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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/12/19 in all areas

  1. I've just put some flannel in the 'memorable gigs this year' thread, and it made me realise how important Basschat has been to me. I'm self employed and work from home, so having a few forums to share the day to day with helps keep me sane and cheerful (not an exaggeration), particularly in what's proven to be a challenging year from a personal perspective. For perhaps 10-12 year music and bass in particular was the main part of my life. Then it all went away for 23 years. Rediscovering the sheer joy of making music with others has been like finding myself again. I have to thank my brothers for their support and encouragement, and of course the musicians I've linked up with. But Basschat and more importantly basschatters have really made a huge difference to my enjoyment and commitment to the bass, helped me out of some holes, see when I'm talking trough my butt (sometimes). I've enjoyed meeting several of you, including at the Midlands Bass Bash. So I'd just like to say thanks to everyone whose paths I've crossed on Basschat, sorry to anyone I've offended by shooting from the hip or with my unusual sense of humour. This is a great community, thanks for welcoming me into it 🙂 Looking forwards to 2020!
    12 points
  2. I’m the second owner of this jewel... I used it only a few times in the studio. Considering the age, the conditions are very very good and it sounds killer. I asked a well know vintage shop in uk about originality of the color and they said the body could be a pre-1963 or refin, pickguard is not original. So considering the doubt I consider it refin. One more thing... it’s super lightweight (3.5kg)!! selling price 6000 gbp as suggested by experts It does not include the original case. shipping in Europe NO TRADES
    10 points
  3. I give it three years.... and then they'll produce the same instrument, change the tuning peg angle and stop paying Sadowsky for the license
    10 points
  4. Apart from mention Rickenbrexit.
    8 points
  5. Oh I’m not doing the gig, decided. They can stick it up their collective a***s. I’m just keeping from slagging them off everywhere, as much as I’d like to. It wouldn’t reflect well on me.
    6 points
  6. Which is why I’m going to hell in a handcart.
    6 points
  7. Selling one of my Ken Smith BT6 - with black headstock and the legendary 3-knob preamp. This one has been well played and therefore shows a lot of wear. Although it performs quite well and plays like butter like all Smiths from that era. Bridge and neck pickup have been renewed. The gold plating of the original tuning machines is faded - so I installed Gotoh Res-O-Lites, which are the best lightweight ones out there. The originals come with the bass. Neck back is nicely worn (like old vintage Fenders). Lot of dings and dongs on the body. But - it is a vintage Smith in full working order. Frets have been professionally dressed by my tech just these days, so the action could be set to really low. Please note the neck through construction which is going all the way along the body, not amended by "toneblocks" glued to the neck on the body back. This construction is much more expensive than the newer ones as it is built from one bigger piece of wood. I own a second one which is still like new and I want wo keep that one. Soundwise they are nearly identical. Comes in a noname case. Sold
    5 points
  8. Don't know about you guys but I like the look of this...
    5 points
  9. Sir! Sir! He said it, sir! He said that word what you said we weren't to say, sir!
    5 points
  10. 5 points
  11. Hello, OP here. Yes, we’re just a pub band, nothing special but with enough integrity for me to always want to do the best I can - for me, my band mates and the punters. That integrity extends to being as dignified as possible over this whole sorry matter. Inside I want to vandalise the social media accounts and call them all sorts of words that the Basschat swear filter would censor. But as a grown up man who likes to think he knows how to conduct himself I’m keeping my feelings to myself, publicly at least. The local scene is small and cliquey enough that I don’t want to look like I’m wingeing. I put something on my Facebook status and I’m surprised, touched even, by the responses from friends, mates in other bands and people who come to see us regularly. Also, I know how few bass players there are locally, I may well have the last laugh yet. All there is to do now is move on and enjoy a bit of a break until the next thing comes along. Happy Christmas 🙂
    5 points
  12. 4 points
  13. A very Merry Xmas from the Junkyard Dogs:
    4 points
  14. Let's just have a close look shall we
    4 points
  15. So I've read most of this thread... I'd be tempted to do the gig. Naked. And play only the root note for each song. By that I mean if the song is in E, only play the note of E. Timing is optional. Or you could play and shout at the drummer "KEEP TIME YOU STUPID C***!!!" every time he speeds up or slows down. In all seriousness I wouldn't do the gig if I were you. If the drummer speeds up and slows down unless the rest of the band is ducks-bum-tight enough to cover for his deficiencies then it really shows and makes everyone look rubbish. If he's that much of an derrière too chances are everyone else on the scene knows. So your cv will not be at all blemished by not doing a gig after you've been fired and reasonable musos will probably say they can't believe you held out so long without walking away. Or you could do the gig naked, smash a bass before the end of the first half, shout at the drummer, set fire to the singers hair and flounce out the door. Your choice.
    4 points
  16. Okay, I get that they're humorous but I'd not be doing any of the things such as cancelling the day before, or messing up the gig, etc. I'd simply say my short farewell "good luck in the future", hand over the admin of the social media (WITHOUT vandalism of it...) and look forwards from that point on. No moral requirement to do the gig, no band should have a "make or break" gig, they can cancel it and carry on or whatever else the others want to do at the point they have no bassist. Put simply: in issues such as these, take the moral high ground. From the original post and the way they've treated you, this is a very simple/achievable thing. Good karma, and all that.
    4 points
  17. Not in my possession yet, won it on eBay last night, just wanted to tell the Basschat world. Really pleased to get one of the UK built ones. Try and make this one a keeper, the couple of Chinese made ones I have had in the past have been sold to fund other things, but I keep coming back because they sound so good. Going up to Peterborough to collect on Saturday, bit of trek but will be worthwhile
    3 points
  18. Yep, for me his Wal tone beats all the others. You can hear the Leigh Gorman influence; “swimming in the sound of Bow Wow Wow”. 😉
    3 points
  19. this...using a looper like a genius. Love this song, and performance.
    3 points
  20. Or this superb version: And I still think this one has a lot to say:
    3 points
  21. Where do you want to spend your energy? Getting bitter and twisted? Planning 'revenge' sillyness? Badmouthing them? Playing it over and over in your head? Or you could accept that phase is in the past and don't waste any more time, energy and emotion on it. Instead, look forward and upwards and start working on getting your next gig. I've been fired from more than one paying job, and that's what you have to do. Forget the past, the injustice etc. Get yer erse in gear and start on the next phase. Because that's what you really need to do. This time with a drummer that can keep time... Cheers! Graham
    3 points
  22. Looks like you may need a swivel head Allen key?
    3 points
  23. You could do the gig and near the end of the set announce that this will be your last gig as the band decided to sack you 2 weeks ago but you didn't want to disappoint people that had bought tickets. Makes you look good and them look like the bunch of T****rs they are. Dave
    3 points
  24. And from personal experience of pretty much exactly this, make sure you have an Ampeg 810 that you can't shift on your own, so you have to ask for a lift with... Worst. Flounce. Ever.
    3 points
  25. Be the better man? So that the band get what they want and continue to think the way they treated the OP is ok? My 2 cents: do the pros of wanting to do a great gig, outweigh the cons of doing a gig with people who have treated you as they have? If you choose to to the gig, as someone said earlier, I'd asked for half the fee. FWIW I would not do the gig. Though had the split been amicable I would have.
    3 points
  26. Personally, I’ve quit bands with 3 months or more notice, simply because my reason for leaving has usually been that I’ve just gotten bored with a particular band, and not for reasons like falling out with anyone. It’s common courtesy really. The exception was with my last band, who cut me out of a number of gigs at a certain venue because they wanted “more money”. Their keyboard player is a talented guy, and was able to cover bass parts. I quit on the spot, with four days until the next gig.
    3 points
  27. Mate - as said before, be the better man and forget the revenge stuff. But by asking you to do the gig they're taking the pee. Take the misses out for a nice meal or do something else you really enjoy instead. And if anyone asks why you didn't do the gig, just tell em you were sacked. No one will think any worse of you. Move on bruv x
    3 points
  28. Hope they recapture some of that BSSM/Californication magic.
    3 points
  29. Seriously? Far too much Christmas spirit of good will going around here! Reputation? It's a pub pand for chr1sts sake, your rep will be tomorrows fish n chip paper. Me? I'd tell 'em I'd do the gig and then on the day just not turn up, stuff them, appalling behaviour and I hope it brings them crashing down in a pile of flames. You put in over 4 years of faithfully turning up to gigs and rehersals with a car crash of a drummer and this how they treat you after all you've been through? Can't believe people would even think about "honouring" this forthcoming gig, you don't treat people like that and then have the bl@ddy nerve to ask them to play on! What?!! Scr3w 'em all!!!! Edit..written after drink was consumed and I'm not really that Mardi-honest!
    3 points
  30. Well. It here. It’s a thing now.
    3 points
  31. Quitting band etiquette. Shout "fx#@ you guys. I'm done" at the top of your voice, then stomp to the door and slam it as loudly as possible behind you. Come back five minutes later and spend an awkward half an hour sheepishly packing up your gear whilst trying not to make eye contact with anybody.
    3 points
  32. Happens to the best of us, to be fair...
    3 points
  33. Hi! For sale this amazing Mayones Custom Pi 2. Ash body and flamed maple top. 5 pieces wenge & padouk neck Ebony fingerboard with front red leds activable with a switch. Bartolini Soapbar pickups and Aguilar OBP-3 active preamp. Original Mayones Hardcase 1500€ Bass is located in Barcelona, Spain. If you have any question, please write me! Cheers!
    2 points
  34. I’ve played maybe 3? I thought they were ok, except for 1 which felt like the most clumsy feeling ‘70s Jazz ever. The neck felt huge and the whole thing just felt horrible, one of the least “me” basses I’ve ever played. They’re very well made, but very much not my thing. However I’ll add I don’t really get on with Jazzes and despite the looks, the basses I played had a lot of Jazz in their DNA, I felt. YMMV. Obviously Scott’s does. FWIW I generally haven’t liked the Foderas I’ve tried either. Nothing against boutiques though as I love Alembics and Seis, amongst others.
    2 points
  35. I think of him as, for want of a better description, the Van Gogh of guitar playing. He’s not trying to be beautiful and technical. I remember first hearing the solo to I Could Have Lied and really not getting it. Then one day it fell into place, in the context of the lyrics that precede it, and that was it. FWIW I love Californication, every bit as much as BSSM. It’s just different, more song orientated. My favourite RHCP track is actually Venice Queen. I love BSSM but I don’t need them to be that band forever. I’m quite happy that they’ve evolved; it’d be bloody boring for them - and me probably - if they hadn’t. Them not constantly redoing BSSM shouldn’t mean anything; they still did it and it still exists. I’m actually not that mad on Mother’s Milk, to be honest, at least compared to some of the other albums.
    2 points
  36. It's a wonderful shade of pink
    2 points
  37. https://www.instagram.com/p/B6I4sgHAYOp/?igshid=1n6x9q5dda8sd limited edition vS4, pink and roasted maple
    2 points
  38. Just as we're about to become liable for import duty and VAT from Germany. GAH!
    2 points
  39. What a coincidence. I am close to finishing my new song "C**ts Who Can't Sing But Still Insist On Making Crappy Records".
    2 points
  40. New amp. My set up is complete although I may sell my compressor pedal as the amp has it. No longer have to use the provided back line or practice room amp
    2 points
  41. Yup, i get the being an adult about it and all that. But i personally wouldnt do the gig. Forget all the silly revenge stuff i and others posted, but surely dont do the gig ? When the " cliquey " mob ask your band " where's Bruno ? " are they going to tell the truth and say they kicked you but you wouldnt do the gig ? Who will side with your band against you ? No one. Ballocks to 'em They made their bed. Now let the bar stewards lie in it The meek shalleth not inheriteth the earth. The meek shalleth inheriteth a kicketh in the nuts
    2 points
  42. Their first release is an Abba cover - Alimoney-money-Money 😅
    2 points
  43. Here are some I own/have owned: My current 2:
    2 points
  44. Out came the (not actually) Dremel precision router base and the trusty 1mm bit and let the routing begin! Headstock ones done ready to glue: And the 12th fret ones:
    2 points
  45. ...or do the gig and just play absolute nonsense on the bass with your foot up on the monitor and introduce every song as a tribute to the former leader of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Klement Gottwald.
    2 points
  46. Pound to a penny she's called Sue M. Hall.
    2 points
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