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Everything posted by jeid

  1. Sennheiser e906 mic. Great for guitar cabs. Hardly been used. Comes with its clip and pouch. In fact, I've got the box in the cupboard as well. £105 delivered
  2. Lucky man, I've played that bass, it is indeed, a beauty!
  3. Bump... accepting offers
  4. Sennheiser E906, pouch, mic clip and box. Hardly used. £100 plus postage of about £6.
  5. Still for sale, knocking £30 off the Digi 002R but staying firm on the Motu just now, seen a few of them go for £280 on eBay, so it's a fair deal. Feel free to PM about it.
  6. Motu 8 Pre. Comes with it's original box/manual/firewire cable. The Digidesign 002R comes with the Pro Tools manual. Pro Tools will be provided with this item but you will not be able to upgrade the license to Pro Tools 9. £250 a piece +postage. UK only
  7. Roland Kick & Snare Triggers £50 posted (that's for the two, not each) Shure SM57 £60 posted Pedaltrain Junior w/Softcase £60 posted Welcome to offers
  8. Selling my EMG 81 & 85 pickups with the solderless kit and the 4 pots (2 vol/2 tone) Looking for £100 delivered
  9. [quote name='Wil' post='1217432' date='May 2 2011, 12:30 PM']Bumpola.[/quote] PM'd
  10. This bass has the S-1 switch on the volume pot. It's a beautiful bass. Sounds really nice too.
  11. If I can get rid of my Marshall, I will take these, but so far, no biters
  12. 1993 Marshall JCM900 2100 SL-X, recently re-tubed with Svetlana =C= 6L6's and biased by my tech. The power tubes have had 10 hours of use at the very most. There are two NOS RFT 12AX7's in V1 & V2 and there's Tung Sol's in V3 & V4. The amp has been looked after and had regular check ups since I got it 2 years ago. There's a little rip on the cloth on the bottom right above the gain controls which is about the size of a 20p. There are little nicks in the tolex but nothing major considering it's age. I was pretty gutted when I got that rip on the cloth I'm still relatively new here(I've done a couple of deals), but I've got several references from Harmony Central and a large eBay feedback to back myself up. The amp can be seen advertised on [url="http://acapella.harmony-central.com/showthread.php?2738271-UK-Euro-February-11-SPAM-Thread&p=42263574&viewfull=1#post42263574"]Harmony Central[/url] I'm looking for £420 +postage or a trade if you've got something nice.
  13. [quote name='spinynorman' post='1107804' date='Jan 30 2011, 01:23 AM']I bought an SX on here, maple neck, finish was like bright orange goo. I changed the neck and it's ok, but it's still not very exciting bass. The new ones you get from Rondo now have a different headstock, which a lot of people don't like. A radical alternative is [url="http://www.bachmusik.com/en/music-instruments/bass-guitars"]BaCH[/url], which avoids massive shipping and customs charges, and they make nice basses pretty cheap.[/quote] That's actually the first bit of bad press I've read about the SX's. I'm set on one anyway. Muzz was kind enough to offer me one of his and I've decided to take up the offer. I'm super excited about owning my first 4 string
  14. I've no real experience with thick necks on a bass, like I said, I'm a guitar player... so a neck on a bass is gonna be thick anyway. I'll not be playing it for hours on end I imagine. I reckon it'll be a couple of hours here or there to do some recording stuff. It's going to be an aide for writing new songs If the neck is too much of an issue, a new one can be had! Appreciate all the input guys. The SX sounds like the bass for me
  15. excellent info Muzz, thanks. Oh, and PM'd back also
  16. Hello, Quite new to this place. Got to admit, I'm a 6 stringer more than a 4 stringer. I'm after an SX Bass for some recording though. I love Precision Basses, I was never a fan until my mate got two USA Fender Precision basses and I loved them. Anyway, my question is, how good quality are the SX Basses in comparison to the USA/MIM Fender ones. I've read various sources telling different stories, but I'm looking for more first hand experience. What needs changed to turn it into a great bass? Pickups, tuners, pots? All of the above? It's going to be my studio bass. This was the model I was thinking about getting [url="http://www.musicasa.es/default.asp?codigo=BAJ_EFE_SX_VPB62&codigosub=BAJ_EFE_&subfamilia=CUERELECTR&familia=CUERDA"]http://www.musicasa.es/default.asp?codigo=...;familia=CUERDA[/url] Thanks very much for any advice
  17. He bought my Pod XT Pro off of me. Paid quickly, kept in contact and informed me as soon as the kit arrived. Would definitely deal with him again Cheers buddy
  18. Bump. Take offers on the Pod XT Pro
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