My dad just called to ask what gauge strings I put on his EB3 last time I restrung it. Apparently they're starting to sound a bit dead, which is hardly surprising given that I last played that bass in 2003.
Fretless players: do you ever have one of those days when you start playing and your intonation is just bleugh? And then find yourself wondering, "Are my hands having a bad day, or are my ears having an unusually good one?"
Popped over to Cumbernauld Thursday night to catch @JohnFitzgerald play with Cateran and hear the debut of his Wal-esque build from last year. Top notch band, brilliant venue and his bass sounded amazing. Was also impressed by his Fame Baphomet, surprised we don't hear more about those.
So, as other local bands are playing Hungry like the wolf this is off the set list, I fear I may have bitten off more than I can chew with it's replacement Girls on film... Wowsers there is a lot going on with the bass, I think I may have to dedicate a day at the weekend to nailing this song.
Missed the 5string Status neck that showed up at BassBros at the weekend 🤬Been after one for yonks, more so since I got the FrankenJazz with a Status 4 neck 😢