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Everything posted by velvetkevorkian

  1. [quote name='Hamster' post='4145' date='May 22 2007, 02:27 AM']I'm sure I saw a photo of Leland Sklar playing one of these - can't remember when/where though? Hamster[/quote] He's an enthusiastic current endorser IIRC.
  2. Nice!
  3. They are meant to be up there with the best of the "Super Jazzes" quality wise- potential Sadowsky killers at a much lower price. Do it and report back
  4. God damn that's going to be a nice bass. I really am going to have to save my pennies and hop on a bus to Moffat one of these days.
  5. [quote name='BigBeatNut' post='3590' date='May 21 2007, 01:11 PM']Velvet: I'd be willing to try that, but for one thing, someone seems to have deliberately moved both soundpost and bridge towards the endpin by maybe an inch and a half. So I could do a couple of things 1) Follow your advice and finish up with a scale length that's an inch and a half too long 2) Figure out (with a luthier) why the bridge was moved (relieve pressure on the crack, maybe ?) and get the whole thing put right. Any way you look at it, I'm going to need a luthiers advice I think.[/quote] Looking at it again, for me it all comes down to how bad the cracks are. As long as the top can be made structurally sound (and my untrained eye suggests you shouldn't have too much problem, although I have no idea of cost) then getting the soundpost and bridge in the right place is a moments work for a luthier. That said, what's an extra inch and a half on top of 41"?
  6. Belter. What are the scales then? 36" to 32" or something?
  7. No I/O Means No Messy Cables!
  8. Nice! Regarding a tilted bridge, this is copied from Bob Gollihur's advice I got with my new bass... "As you bring it up to pitch, watch the bridge’s angle — it should be at ninety degrees, perpendicular to the top of the bass. If it’s a little off, give it a gentle “karate chop” at the top to move it to the proper position. Of course, the feet should be centered on the inside cut in the f-holes. You’ll see that the side of the bridge facing the tailpiece is vertically straight, and that’s the side that should be perpendicular to the top. Otherwise, string strain will start to warp the bridge on you." Hope it works well! edit- although looking at those cracks on TB, I'd probably get that seen to first.
  9. Oooooh nice. Dingwall's look cool, I wish I could get my hands on one to try.
  10. Other- Peavey Milestone III. Cheap as chips but it has served me well as my only bass guitar for over 6 years, and has seen much action. Solid like a rock
  11. I've read all the hype Skjold gets on T*lkB*ss but I could never get over the incredibly ugly headstock design. This looks like a whole different kettle of scaly aquatic creatures- watching with much interest.
  12. [quote name='subaudio' post='1553' date='May 18 2007, 04:28 PM']Hi Owen, all too true. at least they dont think it's a guitar of some kind though [/quote] Most common remark I get when I'm out and about with my DB is "That's a big guitar".
  13. [quote name='Crikey!' post='1056' date='May 18 2007, 12:33 AM']right, thanks for that, im pretty sure i can keep my place, i can play just as good if not better than the double bassist, if the tone is the only real problem i have a cheap double bass modeling type thingy that gets pretty close, and im sure it wouldn't make a huge difference in an orchestra situation. If its about the look then thats just a bit shallow really.. ive heard people say that electric basses are like double basses for lazy players, which is understandable to some extent considering the size issues with a double bass but when referring to tone, does playing style and technique influence the overall sound more or less on either type of bass? or is technique just technique and uninfluenced by the instrument?[/quote] Regarding technique, it is very different for each instrument, due to the size and shape of the neck and the ergonomics. I started out on DB before I played BG, and I have had serious problems as a result of transferring good DB technique on to BG, where it becomes very poor technique. Left hand shape is very different, and its impossible to use all 4 LH fingers in the lower positions without a serious technique adjustment- most DB players use their 3rd and 4th fingers together most of the way up the neck. I'd be inclined to suggest that technique has more of an impact on sound on DB, purely because it tends to be the only way of affecting the sound- most players, when they play with an amp, use it only to supplement the acoustic noise of the bass, rather than as an integral part of their tone.
  14. I think you nailed it woth tone and feel. Worth remembering though that it is a very different instrument, its not just a big fretless bass guitar. Oh, and you can play it with a bow.
  15. After a long hard night of METAL... Being accosted- in case you can't tell, she was really irritating. Is long hair cool? I like to think so...
  16. AKG kick drum mic works well for getting the thump on a double bass (and also for micing bass cabs, or so I've been led to believe).
  17. I'll get in on page 1 this time... Boss VF1 (used as preamp)-->[url="http://www.bkelec.com/HiFi/ClassD/ClassD.htm"]BK electronics 600W class D power amp[/url]-->Scott Sound Systems 1x15 cab. I'm getting very tempted into doing some ill advised DIY and attempting to make a couple of Bill Fitzmaurice Omni 10.5s to replace the 1x15 cos its crap. Wouldn't mind a Pod or something similar either- the VF1 is good for FX but the amp modelling and EQ is neither the best nor the easiest to tweak on the fly.
  18. Oh my, that Shuker's one of the nicest I've seen. Lovely.
  19. Worth noting (correct me if I'm wrong) that import duty is due on the cost of the bass plus shipping, and VAT is due on that total.
  20. They must be quite long if you've got 10 feet between the ball end and the saddle Are you using Warwicks on your D, G and C strings as well?
  21. Yeah it was a bit of a bastard of a situation from what I heard. Still, I'll catch them one day! Andy- keep us posted mate. Would definitely jump out to see you guys if you were round these parts
  22. I think you should send it to me (with NS5 within) so I can approve your prize Please?
  23. This sounds pretty cool- Interlock are a good band (although they cancelled their last Glasgow show) and I'm quite liking your Myspace tunes. Your drummer's amazing! Pity I'm not in London...
  24. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='526' date='May 17 2007, 04:50 PM']My dropper does not go as low as B. Dropping a string a whole fifth would drop tension across the neck enough to really mess up the intonation of the rest of the strings... So i dount they exist. Think mine drops E to about C sharp. Garry[/quote] E down to B is only a perfect fourth. E up to B is a fifth
  25. FWIW my (allegedly indestructible) Peavey Mark IV is out of commission for exactly this reason. Be wary!
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