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Everything posted by Peterscott8

  1. Hello all, I've recently purchased my first double bass, its a 3/4 German O.M. Monnich. Second hand nicely setup, and Im absolutely loving it! I now need pickups to make live performance better and easier than my current solution of an SM57 on a clip. I've been told the realist pickup is quite good, but also heard mention of another who's name I forget, 'something twin' where 2 pickups are installed underneath the bridge? Can anyone help or offer advice on the matter please, my budget is ideally around 200 pounds possibly a little more depending on what I'm getting. Thanks
  2. cheers guys, ive seen a second hand german im gonna go and look at thats up on the for sale page, but if that doesn't turn out to be what im after Im going gedo half carved.
  3. does anyone know why they are less prone to feedback
  4. thanks guys this has all been really helpful. fatback - i've been looking at some one here for a while but had nightmares with transport, that said I'm still keeping my fingers crossed but just becoming a little impatient. My ultimate budget is 1000 for just the bass, if i can get something i feel is good enough I am willing to pay a bit more for strings setup and pickups (I am aware they are just as important if not more on the cheaper basses hence why a good 2nd hand might be worth it) Im pretty set on a Gedo bass as ya'll are giving me good vibes on their service and quality. Can I ask has anyone had any experience with their half carved or full laminate. As the laminate are a bit cheaper and from what Im understanding a cheap full laminate can sometimes be better than a cheap carved. I know I should play the instrument first but unfortunately it might not be an option, so any info would be great. here's the one i rekon i'll get: http://www.gedo-musik.de/shop/product.php?id_product=809
  5. oh what a treat clarky! Thanks, yeah Im going to see about an adjustable bridge, and perhaps some new strings as it comes with gut-a-like which Ive not heard of, but read lots about the importance of strings
  6. or would i be better off just going complete laminated for cheaper? http://www.gedo-musik.de/shop/product.php?id_product=416
  7. thanks everyone, had a look through the gedo basses, a lot look very similar to the thomann. got my eyes on something like this. http://www.gedo-musik.de/shop/product.php?id_product=809 can anyone tell me if i had a setup leaning more toward jazz playing would it make it more difficult to play rockabilly? As it is definitely a style I would like to learn at some point.
  8. thanks artisan, current playing bluegrass and jazz. I say jazz, I mean I stumble round what I know, once I have my own bass Im going to have lessons. But mostly playing pitzacato, and I like to play loud when possible
  9. Hello, I've been playing upright bass for about a year and am finally in the market to buy a bass of my own. I have been playing A primavera P50 which was kindly borrowed from a friend. I have been enjoying playing this bass but also not had much experience with others. My budget is £1000, which doesn't necessarily have to include setup and string cost. After many hours reading reviews and discussions on various bass forums a few names kept coming up: Thomann, and Archer Basses. I've read really good reviews on both, and am leaning toward the archer bass after reading this really positive review http://basschat.co.uk/topic/77602-archer-professional-double-bass/ but wanted to know if anyone could offer any new advice as everything i've read has been fairly old. I am also keeping my eye out for good second hand basses within the price range but these are few and get snatched up very quickly. Thanks
  10. hi, would you be interested in trading for a fender mexican deluxe jazz v? In very good condition and great sounding bass.
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