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  1. Last gig of 2024 at the Glamping Site in Poole, Dorset that’s supported us (the Otis Jay Blues Band) for the past few years. Singer did his back in so sat, but he and we coped - with a few Val Doonican jokes on the way… Got Cath and Kerry to do backing vocals on Mustang Sally and they did us proud. Flea jazz, Elf, Barefaced One10, Xmas jumper - you can’t go wrong !
    13 points
  2. Great gig last night with Nine Lives at the Tolbooth in Ellon. It was decently busy, and as a bonus, a couple of the guys from the 'Spoons came down to heckle us also. Always fun to see some familiar faces in the audience. Lots of dancing, a few singalong moments, and a splendid time was had by all. I am also delighted with some new gear which got a first proper run - namely the EHX Battalion preamp and my super sparkly Epiphone Thunderbird, which is an absolute effin' beast. So pleased to be back in Thunderbird land, it's been too long. Gear was the Sire Z7 followed by the Epi T-bird into the usual Markbass tone cubes: Are we still obsessing about footwear? I was wearing these - Vans Calf Hair classic slipons. Is that OK?
    13 points
  3. SUNDAY That's today. Up at 4:45 AM to play Sousaphone for the annual Beorma Morris (the only Morris side with its own safe word) winter solstice sunrise danceout at the Rollright Stones (it's a stone circle near Chipping Norton). You've probably seen Morris dancing... fat, old, bearded, middle class pricks called things like Jeremy and Rupert, dressed all in white, wearing bells, dancing round a maypole, drinking tankards of foaming ale, waving hankies around, right? Well, that's Cotswold Morris - a summer tradition from the Cotswolds (!). Beorma (foisting tradition on the unwary since 2012) are a Border Morris side (that's what we call the teams/gangs/groups) which is a winter tradition from the Welsh borders (!) - a different vibe to Cotswold. Border sides dress mostly in black, wear scruffy tailcoats or tattered rags type outfits, paint their faces (but not black anymore, not after 'the great morris argument' of a few years ago that we won't go into here), wear top hats decorated with feathers, leaves, playing cards, spoons, brass goggles, fairy lighs... whatever you want. Border is a lot scruffier, more rough & ready, very shouty, we clout sticks together and only use hankies for blowing our noses. It's a bit steampunk, a bit goth.... I won't use the word 'cool', because it's still Morris dancing, but you get the idea. There is some crossover (and a jokey 'rivalry') between Cotswold and Border - they share a few dances, some people dance both, we often have danceouts with lots of sides from lots of Morris styles, and to be fair, Border morris has it's fair share of fat, old, bearded middle class pricks drinking lots of ale. Anyway, up before 5 o'clock, kit on (kilt, new rocks, tailcoat, top hat - like I say.. Steampunk vibe), pick up Birmingham's best non-binary, Japanese, Morris dancing, lindy-hopping, Jazz tromboning (not a euphemism) fiddle player (she's they're called Monet, she's they're lovely (How do non-binary people kill each other? They slash them.)), an hour drive to the Rollrights to get there for 7, mill about for a bit, process around the circle three times (no idea why, I think it's a pagan thing?), call the quarters (no idea what or why, pagan thing maybe?), dances, watch the sunrise on the shortest day (ish - we don't do it on the actual solstice, there's too many weirdos about), poems (no idea), a mummers play (like a medieval pantomime), more dances, all utterly ridiculous and good fun, or at least slightly better than not doing it. After that, head to Banbury, do a few dances at Banbury Cross, then off to a *proper* greasy spoon (Jenny's?) for a full on, gut-busting slap up breakfast (sixteen of us, all in full kit, top hats and white face paint), quick stop in Cash Convertors (just the two of us, still in full kit) where I didn't buy a Trevor James Soprano Sax, then back to Brum to drop off Brum's best NBJMDLHJTFP then home, all the while ignoring the funny noise my car has started making. Played the Sousaphone, wore New Rocks. Back about 3PM to empty the car, load up the car for work tomorrow (two keyboards, two guitars, a Bass, a PA speaker, a guitar amp, an electric drunkit, a tabletop electric drumkit, a massive heavy bag of stands, leads, mixer etc and a fold-up trolley), a pint of Henry Weston's Vintage cider (8.2%ABV), mild hallucinations due to sleep deprivation, questions about my life decisions, the Sunday Bass Direct email and that weird nagging feeling that I haven't done my homework for school tomorrow. Last week of term next week - five gigs, three school concerts, two nervous breakdowns, one rehearsal and a partridge in a pear tree. If you've read this far, DM me and recommend a decent sanitorium in the West Midlands, or just call me an idiot.
    10 points
  4. SATURDAY! That definitely was last night. Cantina Band at some place called Pitchers in Tamworth. Em (you remember her... from the awful shopping centre carol thing we did? She bought me the fingerless gloves? That's the one.) is from thereabouts and reckoned it used to be one of the best places in Tamworth but had recently reopened, so her and a couple of wind band/Jazz orchestra mates came down to see what it was like (and to see us. A bit). When I arrived at the postcode I'd been given, my blood ran cold, my heart sank, my bowels turned to liquid and it was all I could do to stop myself from running screaming back to civilisation, begging forgiveness from the Almighty (other deities are still available). Emblazoned above the door, spewed in neon hatred was most loathsome two-word phrase in the English language (except maybe 'Inoperable tumour' perhaps, or 'Piers Morgan'?)... 'Sports Bar'. You know the sort of place, there's at least one in every town and city (if you have a shred of humanity or the faintest glimmering of a soul, you will have avoided them), horribly bright lights, shiny surfaces, painfully loud thumping dance music (I love loud music, but not to the point of being able to actually physically feel it jolting my sternum with every beat), two hundred and eighty seven enormous TVs all showing boxing (I can't see the appeal of watching two oiled, semi-naked men battering one another into unconsciousness/submission in front of an unruly mob who are goading them on , but I digress)... and we've turned up to play classic rock (and McFly). Still, best foot forward and all that... think of the money. The punters watched us set up with a mixture of horror, amusement, naked hostility and disdain (apart from Em and her mates... they were on side (singer and guitarist's WAGs (both lovely) were there as well, so not a totally barren field)). Stage was nice and big, so setup was decent (we dumped our bags and cases and stuff in the DJ booth (an actual booth this time), then the DJ arrived and asked us to move it all. You'd think I'd have learned (learnt? I'm never sure which is right) by now.) Massive place with a really high ceiling (and a mezzanine floor where you can play pool!) and we don't use PA for backline (apart from the kick drum) so I had to 'go nuclear' and turn the Markbass volume up to four! (It was still too loud so I turned it down to three (and a half). I love that amp.) First set was met with pretty much total indifference (apart from Em's crew and the WAGs, they gave us some encouraging whoops and a bloke in a wheelchair had a dance (in his wheelchair, we're not miracle workers)), second set was slightly better, a couple of people at the bar sang (and air guitared) along to Sweet Child o' mine and Teen Spirit and we even had a few dancers up for the Slade christmas one ("Of course I remember it!" (I started to remember it halfway through verse 1... went OK after that)), went for a wireless wander to join Em at the bar (and encouraged her to pluck my G string) which was a hoot, the DJ made us do an encore that neither audience or band wanted, a couple of blokes said they'd enjoyed it as we were packing up (I think that's what they were saying - the music had progressed from merely sternum-jolting to skull-shatteringly loud... they were smiling, anyway) so not as bad a gig as it could have been. It was nice to have a few mates there and to show off (?) a totally different side of my playing (they're used to hearing me play Duke Ellington, Gershwin and Glenn Miller) and they all enjoyed it (especially the McFly one) so... yeah, I'll take that. If you've read this far, you should DM me and recommend an album I should listen to. Or just call me an idiot. Played the Sterling -> small board -> secret weapons -> MB CMD121, Tiger/leopard print Converse. Finished at a reasonable ish hour, paid, packed up, Beth Orton on the way back to my Birmingham estate (Dad's place) for a pint a Father's homebrew Mango, Pineapple and Spiced Rum cider (ABV unknown) and lovely cats. Bed about 1. Early start tomorrow!
    9 points
  5. THURSDAY! I know that's not last night, shut up, I've been busy. Dysfunctionals 3 piece at O'Neill's, Broad St Birmingham. It was a private party - works do for Mitchell & Butlers, a local brewery so we weren't really sure what to expect. Parking in the middle of Brum was fun, load in had unfortunately all been done by the time I'd found a parking space (I was LIVID, as you can imagine) setup was a total pain as the stage is tiny and we had to share it with the DJ (We dumped all our bags and cases and stuff on/under/around the DJ booth (table) then found out there was going to be a DJ so we had to cart everything out to the van (which had somehow bagged a parking spot right outside, thankfully)). We were set to go on at 9, then the manager asked us if we could go on at half nine as people would still be arriving at 9, no problem, actually can you go on at 9:45 as there's still not that many here... we went on about 10 to a packed house, all completely pissed, total baying mob who absolutely loved it. We had a mate doing the sound which was nice. First set went down a storm, dancefloor was packed from start to finish, great reception, good stuff! Quick vape break, queued at the bar for about two years to get a pint, back on for the second set, similar reception to the first set but more drunken (them, not us), went for a wireless wander in the last song which went down a treat, two encores before the DJ took over with ear-splitting thumpishite (thank God (other deities are available) for the ACS lugplugs). Played the StingRay (I love that Bass. Daisy (Goddaughter) gets it when I die) -> small board -> secret weapons (VTDI -> Thumpinator) -> MB802 -> PA, Cherry Red/Oxblood DMs. Pack up/load out was horrible as all the cases were in the van and there was no room to load them back in, so we had to empty them out of the van, then take stuff out of the venue *in order*, fill the cases in the street (and they say it's not a glamourous business!) and load them back into the van... nightmare. All done, Ben Folds on the way home, back about 1:30 (ON A SCHOOL NIGHT!), a tiny tot of Diplomatico Rum (40% ABV), bed for 2, up at 7 for work. Worked (I had a school concert (I teach primary school kids to play in rock bands) but that doesn't really count as a gig so I won't bore you with the details (Tiger/leopard print Converse and my work 3/4 size Jackson super pointy Bass if you must know)), then went out with one of my schools work dos, which was lovely but not a gig, so I won't bore you with the details of that either. Running on fumes by the end of the night.
    9 points
  6. Not strictly a gig as such but I’m pleased with myself (at my low level of skill, small beer to some of you) as at an open mic night this week someone fired a song suggestion at me and I had to learn it there and then. I played it through with her when someone else was performing and she said I’ve got it down well enough for us to do it next time. My little one had called and asked if I could come back so took an early bath. I struggle to learn songs quickly due to getting zero practice time so quite pleased at the affirmation and not messing up with someone watching me closely
    9 points
  7. Last gig of 2024, which was also our first gigging year. We organised a 5 band night at Moor Beer in Bristol. Had 50 tickets sold all in all! Doesn't feel bad for a non-central gig with local bands. We should be able to pay everyone something with that turnout. I was on the door for most of the night, but that was just inside where the stage was, so it was fine. Band members were always about when I needed another drink or the loo and I got to see all of the other bands, so I don't mind! The sound guy we had really knows the venue and like last time we played there, he mainly let the amps do the hard work. All of the bands sounded great and meaty. My usual gear is my Combustion, GX-100 with Mojo Mojo and Bass Big Muff in the loop, Digbeth head, Zilla 212. The fact that the Zilla was a 212 didn't seem to hamper it up against two 412s and another 212. Very full and received lots of compliments from the other bassists who all used it. Really pleased with how the gig went. The crowd seemed to be really into it. Sold 4 t-shirts too! Footwear was my brown boots that have been resoled twice and have new inners. I got them at TK Maxx and have no idea of the brand!
    9 points
  8. Fun how life turns out isn't it? 30 years of gigging and it turns out one of my absolute favourite things to play is this. Really enjoying our residency at the Green Dragon in Hereford. 5 nights in, dead easy set up, journey home, venue being really friendly and helpful, Christmas Parties well up for some silliness and letting their hair down, A-team playing in the band. Shame the day job comes in between- more coffee please! House Party Clip.mp4
    7 points
  9. I said I played my Combustion. I'll hopefully be able to update with some pics at a later date. Didn't think to get any myself at the time. It was a rush trying to get people sound checked before doors at 5:30, especially as the first band were very late. Have a picture of my daughter in her skeleton outfit that she demanded to wear on Friday with my rig.
    7 points
  10. Tonight's gig was an early start for BLOCKBUSTARZ at Methil Ex-Services Club from 4-7pm. Pretty busy for an afternoon session so that was good. Afraid they only started advertising the gig 4 weeks prior. From what we heard their ticket sales have been quite low with only 40 sold for Hogmanay which for a club is quite poor. Reckon we had approx 80-100 in today. Everyone seemed to be having a great time but dancing in first set was a bit spurious. 2nd set things picked up a bit and decent crowd of dancers. We've been asked for 2 dates in 2025 which i believe have now been confirmed with one being in Dec 2025. Finished dead on 7pm paid, packed up and on the road for 8pm and home for 9:30pm road was pretty clear and no closures at that time. Usual Glam gear of Sandberg VM4, Shure wireless, Mesa TT800 and SW210/115 cabs. Next gigs for us are next Sat & Sun in The Dreadnought, Bathgate. One of my fav gigs as its always crammed at our Xmas party gigs. We were booked for this and 2025 Xmas weekend since last year. I think the owner is a Glam fan. Dave
    7 points
  11. Penultimate gig of the year at the Swan in Coleshill. Unusually, the car park was fairly empty, although there was a crowd watching the football which had gone into extra time when we wanted to get the gear in. Running time is now 8:30 to 10:30 due to noise complaints, so had an hour to set up which was just enough. Used the Sei Jazz BC Bike and the Cort Space - must stop using headed basses there, it's rather short on space. Four Christmas songs including a seriously revved-up Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree.
    6 points
  12. Fret-King Green Label Perception, hand made by Mike Smith - of Mike Smith Guitars - on behalf of Fret-King. This was a short lived project by Fret-King to produce high-end custom shop instruments in England. It is a very high quality build using great materials, the Ash body grain is quite striking and the neck feels amazing. It has a Precision bass style neck, wider at the nut and thicker front to back. This is my main reason for moving it on as I'm more comfortable on ultra skinny jazz necks. It utilises high quality Gotoh hardware and comes with a branded Hiscox case. It's in fantastic condition. I'm asking £550 for the bass which offers insane value for money for such a high quality instrument.
    5 points
  13. There was a bloke taking photos... if anyone misbehaves I'll share them. This is the sort of getup I wear though-
    5 points
  14. @StingRayBoy42.... You're a very busy chap, aren't you?! It was all going so well, and then you mentioned Morris dancing. We can still be friends (just).
    5 points
  15. If you're running into a distorted amp or pedals, certain intervals in equal tempered tuning give you particularly nasty sounding intermodulation. It's one of the reasons why root/fifth (no third) power chords caught on in rock music. If you do use any thirds or sixths, they sound sweeter if you adjust to approximate "just intonation" in the key you're playing in, and it's particularly noticeable with some gain. So my guess is that he would have been going for that.
    5 points
  16. So you've got £20 and you want a fish supper. You've found exactly what you're looking for... Cod and chips for... £19.95 It's being sold by a reputable chippy Would you buy this classic British dish, holding it, wrapped in newspaper, actually eating it with one of those wooden FORKS! This is just my pickled onion. 👉DO IT 👈 !!!! Granted, I would rather it was rock eel than cod and I realise my 5p change isn't quite enough to buy some mushy peas, but yes, no matter the price, because I like a few chips and a nice bit of cod, why not? You only live once. £19.95 Reasonable at half the price and if I'm not mistaken, after the opening speech by the Vicar, I think there's a tombola, or maybe it's a raffle? I really shouldn't have had that second sherry. That's almost certainly a fine way to spend a Saturday afternoon at the Letcombe Regis village fête Again just my pickled onion .
    5 points
  17. I have owned this bass practically from new (long story!), but I haven't played it for a few years as I've only played 5-string now for many years. It has always been well looked after with the battery removed when not in use. It comes with the Warwick Rock Case and original folder/tools and paperwork Collection only from the Hants/Wilts border, 7 miles west of Andover - although I will be travelling up to North Manchester for 10 days from about 17th December. I'm not looking for any trades as I own too many guitars and I'm down-sizing - I also need the money for other bills! From the Warwick website: Serial number: H 127933-06 Article number: 1324361301CDAFHOWW produced: 24.08.2006 Description: Corvette FNA, 4-string Nirvana Black Stain Highpolish finish, Swamp Ash/AA Flamed Maple top body, Ovangkol neck, Chrome hardware Made in Germany Soundcloud clip from 10 years ago: https://soundcloud.com/dee-mischka/who-knows-where-the-time-goes-by-sandy-denny?si=023015b6d20a4cbd9102d38e9ef4b380&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
    4 points
  18. Quite rare and special Jazz bass. i'm not using it enough to justify its value and rarity. Meticulous fret level job done by Chris McIntyre (Sie bass, etc) so the action can be insanely low if you want... I got him to also bevel the ends of the frets so the fingerboard feels 'invisible' which is important considering the tall vintage frets are normally a bit bumpy on the treble side. Has a small body notch so you can adjust the vintage style truss rod WITHOUT removing the neck! Just taking off the scratch plate. Comes with original Mint condition tweed fender hard case with the commemorative fender anniversary embroidery + All the case candy and certificates etc, and covers. Currently fitted with Babicz bridge - will be sold with just the original - can leave it on for an extra charge. It's not needed to be a good instrument but I really enjoy how easy it is to adjust and stay put This has never left the house. And is almost mint! It is NITRO lacquer!!! so... there's a few small mini dings shown in pictures this is just from studio use, it is a very fragile finish; minor checking on headstock near the machine head, won't show in photos and only visible with reading glasses on lol but want to be transparent. it can either be a case queen for ever or someone please give a good hard life and get some mojo! . no gigs. not even a rehearsal. So this bass is pretty much new still, it's not really lived yet. Studio use only. Will hold and climb in value. Sounds a lot different to my STD jazz USA which i'm sure is down to the pickups, its has a much higher dynamic range (that's not good nor bad) a bit more of a sweeter fat low end, moderate mids and glassy highs when both PUs on. Bridge is very... Jaco. Neck PU solo'd - is my fave. Very good recording tone. ***Ill find out the exact wight but I think its around 4.2kg*** Edinburgh Potential trades: value of £1500 aprox. Modern Jazz style, Steamers, maybe Specter... modern 4 string basses with flat necks etc.
    4 points
  19. A bit of a thread resurrection after 6 months. I still love the 3x10, and I think I always will (gasp). I've done quite a few gigs and studio with it now, the last few months using a vintage GK 400RB, and it still makes me smile every single time. From tiny pub rooms, to larger club rooms, it just fills the space, doesn't need this, that or the other dialing in or out, it just IS good, sits so well with the band and the mix. It's perfect for me. Wait for it.......... I have stopped thinking about other cabs...... Just sayin. Rob.
    4 points
  20. And here I am stuck in the loop of "I need another bass like I need a hole in the head" and "but it will be fun".
    4 points
  21. Thank you, we know we’re not creating musical fusion but we like to tear it up if possible. We joke that the band has some players with serious musical ability, Ed on trumpet is a monster Baroque piccolo trumpet specialist and Matt on sax is actually a seriously good flautist that plays concertos as a soloist for various orchestra- yet we enjoy that number loads featuring as it does No Limits, Barbie Girl and I Like To Move it amongst others. Got some other camera angles from the other nights, will sort another clip for the end of the run with a shot of some skinny chap in a hat plucking away on his ASAT bass.
    4 points
  22. Last night with BLOCKBUSTARZ Glam covers at Longstone Hearts Club in Edinburgh was the first of two gigs this weekend. Fantastic club where everyone involved is just so nice and helpful. Only holds approx 70-80 and it was busy possibly sold out as i couldn't see any spare seats. Gig went really well. The 4 Xmas songs worked a treat in the set. We are now doing 2x1hr sets most gigs these days so that's good news instead of almost 3hrs worth. Audience loved it with few requests for pics with the band after the gig. Sandberg VM4 into Shure wireless, Mesa TT800 and Mesa SW210/115 cabs. Running the amp with a little distortion when i really dig in for some of those rockier songs. Here's a pic of stage just after sound check. Today we travel over to Methil in Fife for a slightly earlier time of 4-7pm. approx 2hr drive each way and with only 6hrs sleep last night i'm getting a little bit tired this morning but once on the road all will be well again. Dave
    4 points
  23. Fender Jazz 75 FSR Serial number dates this bass to 2012 Started life with a natural finish, has been refinished in a very light pink, so I’m told as it looks white to me! it has had a battery box fitted at some point, it has been filled but the outline is still visible Body in great shape with no chips or nasty dings Gotoh Bridge Rosewood fret board with classic 75 style blocks and binding, bullet truss rod works perfect 3 bolt neck plate with micro tilt adjust, just like they did back then Pick ups are Fender from 75 AVRI which sound great with the correct spacing for a ‘75 jazz bass - it previously had 60’s wind pickups, so now it’s more correct in my opinion and sounds like a 75 jazz should Weight is 4.4kgs Comes in a case Will get more photos and add more info tomorrow as I’m busy with a ‘Sunday Roast’ right now So why am I selling this lovely bass? Because I keep seeing things I want to try, not out of necessity, just because I can! Tony
    3 points
  24. For all my moaning about my original Ibby SR1305 Premium, I've been missing it after I sold it. So, something very similar, but more towards the "Dark (wood) Side". Thanks to Guitar Guitar I now have this SR1355B-DUF Premium in Dual Mocha Burst Flat. It's the same old, same old for me Nordy Big Singles, same 3 band EQ with passive switch, and 3 way Mid frequency switch, but no gold tuners or bridge (which I only think work on some finishes, so yay me !) The matt finish is different for Ibanez. Very warm to the touch. Everything is as it should be, though I'll possibly drop the string height. Incidentally, FYI Ibanez now seem to supply Premium SR's with a reasonable Gigbag, rather than the soft/hard case of yore. I'm well pleased
    3 points
  25. Selling my Stingray. Bought as a spare to my Pre-EB, and, tbh, it's not getting used and wants a home where it's not only loved but put to use. It's in 'Excellent' condition (as opposed to pristine), in that ostensibly it's beautiful (it really is, always get's a gasp when I open the case, this is a great colour, warmer and richer than in the daylight photos!) with a matching headstock. Plays like silk, as you would expect from a Musicman Stingray. Electronics, tuners, everything works perfectly. Finish is almost perfect, there are a few (and only a few) marks in the finish from the last 20 years (been looked after by me and the previous owner, but these little marks still seem to appear) which I've tried to show in the pics. I think I've caught them all. Neck is super smooth, unvarnished for the fingering portion as usual, no digs in the back or front. Comes living in the Musicman case it's had as home all it's life. The Hipshot is on it atm (such a useful gadget!), I have the original tuner (somewhere!) I can leave the Hipshot on for an extra £60 otherwise, I'll return the original MM tuner to it's place (I'm sure I'll find it!). Not much more to say, I can take any particular pics you might need and answer any questions. Located in Romford Any trial, I'm sure you'll love it - I do! Make me an offer, you never know... This from the MM website: Serial #E41450 Manufactured - May 13th, 2004 Build Code - 110-29-11-05-CS-CR ModelSting - Ray 3 EQ H Color - Lava Pearl Neck - Maple Neck Maple Fretboard Matching Headstock Pickguard - White Pearloid Pg Hardware - Chrome Hardware
    3 points
  26. Great condition for age, trans red 3eq stingray in maple. Clean electronics, clean straight neck with responsive truss rod. Lovely smooth fret ends and oil finish neck... usual stingray stuff. Comes with the original hard shell case. Apart from some small dings shown in photos - it's in amazing shape. New black pick guard screws and official MusicMan pickup screws fitted, looks cleaner. Old ones included. looks to me like a two piece body - with the join happening on the lower horn. The grain in the middle looks lovely under the finish. Weight is 4.7kg with no neck dive. Very much has a resonant peak around E, so a great slapper... (im a Stingray nerd and had many; and this did jump out to me) Sensible offers considered; nothing outrageous though haha, no rush to sell. Selling for 20% lower than paid for - as that was from a shop. Potential trades: Bongo, nice USA sterling with sensible finish, nice Warwick (equivalent value or higher) or potentially something modern. 4 string. I can provide extra cash if needed. Location is EH111RF
    3 points
  27. that’s a bold statement 😉
    3 points
  28. If you're suggesting I'm some sort of sad, pathetic nerd who is not only pedantic enough to care about things like that, but also obsessive enough to check and take some weird, warped sense of pride in it, you'd be pretty much bang on.
    3 points
  29. I love that your boots get the focus from you. However the meaty stuff is “what bass did you play?”,
    3 points
  30. No it’s a proto rickenbacker, the plough share is a dead giveaway as the inspiration for the bridge and pickup cover
    3 points
  31. go 7.1 full Dolby surround sound or ….. wait for it ….. MonoBassAlpha I thank you
    3 points
  32. Mike Lull V4 with Protec case/gig bag Tough decision to sell this, but here goes - These are stunning instruments Extraordinarily easy to play 4 string bass. Fully plecked Ash body. 2 tone sunburst with tortoiseshell pickguard. 34” scale. 21 frets. Maple one-piece graphite reinforced neck with a rosewood fretboard (12” radius) Fitted with custom ordered Aguilar 60’s pickups - AG4J60 Full electrostatic shielding, Controls are standard Jazz vol' vol' tone Hipshot A style bridge (19mm string spacing) and Hipshot ultralight tuners. Born on 20 June 2014. Weight is 7.8lbs Comes with Protec case/gig bag and owners certificate signed by Mike Lull himself. I'm in Malvern, Worcestershire Happy to meet up half way within 1hrs drive
    2 points
  33. Cosme Moji HSC 6 (Headless Single Cut) delivered to its first owner (I'm the second one) in December 2010!!! A really rare instrument on the second hand market as Patrick Cosme, an excellent French luthier, completely stopped his activities 2 years ago. This is a top notch instrument built with high quality components and an extraordinary attention to details (see the photos). It's in excellent condition with a few light dings that I've tried to photograph (see below). This bass had a real price tag of €3870 EUR 14 years ago, so between €5500 and €6000 EUR nowadays, not on the cheap side at all. I changed the original East U-Retro Deluxe 5 preamp for a better suited for this bass Delano Sonar 3 bands with active/passive switch on the volume and a clever treble pot, which becomes a passive tone when in this mode ; I also put some wooden knobs with real tiger eye stone on their top. The neck pickup is exactly at the Stingray sweet spot and has the same specs as a Music Man pickup that would have been designed for a 6 strings bass, hence the choice of this Delano Sonar preamp, which works perfectly with this type of pickup. The strings fitted now are the amazing Dogal Hellborg Perfect Pitch Flat Wound JH1726S (226 EUR for the set!!!). Here is the link to the Cosme Facebook page where you can see my bass: https://www.facebook.com/349103448601647/photos/a.352236078288384/352236144955044/?type=3&app=fbl TRADES WELCOME ON A €3000 EUR BASIS! NON NEGOTIABLE PRICE! Asking price including fully insured shipping with tracking number, to your home, in these European countries (ask for other countries): Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (excluding DOM -TOM), Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom: €3000 EUR (£2500 GBP is an approximation and I will only accept payment in Euros)!!! Shipping to the UK is of course possible and included in my asking price, but with additional customs charges (VAT + other taxes + courier costs), as the UK is now outside the EU. Here are the specifications : Body: black limba (a variety of mahogany) Top: spalted flamed maple with purpleheart veneer Set neck: 3 pieces of flamed maple plus 2 pieces of purpleheart with a flamed maple central veneer Flat aka infinite radius fingerboard: bocote with flamed maple plus purpleheart veneers underneath, front (mother of pearl 4mm) and side (white 2 mm) dots at the usual places Positions: 24 silver/nickel 18% 2.4 mm frets absolutely unmarked Headstock: ABM headless system Pickups: 2 made to measure Cosme/Crel humbuckers under a ramp Ramp: black limba and spalted flamed maple with a purpleheart veneer in between Preamp: Delano Sonar 3 bands Controls : 2 parallel/single/series switches (one per pickup), volume (push-pull active/passive), blend, bass, mids and treble (tone in passive mode) with wooden knobs with real tiger eye stone on their top (a spare one will be delivered) Bridge/Tuners: ABM headless system Strings spacing at bridge: 17.5 mm Nut: none, but a zero fret Strings spacing at zero fret: 9.5 mm (width 55 mm) Scale: 34 inches Hardware colour: black Truss rods: two, dual action, 100% functional Finish: oiled, natural Country of origin: France Serial number: 003 1210 Year: 12/2010 Weight: 4.640 kilos Action : from 1.5 mm under the C string to 2 mm under the B string at 12th position (can even go way lower, but was perfect for me) Will be delivered in a brand new Fame semi-rigid soft case. Non-smoking environment as usual. The bass has been fully set up and shielded (dead silent) professionally and will come with some new Dunlop Dual Design Straplok fitted on the bass. It has a new battery and has received a new set of amazing Dogal Hellborg Perfect Pitch Flat Wound JH1726S (26-35-51-71-102-120), which really serve this bass. What you see is what you get! Look carefully at the photos taken from different angles and lights to see the real condition, which is excellent. Here is the link to 40 photos in high definition including the original purchase order with all the specifications and the handcrafting photos (construction): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13eVF4jA7LoSQcemGgv_x9QTuilbKO4CT?usp=drive_link Due to severe back problems (67% officially disabled because of it) plus left and right shoulders injury (it's really painful to reach the tuners), I'm selling all the basses I'm not using like this one as well as some stuff I don't use. I've also considerably lowered the price for a quick sale. Don't hesitate to ask for more, but, please, before asking read my ad first as the answer is certainly already in it!
    2 points
  34. The new band seems to have gelled really well. We have a google calendar and all work at getting gigs. Surprisingly we manage to do quite well even with us all being in other bands. Stuff like logo posters is done by me but with cycles of feedback through our anarchic whatsapp thread. We had a discussion of how we care four our instruments... all double entendres which culminated in our new t-shirt... this is our singist:
    2 points
  35. We don`t have a manager as such but lately I seem to be taking on more. Singer usually gets the pub gigs as she is quite bolshy especially when asking for money but she now has 3 kids under 10 and a full time teaching job so I have started to deal with promoters re gigs. Our drummer recently left and I have taken the lead in getting someone in as it seems that none of the others know anyone whereas I am the only one who goes to gigs and have built relationships with other bands. I`m now the only one in charge of the facebook page as drummer was the other person involved in that: one of the other members wants joint control of the page but posts crap on theirs so that ain`t gonna happen. Everyone is asked about what the band is doing but they um and ah so much that in the end a decision has to be taken. I do the set lists, arrange the studio for rehearsals, own the pa and when I look at what I have just written, I seem like a right bossy boots but I`m not, it`s just sort of left for me to deal with things. And no doubt one day I will get pissed off with all this and jack it in.
    2 points
  36. So that’s pretty much everyone on the planet made eligible
    2 points
  37. Steampunk morris dancing…. Surely some pictures are in order!
    2 points
  38. Busy this weekend, yeah... three gigs (and a M*rr*s thing) next weekend as well but unfortunatley it's not always like that - I go weeks without a gig sometimes. No NYE gig (anyone need a dep?!) and nothing in January at all, so plenty of free time to question my life decisions/have nervous breakdowns etc I can only be friends with people who think Morris Dancing is stupid (I certainly do), so I think we're good on that score.
    2 points
  39. I haven't heard of this approach - the heel forms a physical landmark, and I feel like you can form an awareness of the spacing of positions in between the nut and heel fairly quickly. And precise intonation is still mostly about listening and muscle memory - markers will tend to help with getting the right note but not so much with getting that note in tune. I have used dots on the fingerboard face from the octave upwards from time to time, either stickers or marked with a white fabric marking pencil. Yeah, it's a crutch, but it can help build confidence up in thumb position and help nail things in fewer takes when recording.
    2 points
  40. People always try and find shortcuts but the easiest thing is simply to play a little bit every single day. I found doing ii V I exercises every day along with arpeggios and scales means I can hit the right note more often than not. We’re talking 10 minutes or less a day of proper practice.
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. No. Not heard of that one. (Although the NS CR4/5T had a brass pip at the back of the back where a D is if I remember?) Plus you shouldn't use side markings either. If you're looking at the neck when you play they you're too side on and will potentially risk injury as your frame is twisted. Your body should be 3/4 behind the bass (when standing - even more behind it when sitting) and head ideally needs to be alongside the neck facing forward, absolutely not facing the neck. Don't look at the neck - use your ears, (as string players we often hammer a note before we bow / pluck it just to sound it quietly to double check). Like millions of violinist, violists cellist and bassists you need to consider getting away from markers and just learn the neck. (Tip to check intonation in loud situations is to gently rest the left side of your head on the neck to listen to your intonation). But - that's "standard" technique, use whatever suits you best.
    2 points
  43. According to the Bax Shop website (which has photos of all sides of it), it isn't ported. The product description includes "port? No". I'd check with Ashdown to be sure. They're very helpful when it comes to answering enquiries.
    2 points
  44. I’m one year behind you and I drive myself, plus one of the PA towers and one, or two monitors that I also provide, plus my bass gear, loads of spare extension cables, the stage box/snake, loads of kettle leads, XLR cables, spare mic, emergency DI box, tools, gaffa tape, etc, plus sometimes a mixer desk and Uncle Tom Cobbley and all. Every so often I get a bit miffed about it as I have back issues, arthritis and lymphoma but then one of the guitarists is 72 with prostate cancer and provides the regular mixing desk. The drummer is only a year younger than me and provides the other PA tower, plus lugging his kit. Vocalist is much younger and I think should provide her own monitor but she works in the care sector, so really isn’t paid enough to be able to buy anything worth while. I do wonder how long I can go on doing this but I get such a rush from playing live that I really would miss it. We just got a new line up too, so a lot more fun to be had yet.
    2 points
  45. 2 points
  46. One of my bands - Mr Apollo - did a live version of Lindisfarne's "Winter Song" for our website a couple of weeks ago. We had a great fun doing it - not perfect, but hearfelt.
    2 points
  47. First gig for a while with blues band The Alligators at a nice little pub ‘The Imperial’ in Filey, which is a small seaside town on the East Yorkshire coast. Very quiet when we were setting up, but gradually more punters arrived to make it feel better, and they were very appreciative of our efforts. The landlady is a big music fan and we have a few more dates booked here for 2025, mainly Sunday afternoon gigs which I really enjoy. Gig went well - a few minor things forgotten - but overall an enjoyable evening. Used my passive Precision Lyte into the Rumble 500 combo. Roads quiet on the way back so made it home by 1pm. We are playing just down the road from Filey tonight at The Queens in Bridlington, so pretty much the same journey again for me.
    2 points
  48. No point buying anything but a special bass (i.e. one you can’t put together simply yourself), bitsas built from Basschat/ebay/Reverb parts win on price and quality over factory basses a lot of the time, keeping a keen eye open for used components by Warmoth, Allparts, Mighty Mite, Gotoh, means you can build some cracking instruments 👍
    2 points
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