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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/12/19 in all areas

  1. ...or do the gig and just play absolute nonsense on the bass with your foot up on the monitor and introduce every song as a tribute to the former leader of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Klement Gottwald.
    12 points
  2. Thanks for all the comments guys, makes me feel a bit better. I was on a huge downer last night. We’ve been through a lot since I joined in summer 2015, and the way they’ve handled it just leaves a bad taste. I’ve decided not to do the gig. It’s their problem and they can fix it. When I asked them what they were going to do they both looked surprised, as if they hadn’t considered the possibility of finding a new bass player. Weird... unless they have a replacement already lined up. Oh well, onwards and upwards... (Incidentally, I suspect they’ve forgotten that I run all the social media accounts and am the only one with the passwords 😏)
    11 points
  3. I don't mind depping it, as long as they cover my travel expenses. 😂 (I live in Bulgaria)
    9 points
  4. Walk away on the day of the gig 😃
    9 points
  5. Go to the gig as a punter with a better looking, younger band. Make a big fuss out of every joke and make sure you’re in their line of sight all night...
    8 points
  6. Oh that's just too sweet! If that were me, the Facebook page would be a tribute to midget porn before the first carol singers of the season came knocking.
    8 points
  7. I'd play the gig, personally. Making sure that we had "a last drink together to toast our farewells and no hard feelings". I'd anticipate a decent laxative kicking in after about 40 minutes so one would need to time it so that things get interesting about third song in...... Oh, and a few minutes after sound check and before showtime with a spanner to detune the drums, alter the throw of the kick pedal, smear vaseline on the guitar strings and generally make sure that whatever they tried to play sounded awful. So I'd deffo play the gig. But then, I'm not one to hold a grudge, me. No sirree.
    7 points
  8. Helloo from Croatia Excellent condition. Only wiring is no longer master/tone/switch had a professional rewiring to Vol/Vol/tone (Fender Jazz style) Case included.
    6 points
  9. Call a band meeting the day before the gig and make sure you tell them you feel you've drifted apart as people, and dont feel you can gig with them anymore, then ask the drummer if he likes sex and travel. Then leave them there scratching their selfish heads PS i hope its not the Banbury band Cold Blue Daze
    6 points
  10. This turned up on my timeline. If we can sell six inches of old bass string for £22 then I reckon a few of us are sitting on a gold mine... Merry Christmas, everyone!
    4 points
  11. Cheers. Talking to a mate of mine in the pub earlier who suggested this: ‘Buy a cheap bass off eBay and do the gig with just that bass. No pedals, no amp, just turn up with the cheap bass and go straight into the venue PA. Last song, smash the bass to pieces, give them both the middle finger, jump off the stage and exit the building through the middle of the crowd.’ I wouldn’t do that, but what a defiant FU gesture that would be!
    4 points
  12. Send me - I can barely keep in time even if I know the songs and will definitely fail to learn the set, but will bring a monster amp and turn it up to 11 so it will sound fine
    4 points
  13. The other band members aren`t the brightest are they? They should have waited until after you had done the gig then sacked you! No way would I do the upcoming gig for them. I`m surprised you manged to last this long with the drummer being a right moaner. It does my head in that does.
    4 points
  14. Firstly sorry to hear that, it’s massively wanky. Read through all the posts and thought initially “forget you! Your gig can do one!” Through to doing the gig as Borat and sabotaging the whole thing. I think maybe the Dep suggestion is the best one - give them your last minute Dep rate, treat it like a business, pop in an awesome performance and network if there are possibilities. Also travel in your own vehicle and let the other guys tyres down whilst they are not looking.
    4 points
  15. Sorry to hear that, seems pretty bad conduct on the part of the band, especially the drumtard. Us bass players are sensible and responsible folk, so I would suggest you offer to do the gig and give it your utmost, HOWEVER since it is now just business they need to give you half of the fee (or whatever makes you smile). That way you remain professional and your reputation even increases, but you screw them on the money. If they refuse to play ball, all they could complain about is that they could not afford you. My 2 p.
    4 points
  16. Quitting band etiquette. Shout "fx#@ you guys. I'm done" at the top of your voice, then stomp to the door and slam it as loudly as possible behind you. Come back five minutes later and spend an awkward half an hour sheepishly packing up your gear whilst trying not to make eye contact with anybody.
    4 points
  17. Also did a rebuild and added full midi. Keeley Bassist mounted below (Markbass Tube Comp back in drawer, size) and the Tube Preamp now sits on top of the amp (if not using the Big Block).
    3 points
  18. Ignoring my former friend's helpful suggestion... Onto the headstock shape. Mike wants a passing nod to the original Rascal - so a Fenderish vibe - but also wanted a three / one arrangement of the tuners. He's supplied me with some very nice looking open-gear Hipshots and those, many of you will know, are reversible so that is no problem. I like to achieve as close to straight as I can with string runs so I always start with a full-size drawing and start with the string runs - which lets me work out the possible positions of the tuners. This is what I came up with as the optimum: I also always double check there won't be any clashing of hardware: Looks fine. That was then transferred to the paddle which let me double check where the swifts will go: And meant I could trace round the ebony ready for routing the chambers when I have decent light again in the morning:
    3 points
  19. @scrumpymike - look into my eyes. Concentrate and count to ten backwards. Look into my eyes! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! Now I am going to click my fingers and then you will wake up and not remember anything that has just happened. Sorted
    3 points
  20. Half and half black and white swifts covering the headstock like an Escher drawing.
    3 points
  21. I'm sorry to hear that. It does sound like there were issues in the band anyway so you probably dodged a bullet longer term. I don't think anyone would criticise you for not playing that show. They fired you = a problem for them. Presumably they did that having considered every possible outcome so it's not an issue for you to not do it!?! 😼 If you stuck it out for 4 1/2yrs, you must have been doing something right.
    3 points
  22. TRY ME WITH A CASH OR TRADE OFFER Lakland 44-60 Skyline limited edition in CoolTrans White 2011. Ash body, Rosewood fingerboard, 9 pounds 2oz. Comes in a Lakland GIg bag Great plying and sound bass fo sale only because new band require extra string Really nice condition 9.5.10 Can delivery locally / London Euston or ship to UK EU at cost Trades welcome Decent 5 string or 4 P Bass anything considered not to heavy as back will complain cash your way pics courtesy of the marvellous JohnT from whom I bought this lovely bass
    3 points
  23. I hadn’t heard of them either until earlier this year someone on here posted this, which I tried to play, unsuccessfully I might add 😁
    3 points
  24. I can see why you might have had your ups and downs with them. If I were in your shoes, I would "think about it" for a week, then tell them on the weekend before Christmas that I have gven it a great deal of thought but decided against doing it. Then, if they called in a panic because finding a new bassist is as hard as you suggest, I'd agree to do it for the entire proceeds of the booking, in advance. Then I'd try to give the best performance of my life. Of course, if there are no proceeds, I'd tell them to stuff it.
    3 points
  25. The sensible side of me wants to say no, go and do the gig and be the better man, but the realistic side of me says I agree with your decision and it’s more than a bit cheeky of them for asking.
    3 points
  26. I wish much joy to those who play, buy, trade and otherwise cherish Rickenbacker basses. I defend to the death their right so to do. That said, the controversy occasioned by these legendary events is such that I have recently been dabbling in a Western movie screenplay which I intend to shop around the major studios at such time as it is completed. I reproduce below two key scenes which go to the heart of the matter The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this draft script are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
    3 points
  27. Amazing video on the SBL site with Michael Manring
    2 points
  28. F**k 'em. They don't deserve you 👍
    2 points
  29. Cabin fever setting in early this year, Hooky?
    2 points
  30. Well done for not doing the gig. I certainly wouldn't want that weighing on my mind over Christmas and New year. You will find another, better, gig soon I'm sure. Good luck!
    2 points
  31. reading betwwen the lines I reckon the chimp on the bongos will soon end up in a band of 1
    2 points
  32. Dude, seriously, let me turn up in your place and do the gig for you, oh my lord.
    2 points
  33. Yeah that’s what I have 2 Ashdowns and a UK Trace . Power houses
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. Currently negotiating on a couple of pedals in the FS that I totally don't need, but it's starting to dawn on me that the withdrawal symptoms of this 2020 gear abstinence thing are going to be brutal. I'm treating any new purchases between now and the end of the year as nicotine patches. Even though I don't smoke.
    2 points
  36. Oh I say. Put another one underneath and you have the rig to end all rigs. Beautiful. Congratulations!
    2 points
  37. Tell them to stick their gig where the sun doesn't shine, bloody cheeky bastards !! 🙄 Hope you find another band ASAP John
    2 points
  38. I discovered them via Basschat and I am now a fan. Creative, hugely talented, and they clearly have so much fun. Oh and a bass player who will go down as one of the greats.
    2 points
  39. Guys...this thread hasn’t been updated in nearly 4 years
    2 points
  40. Another vote for the Fender Custom Shop 62 here, amazing pickups,
    2 points
  41. Timing It was Spring / Summer 2013 and in some respects the biggest thing to happen around here for years. The timeline Phase 1: Hall starts a dialogue with the admins, necessitating complicated sequence of changes to faker image posting policy. Phase 2: Hall gets snarky with Hamster. Admins draw themselves up to their full height and issue a chilly nolle prosequi while notifying members that pix of fakers likely to be pretty much banned Phase 3: Hall throws down. Admins consult membership with poll on what to do next Phase 4: The forum speaks. Admins ban sales of Fakers and genuine Ricks because, well, obvs risk of counterfeits Phase 5: Hall wanders off to fanboi central the RickResource, claims victory over BC and trash talks our admins and the forum. Rickresource mistakenly thinks BC is banning any mention of Rickenbackers; uproar ensues. Phase 6: RickResource fanbois mostly apply their moist, moist lips to Halls glans penis. Secret cabal of BC-ers plan to burn Hall in effigy Phase 7: Ric sales ban imposed. Admins cool as cucumbers while certain forum members (buffs fingernails on lapels) swear eternal blood feud. This brings us up to date. Resources The threads Post of email chain Hall > BC Hall's version of events http://www.rickresource.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=409369&p=801294#p801263"
    2 points
  42. Indeed so. That's about the size of it. Which, funnily enough, I do. The appearance and sound of the 4000 range is very much to my taste and many of my favourite players have sported Rics at one time or another. The first 'expensive' new bass I bought was a high-end Ibanez faker and doubtless I might have gone on to buying a real one in late life had not fate intervened (see below) When hero admin Hamster found himself on the sharp end of bellicose legal threats and outrageous personal obloquy I invoked the NATO principle that an attack on one is an attack on all. I suspended with immediate effect my then imminent purchase of a JetGlo 620 until such time as either Mr Hall is looking at the grass from the wrong side or I am.
    2 points
  43. Still inspires me...we can only live in hope...
    2 points
  44. It's an ice-cream cone in Northern Ireland.
    2 points
  45. Probably these: Although having said that the fretless 4-string is currently for sale so may not be mine for much longer.
    2 points
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