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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/19 in all areas

  1. Well, since i sold my TE Hexavalve, i have been on the nose for a replacement (or a aQuatravalve) as i missed it so much. A couple of weeks ago a Hexa turned up in Lille France. It turns out its my old amp! Im close to Dover so Ive skipped on a ferry to pick it up. Its the same nice fellow i sold it to who is meeting me in Calais. He was on the lookout for a Twinvalve which I have so we are trading with some €’s his way. I SWEAR i will never sell the Hexa again! Cheers! 😁
    14 points
  2. Ok! So I've had to edit my Stingray advert as the moderators have sent me a private message to tell me it's just too darn silly and makes no sense!! I'm just kidding... The moderators are far too accepting of weirdos and the mentally deranged to ask of such a thing...  So basically, it has become apparent that people DO want my awesome Bass gear and that they have just been waiting for Santa to line their pockets with filthy Capitalistic paper notes before making any further enquiries into obtaining said gear... With that being the case, I can now “officially" offer my beautiful Stingray for sale for £950. I'm no longer accepting trades for tins of baby sweetcorn as I have recently traded an Ian Hill Custom Spector Bass Guitar for several thousand tins of the stuff and I won't need any more tins of baby sweetcorn until at least Easter... So, that's the edit... Well worth a read, right?!... (I've also added a picture of the hard shell case). Now back to the original guff below; (If you haven't read it already I implore you, please don't read it! It's just the nonsensical ramblings of a deranged madman. I'll save you the hassle and just let you know that I have a Music Man Stingray for sale priced at £950) Original guff; I'm assuming that y'all beautiful BC'ers are clued up on what a Stingray is but just in case you are not I shall inform you that it's a species of fish belonging to the “sea ray" group and from what I hear, they are highly respected by the Alligator and Crocodile communities... For what reason I'm sure I do not know...  I'm just messing with you... It's actually a 1964 science fiction television series created with the use of marionette puppetry and, at the time, was rather popular with the youth and adults alike... In fact, I believe children nowadays are still rather fond of the big budget, special effect laden animated TV series. I know that I'm always hearing those kids singing the “Stingray" theme song as they trot home from school with their Beano comics and ¼ pound bag of boiled sweets.... “STINGRAY... STINGRAY!!.. da, da, da, na-na, na-na.." “STINGRAY... STINGRAY!!.. da, da, na-na.." Ha, ha, ha!!! Those little whipper snappers, I remember the... “Hey!... HEY!!! GET THE F*CK OFF MY GARDEN!!!" “DON'T YOU BRUSH BY MY CAR!!!" “GO PLAY OUTSIDE YOUR MUM'S HOUSE!!!" “KEEP IT DOWN!!! I'M TRYING TO THE SLAP THE SH*T OUT'A THIS BASS AT AN OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD VOLUME AND YOUR INCESSANT WAILING AND HIGH PITCHED SCREAMS ARE DOING NOTHING FOR MY DOUBLE THUMB TECHNIQUE!!!" Ha, ha... Kids, aren't they great...  Anyway, where was I?... Oh yeah, Captain Scarlet... “Captain Scarlet, he's the one who knows the Mysteron game!!..." So yeah, my beautiful Captain Scarlet Music Man Stingray Thunderbirds* are go Bass is up for sale (or trade should you have the required number of tinned baby sweet corn to hand)†... * Disclaimer: this is NOT a Gibson Thunderbird Bass She's a mid 00's model USA Stingray with three band active eq and all the beautiful Music Man “Mother Bucking" tone you could want!! Previous owner had the factory nut replaced with a bronze nut and aside from that the rest of the instrument is all original and in “Top Cat" condition!!! (excellent condition) I wanna say the colour of the instrument is Scarlet as I don't know many other shades of red however I did type “scarlet red" in my web browser search engine whilst the safe search filter was off and “YEESH!!!", it's certainly not that colour... That was closer to a coral or salmon pink... Fantastic colour though and with a beautiful matching headstock to boot!! Yes, the carpet does indeed match the drapes with this little fiery red head!.. “I'm talking about the Bass, you dirty-bird!.. not miss “Scarlet Red". Dunno what else to say really... it's a Music Man Stingray... You've all seen one before and I'm hoping that you've all played one and if you haven't, I just might know where there's one for sale... 21 frets and a standard 34" scale length. This little Scarlet Pimpernel weighs in at around 4.6kg. Speaking of Scarlet Pimpernel, Ricky 4000 posted a link in another thread to a rather amusing little ditty that is featured in the Broadway musical “The Scarlet Pimpernel". The song has since chosen to reside in my head and has assured me that it won't be leaving anytime soon... I feel that the only way I might get it to leave me alone is by sharing the link and making others aware of it... Kinda like the plot of “The Ring" movies (SPOILER ALERT!!) Oh, wait... Should that have come first?... Anyway, watch and listen, “If you'd be so kind..." That's about it really... Comes with the Music Man fitted hard shell case... Ooh! ...and I think the colour could be close to “Cardinal" red, if you're quite particular about your shades of red... “Sigh" I remember simpler times when there were literally just six colours, four being varying shades of grey... I can post the Music Man, insured at buyers expense (or uninsured if you're a reckless cheapo!!). Also happy to meet within reasonable distance should you provide the funds to feed my vehicle with the fuel it so regularly desires!! “Feed me, Seymour... FEED ME!!!" “Sorry, did you just say something?.. Also visits are welcome, though hard-hats and goggles are required at all times and all visitors must remain at least six feet from the glass... So without further ado, I present to you the gorgeous Stingray that could very well be yours... (Well, obviously it's not yours, it's mine but it could be yours for £950... or of course, the corn trade-off that I originally put forth)†... †Corn trade-off no longer accepted. “STINGRAY... STINGRAY!!.. da, da, da, na-na, na-na.." Oops... Not that one... Darn... My mistake!!.. There we go... Hard Shell Case... ...and for those with no knowledge of what a ‘Stingray' in a ‘Shell' looks like...
    7 points
  3. When I was 10 I was still eating coal.
    7 points
  4. Bloody guitarists! Coming over here taking our jobs! Somebody should build a wall!
    7 points
  5. I always thought that it was Paul playing bass on this. But Having seen the Let It Be movie recently, It was George Harrison playing the bass part on a telecaster while Macca plays the chords on an acoustic guitar. Here is the bass part as recorded on a tele. Not a bad bassline.
    5 points
  6. I've decided to have a go at building a rack myself, based on this one I've seen on ebay. Built a single guitar one as a practice run this morning out of cheap timber. Looks and works OK, so will choose some better wood and build a 5/6'r to fit in the space where my 3 guitar rack sits. It's a bit of a tight fit but hopefully it'll be fine.
    5 points
  7. I went to my son’s school Christmas concert this week. His school has a very strong musical emphasis and as such has a superb music department. The concert showcases all the different departments, whether it’s a string quartet, jazz band, choir and many others. These boys are aged 8-10. Most interesting to me were the three rock bands that played. Considering how young the kids are the performances were amazing. Band 1 played Born To Be Wild, Band 2 played Rolling In The Deep (complete with expletive, which cracked me up) and Band 3 played We Are The Champions. One little lad played bass with all three - his Squier Precision looked massive on him but he played well, simple stuff but solid. Which is a great place to start. When I was 10 I was still tuning my nylon acoustic down til the strings went floppy and pretending to be Paul Simonon. I was impressed!
    4 points
  8. I think I've just had the best photo of me taken ever for any of the bands I've ever been in.
    3 points
  9. Fender preci elite ll 1983 original Colour pewter Excellent condition includes vintage fender tweed case. Plays really good. Low action . Price 1550euro + shipping No Trades SOLD
    3 points
  10. Looking forward to hearing this
    3 points
  11. I don't know, it's up to you, really. I really don't get the "oooh, slap, won't do that" attitude I see sometimes (not saying you do, just a general observation) I learnt to slap because in a RHCP band you sort of have to... I could *copy* slap parts easily after a while, but it's a lot harder to come up with your own good slap lines, that's why I rarely use it in our original material, but there's a couple of things that contain a little slap. And when I'm playing with a band that wants to cover a song that happens to contain slap, I can do it. Why not? There's a lot of tasty slap out there, it doesn't have to all sound like the proverbial drummer falling down the stairs that you often hear in music shops Seriously, RHCP's Higher Ground is a pretty simple song to play, it's not like you need to commit teh next 8 months or something.
    3 points
  12. First thing: they're not neck heavy. I've been using mine with a non grippy strap and the balance is fine. Also I'm loving this bass: 1. Short scale - comfy as he'll to play. 2. Passive, no piddling about with batteries and I can leave it plugged in without fear of draining the battery. I've also put flats on it (Elites Detroits) and I'm loving 'em. It also has a remarkably subby sound from low G down to E.
    3 points
  13. @Reggaebass @BassTractor yep, definitely going to put some padding on there. Tbh, my local homebase didn't have the one I wanted so will order some from tinternet. Not sure if I'll be using this one, it was just a demo really, the 5/6 rack will be finished to a better standard (hopefully!) 😁
    3 points
  14. Man I loved that tune, still do! As soon as the singer said This one for all the bouncers, I was bouncing ready for the off!
    3 points
  15. Panic Re-evaluate Then panic again.
    3 points
  16. Ah the bass guitar....the only musical instrument where people think you're strange if you want to become better on it....lol. 😂 Theres nothing wrong with being a solid bass player but don't let pride hold you back from trying new things (you might like them!). Where is the line drawn between solid and poncy? Your 4 to the bar root notes might be twice as many as a trad country player. Does that then make your playing poncy? 😂 I would say give it a go but if you're going to do it slap style then probably try learning a couple of easier pieces first to get the technique down (or fingerstyle as others have said). Main thing have fun with it. Good luck.
    3 points
  17. I've played Sax on and off since I was about 12. It was always my "proper" musical instrument and was the one I learnt to read music on and learnt musical theory too. I was quite successful, playing in a few bands but had to give up just after university having lost my front teeth playing Rugby and although I always played Bass from about the age of 14, playing the Sax was some thing I really missed (I was always better at it than I was on Bass!) I had to stop playing Rugby a couple of years ago, so decided to try and re-learn the Sax. I've recently landed a Baritone Sax gig which I'm really enjoying, so I guess I can say I'm half-way back to being a Sax player again. Anyway, here is my collection: they're all Mauriats (don't remember them existing when I first played) and are super quality and very easy to play.
    2 points
  18. This is the one!!! Amazing amp from Jim Bergantino. I'm not enjoying this...or selling because I've found better. It's to help fund a bigger, more annoying thing I've got going on. I'll no doubt buy another one some time down the line. It really is killer. I'm certainly never buying a heavy weight amp again. I've done DB750 and EBS Fafner and I'll take this every time. I bought new from Bass Direct. Only 3 months old. Never gigged. It's immaculate. All original packaging included. I'll include a 1m speakon to speakon lead in the deal. £1100 + insured courier or collect from me near Bristol Airport. No trades. All the specs are here... https://bergantino.com/fortehp/
    2 points
  19. I'm a couple of chapters into this incredibly well-presented book. Lovely hardback with well presented dustjacket, endpapers, pics and even a ribbon to keep your page. Peggy is my bass-playing hero, and a nice guy - I remember his genuine astonishment at being asked to sign the insert from my cassette of 'The Cocktail Cowboy Goes it Alone"! 🙂 I had no idea just how many people he's played with. He was even in a band with John Bonham. Brum must have been as exciting a place as London or Liverpool in the sixties, possibly more so if you are into the sort of music I like most. It's an interesting presentation with two typefaces, one for Pegg's recollections and one for his co-writer's comments and clarifications (and corrections!) My criticism would be that a bit of editing could have untangled the timelines and avoided some repetition making it a lot easier to follow, even allowing for the overlaps of some of his bands and experiences. Some of the changes are pretty obvious to me having done a bit of editing, and would not have spoiled anything. That said, there are some really nice anecdotes, one or two of which would suit Motley Crue (but presented without the saliciousness) or Spinal Tap. Maybe I'll add more later, but my view so far is this is a must read if Mr Pegg has influenced your playing.
    2 points
  20. Age 11 I failed the audition for the school choir and I didn't last at violin. Bet I've had more fun making music than anyone else in my year group 🙂
    2 points
  21. Here's a couple of pics from a Heads Up jazz gig played at the Union Church in Shenfield, Essex. Great stage setting. Also includes Basschatter @mangotango in his other guise as guitarista.
    2 points
  22. slap it like it owes you money
    2 points
  23. I disagree with a few folks on here, why learn a whole new technique just for one song in your set. Learning slap is not something you learn in just an afternoon of trying to get it, RHCP version is pretty fast slap, hardly describe it as easy, maybe to players who are used to playing slap.
    2 points
  24. That's a fine looking fish!
    2 points
  25. Thanks Tom! It's a bolt on neck so could always be detached to lighten it up a bit...
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. My school, a council estate grammar , imported a string quartet & made the upper school sit through it. The music mistress was screwing the deputy head boy, and that was the sum total of our music departments efforts.............. 😎
    2 points
  28. Well, BAX had the Club Ignition in black for £251 so it would have been rude not to, right?
    2 points
  29. Nice job @DoubleOhStephan , just a suggestion, you could put something like this on the bottom rails to protect the basses 🙂https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F352791951255
    2 points
  30. Suggest you do Stevie Wonder's excellent cover of it 🤨
    2 points
  31. I was so pleased to see my old amp and olivier is such a nice chap too. He brought me some local beer!
    2 points
  32. The good news is that the neck has got to Nottingham! The bad news is that I have now had to pay the customs, etc … but actually, at £28, that was better than I was expecting So - in that I have to do further coats anyway, I've started looking at the black stain options and am in discussion with @scrumpymike whether he wants me to try a black/grey burst or just go with black. The stain is working quite well - I'm using Chestnut Spirit Stain. This is after a couple of coats. It would have more and the finish will also further darken it but - for notoriously difficult black staining - it's an encouraging start: One of the curiosities of black stain, particularly on Alder, is that the grain shows lighter than the surrounding wood - when using any other colour, the grain will always show darker than the surrounding wood. And the old trick of sanding down and reapplying doesn't work when black is the actual stain. This first coat shows what I mean: The reasons become clear once you start thinking about it. One for the family gatherings when the conversations go quiet over the Christmas period.
    2 points
  33. I know! I mean... Guitars! Digital emulations! and the B word!!! (not that one, i meant BEHRINGER!!!) The triumvirate of evil to many After a few hours playing, I was able to remember how to play Sweet Child of Mine. Once I remove the cobwebs from my memory and I get Stairway to Heaven and Smoke on the Water, I'll be ready to go down to Guitar Guitar and torture them for a while. I won't leave until I get a discount on some DR strings 😛
    2 points
  34. Here is my first relic bass. Lake Placid Blue in the style of a '63 P with tort pick guard. It weighs in at 7.9 Ibs, so easy on the shoulder. Aged Gotoh Res-o-lites also ensure a good balance. It sounds super - extremely resonant. Currently strung with Fender 9050 flatwounds. Mark did a great job in my opinion and order time was around 17 weeks. Super happy.
    2 points
  35. Sometimes, just sometimes, I can side with the audience...
    2 points
  36. If you're looking for the small willies big cabs thread, you'll find it here. No need to thank me.
    2 points
  37. Not these days, I don't get nervous at gigs, which is odd as I'm a very anxious guy the rest of the time. Back in the day it used to be Monkey Man (Specials version) I'd go somewhere else while leaping around playing that, and never really came back to earth!
    2 points
  38. You really do have it all. Bowie, Queen and now Prog. Not that i'm jealous but i hate you Kidding of course.👍 Dave
    2 points
  39. For many years, Sultans of Swing.
    2 points
  40. The contemporary actually uses the same pickups as the German made Hofners although it is as you point out semi hollow rather than fully hollow
    2 points
  41. It's worth noting that re the Hofners, the el cheapo Ignition is hollow with vintage style pickups and the Contemporary has a centre block and modern pickups for a more contemporary sound. The Ignition is closer in tone and style to a proper Club, albeit nowhere near as good. This made my mind up when buying one. I also have a Longhorn but can't really compare as the Dano has rounds and the Club flats. The Club with LaBella flats is lovely, solid a deep sounding but can go reasonably bright, but not clanky, the Dano with rounds can get proper gnarly with a pick. Purely for control reasons I'd have a Dano, stacked volume and tone for each pickup the Hofner control plate is just wrong no matter how you dress it up. Love them both though.
    2 points
  42. I think they came with rounds back in the day, which is why John Entwistle got through so many of them - he'd snap the strings but couldn't buy replacements so had to buy a whole new bass. My Longhorn came with rounds when I got it new in 2005. Very distinctive tone, a hollow twang far growlier than you'd expect. I was never able to play it live as it refused to stay in tune. Useless tuners. I also have a Hofner Ignition Violin bass. Contrary to earlier posts I find it to be rather limited in what it can do - luckily, that big dull thump is just perfect. Massive bottom. Mine's wearing Hofner flats. No issues with tuning that I've noticed. There is some neck dive but it's really not a concern as the whole bass weighs about as much as a tissue.
    2 points
  43. ***SOLD*** I am selling a pair of Barefaced Super Compact 3rd generation cabs using the 12XN550 drive units. These cabs are superb, really clear, accurate and loud. 1 cab is plenty loud enough for most gigs, add the second cab and the sound is huge. Please check the Barefaced website for full details. These cabs are each rated at 600W into 8 Ohms and weigh 11Kg each and come with padded covers custom made by 'hotcovers'. Kept indoors and in great condition, only had light use hence why i am selling Ideally I'd like to sell both cabs together but will consider selling them individually for £450 each. Collect from Bristol or can send by insured courier if buyer pays postage.
    2 points
  44. LaBella make a danelectro-specific set of flats which are perfect on my longhorn. LB760FDLHS - 42, 56, 65, 83
    2 points
  45. Like @Raymondo i've bought all 3 books and thoroughly enjoyed them all so i won't be disappointed with another. Most books i've ever read from any one author except my wife's Terry Pratchet stuff that i occasionally read on holiday mainly because they are there. My point is you need to write more books so i have yours lying around on holidays. Aim for same number as Terry P and i'll be happy. Dave
    2 points
  46. I owned an original early 60s version of that Danilo which I imported from the States. It sounded amazing.
    2 points
  47. P/J will nearly always have the Precision pup in a slightly different position. As I understand it the Deluxe will have a 1.5 inch nut, the RW 1.75 inch, completely different necks, that will have an impact.
    2 points
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