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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/20 in all areas

  1. I experienced something like this years back, a well known retailer said they would accept an instrument in px but wouldn’t offer any guidance as to how much they’d offer. So I said that I was going to be driving 90 miles to them, and that if when I got there they offered me half it’s market value I would hit the guy over the head with it, as such would they recommend I get in my car and make the drive. I was advised to stay at home.
    10 points
  2. This is what I just emailed to them. As tempted as I was to be profane, I'm just not that kind of guy... :-) --------------------- Hi xxx Thank you for sending the refund (although of course with PayPal it will be at least another 5-7 working days until the funds are actually returned to my account). To say I’m bemused by this whole episode is an understatement. After making some enquiries I have discovered the following: 1) There is currently NO sale stock of Ibanez EHB basses in the UK. 2) Due to this, GAK’s online advertising of these instruments for sale as stock items is utterly misleading. 3) As no stock is expected to arrive at the UK distributors until late March at the earliest, it follows that none can have ‘failed quality control’ or have been sent back to the manufacturers from your suppliers as you stated in your email. As you may have gathered from the info above, it took very little effort to track down a contact number for Headstock Distribution and give them a call. They were very helpful. If you haven’t already heard from them, you should expect a call from their Product Manager shortly to discuss your company’s sales strategies, and apparent willingness to bring the quality of Ibanez products into question in an attempt to cover up your own dubious practices. It should also come as no surprise that I will never do business with GAK again. As a professional musician of many years standing, I also feel compelled to inform my many friends and colleagues of the standard of customer service they might expect from your company. Regards _____________
    5 points
  3. I thought about him, but I'm not sure he qualifies on either point. 😈
    4 points
  4. So it finally happened, I had enough of carting my Marshall VBA 400 and matching 8x10 around the country and my band wanted to start using IEM. I got so fed up of lugging the big rig to venues only to have it chastised on stage because it had so much power and the room just didn't need it. That and I have been wearing ear plugs for years and just got fed up of not being able to hear my band properly I decided it was time for a change. After a few months of using IEM with my nice Audio Technica M3 system with some KZ ZS10 headphones (which are incredible) I was so happy to hear the band again and not to have ringing ears (even with ear plugs, the sound pressure levels we were omitting were hurting my dodgy ears) it was time to change the rig. I still needed a rig as I tried rehearsals and it felt too sterile without the feel of an amp in there and not all shows can be done without one and need some stage support. I knew I wanted to go to two 2x10s as I had run that before and really liked having the choice of how many cabs I need to take to a gig. The VBA only runs at 4 or 2 ohms so kind of limits what I can do with it. The day I decided I wanted to do this, I found up for grabs on here two Mesa PH210's at a steal of a price. I sorted the deal with the great guy who is Piers Williamson and picked them up a week or so ago. The rig sounded amazing with the Marshall but the amp overhung the sides of the cabs which just cannot happen 😂😂😂. I had kept an eye on the Ashdown HOD Geezer Butler signature head as I tried one at the guitar show in Birmingham when they came out and loved it. Found that PMT were doing 0% finance over two years and bought the thing straight away It's now safe to say I have an absolute killer rig that has so much power and clarity and also nice and easy to maul around as none of it is heavy. I am proper happy with how it all sounds and love it. I just need to find a rack to put it in and able to put a 2u drawer for my pedals in there as well and I will be sorted. Love it!!
    3 points
  5. OK @Happy Jack I'll see your crazy over engineered gadgetry and raise you my charity shop suitcase! Pocket for ancient (FREE) Hudl with nothing on it but x-air software A second pocket on the back for, erm looks like Nurofen Now, let's open the big pocket.... we see the hi-tech impact protection NB this can also be used in the event of post gig alfresco sleeping. Wouldn't fancy spending a night in a layby with my swede on Jack's fancy sliding shelf! Remove the protective layer and voila! All you need
    3 points
  6. Headstock distribution? Is someone winding you up?? No wonder they failed quality control...
    3 points
  7. Looking to either sell or trade for a lightweight Cab, preferably a 2x12, with a min of 600w but anything considered. The Amp is in excellent condition and comes with rack ears and footswich, very powerful and versatile. The Amp has two separate pre-amps the RBI and the RPM built in which can be used individually or combined, both channels are formatted differently and will deliver classic tube tones to super distortion, (think Geddy Lee, Chris Squire type tones), this is a 3u 600w rack mountable head. optimal output load: 4 ohms Power output: 600w Dimensions 17'w x 5.25'h x 16'd Weight 40 lbs Any questions please ask, and thanks for looking. **please note the tuner and the flight case are not included in the sale/trade**
    3 points
  8. Hi all, attached the first picture of my new EVO-FX4 Bass Bridge
    3 points
  9. My 2019 Player P purchased recently from @Sibob (thanks Si). Loving this bass so far; very comfortable to play and sounds excellent. I realise that this is quite subjective, but the neck feels wonderful – definitely the most comfortable I’ve tried – the profile is just right for me and the light, smooth finish is perfect for moving up and down easily. It sounded good with what I assume were the stock strings, brighter and punchier than I was expecting, but I’ve been flat-curious for a while now, so I stuck light-gauge Fender flats on it the other day. They feel nice but sound a little bit clanky, which I’m hoping a bit of determined playing-in will remedy in time. Also, look at that buttercream finish. Look at it.
    3 points
  10. I think the picture is from Wayne's world ..the lady was Wayne's girlfriend I believe.. .She could well be a famous bass player as far as I know too! The guy on the right ( green shirt) looks like the guy in the band that won the " battle of the bands" in School of Rock ...also could be a famous guitarist for all I know ! I ain't no Film buff either ..I just happen to like Wayne's World and School of Rock 🙂
    3 points
  11. Pah! I can top that! Playing at a gastropub last year, a place with the oh-so-fashionable oversized globes for lightbulbs. It's a rockabilly band so I'm on DB, but I play a Precision for a few songs in the middle of each set, and usually for the encore(s) too. We get a bunch of encores, which is nice, but then it's game over and time to swing the bass over my head as I remove it. There's a loud explosion, rather like a grenade going off, and an area about 6' square gets showered with thousands of tiny, very sharp fragments of broken glass. God knows what pressure was being used inside that bulb, but it was a really impressive end to the gig. The landlady was SO pleased, too. Luckily it was a wooden floor and could be swept. I hate to think what would have happened if it had been carpeted.
    3 points
  12. It's the different factories that made them. MIJ Fenders & Squiers were originally made by Fujigen Gakki, who, as I understand it, have exclusive use of "Made In Japan" on their Fender products. CIJs were sourced from at least two other factories, Dyna Gakki and Tokai Gakki. I think MIJs largely stopped in the late 90s, so most recent Japanese Fenders will have been CIJ, with as far as I know, an occasional MIJ/Fujigen batch from time to time. There's not any quality differentiation between the factories. This was the case while Fender Japan was operated by Kanda Shokai/Yamano Gakki, I know that relationship came to an end a few years ago, but I don't know who's responsible for current Japanese Fenders.
    3 points
  13. As part of kit culling / space making I am selling my Olp Stingray copy. It's a monstrous sounding bass and incredible for the money. Looking for £120 and it'll be collection only but I am near the M4 and can be near the A34 too. Only thing worth mentioning is the original owner removed the logo on the headstock for reasons unknown (a pretty tidy job to be fair). I bought a replacement that I can throw in, but never got around to fitting it. I took it to rehearsal the other day and was blown away by how big this sounded, even through rubbish rehearsal room amps. Not interested in any trades as I already mentioned I am needing to downsize. Thanks for looking.
    2 points
  14. Music Man HD-150 Cool old Music Man amp. It's not the nicest one cosmetically, but it has just been serviced in August. A few components (resistors) were changed and it got a fresh set of matching tubes. Since then it had about 20 playing hours or so. The amp works like it should and sounds great. I used it with my bass with the channels bridged for more tonal control. I really like this amp, but I've also purchased a Bassman 135 two months back... And I decided that I like the bassman just a little better. I'm not a hoarder, so the Music Man amp may leave the house. Now €500 The amp is located in the Netherlands, but could be shipped at buyers risk and expense.
    2 points
  15. Sandberg Custom Ken Taylor SOLD Bought from Neil Murray on this forum as a bass to get back into playing with. Its genuinely excellent but I am moving to a P bass as it will suit my current bands more and it is the sound I hear in my head for bass lines. Currently strung with EB Cobalts and it sounds brilliant. Would like get back what I paid for it at 795. Not interested in trades as I have my eye on a bass already. Would cost considerably more to get one specced this well from Sandberg. Details taken from Neil's thread here >>> Previous Sale "I had this built to my specifications, from the choices on the Sandberg website. Home use only. There are plenty of small dings and marks, which is Sandberg’s interpretation of ’soft aged finish’, which wasn’t what I was expecting - I would preferred either more obvious relicing or a perfect finish. Of course a great sounding bass, enhanced by the high-quality Demeter preamp. Basic Ken Taylor model Body: European ash (I think) Top: Imbuia with matched headstock Soft aged finish Rosewood neck 2 Sandberg powerhumbuckers, black metal covers, split coil on bridge pickup Electronics: Demeter BEQP-1 Bass EQ Preamplifier - active balance control which mixes two pickups and provides active equalisation for treble, middle and bass. The treble and bass are both shelving controls with 14dB of boost and cut @ 6dB per octave. The middle control is a peak control with plus and minus 12dB of cut and boost @ 6dB per octave. Black hardware with Hipshot Bass Xtender on E machine head Abalone front face dots Sandberg gig bag"
    2 points
  16. New service from Guitar Guitar. Stand by for low ball offers. 😑 https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/tradeitsellit/sellit/
    2 points
  17. I played a gig in a nice bar once - two sets with a 20 minute break between them. I went to the toilet during the break. The cubicles had huge, heavyweight doors, which looked great, and spanned from the floor to the top of the door opening. Anyhow.... I went in to the cubicle and pushed the door shut, only to find that there was no handle on the inside - it had broken off!! It was then that I realised that there was no way for me to get the door open from inside. I waited until until I heard someone entering the toilet. I said, "hello, can you help me in here?". All I heard was the unknown patron turning on his heel and leaving the toilet!!! I tried texting my bandmates (who by now were all set up wondering where I'd got to!). As they were on stage, none of them had their phones to hand! Aaagh!!! Fortunately someone else entered the toilet, and this time I said, "hello? I'm stuck in the cubicle, could you push the door open from the outside please?". Thankfully, this this time the punter obliged!!
    2 points
  18. Wow, you lot are so organised and neat. I take the mixer out of the case, connect power, iem leads and WiFi and then everyone else plugs all their stuff in! i have a couple of base snapshots for normal rooms and some of the more challenging ones
    2 points
  19. This is of course true but I find that a lot of time is saved by knowing that the gain structure, effects routing, monitor mixes and eq are 75% rather than 0% done. That's a HUGE difference at every gig. As you'll know (but others may not so I'll type it our anyway!) it's possible to save nearly everything in the Behringer software. Either the whole deal all at once or just indvidually. I have the profiles of the main mix EQ saved for most of our regular venues. Yes, they always require some tweaking, but they're infinitely better than starting from scratch and having to figure out that there's room boom at 200Hz to take out and a horrible squeak at 9.2kHz that needs pulling.
    2 points
  20. I'm a lot like Happy Jack, although admittedly not as happy. An external router is a MUST. I'm also a pc nerd so I can thoroughly recommend anything from Mikrotik. Particularly something like the hAP AC lite. A gig is not a good time to learn how to do something. Not only does the Behringer have way more features than an analogue mixer, they're all more hidden, harder to find in a pinch and smaller and fiddlier to control. Book a large hall in a community center or something, set up like at a gig and get gains, basic eq and things like noise gates set as good as you can. Then you can save this as a scene and and work from there at a gig. Lastly, do please set up a rack with everything in. I have the mixer, a multimedia music player (permanently wired into 17/18), a router (an older 2.4GHz that I keep meaning to upgrade but it works ok) and a power strip. I've wired the ethernet into the router and put a USB trail on too.
    2 points
  21. Looks like the two Thunderbirds are high fiving themselves.
    2 points
  22. Panga panga sounds like one of Berlusconi's parties, or something Mad Boris would say describing an indigenous population...
    2 points
  23. The groove Master himself Mr Aston "Family Man" Barrett!
    2 points
  24. Oh alright Stew, I'll rise to the bait! Let us start with a simple illustration of a flightcase or - more accurately, if at the risk of potentially seeming to be pedantic - a rackcase. In this case (ha ha ha, did you see what I did there? Oh well, please yourselves) it is an 8U case, for reasons that will become clear. Now let's open the front, shall we? We're going to look through the rectangular window. "Aha!", I hear you say, "What's that peeping out from the bottom of the case?". Oh look, children, it's an extending shelf with an external router on it! How exciting!!! Just pop the aerials into the appropriate position, and Robert is your Mother's brother. Well that's what she told Mrs. Snodgrass from no.38 anyway. While we're here, take a moment to let your eyes feast on the elegant and decisive use of gaffa tape as an aid to reliable performance. By getting my settings right, and then taping over various flick-switches and a number of sockets I really, really don't want to plug into by accident, I avoid accidents. What's that you say, Sooty? You want to see what happens behind all this? Oh very well. So there you are, boys and girls. Play safe, and sleep well.
    2 points
  25. Beautiful. You spelled "shitheads" wrong though....
    2 points
  26. Have you tried putting the magnum III in there you might be surprised how well it fits ...... 😉 Mine is in a Mag 2 case I'm actually the current custodian of Flat Eric's Grey-burst Magnum III ... for anyone who has never played one of these they don't sound anything like you think you might think there all mud ... but they really growl and bark when you need them too , interesting ... did you add the thumb rest along the top to mimic a magnum II's mine doesnt have one and it would definatly improve playability. Synth / lyle
    2 points
  27. Biggest gig we've done last November. Proper venue and we are first support for a name Artist. Enter stage from backstage trying to look cool and collected for the hundred or so early punters there lined up at the barrier. Every thing was sounding great at soundcheck, but when I start the first song I can hear myself in the monitors and front of house, but my trousers aren't exactly flapping in a bass tornado. Turn around to look at the amp and its dark. In my pre-gig nerves I've forgotten to turn on the bloody Ampeg and all I'm hearing is the DI to FOH from my preamp pedal. Clearly punters are hearing bass so not an issue ....but at the end of first song I have a walk of shame to the amp to turn it on- Which being a Portaflex - erupts in beautiful purple light to highlight my shame in a beautiful glow...
    2 points
  28. Hank Marvin - really well known guitarist considering he spent most of his life in the shadows...
    2 points
  29. A friend is in the Abingdon Morris Men side. I can't see him in this dance, but he's in recent facebook pics and more memorably in this pastoral slice of joy, clearly a major influence on Sam Mendes, Alfonson Cuaron and Alejandro Inarritu and that lot. (my friend is behind and to the left of the singer when she first becomes obvious)
    2 points
  30. So long ago i can't remember any one particular bass player but i had just bought Kiss Destroyer, Thin Lizzy Jailbreak and Alice Cooper Killer albums so i reckon it must have been them or maybe Deep Purple with Glenn Hughes. Dave
    2 points
  31. Really loving this colour combo. I've just picked up a MiM Precision in lake placid blue which I'm putting a brown tort plate on. Seeing your sandberg has inspired me to get some white (well, ivory) pickup covers too. Very cool, thanks man!
    2 points
  32. Had to look up her name - Janice-Marie Johnson.
    2 points
  33. You can try drilling a small hole into the snapped screw , and tapping a slotted screwdriver into the hole , it should grip enough to unscrew 🙂
    2 points
  34. It's a clip from Wayne's World and Tia Carrere always reminds me of my girlfriend of the time who was half Balinese and looked VERY similar. Mmmmmm........ Marc Ferrari - Keel were part of a group of LA bands (including Black & Blue, Ratt etc) who I was into in the mid 80's. I'd recognise him anywhere. The fact that he's a prolific library music writer I know through my work at PRS.
    2 points
  35. I see that she has mastered the right hand technique of “cat-paw strumming"
    2 points
  36. Thanks great basses Sandberg's
    2 points
  37. The 'girl' is actress Tia Carrere The guitarist on the right is Marc Ferrari (guitarist of 'Keel' and now a prolific library music writer)
    2 points
  38. I had that. Just kept buying tiny items from them and negging every time. Eventually it stuck. Cost me a fortune. Never had the phrase cutting off your nose to spite your face been more apt.😂
    2 points
  39. Had a band practice last night and used my precision (that i've had for years) for the first time in this band. I must say it was wonderful, I also tried some Kallium drop set strings for the first time and after spending a while setting it up properly am really enjoying this bass. So the moral of this is that gear abstinence has actually done for me what it supposed to do and helped me appreciate the gear i have. I give it another few weeks before I change my mind and want something new!
    2 points
  40. My pal asked Siri if she was single, and she said the question was inappropriate
    2 points
  41. I may have missed it but has anyone mentioned Sting yet? Justin Currie - Del Amitri Tyson Ritter - All American Rejects Pete Cetera and Jason Scheff - Chicago Tal Wilkenfeld - Solo stuff Troy Sanders - Mastodon Brian Wilson - The Beach Boys Kip Winger - Winger
    2 points
  42. Reggae jazz bass, and rig😎
    2 points
  43. Ahem, I think you'll find I was the kind soul who alerted everyone to the Lidl middle aisle special.
    1 point
  44. Glad to have been of assistance! I’m loving it - some proper cheese there (I could do without ‘Hey Jude’ sang in Japanese) but there are a couple of tracks which really groove.
    1 point
  45. I have the Nikki Sixx Gibson Blackbird. Rehearsed with it, but never gigged. Cool looking bass, but often think about selling it on. I would love to ry out the Nate Mendel. Not a Foos fan, but I like the high mass bridge and I understand the neck is lovely. I would also like to try the new Duff McKagan. Maybe time to sell on the Blackbird so I can acquire the Mendel or McKagan,
    1 point
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