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About velvetkevorkian

  • Birthday 12/04/1986

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  1. If I'm buying a Jackson I want it to have a pointy headstock!!! If you can get past that I doubt there's much to choose between them tbh. I like a 35" scale but 34" is fine too. But as per above I'd look used in the first instance as that will buy you a lot of bass.
  2. Can you bill the seller for a tetanus shot?
  3. I think this might be my favourite Fender-adjacent design. Glad to hear the Metro Express version holds up.
  4. Gosh that is a pretty thing.
  5. I think the OP is saying that the views counts on specific items have decreased, rather than that the rate of increase has slowed?
  6. Not really my thing but I guess if you can get MIA attention to detail at MIM prices it could be worthwhile.
  7. Very nice, I had it in my head that these were all short scale.
  8. Are the bodies/necks actually different or is it just an option to get higher spec parts?
  9. Love the body shapes but I wish they'd update their 90s-ass logo.
  10. Nice! What is the scale, 28-26.5 or something?
  11. Price raised to £3.50 for postage and one (1) picture of his face when he opens it 😜
  12. Haha, yes, I think this was probably at least a full semester of undergrad level theory. Happy to send it in if you'd like to try, or if you have a door that needs propped open.
  13. Niche, but if anyone is doing a music theory degree it may be useful! Left by a friend of my wife's who returned to their home country after university, some minor water damage and a few pencil annotations but still in excellent condition. Free to collect from Glasgow G51 or post should be about £3.50.
  14. I did this and it made barely any difference, to my ear. Eliminated a tiny bit of single coil hum but not much else. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
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