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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/11/19 in all areas

  1. Take 1 x rack of basses, 1 x old wardrobe, 1 x dull afternoon, a selection of hand tools and several cups of coffee.
    10 points
  2. So, The Last Resort gig happened last night and we had a blast. The Deacon P sounded fab - not just my opinion, the sound guys thought so too 😀. I'm not quite sure how many thousands we raised. I think they're still counting. Hard to choose a favourite from the 6 songs we played, but this one does have a certain grin factor to it.
    7 points
  3. If this is what happens to a drummer scorned I would dread to think what would happen to our band should we get on the wrong side of our drummer... He's a coder (and semi-decent drummer) who literally controls all our online media presence “errr... no, that's fine... If you want to incorporate a six minute drum solo into each of our songs that's cool... "
    5 points
  4. Managed to get hold of a cracker of a Sub bass. Picked it up in Edinburgh from a really nice chap,Jose,who had sellers remorse right away! I really felt sorry for him as I have had that 3 times before when selling my Sub bass guitars. I originally had a white one about 7 years ago. Sold it when skint! Bought another in grey,sold it to fund another guitar and finally got hold of another gre 10000000_2416171728701068_1584912735974150124_n.mp4 y one last year,which I sold to fund a very needed holiday! Anyway,this one is a keeper! (I hope!) Here is a recent video of me playing it in Glasgow. Get the earphones on for this!!
    4 points
  5. It's actually 31... you forgot to include the stacked knobs and the one holding the camera.
    4 points
  6. Hi, guys. This is my Classic 50s P bass. Monster sound. Nickname: Stalin.
    4 points
  7. Lots of well-intended advice here, but a surprising amount seems to be about building strength and tightening your grip. That may well be the answer to all your problems, but in that case you'd be the polar opposite to me. Playing bass involves keeping both hands and their fingers under more-than-usual tension for long periods. What I need is not more tension but more stretching to loosen everything up. As an experiment, try this. Use your left hand to stretch back each finger (and the thumb) on your right hand, one by one, as far as is comfortable with the web between fingers feeling the stretch. Don't overdo it, don't hurt yourself. Then reverse hands. Repeat this randomly all day while you're watching TV or staring idly into space, and see how your hands feel later.
    4 points
  8. I was accidentally sacked from my job as a rockabiily drummer once. All I said was "I'm not standing for this anymore..."
    4 points
  9. So I realise how tedious it is when someone starts asking everyone to 'Like' their page, but we're trying to do a rapid re-build of what was deleted. @Silvia Bluejay was up half the night working on it, and we now have all the gigs and enough videos to get us close to where we want to be. Can we now enlist the help of The Basschat Massive and ask everyone to 'Like' the page. If you actually DO like us then so much the better, but frankly right now we'll take anything we can get.
    4 points
  10. Just played a gig that was a late booking, someone recommended us from another band. It's a boozer that I've played a few times before and used to frequent as a customer too! Set up was strange, people eating (they do very good food apparently) and we couldn't set up properly until this couple finished their meal. Once they left we set up and soundchecked with 5mins until showtime! We play soul music from the 60s, 70s and the wonderful 80s and I think we hit the spot. Good size crowd and people getting into it. At half time people were asking for our phone number and the landlord moved some tables to create a dancefloor area. 2nd half always starts with My Girl but punters were up dancing and continued to until the end. Thought we'd finished the gig but got offered £100 for another half hour by a punter and so we carried on, in fact we played another 45 mins so gave value for money 😊. Played tunes that we haven't played in soooo long. Landlord reckoned we were the best band by far that they had play there (praise indeed, they've had some good bands up there), he wants us for New Year's Eve party! Plenty of gig offers from punters there so all in all a nice little earner with potential gig interest thrown in Slight cramp in my fretting hand near the end but really enjoyable gig, the locals still like to party it seems!
    4 points
  11. Continuous Power = Real World Rating (volts x amps= watts) Program Power = Inflated Rating for Advertising Purposes Peak Power = The Engineering dept has been sacked, only Advertising dept remains. Peak Program Music Power = If You Buy This You'll Buy Anything.
    4 points
  12. This build might take a while as I'm not really sure what I'm doing but the three main points I'm aiming for, in reverse order are, something that looks good, something that sounds good and last, but certainly not least, not to die! Oh yeah, and if I do you can all blame @rubis as it was his B15 build thread that got my idle mind thinking. 😉 The back story; I was having a clear out and found an old Dynacord amp with the front and back plates and all the knobs missing at the bottom of a chest. It had been given to me years ago and I'd pulled it apart to give it a clean as, from memory, something was noisy. The stripped parts had long since been thrown out and the newly discovered amp was about to go to the tip. At the last minute I thought I'll just put it to one side as it's an old valve amp and who knows, it could be alright. In my shed/workshop I also have my old home built (rediculous) bass rig, a bi-amped set up with a pair of 15" celestions as the bottom end that is just in the way and will most likely never be used again due to size, a pre-amp/crossover, stereo graphic EQ and stereo power amp in a rack with a 2x10 for the high end and two 1x15s for the bottom, it used to have a 4x12 for the high end but that's just silly, right? 😁 Anyway it has virtually no resale value but has to go. So I have this gear in the way when I read Rubis' thread about his Ampeg-esque cab build a light bulb came on. I've always loved the Ashdown Drophead with the Little Bastard head, and the classic Ampeg fliptop, in fact any fliptop but have absolutely no use for one so could never justify buying one just because they're pretty. Then it dawns on me, I have an old valve amp and some lovely sounding celestions. I give the amp the once over inside and all seems OK and plug it into one of the 15" cabs, plug in a Precision and it sounds pretty good, albeit at low volume. So my mind's made up, I'm going to build a fliptop and re-house the amps internals to have the cool (or should that be hot?) bits on display and put it all in a new cabinet, it will hopefully be a nice combo to keep that doesn't take up much storage and won't cost very much, mainly just my time. The amp is a Dynacord Imperator which manages 80watts by putting 750volts through it's pair of EL34 valves, which would normally only produce 50watts. The amp query thread is here if anyone's interested, This is what I started with, and after some careful de-soldering, chassis cutting and most importantly labelling wires, this is where I'm at. I'm planning to build something along the lines of the classic look of the exposed transformers at either end with the valves in the middle all above a housing with the controls on. I'm no electrician, but I'm not stupid either, but as long as everything is wired back to where it came from, what can go wrong. It's only 750 volts after all. 🤪 Both the amp and speaker, from quick research, seem to be early 70s so it's nice to pair them being a similar vintage. Anyway enough rambling, I just thought if I start this thread then I'll have more incentive to carry on, I'm in no hurry so this may take a while though.
    3 points
  13. Hey guys, I am selling this beauty because I decided to get back on the road and need a funds towards a car. Hard decision, as I wanted a Limelight for a long time and got this one in a trade here on basschat a while back, but now I am playing more heavy music where my Spector bass is being used most often. Not sure what I could say, I think most of the people here are familiar with the brand. It is a very nice Jazz, reliced in a very tasteful way, currently strung with Thomastik Jazz Flats which I love so much that every time I get a Jazz or Precision I put them on immediately. Nice and low action. Sounds fantastic live. Again, not really sure what else to say, it is just a great Jazz Bass, and does its thing really well. I have priced it for a quick sale and unfortunately I am not interested in any trades. I will throw old but functional gig bag with it, and while I prefer if buyer pick up in person, I do have a spare box that my other bass came in lying around so I could potentially pack it up for postage if buyer arrange the courier. I am located in North West London just outside M1 junction 1(Staples Corner), you are more than welcome to pop in and try the bass for as long as you need and play it through my Markbass combo. Any questions just message me.
    3 points
  14. You can call it a Boxer. You can call it an 80s Duff McKagen original. Alternatively, it’s known as a Jazz Bass Special or the ultimate PJ. As for me - I call it brilliant. I’m selling 1 Bass w/2 Necks Body - PJ555/Jazz Bass Special Pickups - Original Stock Hot Rod Pickups w/TBX Tone control. These are a more articulate and growly Duncan Quarter Pounder P and J Bridge: Hipshot KickAss Neck 1: 1986 MIJ Fender E Series Precision Neck. Nut width is in between a P and a JB. 1 replacement machinehead/3 stock Neck 2: Original Jazz Bass Special Fretless Neck that came with the body. If you’ve an appetite for destruction, this is the Bass for you. Very light yet extremely fat sounding. Looks great. Feels even better.
    3 points
  15. Just needed a lighter guitar to practice on. Ended up with one of the best bassesI've ever played. Feels boutique, sounds classic Fender. Workmanship is stunning. Active and passive. Massive tonal range and four pounds lighter than my Spector. If there was such a thing as an ears-shoulder-and-fingers doctor I'm sure he would prescribed this bass.😁
    3 points
  16. Quite agree on pretty much all of that. I remember being on the covers band circuit and coke-heads just made it a major pain. As you say they don’t usually become aggressive, just annoying.
    3 points
  17. Up for sale is my Boogie Bass 120. This started out originally as a Sound City 120 complete with the infamous noisy preamp. It was due for a recap anyway so I sent it to Rob Dix at RD Amplification for a complete rebuild. Rob put his own 'Boogie Bass' preamp in there and refined the output section whilst retaining those lovely Partridge transformers. It has very little noise unless you crank it up to 10 with the treble and mids on full too, otherwise, it's a remarkably low noise amp. On the other hand, don't be fooled by the '120' - Rob had the six 6CA7's pushing out over 160 watts on his bench which, when plugged into my Bergantino NV412 is positively seismic. It's a quality build using ceramic valve sockets and quality components throughout. Biasing is made simpler (and much safer!) with the sockets on the rear for plugging a multimeter into. Although the wiring looks chaotic, it's a deliberate ploy to reduce noise and it works! Any questions please ask, I'll try and answer them. Looking for £500 which includes overnight delivery within the UK. Cheers Grahame
    3 points
  18. And just when you wonder what the point is, gig 3 comes along. You turn up at a pub in the countryside with a couple of people eating their lunch, and think 'this is going to be good'. Landlord is very friendly, loads of space to set up, so you set up, the people finish their lunch and say they are looking forward to hearing you, you start, at the end of the first number you look up, there are 10 people there, they all applaud. End of the 2nd number, there are 20 people there, some are already dancing. End of the 3rd number, it is heaving and loads of people are dancing, and it is like that for the next 2.5 hours. So much energy and fun, it was fantastic. at the end the landlord thanked us through the PA, everyone cheered, and as they left the pub all came up to say how good it was. Sometimes it works out.
    3 points
  19. I love playing bass. I can like or dislike the songs, the gig or the band but if me and the drummer are playing well together, I'm in a negative free zone.
    3 points
  20. I suppose technically it's not the right place for it, but I have a problem with authority anyway. That's a very nice guitar, with nice era-correct pickup upgrades. It's a Matsumoku-made guitar, which is confirmed by the "Steel Adjustable Neck" neckplate, the arrowhead-shaped truss cover, and the original pickup rings, which are for 3-screw humbuckers. These traits appear together on most early 70s Matsumoku copies of Gibson guitars, and the neckplate was exclusive to that factory. Age-wise, it's probably 1971 - 1973. Unfortunately the serial numbers on these early 70s Matsumokus appear to be random and there's no reliable way of dating from them. The original pickups would probably have had date codes stamped underneath, so in the event they came with the guitar, those would give a very accurate idea of its age. As it is, the neck style, with rounded fretboard heel and inlays up to the 17th fret are an indicator that it's pre- 1974, and the use of a pin badge rather than a transfer tells us that it's early 70s. As the stickers suggest, the pickups are almost certainly DiMarzios, likely Super Distortions, and will have been fitted to replace the original Maxon-branded units, probably late 70s/early 80s. Quick way to check if they are DiMarzios is to stick an allen key in a pole piece - DiMarzios are Imperial, so a metric key won't fit. Alternatively, they should have red/white/black/green/wiring and if you're lucky, PAF stickers underneath.These are pretty sought-after vintage pickups these days. If I haven't already bored you to death, I can also tell you a little about the brand. Eros was house-brand of London distributor Rosetti, the name seemingly taken from the statue in Piccadilly Circus, which was near to their retail premises. They were broadly good-quality copies of US designs, and initially were sourced from the Matsumoku and Fujigen factories. Later Eros instruments were Korean, and unfortunately not of the same standard. There is some confusion about the brand itself. Rosetti used "Eros" and "Eros Mark II" for reasons that aren't exactly clear, whilst, even more confusingly, being UK distributor for Italian acoustic guitar brand E-Ros, an entirely unrelated brand made by Fuselli in Recanati, and closely associated with Eko. And as @Stub Mandrel says, PJ Harvey played an old Eros SG back in the 90s, with her original 3 piece band. Oi - wake up at the back!
    3 points
  21. Totally agree. If the OP is gigging regularly then he obviously has enough strength already. You beat me to it, as I was also going to suggest gentle stretches. OP...before you go on for a gig, try doing some gentle stretches (as mentioned above by Happy Jack..or from the clips below. There are lots of others on YT). Spend a few minutes doing them. Do the same immediately after the gig and again just before you go to bed. It may seem like a nuisance, but each session should only take a few minutes and IMO is well worth the (minimal) time and effort.
    3 points
  22. Of course in my opinion, also though through my experience, which can’t be disputed because it’s happened. Making the decision to concentrate on playing solo, composing my own music, and having artistic freedom over everything I do has paid off. I could have continued as I was, playing for whoever would pay me, for example I played on a cruise ship one summer and absolutely hated it. I’m now much happier, and satisfied.
    3 points
  23. Many thanks to all of you who've liked the page. It now works better - FB makes everything harder when the page is new and has less than 10 likes, and always assumes you're a spammer and up to no good, no matter what you're trying to do. Hopefully it'll get easier in the next few days. Much obliged to you all.
    3 points
  24. Solo, duo, 3-piece, soul band with brass section and fully-landscaped Gospel group singing harmonies ... it's all music, it's all gigging, it should all be fun. Let's all kiss and make up, OK yah?
    3 points
  25. You only live once, and you don't know when you might see another for sale. go for it.
    3 points
  26. I think you may be thinking about the AG500 which came in single channel and twin channel that had rack ears as an option. This is the brand new AG700 which is smaller lighter and more powerful which has superseded the AG500.
    3 points
  27. I suppose it would be invidious to ask who thought it was a good idea to sack the band's social media manager before torturing him for the passwords.
    3 points
  28. So plugged in and stuck the Walkabout through it for about 45 min. firstly it works! so how does it sound? well I started off with my Sadowsky jazz - any my first thought was “I’m glad I stuck a new set of strings on my Christmas list as these are on their way out” - it sounded clear and balanced, none of the low mid hump that my Walkabout cab has. Turning up the bass boost it takes low end really well. Switching to the bridge pickup... erm well the lights downstairs make the pickups hum so that was really really clearly amplified. so far so hmmm ... it’s not blowing my socks off - and I really need new strings - but then the penny dropped that it’s not doing anything but reproduce what goes in - and that’s the point! switching to a Warwick SS1 and the thing sounds bright and snappy - it sounds like the bass but in a really nice way. The bottom end on this bass is a bit lower than the typical fender style bass and there’s a lot going on in the high mids- through bad cabs the lack of low end and peaky high mids that sound amazing though a fender style suddenly start fighting this basses core tone - not a problem with this cab, the lows are there and the high mids aren’t hyped. It sounds good. next was my latest accidental acquisition- a Lakland 55-94 which is my first 5 string. Now this sounded nice, it took tweaks to the 3 band EQ very well too. Through the Walkabout cab this bass struggles - it’s baked in tone and the walkabouts baked in tone clash big time to the point where you can’t tell differences between pickup settings easily and both the E and B strings just don’t sound right somehow, like they are on a different bass... the BCCAB I can clearly hear the pickup selection differences - and all the strings sound like they are on the same bass - horrah! next, and the real test was back to the jazz and putting the HX stomp in the signal chain. And when it came to using cab models it excelled. why does this matter? Because typically I use the stomp straight to the PA with IEM, and having a rig that gets reasonably close to the PA will be invaluable for setting up patches! so after45 min I am well happy (though still need to sort my grill) - thanks @stevie for all your hard work
    3 points
  29. 1998 Candy Apple p bass special , really nicely worn in neck 🙂
    3 points
  30. Sod that. I'm old and foolish and hoping to play a couple of festivals next summer. If so it will be trace 4x10 combo on top of Peavey 1x15 on one side and Laney head with 2 2x12s on the other. And a tweeter box. The ideal rig doesn't just sound good, it scares people.
    3 points
  31. Took the tiddler to see Frozen II this morning. It was, of course, a properly good Disney romp and perfectly targeted at its demographic. The big songs are equally bombastic as Let It Go and will be torturing parents for months to come. BUT by far the best thing was that the creators have sneaked the ultimate 1980s rock power ballad video right into the centre of the film. One of the characters, Christoph, sings an “I’ve lost my girl” tear jerker called “Lost In The Woods” which musically and visually pulls out every Total Eclipse Of The Heart, I Wanna Know What Love Is, Against All Odds cliche... from the framing of an opening shot in the forest which has a branch and pine cone in the foreground so it looks like the character is singing into an old valve condenser mic on a boom stand, to the walking in and out of rays of light.... from a close up with the character’s hair blowing just right in the breeze as he stares off into the distance to the silhouette of a lost love in the distance which turns out just to be a shadow... it was all there perfectly done. None of this would possibly resonate with an 8 year old but this middle aged bloke was grinning from ear to ear. And then when the Bo Rhap style choir of reindeer turned up in spotlights around Christoph’s head I nearly wet myself laughing! Well played Disney. I’ve already suggested to @cetera that he should include it in the set list for the Rock Anthems and Power Ballads show, “Leather & Lace”, with which he tours the country!
    2 points
  32. This is a pic I took on stage on Saturday night. 2019 Player series with chrome covers, tug bar, D'Addario Chromes and US Hipshot Ultralites with xtender on the E string.
    2 points
  33. As you say being positioned as far back as it is the location doesn't lend itself to a classic p-bass tone, definitely more Jazz than P bass, and a modern take at that.
    2 points
  34. You've been peeping! Damn those webcams!
    2 points
  35. I'm intrigued to find out. If anyone is local to Bradford id be keen to use Meyer Sound's SIM to measure one of these cabs to see what's what when they're built
    2 points
  36. Played a benefit gig for The British Heart Foundation last night, in Hereford. We knew a good few of the bands playing so nice to socialise with them. We were the headliners and both the singer and myself have the lurg at present - cough/cold - so we were a bit concerned about vox, however all was fine, we played well and the audience really enjoyed it. Big shout out to 4 youngsters who were there all day, up & dancing to all the bands apparently (where do they get their energy from) and an even bigger shout out to the organisers Raff & Sam, over £500 raised for a very good cause. Got home at 3:15, so rather tired today, zzzzzzzzz.
    2 points
  37. Sold an EHX Micro Q-Tron to Steve in what was a very straight forward, pleasant transaction.. Steve says its the first pedal he's ever bought in his bass playing career so I hope that he likes it!! Anyway, just to say that Steve is a great bloke and a valued member of the Basschat community so deal with him in absolute confidence. Thanks Steve; looking forward to hearing your Bootsy Collins style bass FX workshop at next year's South East Bass Bash! 😁 Nik
    2 points
  38. IMO this is up there with the other truly classic game-changing amps such as the SVT, Trace AH, and Eden WT. One of the greatest.
    2 points
  39. I play solo. I played in Paris two weeks ago, I’m in Stockholm in three weeks time. Last year I played in Holland, Paris twice the year before. Many in the UK too, including one with one of my biggest influences Steve Lawson. I got so fed up with band politics, I’m also not particularly people orientated either. Solo is much more artistically rewarding too. I do the occasional collaborative thing, gigs and recording, I’d never join a band again though.
    2 points
  40. There are usable frets above 7th ? Huh ? He’s obviously from some other freaking galaxy
    2 points
  41. #moiaussi i can’t type “me too” without giving the wrong idea
    2 points
  42. Thanks for the replies chaps, I think I'll make a doctor's appointment as it's taken longer for my hands to recover this morning. I'd never considered seasonality as a factor, but I'm sure the temperature/climate will be playing a role. My wife's quite into herbal remedies, so she's going to look at a termeric paste to keep in
    2 points
  43. it's just a shame that somebody drew a c0ck & balls in the top corner 😂
    2 points
  44. Wow 🤩 lovely bass. Ash is a top guy to deal with. 👌
    2 points
  45. Great Bassline here , not quite as easy as it first sounds but a good upbeat rhythm, by lion youth around 1980🙂
    2 points
  46. My recently purchased MIM FSR I love it
    2 points
  47. Here are a few pictures, though heaven knows why they have been rotated, and I have no idea how to correct this! Anyway, one showing the full rig with both heads, one with just the Hexavalve and one attempting to show the glow from within!
    2 points
  48. I interviewed the great Michael League for my podcast! Check it out: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5excUh69pG9OWMI7uQmXnG
    2 points
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