Just timed myself and can change the pitch in 3 seconds with 3 taps. Probably quicker than me bending down and twiddling the knobs....and better for my knees/back!
    2 points
  18. must admit, I do fancy the walnut 5 string version
    2 points
  19. This is my first ever Rickenbacker & I can't get over how much better it is than any of the many Fenders I've owned over the last four decades. My P bass is now just a backup bass.
    2 points
  20. I've no idea! Couldn't care less about that. But I suppose it must do, it has his name on it after all!
    2 points
  21. The sadness of this video is the championing of gear destruction just because it doesn't compare to more expensive stuff, thus going under the sledgehammer. It's 2019 folks, pretty much everything manufactured nowadays is generally going to be fittish for purpose; let's face it, while it's probably unlikely many Line6 Spider combos will be gracing big stages, but for bedroom, rehearsal or pub gig stuff, it's going to be fine and compared to what we all probably had access to when we first started out, these modelling amps are like something out of Tomorrows World. It really just sickens me that these asshats are just making a (small) name for themselves by subjecting usable gear to destruction, when it could be donated to a kid.
    2 points
  22. 👍👍👍 I recall reading somewhere that he picked up and played a lot of top lines from a wide array of sources. I think it's a real signature of his that he went from root chordal / harmonic playing into melodic toplines and back, seemlessly. 'A Remark you Made' is a really fine example of that PLUS it's a really evocative title for a track. Bloody love it. And Joe Zawinul's piano solo is a fine demo of space awareness - knowing when NOT to play a note. I could go on...
    2 points
  23. Just ordered a Helix FX. As much as the Stomp is working for me i was struggling to see what effects were on or off when controlled by an external foot switch. Lack of LED's and the small screen made it a bit of a distraction. The FX will be better for me on stage. I spent most of the evening at rehearsals using the BDDI sim, just to make sure i can give up the Amp sim, and i can, very easily. using the BDDI sim was like coming home.
    2 points
  24. Frankly, I think everyone should now send you pedals and you could turn this in to a super blog Great work chap! Do more! It will be really useful!
    2 points
  25. If it's only a few days at this time of year they'll be fine in the loft. Middle of summer might be more of a problem but the risk of overheating in mid-November is probably minimal. And they should also be safe from flood damage 😁 Wrap them in a couple of bin bags to stop the mice/bats/whatever else might be up there from crapping on them and you'll be fine.
    2 points
  26. The body is pretty much done. Actually it still needs a hole for the jack, but that can wait.
    2 points
  27. Hi Teebs, got my CT scan on 19th of this month and the follow up with the surgeon on 20th December. I'll keep everyone posted. Oh, and thanks for asking mate.
    2 points
  28. Isn't this forum great? - 5 pages of friendly discussion about one of the finer details of bass playing 🙂 I put Olympias on my '82 JV Squier about 18 months ago. They get better and better - rather a 'sticky' feel to begin with. I would say they're medium tension - weights are The big thing about flats for me is that they're so versatile - If you're playing with fingers then digging in changes the sound substantially - but then they also sound great with a pick. Or pick and palm mute for the Carol Kaye Beach Boys sound? Or play with light thumb and palm mute for a real DB sound. Only thing they fall down on is slap - but like I really care....😁 Here's my bass. Had it from new in '82, converted to a PJ in '83. It's turned out to be the most playable and versatile bass I've ever owned. And it's done some serious bass miles in the last 37 years - I'd be lost without it.
    2 points
  29. Hoping to settle in here and make it my 'new' local. Keep twanging!
    1 point
  30. Called into Wunjo’s today tried a few precision’s in the following order and after a very quick and abc unscientific test through the same amp/speaker came to following first impressions: a Fender vintera: meh OK but felt a bit cheap and copy’ish for a 700quid plus bass. Anodised pickguard would be off to eBay too.Very disappointing. b Fender American Pro maple fretboard: Lovely. sounds and plays just as I expect a P to be, nice finishing on the neck frets etc. But £1475!!! c Fender Player series Mexican Rosewood fretboard: really good not quite as full on as the US pro but still a very good P bass. Frets could do with a tidy in the edges and maybe upgrade some electrics and possibly hardware but nice neck and finish like the US. For 600 quid I probably would if I had the dosh and it’s almost half the price of a US one. I really liked it. Surprised and impressed. The chap in Wunjos was great, very helpful and would have been happy to do me nice deal on this as it was a quiet and very wet day. Only downer was that some s**tbag nicked my mates umbrella which he left by the door. Probably a guitard as I can’t insgine a fellow bassist would stoop so low.
    1 point
  31. Very good condition Helix Stomp, other than one point below, with original box and materials. There is a very small bit of plastic centre-guide missing at the entry of the USB port at the rear (see pic 2). It's not impacting my ability to connect / edit via the PC (see bottom pic) at all but it's obviously something I need to flag and I have taken account of this in pricing the unit and knocked £20 off to reflect this. £325 collected (+£10 posted via guaranteed next day delivery).
    1 point
  32. Can’t get away from playing a Jazz, but mine bear little resemblance to their original spec. Left: Roasted Alder Body in Daphne Blue, Babicz Bridge, EMGs (18v) and 80s Squire neck. Right: Mexican Alder body in Midnight Blue (special edition colour in 2003), Babicz Bridge, Bartolini 9Js with Richter passive plate, Status fretless neck. Love em.
    1 point
  33. Ooh, you're just setting her up for a bunch of curvy body, long neck and wooden head style gags here.
    1 point
  34. A country that won't vote someone in because of the word 'Bum' isn't a country I'd want to be an MP of! Maybe I should move to the USA and grab some pússy... I'll bring the Felix!
    1 point
  35. I feel sorry for H. He's been in the band for 30 odd years (Fish was only in it for 10!) and people still call him the new guy. If you want to hear more old Marillion you are better off seeing Fish, who is touring again also (for the last time before retiring). I love both 'versions' but I think you have to see them as two slightly different bands. H singing Fish songs just dont sound right to me. Steve Hogarths lyrics are better in many respects than Fish's ever were and musically the band are wonderful to hear. Ps does he still do the white gloves thing?
    1 point
  36. I would probably have liked Marillion more than I do, but I just can’t get past the drummer. All of his fills sound like he’s tripped over his kit. Max respect to them for doing what they do, though.
    1 point
  37. Looking forward to reading a comprehensive report!
    1 point
  38. Thanks for cab endorsement, cheers Nick !
    1 point
  39. I do get a bit fed up with everything that surrounds playing in a pub covers band - trying to park, lugging gear, setting up, managing the PA, starting our first set half an hour after I'm usually in bed, packing up afterwards, etc., but almost always as soon as we're a couple of songs in I think - yeah, this is why I do it. The last specific moment that gave me an extra smile was probably our guitarist pulling off a particularly blistering (yet still tasteful) solo, complete with behind the nut bends, in the middle of... Mustang Sally.
    1 point
  40. That's a bit strong! You may need to calm yourself down. But wow, they look utterly awesome... a combination of new, woody, and the 1950s... and the dots look great on the maple fretboards... Fantastic! 🐑
    1 point
  41. Come down from that fence Skank and share your real feelings with us all.
    1 point
  42. Nice one, saw MM on Sat and he/his band were awesome.
    1 point
  43. ***Really would like to sell this as seen just what I want so open to cash offers or part-ex with decent wedge of cash my way*** Love this bass to bits but I kinda fancy a bit of a change as I’m almost always playing 5 string lately. Some Yamaha blurb: “For the bassist that won't settle for anything less than the best, the Pro lineup represents the pinnacle of everything the BB designers have sought to achieve over four decades of striving for perfection. Carefully crafted one at a time by a select team of master artisans at Yamaha's headquarters in Japan, and featuring a unique Alder/Maple/Alder laminated construction finished with Yamaha's proprietary IRA (initial response acceleration) technology, the Pro BB offers a rich, organic tone and incomparable resonance and playability—this is the bass that you've always dreamed off.” To be fair it’s a top notch bit of kit. Superbly made and with a delicious range of tones to dial in, the bass plays beautifully. Comes with the Yamaha case and the case candy. Would happily swap for a P35 or consider trades or part-ex for any of the following: - Lakland 55-02 or DJ5 - Sandberg California II 5 - Yamaha 1024/5x or 734a/735a or TRB 5 - Fender post-2008 USA Jazz/Precision (PJ? Adam Clayton? Geddy?) - Lakland DJ4 or 44-64 PJ - MusicMan StingRay 4/5 Maybe others, I’m more into the traditional type basses but been a long time since I played a Status, for example, so you never know. I’m in Chepstow, happy to meet up to compete a deal. Potentially could courier at buyers expense.
    1 point
  44. I know a lot of users have had great success using pitch down for half step and whole step detuning on gigs which not the same as ‘simple octave up or down’ it’s certainly proved to be practical and usable on the gig and ultimately a more useful implementation of pitch manipulation although maybe not something everyone will find useful. My guitarist uses it all the time as a virtual Capo with great success and it seems to be the views of many other uses real world experiences especially on this site. I should really qualify this quote as it was pounced upon and interpreted in a way which suggested I think the stomp can do ‘any sound’ 🙄 People buy the stomp for many reasons and with different expectations. The stomp is unlikely to nail ‘every’ sound one might need but what it can do is offer a massive palette of tones, colours and I/O options for the gigging player and home studio. It also allows those interested in doing so to recreate many different and varied tones be that classic sounds or new takes on classic sound. It also allows for the wider community to share settings so those with zero interest or desire can maximise the pedals benefits with minimal time spent with their nose in a manual. While there are some limitations it’s generally accepted that it’s a good option for many looking for multi fx to be their only unit or to compliment an existing set up. With some time invested and having an understanding of what one wants it does offer lots from a myriad of routing options to conventional and unconventional tones. In terms of what it offers for the price/features/ease of use it’s a great option. I have owned a stomp but ultimately I’m quite content with my humble pedal board for my gigging needs but certainly enjoyed playing and using it, discovering how to maximise its potential within my recording and gigging set up. I briefly owned a second stomp but that was super cheap and only really bought to flip for a profit. In saying that the amp and bass I bought with that cash are giving me much joy! Some folks just enjoy buying kit because it looks nice, fills a space on their pedal board, to simply say they have one or it covers ‘price of admission’ to specific groups/clubs etc and that's grand as we’re ‘experts’ on what we like...not necessarily experts on the gear we like. My last point is I was implying that if one wanted to recreate the SH1 preamp/drive pedal, a relatively simple eq/and drive with 4 or 5 basic controls and a brite setting the stomp could likely recreate it or pretty much close enough that it would be worth trying or that the audience would care. If I wade into a synth thread saying you guys don’t know how to program a Hx stomp cause it can do anything I’m happy to be corrected but in the context of this thread and knowing the capabilities of the stomp I’d expect (an)other stomp owner(s) to have a touch of savvy and make the connection. If one wishes to compare a dedicated synth pedal's capabilities to the stomp be my guest but not every thread on bc needs to have mention of the Future Impact, the boss synth or whatever the current flavour of the month is.
    1 point
  45. It has a schaller 2000 bridge, so that gives a string spacing adjustable between 15.5mm to 20.25mm Which is nice, I could live with that spacing!
    1 point
  46. This is where the science doesn't help too much, different experts and different bassists will disagree about what sounds best. I don't like an instrument speaker to be too strong at 50Hz, Those frequencies are poorly heard and few people will notice if you simply filter out at 24db/octave at 50hz. Trading a little loss of the fundamental for less chance of exciting room resonances and cleaning up the onstage sound is something I would do every time. When I designed the Basschat Mk1 speaker a flat response down as low as possible was something people asked for. I've been gigging with that speaker on and off for a few years and I almost always eq out the low bass and then apply a little boost around 80-120 Hz to get the sound I personally prefer. At a recent bass bash we had a shootout which included a Markbass 12 with just such a response, half the room loved it and half hated it. It's a Marmite thing. I'd say though that you probably don't want anything bigger than a 3db peak at most, that's going to really colour your sound, that disqualifies the Emi in the small cab for me and the Celestion needs a bigger cab too IMO. WinISD will tell you the response, it can't tell you if you'll like it. The other thing to consider though is that most of the character of the speaker will be in it's mid range response where our hearing is very sensitive. It's worth your while looking carefully at the published responses.
    1 point
  47. Love the two Ritters in the back ground...
    1 point
  48. If you are not enjoying gigging and its not your main source of income then give it up. Its a no brainer. If you do something mainly for fun, but its no longer fun then don't do it. Who knows, after a while you might crave it again. Give it a rest and see what happens.
    1 point
  49. [eating big bag of popcorn] 😁
    1 point
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