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  1. I too played a depressingly empty venue last night. It used to be buzzing, a great gig, but alas it's on its arse these days. Luckily the band I was with really clicks; all top musicians, all in fine form. We had a blast. This was my rig and boy did it sing.
    19 points
  2. Three months ago, I set about "re-doing" our lounge. We've lived here for four and a half years, and it's the last room to tackle. Ok, I haven't rushed it, but I've been steadily working on it when I can. Rewiring, re-plastering, new floor etc, quite a big job. When I started drawing up the plans for the room, and details of shelving etc, I went into detail what my wife wanted, where things would go etc, and she suggested that I should include guitar wall hangers. Now, it may not seem like a big deal, but when your wife wants you to hang guitars in the lounge, then I think you have to admit that you have chosen wisely in the relationship game. Today I finally finished the shelving and the guitar hangers, and it really has started to come together. Just a TV and sound system to go now. She is admittedly my biggest musical fan, and she does often want to come to my gigs. Sitting here, with it all approaching the finish line, I still have to pinch myself when I think about the absolute gem of a woman who has chosen to share her life with me. Just sayin. Rob
    18 points
  3. Played a 40 minute set at the Oxjam Beeston Music Festival, which is an annual event featuring 100+ bands, solos and duos playing in 20 venues in Beeston, Nottingham, raising money for Oxfam. We were in The Hope Pole pub which was rammed with punters all well lubricated and having a great time. We played sans drummer as he wasn't available and neither was our usual dep. My rig was my Gallien Krueger MB150 with matching extension cab (both bought off here) and it stood up well and may become my go-to rig for small pub gigs. We DI'd it and the sound guy said 'that's a hot signal for such a little amp' My Lull P4 did the honours. This is my fifth Oxjam Beeston with 2 different bands and it's always a blast. Pic is a screenshot of a video my mate shot
    14 points
  4. We (Fine Lines) played an outlier gig as a part of Leek Americana and Blues Festival in the grandly titled "Leek Bar and Grill" which appeared to have a bar and presumably had a grill (although it wasn't visible). It was the first outing for our new line-up, which featured a change of singist (who also played guitar) and drumist (who was playing cajon, so probably needs to be described as cajonist). All things considered, it wasn't terrible. We didn't get glassed off and the venue has asked us to return (as a band, not as patrons).
    14 points
  5. Last night - Depressingly empty in a massive room. Easy and stress free. just deflating. Tonight - Claustrophobically busy in a corner of a pub. A calamitous gig full of all sorts of things I could moan about. ”best band we’ve seen at Chorley Live” ”that was so much better than all this covers crap” ”we’ve been playing your EP at home and came just to see you” So… weird weekend.
    14 points
  6. Hurtsfall also played Oxjam Beeston yesterday. Our synth-driven post-punk/goth was sandwiched between a band doing covers of songs like "Fat-Bottomed Girls" in an Americana style and a sensitive acoustic folk duo. We were playing out doors so it was just as well that the forecast had changed from 40% chance of rain to sunny and some clouds. Compared with our recent gigs the sound on stage was a bit weedy, but at least we could hear the drums from the backing. There was a decent crowd watching and although we couldn't persuade them the come any nearer to the front of the stage, they did appear to be enjoying us. The cover of "Enola Gay" went down well and caught the attention of a number of people walking past who then stayed to watch the rest of the set, and the timing of the set was just right so it started to get properly dark during our last two songs which added to the atmosphere. Even sold some of our new T-shirt designs - this was the first gig that we had them - which is a rarity for Oxjam where the focus is on donating to the charity rather buying band merch, and would have probably sold CD copies of our next single too, except despite being promised them for Friday, they still haven't been delivered. There were a couple of professional-looking photographers in attendance, so hopefully some decent photos will show up on social media in the next couple of days. We're back in more conventional (for us) surroundings on Thursday when we play at The Chapel in Nottingham supporting Byronic Sex & Exile.
    13 points
  7. Interesting one last night. Tiny pub, a dep drummer, and I was strapped into ‘the appliance’ I have depped with the drummer before in other bands and knew he would be fine. The others were a little unsure beforehand going in with no rehearsal but all was fine. He lays into his kit a lot more than our normal drummer but knows what he’s doing and has feel so he and I had a talk through funnies for stops, tops & tails in the set and with that and me talking through cues during the set (while playing bass, singing bv’s and trying to stay upright much to the huge amusement of the WAGs) we made it through ok. It is a tiny pub and originally we were going to be one guitarist down, but he made it in the end. It would have been very difficult with our usual drummer’s rack system but the dep has a more compact kit so we squeezed in just about. I am three weeks into six weeks non weight bearing on my left ankle after an operation. It has been a bit of a trial, not painful just a PITA. Been living at my late mother’s house as there’s a Stannah and a wet room there which makes life easier. Been getting around the house on a Strideon kneeler scooter hired for the six weeks suggested by the physio at hospital before I was discharged. About a week to ten days ago I found an advert for an iWalk 3.0 and ordered one which is great. Took very little time to get walking on it once it was put together and adjusted for height and I can heartily recommend it for anyone that may be in the same boat - in November it’ll be largely surplus to requirements and up for sale 😁 So with the new appliance strapped on I was able to do most of the gig standing. Only issue was towards the end of each set when my right leg started to go to sleep 😴 aeb46226-2d87-4db8-b804-6b24d34e0d16.mp4
    12 points
  8. A weird one last night in Blackwater, Surrey. Gig number 1 of a final 6 gig run in to folding the band up. I decided a few months back to pack the band in - a combination of getting fed up with hauling tons of gear around every weekend, a dodgy back causing me days of discomfort after every gig, not getting any help with the backroom side of the band (booking gigs and social media stuff) and a few niggling personal gripes within the band that weren't really fixable were the primary reasons behind the decision. It's been a blast for 15 years but it was getting to be the same old gigs/people/songs and I want my weekends back to do some travelling and other things before I get too old and health issues start biting. I told the guys and offered to help source a new bass player with them but they decided that A - I was too talented and good looking to replace or B - they couldn't be arsed with the whole breaking a new boy in thing so they decided to do a few gigs at our fave venues and then call it a day in December. So we played in Surrey and had people from Margate and even France travelled over to say farewell with us. Humbled is the word.... We played really well even after an 8 week break due to summer hols and my Dad dying, the crowd were amazing and a couple of songs in I was beginning to wonder if i had made a poor decision. Then I did the pack up afterwards for an hour and a bit, did the long drive round the M25 home to Essex and realised I couldn't really face much more of that. So I guess I'll have 5 more gig reports to post and then thats me done. That's All Folks!!!
    11 points
  9. Played two gigs this weekend with my band Ruff Edge. One in McSorleys Glasgow City centre on Friday evening and as usual busy night,great punters and the band went down a storm! I have 3 more gigs to do with this band then I am leaving so it's been nice that the last few weeks have been so good. Nice to end on a high. Contrast with Saturday night in Mavrix.Sports bar in nearby Hamilton. Usual leftovers from watching the football when we start up and it settles in to about 24 punters in the first half. We have a break and start back as a few more punters leave....ends up the last hour playing to 7 folk plus 3 bar staff. This is not the first time this has happened in this pub and before we started we spoke to a guy at the bar who actually plays this pub with his band and say's that's just the way it is with things! Well thankfully I won't be back in that pub. That was our 4th or 5th gig in the place so we gave it a good shot. Sadly and it seems the same for some other pubs we have tried recently,they look after you and the punters that are there say we are the best band that they have seen in the pub. Thankfully they are putting live music on but for how much longer. The band have decided to stick to a few of the better populated venues next year even if it means going out a lot less. I hopefully will be back out gigging after a break but to be honest if I see any of these venues that we have played in there diary it may well put me off!
    11 points
  10. If I'm not gigging I typically go to see one or two local bands at the weekend. Last night was worthy of mention. Somehow the chap at the club who has taken over bookings from my SO booked an originals band, guitar, sax, bass and a small drumkit. I wasn't expecting a lot, just something mellow. Well the Albino Frogs were brilliant. A strong dose of Steely Dan, strong danceable tunes, excellent musicianship. Bass player had a nice Stingray direct into a well-adjusted Markbass head and BF super twin. He was glued to the drummer and played great jazz-funk lines with plenty of space and groove. But guitar/singern sax and drummer were all excellent too. Despite the main competitor venue having a very good rock & roll band on, it was a busy night, and I think virtually everyone stayed the night. The band really appreciated the reception they got, and it demonstrated how people can be open to music the haven't heard before.
    9 points
  11. My suggestion would be "we were crap, the set list is pants". If you have two gigs and one rehearsal left, what do you have to lose. Of course the way you say it is important, but it needs to be said.
    8 points
  12. I took my Rickenbacker for a bit of a night out, the first for several years since I went over to 5s. It's nice to be comfortable enough with a 5-string now to be able to switch between them and 4-string. It sounded great and I really enjoyed playing it, but had forgotten just how uncomfortable it was to play, despite the new pickup bezel. Well the bezel made it more comfortable around there, but the sharp bound edge still gets the inside of your forearm. Anyway it turned out to be a night of technical problems. The Rickenbacker cut out a couple of times. I never normally carry a spare bass but I only intended to do the one set with it, so swapped it for my Sire. A few songs later that cut out too - ok, so it's not the bass. I then noticed my GT-6B multi-fx pedal booting up. At the break I got the Servisol switch cleaner around the power cable and switch. Nope that didn't sort it, so I just played direct into the amp. I hope it's the power supply because I have a spare. I don't have a spare multi-fx pedal with all the patches set up. Anyway I'll see how it is with the spare PSU at tomorrow's gig
    8 points
  13. I used my spare PSU that I repaired last time and it worked fine - hooray, it's not the pedal, phew! I decided to buy another as it's only about £30 from Anderton's, not worth faffing about. So I logged into my account on Anderton's and... double bonus... I had £20 of loyalty points sitting there from when I bought my Sire. DEFINITELY not worth faffing with the broken PSU when I can get a replacement for a tenner! Anyway the gig went really well, lots of larking about musically, chasing each other around the stage. Also a lot of people dancing and having fun for a Sunday afternoon gig I'm still loving the Sire + Fender Rumble v3 500
    7 points
  14. A couple of photos of the Oxjam gig:
    7 points
  15. The covers band, Top Deck, did a 5pm-7pm slot today at The Pear Tree in Ripley Derbyshire. We picked the gig up yesterday after the pub had been let down by the band who were booked and then put a help message on Facebook. Anyone who knows Ripley won’t be surprised to hear that there was a mixed sex ward-full of lairy drunks at 5pm on a Sunday ready for dancing and singing along. Less fun was the torrential rain that started to seep into our playing area. Some quick improvisation with the log pile.
    6 points
  16. Siren played The Pig and Whistle in Melksham last night, I’d forgotten just how small the set up is there, I’d been feeling rough all day and had dosed up on the Lemsip Max Strength but still felt awful. Tried singing but that was out the question about 6 songs in, so quite nice just to be able to play without having to worry about singing, a reasonable sized crowd was there, lots of positive feedback from the punters, rebooked for next year and home for about 12:45.
    6 points
  17. First up I drove for an hour or so to get this 1048 classic cab for a bargain of £90, and when I met the chap he said he had a GP7 head that was broken that I could have for free. I bit his hand off, took the head to my buddy with a soldering iron who found a blown transistor in the very first circuit (controlling the input gain levels) and 45 minutes later it was all working just fine! The offending part that once replaced turned a free broken head into an awesome amp:
    6 points
  18. NS Wav4 radius, as new condition, picked it up off a forum member and probably picked it up a dozen times, piezo pick up in conjunction with EMG, lots of tonal range, very clever tuning system, as new with NS gig bag and original receipt, looking for a natural/maple stingray with cash from me (obviously)🤦
    5 points
  19. Sterling Ray classic in butterscotch, as new condition, slab body with 38mm nut, plays amazingly, great build quality, looking for partial trade for a USA maple/nat stingray preferably 2eg, + cash from me, can travel)
    5 points
  20. Is there a crèche for drummers? 😁
    5 points
  21. ...and last week picked up a 2103x cab from a chap in London, combined it with the 1x15 I got just after Christmas and the fixed GP7, to make my current (as of last week) first choice rig (and yes I have a trolley to move it!). Cost to me £75 in total - frankly unbelievable given the sound - first gig with it next week which I am very much looking forward to!
    5 points
  22. Been there more times than I care to admit. All it takes is one " cracking" gig for me to recover. Daryl
    5 points
  23. I gig my '73 Precision all the time: B neck, 8lbs 3oz, all original with excellent original case. Paid £3300 at the beginning of the year. Worth every penny.
    5 points
  24. I am also in a fortunate position. It boggles my mind when some people report that they have to sneak basses into the house, or hide them under beds, or pretend that they've owned them for a while. I hear stories of pressure applied by partners to give up gigging. All this stuff makes me sad, but glad that I do not experience any of this myself. When I bought my most recent bass, I told my wife about it and her response was "good price"
    4 points
  25. I'll still be loitering around on here I expect. But my main motivation was always the gigging and I definitely need a break from that for at least 6 months or so. The guys did appreciate the extra value I gave but just saying thanks isn't enough - they needed to step up and actively help out and take some weight off me and they didn't. One of the guys was on sick leave from gigging due to a hernia between between about July 2023 and March this year. He didn't do a single thing behind the scenes - didn't approach a single venue for a gig, learn any new material or even view some recent gig videos and see where he could improve anything. It was all stuff that could be done at home easily. That doesn't cut the mustard for me. I'm going to keep most of my gear for now (just in case) and I'll probably use my time learning a 5 string - i've tried before but couldn't get my head round it because of the weekly gigs on a 4 string so maybe now is a good time to give it another go.
    4 points
  26. Well, I guess Fender *not* doing a P bass is innovative.
    4 points
  27. Sorry to hear you're calling it a day with the band. Don't know what age you are but i fully understand and appreciate your reasoning behind it so no point in offering suggested solutions but hopefully we'll still hear from you on BC @Mudpup. You need to do what's right for you. I can only hope that like me you take a break and get back into playing again but with people around you that appreciate what you do and bring to a band. All the best in whatever you do with your time off. You'll be back Dave👍
    4 points
  28. They can just play outside, its a long way from the road so it should be safe. !
    4 points
  29. I do hope you are speaking of your pedalboard!
    4 points
  30. ...then back around Christmas time there was another chap in Portsmouth who wanted to get rid of a 1x15 cab and also a 4x10 combo that he had blown the amp in (and sadly binned). I grabbed both for £100, and then swapped a GP7 head (that same buddy with soldering iron had acquired for nothing and fixed) into the empty 4x10 combo cab to make the following which I donated to a local church (albeit I get to play through it every couple weeks and it saves me carrying an amp in!):
    4 points
  31. Gig? Unimportant. Venue? Walls and roof, next question. Audience? Yeah there was an audience. Great, now that the preliminaries are out of the way let's talk about the really important things. I put LEDs on my board. Fiiiiiine, photo of everything else. Post setup, pre tidy.
    4 points
  32. Cracking gig at Dublin Castle, Camden. Great sound guy and engaged crowd
    4 points
  33. 2018 Music Man Stingray Special 5H Aqua Sparkle- £1800 Impossible to capture the beauty of this finish in a photograph. Excellent condition, aside from normal pickguard swirls can't find a mark on it. Collection Orpington BR6 or can post at buyer's cost and risk. Probably need to take some better pictures. edit: weight between 9.6 and 9.8lbs on my digital bathroom scales.
    3 points
  34. Definitely! If you want 6 months off that's how long it might take you to immerse yourself in the world of 5-strings and get your head round it properly. Your technique will probably improve too - floating thumb is second nature to me now
    3 points
  35. After reading @Thor's post I realised that I was feeling crap last night and singing was a struggle. Add that to the other issues and the better half suggests I don't do anything rash. Today I have a sore throat so that has to be taken into account. However the basic issues persist and will have to be addressed. Thanks for the support chaps.
    3 points
  36. 100th Transcription of 2024! Excellent fusion with a Weather Report inspired break and a Berlin-esque bass solo Yellowjackets - Postcards | Jimmy Haslip
    3 points
  37. Yes, hopefully The Donkey will stay a music venue, we'll wait and see.
    3 points
  38. My latest pedal that’s going onto a retro type board I’m going to build.
    3 points
  39. If you have a small-tipped soldering iron, hold the tip in the screw head cross-slot for 30 seconds or so, then let it cool for a couple of minutes and try it with firm pressure applied, from a correct size cross-head screwdriver, as you turn it. There is the risk that the plastic cover will soften a touch, but that's a lesser risk than rounding the crosshead... This is the standard method of removing snapped-off screws too...
    3 points
  40. In outstanding condition for 26 years old. A couple of scratches but to be expected and are shown in detail in the photos. Plays beautifully with low action. I thought I'd keep her forever but a broken roof forces sale 😔. Amazing butter like maple neck and absolutely no issues at all. Non original semi hard case, hence price. Also comes with clear pickguard. No trades please. Thanks 🙏
    3 points
  41. trainer ts100 back on the board first inline as an always on
    3 points
  42. Possibly my last gig at Leicester’s legendary music venue The Donkey. It’s changing hands next month and no certainty it will continue to host live music. We (the Andy Wales Band) stepped in last minute to do this gig, and there was a fairly good turn out of appreciative people including some unexpected old friends and familiar faces along the way. On a geeky note I was glad to be back to my Markbass head and cab after the last few gigs for which I’ve used an Ashdown head - nice sound, but just not for me. Bass is filthy and sweaty this morning - usually the sign of a good, loud, hot gig in my books.
    3 points
  43. Did a 3-set, sit-down jazz and blues gig at a swanky bar. Clientele didn’t seem too intestates but we earned the most money we have ever done as a band.
    3 points
  44. That turned out to be a wonderful night of Glam rock with BLOCKBUSTARZ at The Stair Arms in Pathead near Edinburgh. Wasn't actually a Biker Rally but a private function invite only. We had folks there from Denmark (approx. 20) Germany, Belgium and Holland along with the various Scots & English contingent. Dancing from the first song with the dance floor full before the 1st set ended. 2nd set we had the floor packed from midway thru the first song. It seemed to be the foreign bikers that started off the dancing and they were well up for it from the sound check when we had cheers, whistles and loud clapping so that was a good start. Started at 8:30 and finished at 12 with a 15min break but what great fun was had by everyone there and for us. Some gigs just have a great atmosphere and you want to keep the party going and this was one of those nights but we literally ran out of songs. For the first time we played every song we've ever done. Superb night. Going home very chuffed. We were told by the organiser that several people had approached him for details on the band and asked where the feck did you find such an amazing band. That was a nice wee compliment too. Several folks also thanked us for a great nights entertainment and we kept getting asked for more. We were due to finish at 11:15pm but alas we simply ran out of time and songs We've been asked if we would consider playing bike rallies in Germany but probably never happen. I'd need to renew my passport. Do passenger planes still have propellers on long haul flights Bit of a nuisance trying to pack up as the dancers continued with backing music from the organiser but several folks both male and female offered to help load our cars but most were worse for wear so we thanked them all but said it was fine and easier to track where things are when loading if we do it ourselves. Always nice to be asked tho. Easy drive home with very little traffic so that was a bonus. No pics as yet but will post if any become available. You can probably tell that i'm fair pleased tonight Dave
    3 points
  45. Bought this little cracker from this very Parish but despite giving it a really good go, sadly it’s not for me - (just call me ‘sausage fingers’)!! Light as the proverbial feather, sounds huge and the previous owner has wisely fitted Aguilar Thunderblack strings, which are a big improvement on the ultra sticky original type jobbies. The built in EQ is excellent and the tuner is spot on👍 Great for multiple applications - home / work / holiday / car noodling due to its minuscule size & weight plus it could even be a mini back up bass. Would also make a great present for your budding Jaco! It’s in great overall condition apart from a few marks on the rear at the top of the neck - please see photos. Can post to the U.K. Mainland only - sorry, if you are too far away to collect as I still have the box it arrived in. The TGI Gig Bag is a good fit and has a handy shoulder strap + pocket. Give me a shout if you have any questions👍
    2 points
  46. Abe Laboriel is an absolute monster, and, considering his sheer number of credits, should be far better known than he is. The man just bleeds groove, and has invented more techniques and different playing styles than practically anyone else! His son also plays drums for Paul McCartney... The only other players I can think of who just ooze groove the way he does are Bobby Vega and Richard Bona.
    2 points
  47. I can give you a few: John Martyn at a mini jazz festival in London in the mid 1990's, completely drunk and falling about, and giving his band total grief. I'd seen him before and he could vary from gig to gig but this was awful. Thankfully I didn't pay to get in as I was bottom of the bill as a support act, but still it was grim. Psychic TV, again somewhere in London, can't remember where now. I had a couple of their records and liked them so went to see them play live, and I shouldn't have bothered. The band was direly underrehearsed and there was a really 'off' vibe in the audience. I left before they finished their set. Worst ever? Japanese so-called 'psychedelic' band, Acid Mothers Temple at the Tmesis club in Manchester. Just total free form noise, none of the musicians seemed to be playing the same song at the same time or even in the same key. The lady on drums was particularly bad, it genuinely looked and sounded like it was her first time behind a drum kit. She dropped her sticks frequently and wasn't in time with any of the other musicians, but then it was impossible to tell if any of the other performers had noticed as they were loud as f--k. Loudest (and that includes My Bloody Valentine and Dinosaur Jr) band I've seen to date and easily the worst. Mind you, The Cranberries at the Fleadh festival in Finsbury Park in the 90's were pretty bad too. I never liked them anyway but it was píșsing it down so we went into the tent where they were playing an acoustic set as Delores had broken her leg, so it was a sit down gig. And they were so totally awful we left the tent after 15 minutes and braved the rain instead. I don't know how we lasted that long 😂
    2 points
  48. Not sure if it's been clarified before, but the"7" doesn't refer to the date, but the fact it's a Jazz Bass profile neck. Precision was "5" I believe? It doesn't mean that all of the jazz basses produced in March 1965 were made on the 7th, to be clear 😆😬
    2 points
  49. Well, that was an interesting gig tonight.... enjoyable but not what we were expecting. We've played the Canadian club many times and it's always at the back of their bar room with plenty of room for those who want to be up front and into the music. Show up this time and apparently we're playing outdoors in their BBQ area, ok so far but we get told it's a BBQ buffet and we're the background music, can't play louder than people talking. At this point I mentioned that they'd hired a punk band and Hendrix band to do background music! Not negotiable apparently and there's obviously been some missed communication although they knew what music we play. Anyway, it's a small scene here, so on with the show and don't ruffle feathers. We start the Hendrix band with some slow blues, JJ Cale and the like, then once everyone is lulled into a false sense of security we launched into Fire, just kicked it up several notches and left it there. When we finished the set, we gave them no time to gather their thoughts, got the other guys up and went straight into the Sex Pistols with barely a break. By then people were dancing so all seemed well, no recriminations from management and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Only other downside, got told no recording, no videos, no pics, so this gig lives on in memory only.
    2 points
  50. Having a bit of a clear out, I've decided to put my 5 String Warwick LX Jazzman up for sale. This was professionally re-finished and serviced by the Happy Mondays guitar tech in Manchester at the beginning of the year by Rigby Guitars in Manchester. As a result it's absolutely immaculate. Comes with gold hardware and custom knobs. Also includes the original gig bag and case candy. Reluctant to post guitars after a bad experience once, however happy to drive half way to meet someone for petrol money from Lancashire. *edited - interested in swaps for any interesting 4 strings. Particularly interested in a Gibson Thunderbird but what have you.
    2 points
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