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Everything posted by velvetkevorkian

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='364864' date='Dec 28 2008, 03:08 PM']Good enough to play what I do, but not good enough to quite play what I really want.[/quote] That's what I meant :ph34r:
  2. Not good enough.
  3. Hey all, Has anyone tried the Digitech Hardwire DL-8 pedal? I'm looking for an affordable looping pedal and this seems to tick all the boxes- priced around the £130 mark so not the cheapest though. How does it compare to other similar pedals (Headrush, Line6 etc). Any opinions or suggestions welcome- mainly interested in the looping features rather than the delays. Cheers. Kyle
  4. Nothing in there to take issue with. Well said.
  5. Only proper tab books, most tab on the internet is a .txt file with no notation at all. If you want notation you would probably have to buy the book, or find a way to get an (illegal) copy of it. If you know them why not transcribe them and do the notation yourself?
  6. Whoops, thats what I was thinking of when I was talking about whooshing noises, not Orion- for a solo, he's a bit buried by the guitars, although I'm hearing more tonight than I have before.
  7. [quote name='ARGH' post='363961' date='Dec 26 2008, 11:20 PM']Go on...list[/quote] Sean Malone of Cynic. The dude from Atheist whose name I can't recall. Steve DiGiorgio on a whole bunch of stuff, I recommend The Fragile Art Of Existence by Control Denied (Chuck Schuldiner post-Death for anyone who cares). Michael Mendez (or is it Lopez? can never remember) from Opeth. Whoever played on the Spiral Architect album (A Sceptic's Universe). Those are the only players I can think of just now that I can recommend as bassists worth listening to in their own right.
  8. Its not nearly as difficult as its made out to be, but nor is it terribly useful... edit- IME naturally.
  9. Argh, I'm too half-cut to play this now, especially on a 7 string, but looks good stuff. Only thing I would suggest would be to stick a time sig at the start- less of an issue with this one but I had to count a lot of little notes to check what time sig your Steve Swallow tune was in- or is all jazz in common time these days? Thanks for taking the time though, it is definitely appreciated!
  10. [quote name='ARGH' post='363920' date='Dec 26 2008, 09:58 PM']Thats because,most Bassplayers....read Bassplayers.....not Bassists.....cant escape the holy riff,without weakening the overall sound. Most bands have no idea about dynamics,or even tuning.....or in sound.. I.e what sounds great in a bedroom dont sound that hot in a room,and sounds utter kak live.[/quote] This is true, but I don't hear a lot going on in Metallica's bass parts? Incidentally, going back to what you said about 3 pieces, I've been thinking a modern prog metal power trio would kick ass- think Rush mixed with Symphony X mixed with Meshuggah. Especially with extended range instruments, blur the boundaries a bit...
  11. Well I haven't heard the latest album yet so can't comment there, but in terms of the early stuff I only notice the bass when he's playing with massive distortion and wah (IE there's supposed to be a bass solo in Orion, but I don't hear any notes, just a whooshing in the background?). Even Anasthesia (which I always think of (unconsciously) as Euthanasia ) I find fairly unremarkable today- sure its fast, but there's nothing particularly interesting to me- and that's coming from a guy who likes shredding, both on guitar and bass. As ever, your mileage may vary, and I'm happy for all the people Metallica's bassists have inspired, but for me, the most inspiring thing I've hear remains S&M which I think is outstanding. Maybe it was something special back in the early 80s, but today he (and they) have been surpassed by plenty of other bands and players- I'll spare you a list of bassists I think everyone should hear* but there are plenty of exciting players raising the bar for everyone. *although I'd be more than happy to if you want
  12. If this had an extra string I would seriously be contemplating tempting the wrath of Mrs Velvetkevorkian to buy it.
  13. Let's face it, 95% of the time in metal you can't hear any bass worth a toss anyway- and that goes doubly for Metallica (and all their bassists) IMHO. I like a lot of Metallica's music, but have never found anything inspiring about any of their bassists, or bass playing.
  14. Congratulations Bilbo! If anyone can do it justice I think you probably can!
  15. Did someone not post earlier that he sounds the same no matter what bass he is using?
  16. Nowt bass related.
  17. [quote name='foal30' post='363507' date='Dec 26 2008, 08:51 AM']I like finnbass too, it's a bit looser TB has heaps of info, man there is stuff for days and from where I live in the world this is a big asset. this site is similar in that regard, just on a smaller scale. interestingly many of the charges leveled in this thread at TB apply directly to this site. It's actually classic Pot Kettle Black. It's also part of the charm... like it's part of what makes the respective sites. The political bit is tough, how much leeway do you give? I think the rules are clear, whether I think that's "right" is hardly the point. Well maybe. Christian? again, get over it. The home base of the site is religious minded, all census data on the USA shows huge % call themselves Christian. If I came on her mocking the Monarchy, Football and Mushy Peas I'm not only being ignorant, I'm most likely being disrespectful to the tenants OF THE ACTUAL PEOPLE WHO DO THE WORK TO RUN THE SITE. and I think it is important to keep that in mind when evaluating a particular resource/community. and Merry Xmas everyone.[/quote] +1 well said.
  18. [quote name='Russ' post='363216' date='Dec 25 2008, 05:54 AM']...many posters' (and mods') attitudes to religion, guns, other countries, etc irritate the hell out of me. I much prefer the vibe here. But the Lobby, and, formerly, Tin Pan Alley were always good for a laugh. [/quote] Aye, I used to partake of plenty of gun control debates etc and got very wound up doing so- now I try not to touch OT with a proverbial barge pole.
  19. [quote name='Josh' post='363099' date='Dec 24 2008, 09:20 PM']They seemingly start clubs over anything and everything, a classic American sentiment.[/quote] It also provides us with an endless supply of so called "Americanisms" or us to laugh at Yes there's plenty wrong with TB but to demean it simply because its full of Americans is pretty idiotic IMHO. I won't disagree that some people's sigs etc get pretty irritating, but people on TB talking about playing in church is no different to people on here talking about playing the Dog And Duck every weekend, and both are just as valid. If you don't want to talk about religion (or anything else) its fairly simple to avoid it.
  20. So, who's up for a Scots BassBash at D-Basser's house?
  21. I have been a member since 2004. I originally joined for double bass info- the DB side of the board is a goldmine, especially compared to (for example) the DB section here- lots of very knowledgeable folks eager to share. I'm more selective as to what I browse on the BG side- there is a lot of "OMGZ th1s ba55 iz teh rox" type posting but its usually fairly simple to avoid them. If you need info about a certain piece of gear the odds are someone has owned it. Also, I like the moderation style- its is strict but the rules are there to read and it seems fair to me. When you have such a massive membership there has to be compromised made and I think they've done quite well. All IMO/IME naturally.
  22. Woah! That's f***ing awesome!
  23. [quote name='M4L666' post='362245' date='Dec 23 2008, 07:04 PM']My technique is noticeably balls. My right hand just isn't disciplined enough (four fingers and I play metal!). My left hand can keep up with anything I care to put my (rubbish) right hand to very easily, so isn't challenged. So until my right hand improves I try to make a 2nd-12th fret stretch comfortable... Going well so far! Any good finger exercises for four fingers? (By the way, I use my little finger not my thumb. Anyone else?)[/quote] I use 3 fingers normally and have experimented with 4, using both the thumb and the pinky- IME and IMO using 3+thumb is good for certain feels (it's quite easy to get a bouncy funk line for example), but the RH pinky I found almost completely useless. I play metal as well and would advise working on 3 finger technique and get that down nice and smooth (a lot of work in itself) before trting to add the pinky as its going to take much longer to train the 4th finger than it did the other 3. As ever, YMMV. Back on topic, I'm nowhere near clean enough, especially since I've moved to 7 strings. My floating thumb is improving but anything fancy leaves strings ringing all over the shop
  24. In classical harmony analysis you will still hear people talk about suspensions, and not necessarily just 4ths and 2nds.
  25. I would guess they're trying to cash in on the "mystique" of being able to play double bass. I wouldn't buy one either...
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