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Everything posted by plankspanker

  1. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1479126017' post='3174077'] That's a shame, I love the HD series Bergs. [/quote]Me too! Why are we never satisfied with what we have? That's a deep philosophical question right there.
  2. Ah that's taken the pressure off then - my Streamliner can't go below 4. GLWTS
  3. I have a pair of immaculate Berg HD12s and, and.........get thee behind me Satan! Wait a minute - after reading the title again - do you mean they are 4 ohms each?
  4. Okay, thanks.
  5. Whereabouts in the fine county of Gloucestershire art thou, pray?
  6. It's coffee break time here at the day-job so will do.
  7. I recognise that Noble's' sticker - I believe this used to be mine back in the day! Excellent bit of kit - GLWTS.
  8. [quote name='hemdee666' timestamp='1471360208' post='3112484'] You don't need to buy two 32 ohm speakers as they are (very) hard to find. Put in two 8 ohm speakers, wired in serie (giving you 16 ohm) and put them parallel over the two 32ohm speakers in parallel => 8 ohms. Job done. Grtz, Marc. [/quote] That would give the correct total impedance and equal power sharing between the drivers but you'd have the Tone Police after you for incestuous mixing of drivers in the same cab.
  9. I'm tempted, too! Wondering about going the whole hog and putting four new drivers into it. Hmmmmmmm......
  10. I believe it is - if I could get up around that neck of the woods I would probably have it.
  11. Dragged up from Page 7! You have a PM.
  12. Thanks. I'm wondering if these cabs all use 4 ohm drivers. Having a daft idea that I could rewire it to 2 ohms and then put that in series with my existing 4 ohm load.More thinking required (and probably a bit of commonsense).
  13. I mean is it a 2x10 like it says in the title or a 4x10 like it says in the text?
  14. To be two or not to be two - that is the question!
  15. Is this cab 8 ohms, please?
  16. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1460973870' post='3030206'] I saw this too, think the spec on the link is wrong. This one below says it's 584mm square, a tad under 23". [url="http://stage-gear.co.uk/gallien-krueger-410mbe-8-mbe-series-cabinet.html?utm_source=google_shopping&gclid=CNnExKH3l8wCFVQ_Gwod1V0L8g"]http://stage-gear.co...CFVQ_Gwod1V0L8g[/url] [/quote] Well that's a bit more like it! I'm tempted by this but storage space is at a premium for me so something else would have to go first. Hmmm......
  17. Looking at your picture I'd have expected it to be the usual 24 inches(ish) square but according to the link it's 906mm - nearly 36" so it's too big for the available space in my car but a nice desirable cab all the same. GLWTS
  18. That's okay then - I'll call Luca Brasi off (hope his mobile is switched on).
  19. At 1:40 in the second number some fat bloke nicked your mains extension!!!
  20. You have a PM.
  21. That looks lovely. I have a Carvin Bolt 4 (bought as a kit. assembled and finished myself) and think they are a very underrated brand.
  22. Good communication and prompt payment - deal with Chiron in confidence!
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