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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/05/20 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. I can't stand band politics, as always, its seems to be the school playground again, just like all other areas of politics, but musically speaking, Wodger was a writing genius and shall always remain as such to me. I quite like his outlook on life and such, too Yes, he's probably got some character issues, but so does everyone.
    7 points
  3. Boo hoo. Man-child sacks the band he is in although he doesn't own the band (the wall, final cut). Man-child tries to take his ball home when the other kids still want to play with it. Judge gives the ball to the other kids. Man-child complains when the others won't let him play with the ball 30 years later.
    6 points
  4. Not really a build diary but a finished photo! I’m getting better at taking progress pics, so future builds will be more detailed. Anyway, this is a five string, 24 fret P bass style build. Alder body, maple neck and wenge fingerboard. Radius is compound from 10-14”, and neck rear is asymmetric, 35” scale. I’m using a Bill Lawrence P45 and first impressions are great. It had a weird magnet configuration that they promise is fine for 4 or 5 string bass. This is the first passive build in years! Colour is Nissan Firemist metallic. What do you think?
    5 points
  5. If I post a graph can I do it without labeling either of the axes so I do not have to actually tell you anything? I saw someone do that recently and it seemed to work. Am I going to get banned now?
    4 points
  6. A quick distraction is required then to defuse tension....OH! LOOK!! THREE SMITH BASSES!
    4 points
  7. Yeah, let's see the little pipsqueak do it without lines. 🙂
    4 points
  8. Hmmm... I really can't equate either of the 3 post-Rog albums with anything before (not even The Final Cut). With a couple of exceptions, the songwriting just isn't there.
    4 points
  9. Playing in an original blues band in a local pub last year with a gritty female vocalist - think female Howlin' Wolf - and a punter asked if we could play some Kylie!?! Singer was taken back she just didn't know what to say, so I chipped in with "You should be so lucky..."! 😁
    4 points
  10. Just browsing the Andertons site, carefully keeping Tinder open in another window so when she comes over the mrs wont see what I'm really up to. And that is I've a few grand in my savings account and for the last few days I've had a severe attack of GAS and am rather liking the look of this. Just wondrin' if anyone here owns a Sire?
    3 points
  11. The last three Floyd albums are the ones their back catalogue could do without. Final Cut was a Water's solo album and the last two said Pink Floyd on the tin but the content wasn't. David Gilmour has said Live 8 was like sleeping with your ex. To Roger the band without him might seem like your wife having an affair. He's got a point, I just wish he'd let it go. And the less said about Mrs. Gilmour's involvement the better.
    3 points
  12. I sometimes buy things because I drank wine...and then I sell them the day they arrive. See my feedback thread for evidence.
    3 points
  13. The one on the right looks like an angry pirate!
    3 points
  14. Wal 4/Mk1 Custom ... finally got around (locked-down) to 'sorting' the mini-pickguard removal on my Wal. You can still see the 2 small holes (filled/stained) and the original thumb-wear that the p/g was added to cover. It's far from perfect but 'OK' (?) and the bass looks more 'right' now. The only issue being that I do miss the handy, mini-thumbrest that was fitted between the pickups (last 2 photos show the bass as it was). The SKB freedom case is also a good fit for the bass, until I can source an original :-
    3 points
  15. Maybe howling at the moon would be a more healthy way of venting that frustration? Howling at your fan base seems a little provocative. I do have a soft spot for the“troubled/grumpy/difficult artist” as they often have seams of creativity that are both exciting and have a feel of danger. But there must come a time when WW should say to himself “I’m not going to get what I want here, I have access to some wonderful musicians that can help me express my ideas, I can afford to pay someone to make my bed every day, good luck to DG and the rest, I’m off to give my fans some wonderful music, especially at this time when others are struggling to put food on the table and are worried shitless about the world”? No?
    3 points
  16. This! If you want to think of the root notes on the B string as your starting position the patterns can remain quite similar (well for all fretted notes). I played a 5'er exclusively for a number of years as a gig I had required me to play covers but often with key changes to suit the choir. The ability to transpose bass lines incorporating the lower notes rather than having to creep up the neck and also the ability to remain in one position (which admittedly some players can find a little boring after a while) scored bonus points for the 5 string. Don't fall into the trap like Happy Jack says of adding 'low notes' just because you can. It's not always the best choice but the lower notes can really support a good ballad or a key change when the bass goes low when the guitars etc go up! Really adds some power to a tune I think! Oh anad a final tip if you do want to embrace the 5'er put your 4 string bass away for a month and don't be tempted to switch back and forth. Get comfortable/confident on the 5. It'll speed up your learning/confidence!
    3 points
  17. IME Titebond will be too thick to be pulled into the cracks in the manner that Andyjr1515 describes, so you will need thin Superglue for stabilising the existing neck construction and Titebond for re-attaching the fingerboard.
    3 points
  18. For my money, Waters was the creative force and the edge that made Floyd. I completely lost interest once he'd left and found just about everything they did turgid and bland. On the other hand, Waters comes across as a control freak with some fairly unpleasant character traits. Rick Wright was treated as a hired hand for decades. It's a shame that it all fell apart but not in the least surprising given the egos and natures of some of the characters involved.
    3 points
  19. Got nothing against slap, tap, chords, picks, fingerstyle or large effect boards. Just play the damn thing.
    3 points
  20. I've just listened to the original, Supremes, recording (again...) on Youtube, and it sounds just fine to me, neither slow, fast, behind nor in front. Just a sound, solid, bass line, nicely tucked in with the drums. The 'feel' is of a real player, rather than a metronome, but there's no fault that I can hear (Disclaimer : I'm a drummer...). I can't hear any problem with it. Just sayin'.
    3 points
  21. Picked this up last week, having fun with it! Multicale 35” to 32.76” tuned BEAD, much more sensible range than some others in my option, string balance feels great. Perfect cross between a Warwick and a Dingwall for me based on my experiences, both tone and feel. Quite weighty and could do with an active preamp, but I like, and its probably the brightest and most articulate passive bass I've ever heard with the tone fully open. And I know the colour and headstock polarises opinion, but I think it looks great!
    2 points
  22. He has many other videos up but this impressed me the most. Just as well he had the fret markers eh? 😎
    2 points
  23. Fodera bolt on custom 5 flame maple top Alder body maple neck Amazon rosewood Black burst finish 34 skale 19mm Extended low B Birth date july 2016 Unbelievable tone and playability Mint condition Comes with all that vinnie offers SOLD
    2 points
  24. Hi All Having finished the Yew SG-style guitar, it's still lockdown and we're back to basses! I've got a couple of smaller jobs that I will be kicking off and one of them is doing 'something special' with @Roger2611 's lovely Status Bass : And what's with the red knobs? Well - what Rog has asked me to do is one of my veneering jobbies. With this (bookmatched) on the top: In this kind of colour for the top... ...with natural (walnut?) on the back and sides, with a bit of this as a demarcation line between the two:
    2 points
  25. Had a Guild B30e - absolutely 100% gutted I don’t still have it. It was stunning.
    2 points
  26. Finally made a start, nearly finished the first bit, bit more smoothing of the edges and I can start on the bulbous hump... happy so far... before... after...
    2 points
  27. Agree, only time I’ve ever hit anyone with my bass was a straight jab with the headstock in the face. Would have been far too much effort to take a swing with it, plus given the size of the stage all of have probably hit would have been the wall or ceiling.
    2 points
  28. We’re an originals-only melodic metal band, so the kind of venue we play usually has rather blurred lines between roles for promoters, sound guys, bar staff ..and punters 🙂 Completely agree with you - I’d much prefer to finish a gig on my cheap little Ibanez that I set up than end up borrowing even an impressive multi-thousand-pound thing from somebody else that just feels wrong. Plus not everybody has the same hygiene standards when it comes to instruments!! And yeah, absolutely - if your main plan, let alone your backup, sounds anything like “it’ll be alright - somebody there will have one we can borrow”, then you’re probably not taking it seriously enough for my liking.
    2 points
  29. Pedaltrain - Jr T-Rex Fuel Tank Junior TC Electonic Polytune Noir KMA Audio Machines Tyler Frequency Splitter ---> LPF loop into MXR M87 Bass Compressor (filter set around 350Hz) ---> HPF loop into Darkglass Hyper Luminal Compressor ( filter set around 550Hz) Darkglass Vintage Microtubes
    2 points
  30. That reminds me of a pub gig I played when I was using my new wireless system. There was a social club directly opposite over the road. Halfway through our set, a woman arrived from said social club and shouted to us at the end of one number, "Whoever is using the wireless system, turn it off because you're ruining our bingo night!".
    2 points
  31. It’ll be better with a D string! I don’t have a new set, and just slapped this old set on but the string broke !
    2 points
  32. We were doing a gig once with a nice girl singer. The woman who booked us asked if she could borrow the mic. To use in the next door room. We told her it was set up in this room ‘But it’s a radio mic’ she said triumphantly. But the amp/speakers are in this room, we explained patiently.
    2 points
  33. I was in a bar once when a band were on and everyone in my company was raving about how good they were. I pointed out that apart from the acoustic guitar and vocal it was all sampled. Some people have no clue.
    2 points
  34. Ha ha - many years ago I had a run of gigs with a Welsh comedy showband doing cabaret around the clubs. The band used to play the same half a bar over and over again at the end of one number to imitate a stuck record, and then the singer would produce a comedy sized inflatable hammer and whack it down on the bass amp, at which point we'd abruptly stop playing. On numerous occasions punters would laugh and jeer - but I suspect not because the idea was ridiculous and funny, but because they genuinely thought we were miming to a record. Maybe they weren't the sharpest tools in the box, mind you.
    2 points
  35. we play a gig twice a year where an old woman comes in about half way through the first set and asks for Sex on Fire, we just tell her she's missed it and get here at the start next time, she never does, it's got to be a standing joke now.
    2 points
  36. I've just had a quick look at the options available for Hardware recorders that are currently being produced and all of them appear to work on the principle that if you want to do anything more than rudimentary editing you will be transferring the files into a computer based DAW, the hardware unit simply being means of having a portable recording device that you use on location rather than transporting your computer. Also unless you are using paid for plug-ins with live authorisation copy protection (which wouldn't be available to you on a hardware recorder) you don't need an internet connection for your dedicated computer to function.
    2 points
  37. Oh my, that's really sweet.Please show more pics when the tort pickguard arrives. 😉
    2 points
  38. More monologue than music but the man has talent.
    2 points
  39. I appreciate Roger is worth squillions of quid, and has made a number of silly decisions over the years, but I can understand why he's a little frustrated at the moment.
    2 points
  40. And just because, here's Roger's version of Mother, which he feels should get a mention on the official PF channels. (For bonus points, PF's touring keys player is on it, too.)
    2 points
  41. It’s a copy of the Warwick Just-a-nut version 1. I have one on my old Streamer, the real JAN1, that is. I dunno, I mean, when it comes to nuts you get it right once and then you leave it alone for the rest of the life of the instrument. I’d just buy some round files with the money and learn to file nut slots to taste. It’s far cheaper in the long run.
    2 points
  42. Possibly my favourite female vocalist of all time Julianne Regan of All About Eve started as bassist with Gene Loves Jezebel (who I always think are the goth band from up the road in Cannock but they aren't ...)
    2 points
  43. I think Wals can be aggressive. Leigh Gorman has what I consider a fairly aggressive tone, and I could cop that, more or less, with my Pro IIE. My Custom could get pretty aggressive too. And Flea on Blood Sugar? That’s aggressive to me. Strangely in my experience the least aggressive is the Ray, even though I hear lots of people get plenty aggressive with them. So far I’ve not found one that gels with me; they always just seem really nasal when I play them. Still, I have the same effect on Jazz Basses. 😉😁
    2 points
  44. Those are the 1/2" licenced Ultralites.
    2 points
  45. I like Dave, I like Rog. I think Rog has a point. Now the band is no longer a going concern, it should become a legacy kinda thing, which promotes activity by the principal members. It would take a hardcore Dave fan of stalker levels to suggest The Von Trapp thing is relevant for the PF account, whereas Roger's lockdown version of Mother isn't. Mind, I'm not privy to the legalese.
    2 points
  46. I have just bought one, I can safely say YES!!!! Here's a short demo of mine: Incredible sound, honestly I can't tell it apart from a Fender 51 reissue P (10x the price). Mine came in great shape, no sticking out frets, neck pocket is WAY tighter than my American Vintage 62 P. Neck is nice, quite thick front to back but nothing ridiculous. No fret problems whatsoever. Truss rod works great. Tuners are fine, nice and tight which I like. Keeps its tuning as well as any bass i've owned. Tone and volume controls work great with great smooth range, no 'On or Off' feeling like with many cheaper basses and no crackling. Pickup sounds great, nice and clean. Only tiny thing was the A string lacked punch because of a shallow break angle, but installing a string retainer for like £3 totally fixed that. Bridge works fine, i would prefer threaded saddles to fiddle with string position but the bridge has been perfectly installed so i wouldnt want to move the strings from where they are anyway. I bought it as a bass to bring to jams, mates houses, festivals etc. but i am honestly preferring the sound to my American Vintage. 100% recommended
    2 points
  47. Balance has been restored to the force...or something....😎
    2 points
  48. Main advantage being that you can beat the crap out of someone with it, confident in the knowledge you won't need to re-tune it afterwards.
    2 points
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