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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/12/19 in all areas

  1. Afternoon NYE gig for the jazz standards quartet at a nursing home. We have done this several years now and start at 1:30PM after the residents/patients make their way to the big recreation room. With staff and family members at least 120 people and some are able to dance, some are in wheelchairs and some are brought in right in their beds. It's a bit bizarre but we are used to it now and have a good time as the audience sings, taps, claps ,nods or dances(even in wheelchairs!) as we move through our carefully chosen two sets. We play less than an hour and a half and then the balloons come down and they break out some bubbly and we launch into Auld Lang Syne and then munch on cookies and other treats as we socialize with the staff and residents and pack up. It's a bit sad since some are in very poor health but everyone enjoys it and it has become a tradition to have us on NYE and it makes us realize how lucky we are to be healthy enough to be able to play the gig and bring some fun into the day. We also are paid so that makes the hour drive better but I know we would do this one for free. Count your blessings folks and have a great 2020.
    7 points
  2. My favourite colour is mint* green. While I have no basses in that colour for one reason or another, @Happy Jack has no fewer than two. The supercool curly lead is his Christmas present to me - but I'm so going to lend it to him at the next Damo And The Dynamites gig, when he'll be playing the Lull for a few numbers. 😎 *a.k.a. SURF green. 😉
    5 points
  3. 5 points
  4. to all my fellow bass chatters I wish you all a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year cheers stef
    5 points
  5. I have one account for flatwounds and one account for roundwounds. we both agree we don’t like tapewounds.
    5 points
  6. Well, I basically spent the entire afternoon and evening playing my latest Harley Benton. Very very pleased with it and will definitely gig it on Thursday.
    5 points
  7. Mine would be: Spend more time on Basschat Buy more basses Practice less That way nobody is disappointed.
    5 points
  8. I didn't see a comment for this, but noticed it on facebook Not sure if you have to be on facebook to see it, but it interesting hearing the differences (and in some cases, lack of) between these basses
    4 points
  9. What does it mean though? I understand the AC/DC thing here, but E A D G ? Doesn't ring a bell. 😐
    4 points
  10. Glad I bought a Harley Benton and not one of these Chickenbackers - they sound awful.
    4 points
  11. Im sure you'll pile on the pleasure in the Chalfonts.
    4 points
  12. Wishing everyone here a very Happy Christmas and grand 2020.
    4 points
  13. Thought it might be good too see what music related gifts we got today. Ill start. Although i did ask for it I'm very impressed with my Rumble 25 LT that my GF got me. just need to find a time to use it.
    3 points
  14. I grew up in the late 80's early 90's and I was a massive rock / metal fan. I loved ibanez, Jackson, Charvelle etc. To this day, i'd take a Korean, Japanese, or even Chinese instrument over an over rated, overly expensive American one, any day of the week. While classic Fenders are the ultimate bass for many (I 'm not arguing against it. Horses for courses) I genuinely think many of the "cheap" eastern instruments run rings around them. Too many people are more concerned with the label than the quality of the instrument.
    3 points
  15. Not today...in my Secret Santa I got a mug with a message "I might look like I'm listening but in my head I'm playing guitar" and some bass shaped spoons.
    3 points
  16. New Stereophonics album and my neighbour bought me a wooden box engraved with my name and “bass strings and things” which I thought was very thoughtful.
    3 points
  17. Only picked up the bass once this year while being deep in the depression that follows me around and just won’t quit resolutions ? Playing more often, finding a band and getting out there again
    3 points
  18. My New Year resolutions will be to drink less (being saying that since the mid 1970s!) and to play more gigs. 2019 wasn't a record breaker in terms of number of gigs played, but they were of a much higher quality than preceding years, and that's a trend I'd like to see continue. I will start my third year with the Grateful Dudes in January, and I am finally starting to feel like a member of the band instead of an imposter! My number one resolution, however, is to stay alive long enough to think about what I want to do in 2021.
    3 points
  19. Happy Christmas one and all..5.30, and now watching a Metallica DVD
    3 points
  20. I can set your mind at rest on that one, Osiris. I wouldn't allow it.
    3 points
  21. Take that bloody Takemine TB-10 out of my Thomann basket before I do something silly.
    3 points
  22. Has anyone ended up buying a bass from themselves, and if so, how was the haggling conducted? Did you have to drive to a distant motorway service station in order to conduct the transaction in front of a mirror?
    3 points
  23. Some people thing they're pointless but my favourite thing about the xmas and new year downtime is the opportunity for reflection and to gain some perspective. Over three last two or three years I've managed to make some real progress following a 10 year hiatus from the bass guitar. This process followed some challenging but realistic new years resolutions: I found a terrific teacher and took some lessons, listened to lots of new and old music, attended local open mic gigs and because of the networking opportunities these offer joined a gigging band. I videoed myself playing and was able to address my duff stage presence and miserable demeanor. I finally smashed my confidence barrier and started singing backing vocals and later took over lead vocals on one song. I've taken a few singing lessons to improve my technique in this area as well. I am now in a new covers band with some great players and I've also taken over bass duties in the local open mic house band which is every week. So finally, my new year resolutions for 2020? 1 I want to become accomplished at reading chord charts so I can open up more varied gigging opportunities; 2 I want to make original music. Covers allow me to scratch one particular itch but I'm craving some deeper creative satisfaction. I think these are realistic aspirations. Does anyone else plan to set themselves any new challenges on 2020? Merry Christmas and happy new year to all BCers 🍻
    2 points
  24. You’re very lucky. Mine would sooner walk over hot coals than buy me something guitar/music-related.
    2 points
  25. No worries Rich, I understood and glad it turned up ! Shaun the landlord is a legend 👍
    2 points
  26. I’ve played basses that cost thousands that sound way worse than that.
    2 points
  27. I was impressed to just how good the Aria sounded.
    2 points
  28. Seasons greetings and festive felicitations to one and all .
    2 points
  29. The look is more understated with two of my own basses.
    2 points
  30. Im doing a big outdoor gig on the quay in Weymouth. Im not sure we thought this one through...
    2 points
  31. I'm not in a band now and I'm relishing the thought of having no musical commitments for 2020. I have made a Spotify playlist of songs I always wanted to learn and can't wait to work my way through them now that I have the time. I should be 'shed' loads better this time next year!
    2 points
  32. And now peds BMW has returned we can let Christmas joy be unconstrained!
    2 points
  33. For sure. Here are mine. Hohner B Bass VI, Revelation fretless P Bass, Vintage 940FL PJ: £195, £120, £120 respectively. Considering I used to spend up to £600 on basses these are amazing value and very well made. I have had much more expensive basses with much clumsier neck work than the Rev, which is only £199 new!
    2 points
  34. ABBA Tribute Show in Aschaffenburg. Done by 8:30 and the whole crew are good mates. It’s way away from home so we’re in a hotel and I can actually relax for once at Midnight. I’m just glad not to be home (Berlin). NYE is like the bleedin’ apocalypse there. My wife and kids are safely at Grandma’s in the countryside.
    2 points
  35. Superb! HB really make some cracking instruments for peanuts. Can't wait fur my new 6er to turn up.
    2 points
  36. Our 3rd public gig with our new guitarist. We're playing The Barley Pop in Germantown, 4:00-7:00. A 20 minute commute. I plan on being home by 8:30. Blue
    2 points
  37. Playing a rather large club which is ticketed. 2 x 1 hour sets and we'll finish about 12.30am. We are getting paid £2k. This is for 5 band members and a soundmen. We are also booked for NYE 2020 in a different club and getting paid £2.3k.
    2 points
  38. You can have a custom Bulgargaz one 😉
    2 points
  39. Wishing health and happiness to you and yours peeps. .... and that Santa brings you whatever Bass related gear it was that you asked for!
    2 points
  40. One resolution is that I’m going to spend more time practicing, and less time on basschat (like that’s really gonna happen🙄) 😁
    2 points
  41. Hi guys, best wishes for a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year for you and your families. Here's to good gigs and good music throughout 2020.
    2 points
  42. Well... that is indeed something to behold!
    2 points
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