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Everything posted by ConnorHamilton

  1. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='1271325' date='Jun 16 2011, 12:33 PM']Get a Celestion neo 10" from Lean Business ~£62 and make your own cab. I got one from Watford Valves when they had an offer on for ~45. I use it for similar purposes to you, its fine![/quote] Yeah I was looking at this mate, Been trying to find somewhere that sells empty cabs with no luck. I looked at the BFM site for plans but i've got more chance of losing an arm than ending up with a functioning cab!
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1271152' date='Jun 16 2011, 10:46 AM']I have no direct experience, but my money would be on the Ibanez. I do hear great things about the combo, and the cab looks TINY![/quote] Yeah I'm going off feedback from the combo! [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1271164' date='Jun 16 2011, 10:52 AM']Ibanez looks like a good bet, neo driver so it'll be nice and light. I'm not aware of anyone on here who uses one on it's own and not with the combo though so it's hard to judge it's merits as a standalone cab. I would still love to try one though! Also you may find some inspiration in this thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=129174&hl=tiny+little+rigs"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...iny+little+rigs[/url] If you don't require silly volume levels then there's actually quite a lot of choice.[/quote] Thanks I'll have a look! [quote name='chris_b' post='1271194' date='Jun 16 2011, 11:13 AM']The Epifani 110 always got great reviews, but there aren't many about. For a stand alone cab I prefer a 112 to a 110. The sound is bigger, fuller and has more tone. Either of the Aguilar 112's sounds great.[/quote] I would love an Epifani! Theres a PS112 at the gallery but it's £339! I have been considering holding off for this! [quote name='JTUK' post='1271201' date='Jun 16 2011, 11:16 AM']Read the blown EA 10" speaker thread first..[/quote] I reckon 140w into either 250/300w cab would be ok? [quote name='chris_b' post='1271214' date='Jun 16 2011, 11:19 AM']I've just remembered, I know someone getting a fantastic sound out of a single TC RS112.[/quote] Great cabs but just a bit pricey! I wish they did a 1x12 in the BC series!! [quote name='Ed_S' post='1271227' date='Jun 16 2011, 11:31 AM']I have the Eden EX112 and use it for the same things as you're suggesting. I personally really like it as a compact practice rig with my Little Mark II or Orange TB500, and given the volume it throws out I'd have no issues taking it out to play an acoustic gig. The only bad point is that it has a single very heavily recessed jack socket for hooking up - I'd have preferred a plate with at least the option of a speakon. The other thing to note is that due to the design of the speaker itself, we found it very difficult to get a pleasing close-mic'd sound from it when I took it into the studio; we eventually gave up and used a different cab. I never tried the 110, as I was naughty and bought the 112 sight-unseen from Germany as they just weren't readily available in the UK at that point, but aside from lacking a bit of low end of the 112, I'd expect it to be decent.[/quote] Thanks for the input! Don't think I'd be micing up and if I found myself in a gigging situation I'd just buy another!!
  3. Hey guys, I'm looking to get a small 1x10 cab to go with my newly acquired GK MB200. The two I've found that I think would do the job are: Eden EX110 (About £170) Promethean P110C (About £239) Anyone got an experience with these? There just going to be used for home practice and the occational Acoustic/house jam with a couple of mates. Any input or other suggestions in this price range would be great. Thanks, Connor
  4. Pm'd [quote name='Piggery Bandana' post='1258436' date='Jun 6 2011, 02:57 PM']Many thanks for the photographic assistance....... hmmm Discount for the photo work.... lets see we are sat at £ 149.98 or so......... Orthapeadic stack heeled Shoes for Monopeds cost £132.98..... tell ya what ill split the change with you! Hows that need to cover the shoes cost cos he goes through em at a rate of knots what with his tapdancing to slipknot hobby! )[/quote]
  5. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='1254380' date='Jun 2 2011, 06:27 PM']I know exactly what you mean. But.....that sure is a purty Jazz you have there if a trade tickles your fancy [/quote] Sorry buddy, took me close to six years to find a Fender I liked and she's staying with me for a very long time! Good luck with the sale though mate, like I said I'll be keeping an eye on this if my my circumstance change! Connor
  6. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='1253518' date='Jun 2 2011, 09:04 AM']Hey Keith - the cab hasn't gone but it does have dibs on it, so looking for someone to buy the head separately. Just saw you have a Markbass LMK head too. Great heads also.[/quote] I'm so tempted with this head, been wanting to try one for years! What's it with money and not having a lot of it eh! Will be keeping an eye on this though! Connor
  7. Hey guys, Looking for a combo in the 40-100 watt range for around 200 quid! I have always loved the tone of my mates TD650! How do these little baby's line up next to the big boys tone wise! This is just for noodling in the front room and for the occasional drunken jam night with a gui***ist (boo hiss!) Opinions would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks, Connor
  8. Hey folks, Anyone have experience of changing the tuners on a Mex Reissue? The site says HB7s for Mex Standard basses but HB2s for reissue and older basses! Any advice would be mucho appreciated! Thanks!
  9. [quote name='silddx' post='1247690' date='May 27 2011, 10:59 PM']Nor did I, John actually volunteered that info after I told him I'd heard so many good things about his work on Basschat![/quote] Well J Retro will definately be something for the future! But as I updated the thread, that's the Audere bought and I cant wait!!
  10. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='1246942' date='May 27 2011, 12:25 PM'][shameless plug] I'm selling a J-Retro 01 that I got in a trade and never got round to fitting if anyone's interested [/shameless plug] I must say I've never tried them myself, but I love the tone of other people's basses fitted with DiMarzios! When funds allow my 75RI is getting Model Js.[/quote] Yeah I've heard the Model J's are good but the Ultra J's are definately sounding like my kind of thing. They are officially on my radar! [quote name='bubinga5' post='1246961' date='May 27 2011, 12:37 PM']Ive got an Audere in my 62 and it is seriously good... i doubt you will need to change the pickups..the Audere is great with my Jap pickups..[/quote] Really mate!? That's great. I'm definately going for the preamp first to see how I get on before touching the pickups!
  11. [quote name='silddx' post='1246912' date='May 27 2011, 12:11 PM']Keep the pups. Keep the bridge. Get a J-Retro 01 : £195 minus Basschat discount Get Hipshot Tuners & Bass Xtender (from the USA, much cheaper) : £120ish Get your White Pearl PG : £30ish[/quote] Basschat discount? What's this? Connor
  12. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1246734' date='May 27 2011, 10:12 AM']Two words. Lindy Fralin.[/quote] Really mate, that good? I'll look up some reviews! Any models in particular. Thanks for chiming in mate, I semi-recall a heft drinking session in Moffat! Haha [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1246864' date='May 27 2011, 11:46 AM']An external pre-amp isn't like a pedal other than looks. Apart from it being an extra thing to carry about, it's exactly like an internal pre-amp. It'd probably be about the same price and you won't need to route your bass out to fit it like you would a battery. As for pickups, ever thought about delanos? They're quite expensive, they're amazing pickups though.[/quote] Well the Audere pre I've been looking at requires no routing and will fit straight in my bass but thanks for the info. Maybe something I will look into in the future. [quote name='markstuk' post='1246876' date='May 27 2011, 11:56 AM']The John East J-Retro preamp is also a "drop in"installation as well AFAIK..[/quote] Yeah definately another one I've been looking at though considerably more expensive! Cheers guys, the advice is invaluable!!
  13. [quote name='BassBod' post='1246572' date='May 27 2011, 07:11 AM']I'd try and avoid routing, and stick to a J/J set up (with old style DiMarzio humbuckers). I've always found SD QP's a bit over-blown. You also may not need a pre-amp onboard? There are loads of external preamps (Sadowsky, Aguilar etc) that can be added when you need it but also used with other basses.[/quote] Not looking for external mate, I hate pedals more than a kick in the nads. And I'm really happy with the EQ in my other basses. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='1246581' date='May 27 2011, 07:34 AM']Dimarzio Model Js or Area Jazz pickups, and you won't need a pre-amp Awesome pickups! I love Dimarzios ![/quote] I'll look into those mate! If there good enough for Billy Sheehan! Thanks. [quote name='charic' post='1246608' date='May 27 2011, 08:10 AM']Might be a strange choice but what about a set of EMG's? Wizard will sort a sound if you can describe it though![/quote] I've looked at EMG's mate especially since Victor uses them. I see the PJ Set and PJX set come with preamps. They any good? [quote name='ikay' post='1246631' date='May 27 2011, 08:38 AM']The Audere JZ3 and battery should just drop into the existing control cavity. Went into my JO4 no problem. Its a great pre, the eq frequencies are very well chosen to bring out the best in a jazz. I use the 'standard' z mode most of the time which is familiar jazz territory. Lo-z opens up a deeper and darker range of tones for when the occasion demands. I don't find a lot of use for hi-z mode. You can buy over here from Bass Direct - [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Audere_JZ_Preamps_.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...Z_Preamps_.html[/url]. If you order direct from the US add about 25 percent for VAT and customs charges.[/quote] Yeah that sounds great mate and definately what I'm looking for! Its still about 15 quid more expensive to buy from Bass Direct with with taxes so will probably go direct
  14. [quote name='charic' post='1246568' date='May 27 2011, 06:41 AM']What kind of sound are you going for? Have you considered an acg pre? Have you used the SD pickups already and liked them or are you guessing? Check wizard? Routing may not be necessary. Only other thing ill add is I suggest you do one change at a time, oh and don't forget you'll need to route for the battery [/quote] I'm terrible at describing sounds! I'm mainly a slap player but also play a lot of rock and metal with friends so I'm looking for something that can give me a good clean, HiFi slap tone but with option to dirty it up! I've used SD QPs before and liked them a lot! I'll definately look in Wizard Mate thanks! The Audere preamps actually say there is usually no need to route as the designed to fit straight into a standard jazz cavity! I've used the ACG preamps on Alans own basses but the filter Pre isn't what I'm looking for a the moment! And yes, I'll be doing one bit at a time! Preamp probably first! Thanks, Connor
  15. *UPDATED - I DON'T MESS AROUND:p* Mods for my MIM Fender Jazz 60's reissue! So far it's the following:- Pickups - Now think Dimarzio Model P or Will Power and Ultra jazz but gonna try the Pre first!! Pickguard - Going to order one from Warmouth but they state they don't fit some MIMs so not sure!! Any advice?? Preamp - *BOUGHT* Audere JZ3 Preamp - been Jonesing for one for so long! Thanks 2x18!! Tuners - hopefully should have the deal closed on a set of Black Hipshot HB2s next week with Chrkelly!! Bridge - No plans to change!! Thanks for everyone's help so far been fantastic and I've got more ideas for the future! Got one last piece of the puzzle in the pipeline! Fingers crossed!! Thanks in advance! Connor
  16. Selling my TC Electronic BG500 2x10 combo in as new condition. Bought in November but gigging project fell through and it has only left the front room once. So much different tones are possible from this amp. Its got 3 channels to save your different settings. The tube emulation and 3 band compressor on board are fantastic. Unfortunately its just to loud for my flat and I have major gas for a Lakland 4401 in Sunburst I played in Guitar Guitar. Looking for £450 but will listen to offers. Thanks for reading. Connor
  17. I'll try one last bump! And I'll throw in a AKG Wireless system for nowt!
  18. Hey everyone, I was an idiot about 5 years ago and ebayed my Warwick LX5 to buy a Fender Jazz bass I was lusting after. I have regreted this everyday since and just wanted to know if anyone recognised it and had any info. Serial No. was L-096717-02. Any information would be greatly appreciated!
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