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Everything posted by velvetkevorkian

  1. No worries, I was just curious. Looking at the pics, if its a neck from a "proper" DB then it's probably got a DB scale length (40" give or take a few) rather than being just a vertical fretless
  2. Mmm, very nice. What's the scale length?
  3. Very cool. I like how it does sound like a whole percussion ensemble. I had to go put the kettle on a couple of minutes in and had that beat going in my head in the kitchen.
  4. Maybe it was the infamous "Glasgow hiss"?
  5. a: Take a pencil. Write any cuts/changes/reminders/time changes in, or circle them. You won't remember everything on the gig. b: Make sure you can see the MD, and know what he's counting in. As Garry says, a lot of this stuff is in cut time (so the conductor beats on beats 1+3 of a bar in 4/4) and sometimes they change quite suddenly. c: If the MD is useless (), work out which member of the band you can take cues from- if there's a cellist you'll often be on similar parts. d: Musical theatre has a tendency to use horrible key signatures- be prepared and know what sharps and flats are in each part. Have you ever worked with a conductor/MD before? Do you know how to read their conducting?
  6. [quote name='Dubhghaill' post='640435' date='Oct 29 2009, 07:57 PM']Because my guitar is tuned to F1. I'm currently using my Schecter 5 string tuned to F but it's floppy because I only have a 135 on the low B which isn't thick enough. Example here: [url="http://media.andydoyle.co.uk/mp3/second-8-string-clip.mp3"]http://media.andydoyle.co.uk/mp3/second-8-string-clip.mp3[/url][/quote] Meshuggah-tastic. (that's meant as a compliment ) Also, nice cat. In terms of a bass, if you want a longer scale (and the Schecter 5s are 35", are they not?) you'll be looking at used or custom. Maybe better investing in some strings designed for F/F# tuning rather than a new bass, especially on a budget? I think you'll have to spend quite a bit to get a significant improvement on what you have.
  7. Bump for pics. There's a little scratch on one corner and one of the Rs in Hardwire has a tiny blemish- shown in the photos. Other than that its in perfect condition. The Lexicon I was after has been sold but would still consider cash or interesting trades. In addition to the above, may be interested in some kind of DB preamp. Cheers Kyle
  8. Just bought a pickup from Eubassix- easy peasy lemon squeezy- and he managed to arrange to get it through a small gap between postal strikes. Top notch. Cheers Kyle
  9. I found that going to a lighter gauge (all else being equal) significantly sweetened the sound of the top strings, particularly above the 12th fret, without sacrificing the low end.
  10. Hi folks, Offering up my Digitech Hardwire DL-8 Delay/Looper to see if I can raise the cash for 6stringbassist's Lexicon. The pedal is ungigged and has had light home use only- I bought it specifically for the looping function and have only played with the delays briefly. It has a whole variety of different modes including some cool reverse and modulated delays, 20 seconds of looping, stereo ins and outs, and it will run happily in front of an amp or in the effects loop. It can also be switched between being true bypass for all you tone-freaks or buffered, in which case the delay will trail off when you disengage the pedal. Full specs can be found [url="http://www.digitech.com/products/Hardwire/HW_DelayLooper.php"]on the DigiTech website[/url]. I'll get some pics up tomorrow. Comes with the original box and accessories, posted to your door for £85. Collection from Glasgow G51 welcome, or a central Glasgow meetup, in which case I'll knock a bit off. Trades, I've really got my eye on the Lexicon but would consider other cool multi-effects rackmounts- could possibly add some cash for the right thing. So, Lexicon MPX-1, Boss Vf-1, that kind of thing. Possibly a MIDI foot controller. Maybe an eBow. Try me. You can see my BC feedback [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21130&hl=velvetkevorkian"]here[/url]. I do reserve the right to withdraw this at any time! Cheers Kyle
  11. Indeed. Do want. Open for any trades?
  12. The Pod line is designed so that you should be able to plug it directly into a PA without using an onstage amp; how effective that will be for you will depend on the monitoring that's available from the PA- I think most people would say that wouldn't be enough for them. I've gone direct and relied on stage monitors in the past, and it was fine, but YMMV. Maybe better getting a small combo to use as onstage monitoring just in case?
  13. This thread delivers!
  14. The Overwater strings have black silks (when I bought them last year anyway).
  15. If you want to keep the strings, cut off the ball end from an old set (that stay on your bass) and run the new string through the old ball end. I had to do this so I could use a guitar string on my 7 and it works surprisingly well. Although now I think about it, a bigger string might not fit... YMMV.
  16. He's fallen on hard times lately.
  17. Or brand an inverted cross into your forehead like Glen Benton of Deicide...
  18. My Realist has shuffled off this mortal coil so at the moment, nothing.
  19. I think I'll pass. More info on the DSP1000 [url="http://www.behringer.de/EN/Products/DSP1000P.aspx"]here[/url] for anyone looking for specs etc.
  20. [quote name='Kev' post='631760' date='Oct 20 2009, 08:26 PM']depends if its my profession or not. If my partner asked me to stop now, i would, but i would probably resesnt her for it. Have to question her motives if she realises how much it means to you though.[/quote] What he said. Hypothetically speaking, of course...
  21. Can you tell us what model the Behringer effects unit is?
  22. [quote name='Beedster' post='631614' date='Oct 20 2009, 06:20 PM']I tried to play 'fretless lines' for months with no luck. Then I took my fretless to a rehearsal and simply played my usual fretted lines albeit with frets. That's how I learned fretless technique and intonation. Haven't looked back (or used frets) since. Good luck Chris[/quote] +1
  23. Ooh tempting... Do you have the rest of the lineup in place?
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