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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/01/20 in all areas

  1. Took a pleasant drive in the sun to chez @Clarky this morning in order to relieve said gentleman of his ACG Recurve 4 short scale. After a buffing with some carnauba wax it’s looking lovely in the afternoon sun, unlike me. This takes my count of @skelf instruments to two, it doesn’t stop there does it..?
    9 points
  2. I see paying my subs as a worthy subscription to a great forum that, to be quite honest I would be lost without. The fact that paying the subscription allows me to sell items in the marketplace (of which I have sold many) is a bonus. BC is the only form of social media I partake in and it has been a great release/escape for me, particularly over the past couple of years. Keep up the good work guys 👍
    9 points
  3. Google Calendar? It's not social media, it's in the Cloud, it's free.
    8 points
  4. I thought I would just respond a little to this since I started this. I was just randomly listening to YouTube when that video came up on my feed. I thought it looked interesting mainly because I saw Tom Morello was in the title and Vai actually as well. Then Nuno started to play the bass and I thought someone else might find it interesting and posted here with, in hindsight, not the best title. This got me thinking about my influences and what inspires me. I have been listening and playing music since I was a kid. I realised I was mostly interested in the bass because I seemed to like to listen to John Deacon and John Taylor when I was a kid. I got my first bass at 16 or so and since I had no one to show me anything I just played along to records and Love by The Cult was the first record so we could say that Jamie Stewart was my first bass influence as a player. I then studied bass and jazz for few years and then you realise you are actually studying music and not bass. It just happens to be the instrument you are using to be involved. I had sax and piano players as teachers for improvisation so the influences have been varied. I had to play also a lot of classical music. The point is influences can come from any period and any type of music. I still get excited listening to new music of any genre, it does not matter if it is a virtuoso on any given instrument or just kids starting out. I can learn something new from most people even just how they approach their instrument and their view on music. I guess the point is you can get inspired by anyone or anything as long as you dont approach music (this applies to anything in life really) with preconceived ideas with what can or should be done. Open mind gives us innovation.
    6 points
  5. Also, Scott has a great session record himself. https://www.discogs.com/artist/63316-Scott-Edwards-2?limit=50&page=1
    3 points
  6. The back panel is also now covered, once again I used masking tape to help to get the square pattern lined up. I'm not quite sure what kind of foam to use around the inside of the cab, where the back panel is secured into place, so I am going to try out some the heaviest duty foam strip for sealing doorframes and suchlike, which I found in Wickes. I will put it around the perimeter on the inside of the back panel and also on the inside of the cab where the bolts screw in. I'm hoping that with two thicknesses of this foam, which is quite thick, pressed together with machine screws all around the edge, it should be airtight. Please let me know if you can recommend anything better.
    3 points
  7. Not a great photo, but got lucky with the hire rig again! Very warm sounding, but had to crank it a bit on the stage. New bass too, very nice indeed.
    3 points
  8. Well, the seller cannot be accused of a misleading description....
    3 points
  9. So many people have asked me where I’m getting them from on Instagram. Deffo a sideline for you dude
    3 points
  10. Not far off - P bass / pick / old flat wounds / little bit of grit (but not much). Recorded the bass in my little home studio. Always chuffed when I hear it. Love flats and a pick
    3 points
  11. Hi, not an easy decision ... but I need to invest in a new roof for my old house, so I have to sale some of my babies. This Status has one of the most beautifull top made by Rob, unique piece of Myrtle wood. No leds, 17.5mm. The bass is with me since 2012 (and during a short period with Mike) , and rarely used in concert, so the condition is nearly perfect I live in Belgium, I have the hard case Status, so I can send it everywhere on earth (cost of shipping for you). I would like to have 2800 EUR for it, no trade pls. So sexy ! no ? I have also an Alembic Rogue 5 and a MM Stingray Classic 5 on market, so I could cancel this sale at any time. Regards Luc
    2 points
  12. NS Stick, maple body, Laminated Bamboo neck (very stable). EMG pickups, active electronics, stereo out. Comes with padded gigbag. Studio use only, never managed to master the free hands thing.
    2 points
  13. I really don't want to sell this bass, but needs must. It's the best feeling bass I've ever played, and picking it up makes me very regretful for listing it. However, I rarely use it outside of home and it deserves better. Purchased from Wunjo's mid last year, have upgraded the pickups to Sandberg's incredible Black Label set. It has had a full set up, and some fret work done around the 12th fret as it wasn't 100% from new. It is also very light, even for sandberg's standards. I don't have accurate scales but your back will be happy. Collection preferred, but I can post at buyers risk/expense. Not interested in trades, but could be tempted with 5 string Dingwalls or Warwicks.
    2 points
  14. Well I guess that's kinda proved the point that most of us were trying to make to Mesa. $999 in US = approx £767 for US bassists, who aren't collectively going to be less well off than us are they? Add shipping, customs & VAT and that should get to around £999 in the UK. But no, best price is currently £1,267 i.e. £500 more than a US bass player is forking out. End result: megathread in the US. Barely registering in the UK. Simples.
    2 points
  15. Very nice, but be prepared as @eude has already warned you. I speak from experience; the full number of my ACGs will never be disclosed.
    2 points
  16. He says it’s a Jazz Bass, so yes he can
    2 points
  17. A stunning example of the master craftsman that is Christian Celinder
    2 points
  18. Evidence certainly suggests that he's a righteous kinda guy, the 2x3 equation of RIC + SVT
    2 points
  19. Beautiful NS Design CR4 original series made in Czech Rep. very good conditions, with original stand and case. Trades considered with fretted basses
    2 points
  20. Slight delay on mine. Had the head since last January, cab since last July. Never been happier!
    2 points
  21. https://ashdownmusic.com/products/the-ant This has piqued my interest. Both for its intended pedal board use, but also to build into a DIY cab. I'll withhold further judgement until I can hear one in the flesh though.
    2 points
  22. You make a rather good point I have to admit
    2 points
  23. I'm not so sure about that. My Fretless is lined but I barely look at the neck while playing but I certainly hear when I'm off, muscle memory goes a long way too.
    2 points
  24. Just another of life's dreamers/chancers. When that type of bass - which is rather nice and probably worth £1500 - turns up in that context I tend to be a little suspicious.........
    2 points
  25. Well I think you should be ashamed of yourself if he has to climb in the car to stay warm! Even though he has a fur coat. Honestly, some people don't deserve to have a pet if they can't look after it properly........ Oh sorry, I didn't have my glasses on. I thought you said 'cat'
    2 points
  26. Google Calendar all day long. Not fussy nor complicated, easily accessed, read, edited by either one person in the band or all of the band (latter is preferable). We are each responsible for putting in any of our 'unavailable' dates, which means that if any one of us gets offered a gig, you simply look at the calendar, if it isn't booked out or someone unavailable then that person takes the gig and puts it in the calendar (along with time/fee/contact name and number for the venue)... simple as! You automatically get sent emails of updates that are put in the calendar, one person puts a booking in and everyone gets an email... up to the individual if they read it or not but it is there. You can set automatic reminders for weeks/days/hours before the gig, which is handy to remind you to send out posters.
    2 points
  27. just downloaded it thanks @kodiakblair, just google it, simple and it works, no ads on my newsfeed, yet
    2 points
  28. Some of the posts in this thread serve to prove that one shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Al Cisneros is part of a pretty elite group as Ric have only ever released five signature model bass guitars - he is number 5.
    2 points
  29. Very excellent, yes. You get the slight damping of finger direct to board, also works very well with a pick (something I think is maybe overlooked) - get really close to the classic Carol Kaye sound. (For me that's a Jazz fretless with EB flats on, back p'up full, tone mostly off). A thing about fretless I think is just because you can slide around doesn't mean you have to.
    2 points
  30. Just a note re. ads on Basschat: if you stay logged in, you get fewer ads on your screen, and AFAIK all of them are music-related and non-intrusive. I have Adblock Plus installed but disabled on Basschat, and I don't find the ads a nuisance in any way. I'm currently in a waiting lounge at LAX airport and only see one ad for the Manchester Bass Show - none of your silly Google-imposed, localised ads. 👍 On the other hand, I must have reported as spam hundreds of Facebook ads in the last couple of months - they really pop up every other 'normal' post and are horrid. So I either report them as spam, or as fake news, or as offensive, but mostly spam, because that forces FB to create a 'case' for each report - in other words, it's compelled to take note, even if it doesn't take action.
    2 points
  31. We use ‘Teamup’. It’s web based and also has Android and IOS apps.
    2 points
  32. Goodness me that is well expressed. That should be a sticky above every thread discussing lower priced gear.
    2 points
  33. Minor annoyances with gear? The cnuts attached to them usually.
    2 points
  34. Nearly all of the back issues of Guitar Interactive Magazine are available for FREE to read covering over 300 HD Bass video reviews I have recorded. https://www.guitarinteractivemagazine.com/issues/
    2 points
  35. Here’s my Thumb NT5 from 1992. You don’t see many with the original fitted case like this, I believe most were shipped with a rock bag as standard so this is nice, and very protective! The case weighs a tonne though! Additionally, I replaced the original brass bridge and tail piece with an official Warwick lighter weight equivalent, this shaved some of the weight off it. It weighs 4.75kg now which is below average (I believe) for one of these. The original hardware will of course be included. I’ve not experienced any neck dive with this Thumb, it balances perfectly. The only wear to note is a small patch above the p’up where the thumb rests. Otherwise it’s stunning. It is setup with a super-low action with no fret buzz anywhere. I’m open to offers. Based in Cardiff, UK. Not particularly interested in trades but you never know. My tastes are for more traditional passive basses at the moment.
    2 points
  36. Fair enough. But then, and this is clearly only my opinion, but if I stand in front of the pedals then, being a righty, the lead from my bass is on my right hand side, if it were to then go into the left hand side of the pedal it has to cross my playing space from right to left at some point. So pedals right to left makes more sense to me to keep the cable run logical and tidy.
    2 points
  37. NYE blast over Kiss GB Spitfire in Kemper running a SSL channel strip profile.
    2 points
  38. Music Man HD-150 Cool old Music Man amp. It's not the nicest one cosmetically, but it has just been serviced in August. A few components (resistors) were changed and it got a fresh set of matching tubes. Since then it had about 20 playing hours or so. The amp works like it should and sounds great. I used it with my bass with the channels bridged for more tonal control. I really like this amp, but I've also purchased a Bassman 135 two months back... And I decided that I like the bassman just a little better. I'm not a hoarder, so the Music Man amp may leave the house. Now €500 The amp is located in the Netherlands, but could be shipped at buyers risk and expense.
    1 point
  39. As the owner of a pest control business I should probably point out that we have never seen so many field mice as we have this year. We have been inundated with calls from people who are finding mice in garages, lofts, outbuildings etc. I'd be wary about keeping expensive gear anywhere where mice can get to it. They do love a good chew.
    1 point
  40. Ahh, sad is me. I was quietly hoping that the money fairy would pay a visit...... Her oppo the bills vamp came instead
    1 point
  41. I looked at it, but went with the Bugera Veyron instead with absolutely no regrets. I don't know how good the HB is, but the Veyron takes a lot of beating, and it's cheaper.
    1 point
  42. My old Aria Primary. Gumtree find. I've done stuff to it...Dunlop Straploks, Hipshot Kickass bridge, Delano pickup, scratchplate and controls. Every time I take it out of the house I make sure I ding it somewhere. This photo is a bit old, it's in even worse condition now.
    1 point
  43. Aiden - it is a great bass for the money, and 2nd-hand even better if in good condition. They've tried to cater for everybody's preference regarding fret markers. The side dots are all I need. The in-between dots might suit someone else. But they've also added black thin lines where the frets would be. They are so thin and so dark, I can't actually see them when playing, unless I face a light and stick my neck out. My personal preference is side dots in the usual places, including the 3rd. If we are going to have fret lines, then make them visible. But as for in-between dots on the fretboard - who wants that? Otherwise it is perfect 🙂 Ambient - thanks. Glad you like it.
    1 point
  44. Hi All! PRICE DROP Was £550 Now £480 For sale is my Eden WT550 as I’ve gone with an Eden combo for convenience over this which I was using with an Epifani 310. Amazing amplifier with tube preamp. If you’re interested you probably know about it but for the record it’s an extremely solid sounding head with loads of punch and sparkle. Working perfectly. Master volume a touch scratchy when turning if signal is present at the time. Never been an issue for me but I’m sure some contact cleaner would sort it if you really wanted it to turn squeaky clean 100% of the time. No external wear to the amp except some very minor scratching on the top (photo’d). Comes with the original rack ears and screws included. Plus a very high quality 1m neutrick NL4 speaker cable with very thick copper cores to use with the head. I used to do a lot of buying and selling here but haven’t in a while and I see Basschat have implemented a new feedback system (mine is blank). If the old feedback threads are still on here you’ll find mine by searching my name in the section. Can assure you I’m a no-hassle seller Happy to arrange collection or meet. I may also ship but would only do so fully insured for the value and would pack up religiously. Any Questions fire me a PM. Thanks! Adh
    1 point
  45. Ok, last one I promise! STUPIDITY - Going Back Home.mov
    1 point
  46. I couldn't agree more - as a dedicated and long-term user of A/B ledsleds, I was very sceptical, indeed most of the D amps I've used have only reinforced this scepticism. The B Amp changed my opinion. It hasn't usurped the big Aggie in all circumstances but it's a go to in most situations. Versatile, sophisticated, pure and very powerful. I'm not sure why we don't have a B Amp HP rather than a Forte HP (given the features of the B Amp), however, the B Amp is sufficiently powerful for all the settings in which I'd wish to use it
    1 point
  47. 1 point
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