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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/01/21 in Posts

  1. I don't have any issue with headphones; I use 'em all the time. Yes, I've tinnitus, too, permanently, but I just keep the 'phones at a reasonable level. They're no different, as far as the ears are concerned, than listening without. I don't 'get' the 'tone' issue, either; if this is just for practising, it's just bass, isn't it (with maybe a backing track, or metronome...). When I'm practising, I'm not looking for 'tone'; it's so room/circumstance dependant as to not be relevant. Maybe that's just me (I'm a drummer...). I'd recommend 'closed' headphones, at a low level.
    7 points
  2. My second play-along a I muck about with a new channel. Not sure where it's going yet but I'm having fun upping the production values inbetween homeschooling!
    6 points
  3. I keep on with my small pedalboard. I'm thinking about adding a MXR footswitch because to change Presets. The JHS is first in the chain. The good thing is that it has an XLR out that I can use to get just a clean sound. Then the HX stomp. The Ashdown OriginAL is in the effects loop. From the Ashdown I can get a dry signal (not affected by the preamp, but affected by the blocks of the HX) that goes to an amp (99% of the time, a backline amp). The last two blocks of the HX are the Ashdown Preamp (FX Loop) and a cab simulation (so far, the 2x15 Brute). The whole signal goes to FOH via a jack-XLR adapter. Really happy so far (and the sound guy too, in the few gigs I had at least). I am still experimenting with the cab simulations because I'm not 100% convinced.
    6 points
  4. So, this little beauty was dangled in front of me recently and I couldn’t resist 😃
    5 points
  5. I thought I'd show you guys the wiring schematic I came up with for the pickup and the BB noise killer preamp. This was one of the last jobs I had to do on the bass before finishing it.
    5 points
  6. The customer, as they say, is king. So a bit more progress. Hatch cut. Again most builders have their own ways, but I cut a paper template from the recess already cut: I cut the blank out on the bandsaw a mm or so oversize and then use the real high-tech stuff: I start with the straight run at the top and just follow the overlapped edge round with the sanding block a cm at a time. Until: ..it fits (private thought...PHEW!) With a quick sealing coat, I'm pleased that the grain is broadly in the same direction . Once it is all fully finished, it will the the same shade too. So, two more jobs to do, hopefully this afternoon: final sanding of the body cutouts and edges and the profile tweaks of the neck...and then it's the start of the finishing processes. With this part of the build process being a bit like watching paint tru-oil dry, I won't do a blow by blow - I'll do a summary of the method and show you the results when it's done Watch this space
    5 points
  7. Hellzero, that is absolutely correct! as the carbon fibre laminations in the centre of the neck are providing the majority of the stiffness and stability, the long "beam" that runs down the back of the neck can be mostly decorative. the plan is to use a series of pieces laminated together, along with the rosewood triangles cut on the mitre saw to create a marquetry pattern that runs the entire length of the neck from headstock to body. I spent a few hours planning it out in large scale, using the known thicknesses of the various pieces of veneer that i have available to me: what im aiming for is a central band, made from black walnut and a purple dyed constructional veneer, with a 5 band "rope" pattern criss crossing it up the neck something like this: the first stage in this process was laminating up several pieces for a test, and then cutting enough for a couple of repetitions of the pattern: This was the first stack of laminates I tried for the rope: the centre is Obeche, and the laminates are Koto (very similar colour to the obeche) and a black dyed veneer. it quickly became apparent, however, that although this combination was fine for the purposes of a test, these lightweight woods have a grain that is far too coarse for this kind of detailed marquetry. the small triangles that need to be cut simply splintered and disintegrated at the fine edges, so the material choice will have to be re-thought for the final piece. but once id cut the test pieces and glued them up with some CA glue, the effect doesnt look bad: Im pretty confident that with some minor adjustments to the measurements and to the materials, i can make up a beam for the back of the neck with a very similar repeating pattern. i found some 5mm oak panels at a model makers, and some tighter grained maple veneer to amke the "rope" pieces out of, which should hold together much better than the Obeche and Koto. the only issue is the oak is slightly thicker, and so the rosewood triangles will have to be re cut slightly larger, and the walnut/purple stripe will have to have an additional layer of cherry veneer added to either side to make sure the pattern continues to line up: the plan at this stage is to create a block with 6 or 7 repetitions of the pattern about 50-60mm thick, which i can then cut and lay end to end to create a single long beam with 24-28 repetitions around 10-12mm thick. ill then extend this at either end with some more rosewood and the purple/walnut/cherry pattern so that it extends all the way through the body and headstock. by my count, if you divided this neck into every single individual piece this would count as a ~660 piece laminate neck! might not be a world record but id say still pretty good! Meanwhile here are some pictures of teh PCB's for the electronics/pickups, fresh from the manufacturer: The small squares on the left are the Bobbin top/bottom pieces, which are 1mm thick. these are still really stiff and the manufactureer quotes less than 0.1mm tolerance so the holes in the middle should be bang on the 5mm needed for the magnets to fit snugly. another advantage of having these manufactured by the PCB manufacturer is the small "start" and "finish" eyelets for the copper wire are also pre drilled and have solder pads, making the whole business of making the bobbins a fair bit simpler. the third benefit of this approach is that these being pcb board have a full layer of copper top and bottom, meaning that if i finish each coil by wrapping the coil in layers of insulation and copper tape, they will be surrounded top, bottom and sides in copper shielding, to reduce EMI noise. The bobbin mount is at the bottom. when i put the bobbins togetehr, the magnets will sit proud of the top of the squares by 1mm, and then this will be connected together using the 1mm thick bobbin mount. this will mean the magnets will be flush with the top of the whole assembly, and the thickness of the pickup cover is only 1.5mm. this should mean the distance from the strings shouldnt be an issue. The big PCB is the pickup, obviously. the holes on the left hand side are to accomodate the slide switch: the holes on the right are where the LED's will be soldered, and the holes in the middle are where the coil pairs will be connected. at the top left you can also see three additional solder points; which are for the Hot, cold and an LED voltage in from the preamp PCB. the Preamp pcb will have seperate power circuits for the external power and battery power, so that the LED's dont draw battery power if the bass is running on them. Finally in the bottom left is the PCB for the preamp. this one im extremely pleased with. the final measurements were 90 x 34 mm, with both of the potentiometers (filter frequency and resonance) mounted directly to the board, and the toggle switch to change between filter orders will be connected by a wire. the spacing of the pots is 50mm, so i should be able to have the controls on the bass nicely spaced out (bearing in mind that there will be two of these boards: one for each pickup) next time round ill be putting some of the bobbins together and getting ready for winding, and also going through some of the component choices for the preamp
    5 points
  8. Whenever I come to these threads I think "Come on Andy, stop working on the bass and post something.." Whenever the owner of the bass comes to the thread they're thinking "Come on Andy stop posting and get working on the bass..." As they say, "you can't please everybody.."
    5 points
  9. It's when you do something like this, and just as you look at yourself and think, if I slipped this could hurt, you slip and find that yes, it does hurt. 😄
    5 points
  10. Spinal Tap got there first....
    5 points
  11. 5 points
  12. I printed a batch 'face-down', but the pins don't come out properly; the plastics too tiny to be useful. I've done another batch, 'face-up', which is much better. It's as easy to print six as one, so I did. Here's a 'teaser' uber-short video; real-time was three hours. I'll prepare them tomorrow; it's late now. They'll be in the post soon ...
    5 points
  13. Very good condition with a few small dings near strap button nearest to the bridge which I have photographed. Fitted with a new set of DR Neons strings and Yamaha gig bag is included. Truss rod works fine and it plays beautifully thanks to a low action. Weighs 4.2kg Bass Direct are selling this model new for £745 so a significant saving here. Can post if required, expected cost £30 but will confirm with buyer. Thanks for looking and any questions please ask. My feedback thread is here: Here is my review I posted a while ago shortly after I acquired it: Official specs: BB 734A is a Alder/Maple/Alder constructed Bass Guitar from Yamaha, featuring a hard maple centre to both increase stiffness and to accentuate the mid-range. The neck is slightly thinner than previous BB models, to help improve playability and is made up of beautiful 5-ply maple and mahogany. Onboard the guitar features two YGD Custom V7 pickups and you can completely shape your tone using the V7's 3 band EQ, pickup balancer and the active/passive switch. The unit's "Diagonal Body Thru Stringing" helps to reduce stress by transferring string vibration to the guitars body. Alder / Maple/ Alder Body Construction 6-Bolt Miter Neck Joint 5-piece Neck YGD Custom V7 Pickups (AlnicoV) 3-Band Active EQ - treble becomes passive tone is passive mode. Battery Alert LED Vintage Plus Bridge : Convertible Bridge and Saddle Lightweight Open Gear Tuners
    4 points
  14. Just for The Spondz, here you go you perv. About 21 minutes is where you need the tissue box handy.
    4 points
  15. It's true you can build the cab without the horn, but that's missing the point of the design, which was to reproduce the midrange frequencies that other cabs neglect - even cabs with a tweeter. You're right that the main driver does extend quite high but unless you're directly on axis, you - and your audience - won't hear those frequencies. This is because the cone drivers used in bass guitar cabs start to beam at around 1kHz. Stand off axis - like in front of your cab - and you won't hear the frequencies between 1kHz and 3kHz that are responsible for a lot of the bass's tone, as well as for pitch definition. To make matters worse, driver beaming means that the further you are from the sound source, the less of the direct sound you hear. You don't have to go very far before most of what you hear is what is bouncing off the walls and ceiling. Because cone drivers in most bass guitar cabs don't have adequate dispersion much above 1kHz, the indirect sound lacks those frequencies. As a result, what your audience hears is the muffled, indistinct boom boom boom we've all heard when we've listened to bass players reliant on their backline to get their sound to an audience. The midrange simply doesn't carry. This shouldn't happen if the bass is fed through a decent PA, because (good) PA's are designed to reproduce the entire frequency range and to disperse it efficiently to an audience. The technical term for all this is power response. Off the soapbox now. I appreciate that the design that was the subject of this thread is a bit too complex for most people to tackle from scratch - which is why I made the kits and ready-built crossovers available. I've been chatting to some of the usual suspects recently about designing a compact, very cheap but capable two-way ten inch cab based on the excellent "build-it-in 20-minutes" box that Phil demonstrated in the video posted on Basschat. The idea would be to keep complexity and cost to a minimum so that virtually anyone who is minded to can produce a bass cab during this awful lockdown. It will be big enough to gig with but also compact enough to use for home practice. Cost ('cos I know you're going to ask) would be well under £100 plus your wood - for a 200W 10 with a compression driver and horn. If you have a spare sheet of plywood or chipboard in your garage, so much the better. What do you think?
    4 points
  16. This is the Crimson II kit that i ended up with...and already added a 4th 8" rack tom and a 2nd dedicated ride that will be used as a china type. Absolutely loving learning to play drums which is sort of scratching a life-long itch if the truth be know. I have no idea of the drum-learning curve - how long it should take to play off beats (before and after the beat), open hats, simple 4/4 open handed, hi-hats triplets as a fill - I don't know where the hell I am in relation to what's good/bad/indifferent progress but I know I'm having a load of fun and it's taken about a week to get the hang of the above on a 4/4 beat! Lessons have proved to be a good thing in terms of technique, exercises to ensure progression etc. (I have also cabled wrapped the cables nicely - it was day one and I wanted to hit things!)
    4 points
  17. Lots of criticism of how Gibson/ Peavey have managed the TE takeover and rightly so IMO. TE was a market leader till it was sold and left to wither away. From the ashes of TE came Ashdown who took the design, invested in it and moved it into the 21st Century. Look at their range - loads of proper quality and diversity. Also you're getting what is arguably the best Customer Service of any manufacturer. As a long time lover of TE (and not just the slap tone) I think it's a disgrace how TE has been mismanaged and neglected since control left the UK. I had this very conversation with Paul Stevens at LBGS - he left shortly after to join Blackstar because of the lack of commitment to the brand. It's implied that TE fans are just reminiscing - I'm not - I want a modern day TE with the brand's legendary quality which lives up to the name and reputation of the classic, world beating stuff and TBH the only place I believe this is available in 2021 is ASHDOWN!!! The talk of how good the Elf is disgusts me - it's a pitiful excuse for an amp wearing the TE label - 200w?? Where are the proper models? The 350 and 500w models? If there was any commitment to rebuilding the brand they would have been in the pipeline when the 200w was released - what have we seen since? NOTHING!!! Maybe TE is only going to be remembered by a group of 40+ old men - in the same way as other classics - Levi jeans, Indian and Triumph Motorcycles - if so let it die being what is was....a world beating legend - not some two bob imitator or tatt!!!
    4 points
  18. I must admit it looked like the opening sequence for an episode of Casualty...
    4 points
  19. Here's another one. From the 1990s
    4 points
  20. Love watching these videos. SaimoN the Mudvayne stuff is great - that must have taken quite a while to learn??! Very impressive. Jay2U your videos are next level, do you record in front of a green screen or something? I've just put another cover up on youtube, Is This Love by Bob Marley & The Wailers. Haven't really got the right hand technique together at all playing up near the fretboard like that - something to work on over lockdown! Caroline
    4 points
  21. Featuring some of my closest friends, and my old man sharing lead vocal duties with the guitarist from his band!
    4 points
  22. Over the years I've owned a bunch of 5 string basses, not out of necessity but because I wanted to have the option. I have owned Squiers, Peaveys, EBMM, G&L, Lakland... Some were really sweet, like the Lakland 5502, some had the sound I wanted (EBMM SUB5), but I never really gelled with any. My girlfriend bought me a Harley Benton MB-5 SBK (the Stingray style one in satin black finish) for Xmas... and I haven't played anything else since. At first I made lots of mistakes, and my muting left a lot to be desired. But the bass felt great, it's light (8.6 lbs, which for a 5 string is pretty good), and it sounds good too. Because it felt and sounded 'just right', it didn't feel like homework... so I made the point of using this one exclusively so that I get used to the 5th string, and within 2-3 weeks I have improved a lot. I still make a mistake here and there, and occasionally I get the wrong string(s) ringing, still lots to do, but I'll get there. Ok, so that's the bit about getting used to the ergonomics of a 5-string. What about the advantages? I didn't really care that much for having a few additional lower notes available to me, although sometimes it's nice (very nice), but I really like covering so much ground *across* the strings. It's actually easier to play without looking at the fingerboard because I have to move a lot less up and down the neck and when I do it's typically one position (3-4 frets) higher or lower, which is easy to shift without looking. That is nice. It also gives me more note options easily, as the octave (higher or lower, depending) is just there at your fingertips much more frequently than on a 4-string... I seem to be able to break from my usual patterns more easily too. I played one of my 4-string basses yesterday and it was familiar territory and comfortable and all, but I missed that low B string, and the ability to choose say between an F on the low E 1st fret, or on the low B 6th fret: one sounds tighter and the other sounds fatter, so you can pick one or the other depending on what you're playing. I can't believe it took me this long to 'get it'. I knew, of course, that the extended range available 'sideways' across the strings was one of the selling points of a 5 string, but because I never gelled with any 5-string bass I never played them long enough to really absorb it into my playing. Now I feel like I'be been missing out a lot
    3 points
  23. Coming soon to a pub near you. Or not, as the case may be ... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-55794674
    3 points
  24. 2002-2004 Fender Jp62 Precision Bass in Fiesta Red Had this one for a number of years.. but never gigged Pickups are Bass Lines quarter pounders (I'm presuming this as that's what I was putting in to basses at the time) Weighs in at less than 9lbs! I'll stick some more details on here later and will answer any questions £800 (plus delivery)
    3 points
  25. I've been introduced here by member reggaebass. I am a reggae specialist and toured with many Jamaican and U.K reggae artists from Black Uhuru to UB40 but also played with a few high profile pop artists from Craig David to Hugh Cornwell. It's all music to me. I am also a Grammy award winning producer. Most of all, I love to share the knowledge. So pick my brains anytime. That's enough about me. See you on the inside
    3 points
  26. Mk347 Travs bass couch...
    3 points
  27. You might as well just open a packet of spaghetti and photograph that for all this diagram means to me @Cosmicrain! 😁 Still, I guess only one of us needs to know what you're doing! 😉
    3 points
  28. Yes, I do use a green screen. Here's how. 😎
    3 points
  29. Yes, the Andertons website is a bit annoying. For example, it shows 22 Spector basses but when you click on them, you realise that they only have 5 in stock. Back to EBMM: For us to compare oranges with oranges (instead of apples), the new Stingray Special in black costs £2,749. I bought the same (yes, mine had an ebony FB instead of maple but that should not make much of a price difference, right?) for £2,099 in October 2019 from BD. So, the new price is a whopping £650 higher.
    3 points
  30. I have six almost identical basses. (long story 😀) Only different colors and built 79/80/81/82. There is a tangiable difference between them. It doesn't take much to alter the sound. A twist on the pickup screws or a tad higher on the bridge. Now two are BEAD, and one has flats. The rest have D'Addario XL170.
    3 points
  31. Having actually been bothered to look at the pics, I'm confident that no-one will either be surprised (or care!) that I think I know what this was. Before it was a bitsa with a cheapo Chinese neck, crappy tuners & Ebay knockoff sticker, it was an Italian-made Melody 5000. Check out the oddly bulbous lower horn, square truss access & skinny neckplate: https://best-vintage-guitars.de/melody_precision_bass_italy.html Ashytrays aren't standard & f*** knows what's under them - although 'demarzios' weren't standard on either Ibanez or Melody P copies. I suppose the body grain's quite nice though. A decent Melody 5000 would probably be £100-£150. Seen a few with split bodies/necks so likely that's the case here.
    3 points
  32. Pins are absolutely not an issue, I'll take a pinless badge over no badge any day. Dad you're a superstar, thank you.
    3 points
  33. Haggis neeps and tatties with a Whisky ju and a wee dram of Cardhu 12 yr old.👍
    3 points
  34. I love the range of adjectives we use to describe the sound of our basses. So far on this thread, we've had: aggressive, airy, alive, articulate, balls, bark, bright, brittle, clean, crystalline, dynamic, dark, edge, full ranged, grit, growl, generic, honk, indifferent, lively, nasal, nasty, open, punchy, resonant, singing, smooth, snappy, thick, thin, tight, twangy, unrefined, upper-middy, warm, and woody. And yes, I even sorted them into alphabetical order. Actually yes, it IS a slow work day at the moment, how did you know?
    3 points
  35. No! But I hope for their sake it was p1ss, imagine if it had Watneys Red Barrel in it and some went in the drummer's mouth 🤢
    3 points
  36. That's exactly my situation with my 1000MA's. I owned about 15 (?) BB's in total but I only play my 1000MA's. I sold even the 3000 and the 3000MA (besides two 1600, 1024, several 414.424,614) but every time I am in love with anything else and then play the 1000MA again... it's clear that this is my bass. Sometimes I just don't realize that I found my bass and tone and feel many years ago. Well, it is so much fun buying another bass, but in the end it always comes down to my two- for me - very special basses. I do need a different tone from time to time for more hifi sounds on recordings. But my fingers fuse with the fretboard on this bass like with no other. If I would realize this there would be no reason for any new bass and this for about 20 years backwards now. Thank god I'm not that smart ! 😛 And sorry for my bad English- I'm trying 🤪 I can oder a beer but telling a story forwards / backwards ... I am still struggling ! 😉
    3 points
  37. They need to bring back the BB's with pick up rings! Nothing else matters 😎
    3 points
  38. Picking up a 5 string bass has easily been the best bass thing that's happened to me since, well, err...first picking up a 4 string bass 😁
    3 points
  39. Having played slightly-wrong basslines to famous songs for years, I see this as a chance to come back to them 'fresh'. 😎
    3 points
  40. Decided to sell my trusty Aguilar Octamizer octave pedal. I've had this pedal for several years and love all the sounds this thing can make. Unfortunately it's just not getting the use it deserves at the moment. Condition is very good considering I've had it for some time now and it still works perfectly. Unfortunately the original box is long gone but I will make sure it is posted in a secure way. These look to be about £175 new so at £90 I think this is a great deal. UK postage included in price. OctveBass.mp4
    2 points
  41. My drum machine history goes like this: 1. 1981-1982 Boss DR55 Doctor Rhythm. Used live. Had just about enough patterns (one per song) for a 10 song set with careful use of the A/B switch and some external triggered percussion sounds to add variation to duplicated patterns. Didn't sound anything like "real" drums but the band had a percussionist to add the rhythmic interest. 2. 1983-1985 Roland TR808. Recorded to cassette for live use. Just one song memory so recording to tape was the only way we could get a whole set out of it. I did see a band use one live instead of a drummer, but it could only be done with a lot of lateral thinking and live pattern/fill-in changing. Still didn't sound much live "real" drums, but we were an all-synth band so it didn't really matter. As we were recording all the drum parts we took full opportunity of external percussion sounds and studio processing to get the rhythm track sound we wanted. 3. 1985-1987 Yamaha RX11. Recorded to cassette for live use. Had up to 99 pattern and 99 song memories, but in practice the rhythm parts for 2 songs would use up all the available pattern memory. Typical 80s sampled drum sounds. Kick, Snare and Closed HiHat were pretty good, the rest were generally replaced or augmented with extra samples or synthesised percussion. 4. 1988-1991 Alesis HR16. Used live in conjunction with a drummer playing an acoustic kit. Now that finally had a drum machine that sounded (at the time) like a real drummer, I spent most of my time trying to manipulate the built-in sounds so they wouldn't conflict with what our drummer was doing. Use to add some extra percussion sounds (and something for the drummer to keep in time to) for about half the set where we also had sequenced synth parts. That pretty much used up all the available memory. 5. 1992-1996 Ensoniq EPS16+ Sampler with build-in sequencer. The sampler part was great, but the sequencer wasn't a particularly user-friendly way of programming drum parts. Most of the time I would bash away at the keyboard until the quantisation gave me the rhythm I wanted. If the beats were out, it was generally easier to have another go than try and edit them into the correct place. Used live. With the expanded memory there was just enough room to get all the sample we needed for a complete set loaded up simultaneously. The sequences for each song had to be loaded as required from floppy disk, but it was fast enough not to ruin the flow of the set. From 1995 onwards I got a Mac and Logic V2 (IIRC) sequencer, and all the rhythm parts were programmed on that which was a lot easier. For live use they were saved on floppy disks as Standard MIDI files and play back from a MIDI file player, which was probably the most unreliable piece of high-tech equipment I have ever had the misfortune to own. It would go wrong (usually in a quite spectacular way) almost ever other gig. Was finally replaced by... 6.1997-2002 Akai S2000. Pretty much as before but all the drum parts were created in Logic and loaded into the Akai as MIDI files. The Akai was expanded to the max with Flash RAM which allowed 16MB of samples to be permanently loaded and retained even after the power was turned off. The MIDI files still had be loaded from floppy disks, but went into RAM rather than being read in real time from the drive, so it was rock solid. We liked the drum sounds we had sampled so much than when we came to record our album all the live drums were replaced by them except for the HiHats. 7. 2002-present. EXS24 sampler plugin in Logic. The original version would read Akai formatted floppy disks and sample CDs so I simply loaded all my Akai programs into it and this is what I have been using ever since. For live use the drum and percussion tracks are saved as a stereo audio file since reading that from an SSD is more reliable than running the plugin.
    2 points
  42. Progress slowed down due to curfew .... Anyway, I decided to work with what I have and I am creating a pick cover/ramp in Mahogany, Maple Top and Wenge sides. Don’t ask me why, but it felt a good idea at the time now I do not have enough Wenge left for a Wenge cap. Maple cap glued on, phase 2 is the wenge side. Once dry I will sand to size on my oscillating belt sander thingy.
    2 points
  43. @mhoss32 This is becoming a Mad Professor project and I absolutely love it 😍 . The marquetry idea for the neck is simply awesome ! Indeed boredom is the mother of creativity ! 👏👍👌
    2 points
  44. You gents just don't realise how cathartic it is to be hearing that the pain threshold I experienced in trying to program my SR-18 wasn't unique! Although we're completely agreed on this point, if someone did ask us what a drum machine is - a fair response might be "a box with a programmable computer chip inside"... It's key redeeming feature is that it doesn't look or feel like our laptops! 😁
    2 points
  45. From the 1973 Greenslade album of the same name, this is Tony Reeve's bass part for the title tune, 'Bedside Manners Are Extra'. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/bedside-manners-are-extra-greenslade/
    2 points
  46. It's the other way around. The principle point of complex bracing in cabs is not to provide strength. It is to cancel and/or control panel resonance, break up standing waves by interrupting the internal space and manage/control airflow in the cab. A braced cab means that you can achieve strength with thinner, lighter timber. The lightness is a consequence (and a benefit) of that. Honeycomb structures are widely used in engineering to give strength without the need to resort to expensive, high-tech materials or to add bulk and weight.
    2 points
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