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Everything posted by Bassmonster

  1. nice collection of lefties josh
  2. [quote name='steve-soar' post='339661' date='Nov 28 2008, 02:46 PM']Oh dear, must resist..... (thinks about Kerry Catonia stuffing her face full of Iceland pies while rubbing her self down with Yorkshire pudding mix), ahhhh that's better.[/quote] OH DEAR INDEED
  3. that is good news, round about the same time as mine then, although i havn't had any pics since august! so i can't wait
  4. indeed it does
  5. [quote]who knows, one day, in the not to distant (don't tell the wife......please ) I may just get myself another Buckeye beauty.[/quote] sshhh! Mrs T will hear you
  6. With regards to the J&D i'm pretty sure it stands for jack and danny bros, their made in the far east somewhere, i've seen the same bass appear under various brand names, they usually appear on ebay. You can't go far wrong with ibanez though
  7. [quote name='lefty68' post='326124' date='Nov 10 2008, 06:03 PM']yep we certainly do [/quote] +1, there are a fair few of us lefties kicking about this forum now
  8. Welcome to the club mate, nice looking spec, loving the buckeye....yes you do indeed have to be patient, but just wait for the end result,
  9. Excellent news Mr Eude, the long awaited pics of the neck.....looking good
  10. just got an email from Jon, all things going well should have it a couple weeks.....just in time for my bday
  11. lovely stuff, nice to another lefty!
  12. [quote name='jonthebass' post='312997' date='Oct 23 2008, 02:27 PM']It sounds pretty damn good too! Also I think it was your 5 stringer I saw being worked on. Is it the one with the (to be) backlit Shuker logo?[/quote] didn't happen to see a lefty blue jazz kicking about by any chance?
  13. man that is a serious looking grain....very sweet
  14. ah that guy again, isn't he the one who had that fugly fortress for ages
  15. turned out really really nice mate.....i see jon has embraced the power nap technique EDIT: just noticed what looks like my bass neck in the background
  16. very nice indeed, very similar to my soon to be inbound shuker....didn't happen to see it while you were there did you?
  17. nice catch
  18. just had another update from Jon, he should be putting it all together this week, so hopefully not to long now......you would have thought i would have learned from the first one and be all calm and such...but no i wan't it now damn it , i don't expect anymore pics from here on in
  19. that pic of ruby wearing the ear defenders, you've just got to say AWWWW
  20. Condolences to Steve's family and friends, R.I.P fellow southpaw
  21. very very nice, love that combo of the maple on the wenge.....bet all that waiting now seems like a distant memory?
  23. WOW! looking good, the more i see of these build courses run by Mr Shuker, the more it convinces me to do this, look forward to further updates
  24. Just checked the guitar guitar website, turns out Billy Sheehan is doing a clinic in glasgow on On sunday the 5th October, think i will be checking that out
  25. typical! why are we bassists always in the background lol!
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