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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/02/20 in all areas

  1. Back in ~2006, Gibson made a limited run of SG basses in non-standard colours including pastel pink and TV yellow. I have long been a fan of TV yellow (Johnny Thunders, Buzzcocks etc) and so have been on the lookout for one for absolutely ages. This popped up a month or two back on Reverb and, after a decent price cut, I snaffled it. Its in superb 9.9/10 condition, weighs a shoulder-friendly 8.1 pounds, typical SG short scale ... and its minion coloured according to Mrs C 🙄. Great alternative to my 1971 Mustang. One happy bunny!
    12 points
  2. Breaking news.... man doesn't like something other people like.... 😂
    11 points
  3. Has to be me of the nicest 1024x around in surf green with pearl white pickguard also has green lumilay dots and knobs.. totally immaculate condition!!
    9 points
  4. Actually the other SB, the Aria, is a winner too
    8 points
  5. This: Totally awesome and exactly what I'd buy, if I could ever afford one.
    8 points
  6. Always liked the Pangborn Warrior bass design. This is the best colour pic i could find on line. Very similar to Jaydee layout now that i see it again.
    6 points
  7. Well plenty of evidence here that... it's a matter of personal taste. Interesting to see a third version of what a volute is (clue the original word means snail's shell). I also quite like this which may have a 'P' pickup but manages not to look like one:
    5 points
  8. As a recent convert I just love the Rickenbacker 4001/4003,such a classy looking instrument & very versatile too.
    5 points
  9. Traditionally speaking, the 'good bits' are Peg, Josie, and Deacon Blues. Whether or not you like any of those is, of course, another matter. It's worth bearing in mind that Aja is NOT the best album by Steely Dan, not by a long chalk. The easy winner is a late-period double album called (IIRC) The Best Of Steely Dan.
    5 points
  10. For sale my fodera emperror classic 5 Original case, all documents , and with pickguard 4300£ / 4800€
    4 points
  11. Noticed a funky looking Wishbass on ebay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-Fretless-4-String-Curly-Ambrosia-Maple-J-B-Wishbass-Kent-Armstrong-J-PU/143531217204?hash=item216b209134:g:ks0AAOSw7UheGOpm and this fugly one: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lefty-Bass-Fretless-4-String-Red-Cedar-Fiddle-Shape-Short-Scale-28-Wishbass/133325147860?_trkparms=aid%3D555021%26algo%3DPL.SIMRVI%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20190711100440%26meid%3Daf81145a6a9f4ca6b4d1f88154fb85a7%26pid%3D100752%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D18%26mehot%3Dpf%26sd%3D143531217204%26itm%3D133325147860%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675&_trksid=p2047675.c100752.m1982 Also noticed the verbiage near the bottom of the page: Unfortunately this video exists with Mr Wishnevsky himself demoing one of his basses by using it to make a noise like a dying cow
    4 points
  12. So... it happened again... I need genuine medical help. Our good friends at guitarguitar have dropped the price of their last 2 Mesa Boogie Traditional Powerhouse 4x10 cabs to a lean £599 a piece, that's 55% off the RRP of £1350 (currently selling for that at gear4music). And, well... I may have accidentally bought them. Both. My inner OCD required a full matching rig after having bought the Mesa Boogie Strategy Eight:88 from err... well... guitarguitar a month or so ago. So now, once these cabs have been delivered, the rig will be a Mesa Boogie Strategy Eight:88 head with two rather tasty 600w Mesa Boogie Traditional Powerhouse 4x10 cabs. If I'm not heard from in the next few days, it's because the walls of my house have crumbled due to the horrendous volumatic nature of this completely unnecessary rig! Help. Please.
    4 points
  13. Fcuk 'em, he had every right to say them. Too many people complain about modern music having no depth and meaning but that was a brilliant, stirring performance with a real point to it.
    4 points
  14. Hi, I'm new here but would love to add my Alembic to the mix
    4 points
  15. Sorry I took so long to get here. Headless and curvey!
    4 points
  16. If you're an SD fan, then Aja is a great album, if you aren't, then that's always going to be an uphill battle. I like Aja, but my favourite SD album is The Royal Scam (except for the greatest hits of course).
    4 points
  17. Without implying any judgement in this case, as a general rule, the expression 'caveat emptor' covers the situation on buying and selling, not just in this Marketplace, but on any on-line deal. It's more than likely that any instrument acquired will benefit from a set-up to one's personal taste, and if it can't be done by the buyer, a visit to a qualified luthier would be quite normal. Any dysfunctions should be indicated by the seller, but there are cases when either they are voluntarily withheld, or maybe even unknown to the seller. It's the buyer that takes that risk in agreeing a deal without having personally inspected the instrument, and is part of the way on-line sales work. With on-line shops, one has the protection of the law, but this does not apply to private sales. Most sellers are honest and of good faith, as are most buyers, but there's not much that can be done if one or other party don't 'play ball'. Hoping this particular case can be amicably resolved, of course, but in general : Caveat Emptor.
    4 points
  18. Any band you're in - covers or original - is what you make of it. I've been in many of both of the above and luckily had a decent level of success (e.g.main originals band had Euro/Jap CD release and played huge Euro festivals.... tribute band played all over Europe and Japan.... current covers band/show packs theatres), A band is only as good/rewarding as the effort you put in.... it makes no difference if it's originals or covers. It's all about doing 'what you do' WELL. Positive audience feedback, re-bookings and happy, smiling, faces at the end of the night... coupled with phrases along the lines of "you guys were fantastic"..... and hopefully a few quid in your pocket. Being anti-tribute, anti-covers or any other such nonsense just limits your playing and performing opportunities, networking angles and life /travel experiences...
    4 points
  19. Day one in the rehearsal house. I’ve done my prep.. I hope.
    4 points
  20. Hi everyone A couple of interesting old Fenders turned up at today's rehearsal. #1: A 1963 Jazz, all original apart from a refret. This was used to record the ceilidh set on Mark Knopfler's Local Hero OST, and used in the performance in the film. #2: A 1972-ish Musicmaster, formerly owned by Lindisfarne's Alan Hull. Both wonderful to play. It was nice to spend a bit of time with them.
    3 points
  21. I thought his piano playing was great. I wasn’t that keen on the lyrical content at first (not through dislike or prejudice, from not having had the experiences mentioned) then halfway through realised what he is doing is exactly what the music I love, punk did - pointing out inequalities and injustices, at that point I thought well done. But I still thought the piano playing was the best part of his performance.
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. I always thought this Fodera was stunning. Single cuts are not normally my thing but the Kestrel inlay is beautiful.
    3 points
  24. 3 points
  25. Yeah...that’s why I struggle - short arms/bad back. although...I adore the Ripper.
    3 points
  26. Looks wise Gibson Thunderbird or Rickenbacker 4001/3.
    3 points
  27. And here is mine, a lovely Alembic Spoiler with a flamed koa top, now fitted with Alembic CX3-45L strings (not on this photo). I love this bass !
    3 points
  28. This: Just looks nice. Might sound like a cow of course, but who cares? I would look fabulous, and that’s why I am in a band. “It’s all in the fingers”!? Its all in the hairdo mate 😎
    3 points
  29. I’ve always loved the SB-55 (mid 70’s Yamaha) I even like the meat cleaver of a headstock. I suppose this could be perceived as a take on a fender design...so I might need a slap.
    3 points
  30. Thankyou RB - something tells me I'm going to need it. I could tell her it's a temporary replacement for the poorly Promethean ( #prayforpromethean) 20w practice amp!
    3 points
  31. Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear. Oh dearie, dearie me.
    3 points
  32. 3 points
  33. I too think Johnny Thunders every time I see TV Yellow.
    3 points
  34. Full NBC suit, I'd say. I'd rather do a stint on the cruiseliner Diamond princess
    3 points
  35. Cracking on today.. I’ve been distracted by this ‘63 that’s landed. It’s not mine, but I’m allowed to play it...
    3 points
  36. In fact, they are all out of tune. Maybe they are using a cow bell tuning. And as a fretless player that hurts my ears. Even fully set up, these basses sound like cow poo. The name is very well chosen, because all the people having bought one always told themselves : I wish I hadn't bought this ... urm ... thing. Now, there's the Ergo EUB case. I bought one (the personal model of the "maker"), and even played it live once (before reselling it) : simply awful on all aspects. The guy behind the brand suggests using a sewer pipe cut to the desired length with two screwed plugs to make a transport case, that summarizes it all : screwed by the sewer thing.
    3 points
  37. 2007 Ken Smith BSR6GN Maple Body Maple neck Morado fretboard Smith Pickups Smith 18 volt preamp with switches Chrome hardware Reunion gig bag
    3 points
  38. Are there any covers bands specialising in cheese... Camemburt Bacharach Danish Deacon Blue Edam and the Ants Manfred Manchego Simple Rinds Simply Red Leicester
    3 points
  39. Real men only need a 4 string P bass.....
    3 points
  40. It takes certain amount of skill to make a traditional and generally accepted design more ugly and think you've done something good.
    3 points
  41. I put Stop Making Sense on the other day (learning their version of Take Me To The River) and ended up just jamming along with Tina to the whole thing. She is the absolute epitome of getting into a groove and staying there. Bass playing means so many different things but one of the fundamental joys of the instrument is sitting in a big fat repeating groove. I love it.
    3 points
  42. I'm a in a band that aims to do this , called Guilty Pleasure , female fronted 90's rock Wheatus , Avril Lavinge , sixpence none the richer , Savage garden alongside the more rockier and acceptable , greenday , and covers staples The bands aim is to hit that 90's and early 2000's stilton factor 😉 im currently in talks to try to avoid doing "busted" mainly because i don't want to have to jump up and down in time on " thats what i go to school for" , which willeend up with 6'4 of me hitting my head on ceilinings and getting concussion Instead pushing pushing for Stacie's mom .... that songs go it going on 😉 This was a result of realising it was always the more cringey oddball numbers we did that got better reception ...along with the audiance age being more 20- 40 somthings who are likely to be down the dog n duck on a thursday night.
    3 points
  43. Cover band or Originals, the key is playing with good people. Not necessarily good musicians but good people. I would bet most of us would rather play with a marginal musician that's a great guy then the local hot shot that's a jerk. Blue
    3 points
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