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8 points
Well, didn’t actually think it would happen, but with a little patience….my old Lakland 55-01 is back with me. I sold it getting on for 2 years ago, and regretted it ever since! Luckily I was still in contact with the person I sold it to, and after a little wrangling (who could blame him, it’s a great bass), finally the sale back to me happened. Its almost exactly as it was when I sold it, I think the ‘Vintage Cream’ finish has yellowed mildly, but could just be the lights here at the services on the way to my gig haha. Still had the US Bartolini pickups and preamp I put in it thankfully, although currently strung with some horrible roundwounds. Will get it setup ASAP with some La Bella Ltd edition White Nylons. Some nicer pictures soon when it’s all setup and cleaned a little! Si7 points
The bass arrived today! All i can say is, the weight is perfect as is the balance, excellent low action, amazing sound. The craftsmanship is probably the best i have ever experienced (and i have owned a few high end basses). Here's a few pics for now, i intent to get back with a video asap7 points
6 points
Here's a great specimen of an American classic P bass. It shows some sign of wear....being nitro finished, it will mojofy quicker than poly basses....which is kind of nice. Includes original bridge and pick up covers (never installed as well as case candy. Speaking of the case, it's not the original but an American Professional case. Keys included.4 points
Tentatively listing my Marcus Miller Jazz 5 as my Sadowsky is getting all the love at the moment. Would also be open to trades for a Sadowsky J5 with cash either way depending in which line. This is one of the USA made MM jazzes. Really lovely neck and feel and nice radius to the fingerboard. It has been professionally refinished by ‘relic art France’ (google them) in Candy Tangerine. There is a lovely subtle sparkle to the finish which is very hard to do justice in the photos. Original preamp has been replaced with a Sadowsky one with VTC and the poly neck finish has been stripped and refinished with gun stock oil for a much smoother feel. Also includes Fender softcase and pickup cover. Weight on my luggage scales is a comfortable 4.5kg/9.9lbs Located in Chessington KT9 but travel quite a lot, feel free to come round for a play and give me a shout if you have any questions. EDIT: Open to offers on this. Also realised that one of the pics has Aguilar pickups, I'm selling with the original pickups which in my opinion sound better. Cheers Dan4 points
So 2021 was due to be a fallow year in terms of gear buying for me but I fell off the wagon early and to say I didn't buy much gear this year couldn't be further from the truth. So, to finish off the year in style I decided I wanted to add another P Bass to my collection, before trying (really trying) to be sensible next year with my purchases. I wanted something different to my number 1 P bass that I could primarily string with round wounds, but similar enough that I could dial those buttery P Bass tones in when needed. I didn't want to spend a huge amount of money though. Anyway, speaking to an old mucker of mine yesterday who plays mainly keys, he told me he had just got hold of a new Lakland Skyline Special Edition 44-64 that he can't quite gel with. He said wasn't too far from me this weekend so we arranged to meet up and he popped over today with the bass. It's in an Ice Blue Metallic finish with a Jazz width neck and for something I wouldn't usually like, it sort of works for me looks-wise. Practically it's a wee bit heavier than I would usually feel comfortable with (it's 9 1/2lbs) and I'm not a fan of PJ's but I forgot just how good Laklands are to play. This one is exceptionally playable and on a strap it really doesn't feel heavier than my other basses at all. Sound-wise the Jazz pickup is noticeably quieter than the P bass one (as I've found with most PJ's) and even when both are blended in I can't hear any discernible difference to a usual P Bass pickup. Build quality is right up there as it is with any other Lakland I've played and man, that neck is just something else. I've got it for today and tomorrow to see how I get on with it. Weight aside (it really doesn't feel that heavy on a strap) and the fact it's a bit gaudy for my usual tastes: Oh, and the fact it's a PJ, it just plays so well. I'm really tempted, especially as GG has them in their sale currently (£899) which is less than annex-demo they're also advertising with a bit of damage!4 points
Played my first gig with a "new" band last night... New in that I joined at the end of October but they've been going over ten years. Absolute belter. Made plenty of little fumbles at the start but no songs fell apart. Played one of their biggest gigs first off, great experience this time of year with people out in party mood and knocking out a few Xmas songs. More practice to do, next gig is 7th January!! But people were out in force last night to enjoy live music, it was a great experience.4 points
I’ve never played with a pick, it’s not for me but the tones bobby gets from this 64 is amazing4 points
Few mistakes and the only recording I got of my jazz before I fell out of love with it4 points
The final pedals to go . Some I thought were dead , but turned out it was a faulty Voodoo lab lead . Only original box I have , is for the chorus . All will be well boxed , and all prices are for Recorded/Signed for Royal Mail delivery . SFX Burninator . One off Phaser/Fuzz built for someone . There's a video of this on Youtube , from the previous owner . £110 SFX Micro Fuzz . Only issue with this , is that the LED doesn't work . Everything else is OK . £45 Sold SFX Micro Headphone amplifier . Headphone out is 1/4 " , and AUX in is standard micro jack . £45 Sold SFX Micro Energizer . Sort of like Max's version of the Aphex pedal I reckon . Quite subtle , but a really nice 'slap stomp pedal' . £45 Sold TC Electronic Corona mini chorus . £45 Sold Malekko E.Filter . £45 Sold IE Oxide . £65 Sold Crowther Audio Prunes and Custard . These are great , and a somewhat unique pedal . £110 Sold3 points
Hello, I bought this cab on Basschat in 2020 but I’ve only used it on three gigs. Since getting a few smaller Markbass cabs this hasn’t left the house - hence me putting it up for sale. It’s in pretty much mint condition, and comes with a fitted Roqsolid cover. Its a vertical 2x12 plus an adjustable tweeter. Lovely sounding thing - articulate and open sounding, and its lightweight neo speakers, castor wheels and carrying handles mean it’s easy to lift. 600w at 4ohms 42hz - 18khz Sensitivity - 101db at 1w/m Weight - 47lb / 23kg Dimensions - 78.8cm x 54cm x 42cm Looking for £400. Prefer collection or meet up if possible somewhere near to Leicester. NOW SOLD THANKS. Cheers3 points
I’ll keep the description short as we all know about these hallowed items of Barefaced greatness. Both the FR800 and LF1400 are now discontinued so very difficult to acquire. I offer you the ability today to grab you and your band/venue the world’s greatest portable PA. -2x FR800 Tops -1x LF1400 Sub All with their official Barefaced covers. Everything is immaculate and in full-working order. I’m after £2500 all together (not splitting currently), which is a significant saving off their cost new. Collection from Surrey (KT18) or I’m willing to drive and meet within reason.3 points
So finally having a clear out now and this baby has been with me over 25 years! However, it's sitting in the cupboard now as I've moved to 5 string. This really is a great bass. I basically learnt a lot of my technique on this, it was my first proper bass (having been via Fender Katana (I know!), Westone Concorde etc.). It (and a Billy Shehan video, yes VIDEO) inspired me to get into tapping, harmonics, slap etc. I went to Denmark Street with a pocket full of cash I'd saved up from part time jobs while at uni and never looked back. The low impedance pickups on these are ace. Neck is lovely and despite being painted its not sticky and plays really well and has no dings or scratches. Neck is straight and still reacts to truss adjustment. I've been over the fretboard and filed down a couple of buzzes but no major issues to report. Fretboard is basically mint and I've oiled it over the years. Basswood body I believe. Weight is 3.7kg (with the strap on). Condition is very good for its age. I've tried to picture the damage but there really isn't a lot. Mainly the end of the head stock (cos of small practice rooms!) and a couple of dings on the body but no real cracks, scratches or buckle rash on the back. Slight hazy wear where thumb reasts and under G string due to popping but not a lot and may even polish out as its quite faint. The original preamp just blew up one day (it only seemed to be a couple of capacitors anyway). No sound as such and crackles so I swapped it out for a Belcat (I think it was called) which now has two volumes instead of the usual volume and blend, bass and treble. Not to everyones taste but can be changed if need be. The pickups will do the job whatever the pre and you still get that classic SR tone. I've pictured the pre but there is no name or serial on it. I swapped the knobs a while ago but I still have the originals and will supply. Also comes in genuine Ibanez gig bag with ruck-sack straps. Will definitely be sad to see this go but it deservers to be played! Will post or meet within reasonable distance. Will add postage price soon, I have a box so price will be the standard for that size so you can check the cost. Thanks for looking!3 points
3 points
First sanding down done - 120 grit wet and dry. Here it is damped to remove dust and check evenness…3 points
I've done some trimming on the neck: Picked out the bits if orange box for the top The back of the body is made from a piano panel that had oak under the veneer, I've kept some veneer (two layers in all ) to reinforce the orange box where there are cavities in the body. Veneer reinforcement in situ on the back of the orange box.3 points
That's lovely! Forgot about this thread let me pop a couple of finished pics here!3 points
Also started the long and drawn out process of Danish Oil on the neck..3 points
I think the thrust of what you're saying is right. My experience is that you can get a better sound and improved playability if you're prepared to pay more (obviously not always), but it's usually a law of diminishing returns. Cabs are where I've found the biggest correlation between improved sound and spending more. After a certain point, though, pretty much all the improvement in how good a bass player you are and your sound is going to be down to you and time spent on the fretboard and playing with other good musicians. It's the old story - a great bass player will sound great with whatever gear he or she has to hand, but a poor bass player is not going to sound like a pro even if he or she has a £20k set up. But, let's face it, gear is a lot of fun! And if it brings us enjoyment and we can comfortably afford what we're buying, then why not?3 points
Enough is enough. I can’t keep staining bits of offcut. So, here it is with the first coat of Phthalo Blue…3 points
Maybe if you had played the John Cage piece 4'33" you would have had more success.3 points
I'm back in the Music Man camp, this time in a passive way. Haven't used it in anger yet but have high hopes3 points
3 points
That's just reminded me of an incident that happened to me. We'd all agreed a song and a version. There was a tricky phase in the middle that I knew was going to be tricky and spent far too long working on it, even to the point of writing out the dots. Came to the practice, hit the phrase, drummer and myself play it perfectly. Guitarist all over the place, and the song crashes. So we ask what he's playing and he shows us. "Play it again, I'm not sure you've got the timing right." "Oh, you can't count it, you've got to feel it." Exchange glances with drummer who has now folded his arms. So guitarist plays it again louder. Drummer and I watch intensly. So he pays it again even louder. Me: "OK. I can't get that from what you're playing. I'll go away and work on it" - in the vein hope he'll actually take that as a clue to go away and work on the phrase himself. "It's easy,it's just:" - plays phrase badly even louder.3 points
Having played mostly live for all my bass playing career, I've come to the conclusion that (most) basses sounds bassy. I pick the bass I'm playing on a whim. My cheapest (current) bass cost £350, my most expensive cost £1600. I've owned and played cheaper and more expensive. Is the £1600 bass better? Not really - I just bought it because I liked and continue to like it and there was no cheaper option. My choices in bass are almost entirely aesthetic and ergonomic, with a side order of disliking Jazz basses - I've tried them and they just don't work for me on any level. I'm not saying anyone is wrong to deep dive into the minutae of what makes their sound theirs, I'm just happy existing in a place and point in my life where I just don't care about that level of frankly distracting and exhausting (to me) detail any more and simply enjoy playing bass for bass's sake.3 points
Maybe next time you play it do an announcement, here’s the rubbish song where you can go to the bar or have a cigarette outside.3 points
ugh the 'plays by feel' thing... freestyle jazz? That translates to me as someone who doesn't understand musical structures / forms, get things wrong, makes it up and calls it 'playing by feel...'. Is everyone else meant to be telepathic when he screws up (sorry, 'plays by feel')? Some forms lend themselves to improvisation, others don't. If you are in a group that improvises, then there will be procedures to flag what's going on (two foot stamps or whatever). As someone said earlier, the guy is gaslighting. Definitely good to escape I think.3 points
I'm not quite sure that everybody replying to this has quite grasped it - Ms Swift is the suee, not the suer (sewer?).3 points
3 points
Just completed an overseas sale. Lots of extra issues now post-brexit of course but what I wanted to mention was the inclusion of an Apple AirTag. For £29 we were able to keep an eye on the progress of the bass as it left the Country, got held at customs (very helpful because the courrier tracking suggested it was being delivered at the time), and then tracking in the destination country all the way to it's new home. Clearly a few quid extra cost but for a higher value transaction a lot of added piece of mind!!!3 points
3 points
I’ve started my next round of builds with two matching five string basses and my first guitar build. I wanted to build two basses to test out different things on one build before doing it on the second as that’s my first instrument for someone else. For those of you who follow me on Instagram I have been posting about it for a while so sorry for duplication. I’ve sorted the woods and basic spec. I have tried to use plenty of domestic woods: build 1 - test bass pippy yew top sycamore body sycamore neck english maple f/board 34” 5 string Taran Singlecut 5 shape hardware tbc build 2 - Dans bass buckeye Burl top black limba body maple and Wenge neck bog oak fingerboard 34” 5 string Taran Singlecut 5 shape jazz bass pickups rest of hardware tbc bonus round - 7 string guitar ash body name of shape to be decided london plane neck rosewood board humbuckers2 points
This has been my gigging bass since summer. I've been a on a quest for "keeper" P bass, and this came in a close second to my custom build P bass I just built up. These Player series basses are fantastic and the necks are a real joy to play. I played this stock as is (I did have a tort scratch plate on it) for many gigs we did this year. That being said, it's in great shape for being a gigged bass. Hard to find a blemish on it. Comes trung with original Fender round rounds. I used flatwounds when I gigged it so there is no fret wear. Happy to meet West London on on the coast near Lymington. Also happy to ship. Here it is in action this September at the Goodwood Festival:2 points
2 points
It's the room plus the number of punters, plus whatever instruments you bandmates are playing. I EQ the drums on the PA (when I have the whole kit on the desk) to be complementary to the bass, so the two instruments don't fight. I try to make sure that the guitars have exactly the right amount of low-mids on the PA, and no more, so they don't clash with the bass. I work on the sound via the tablet throughout the gig, changing levels and EQ in real time, taking into account how many people arrive or leave at any given time, and of course when anybody swaps instruments on stage (bass guitar to DB, different guitars, etc.) Bass tends to sound better at a distance, because of its long wavelength. The sound on stage should be set up for the band to hear themselves and each other clearly; the main job for the audience should be left to the PA and the sound engineer (assuming there is one). Mids. When in doubt, always cut the low frequencies and boost the mids on the bass.2 points
Only just heard about this today, very sad news, was a huge fan of his playing with Sly, especially back in the 80s. Rythym killers was fantastic. Saw them with the taxi gang in Manchester in about 89, the air was heady and the bass did throb mightily. RIP dude.2 points
Update: I went to the post office and claimed my item today. The outer box was not as I expected, so I opened it right away, just before heading back home. Of course, I took some photos (see pics below). Now, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! 😁 I emailed Dawson’s customer service, to send my thanks and to tell them that I have collected my order from the post office. I also tried sending a thank you message to Dawson’s Facebook page but I am unable to send it. When I checked, the same Dawsons Music Facebook page is currently unavailable. Thanks, @AndyTravis for your help. You’re the best! I really do appreciate your assistance. @BaldyBlues, as mentioned above, I received my purchase today by collecting it from the post office. I hope your order will be (or has been) successful too. Thank you to all the BC members who has replied to this thread. I felt supported. To the admin, I guess you can now close this thread. I wish everyone the best during the holidays!2 points
Best guitarist I have ever played with had 'feel' but didn't play with feel. If that makes sense.2 points
There are plenty of people out there that do play by feel, but they just get on with it and don't use it as an excuse for being all over the place. The "you, with your musical 'rules' are restricted whereas I, free, let the creativity pour out of me" BS always comes from people who at the end of the day just aren't very good musicians.2 points
2 points
My expensive custom bass doesn't sound any better than my cheap basses but it does play better. Having said that, at the moment I seem to prefer playing my Squier basses which all have custom pickups installed. It changes but at the moment the most important element in my tone (other than my fingers!!) are strings, which I think are a critical factor, and a decent compressor. At the height of his career Jaco almost wouldn't play live without his Acoustic 360, saying it was an essential part of his tone. But Jaco would sound like Jaco whatever he was playing.2 points
2 points
I've just copyrighted this : I'm now going to sue everyone and become very rich. 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈2 points
I’m biased but will say Totally Wired by The Fall. I think the ghost notes work particularly well with a pick - but all their bass lines are pick driven.2 points
Well, unlike Dungwall/Fartgas, a P with SS through a tube amp actually sounds classic and great, rather than like a sterile lifeless wet fart of a cliché that induces puke reflexes.2 points
Shure GLX systems. Build in accurate tuner on pedal board unit, clear battery level indicator on pedal board unit, long lasting rechargeable body pack, bullet proof construction, simple to use, no drop outs and zero discernible latency to my ears. It may not be the cheapest, but you’ll be getting a quality reliable wireless system that will last.2 points
It's been a bit 'head down and battle on' with this one. Added some luminlay side dots and top MoP dots to the fretboard: Made some knobs: Fixed the magnets to the control hatch and the flush-fit truss rod cover: I'll be staining the spruce under the thumbnail cutaway so it blends in better: Note the headstock swifts also added. The positioning was thought up by Jack and his good lady. I think it's great And that's the basic build done Still to do is the final finishing, the fret ends/levelling/etc and then just the installation of the hardware and electrics And so, just a couple of gratuitous mockups and then, sometime back end of next week, I should be able to show the completed guitar2 points
2 points