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Everything posted by Telebass

  1. Welcome to Basschat, and welcome back to the bass! And have an excellent Christmas and New Year!
  2. The Fenders look good...not easy to find separate low B flats... Given the low tension, TIs are a possibility, if I can fit the huge B into the project...
  3. I specified 1.75" because my arthritic hands struggle with big necks these days. Simple as that.
  4. Having looked quite a lot, I can't find any 5-string flatwound sets that are other than 'standard' gauge. Are there any that anyone knows of?
  5. For me, then, if I don't convert, I need a 5er with a nut width not exceeding 1.75". Any such thing?
  6. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1482416315' post='3200373'] Thanks for the info, I seem to have a memory of this device, I must have looked it up at some point. The 5 strings wouldn't run so neatly between the P-Bass pole pieces, would this be an issue do you think? And the strings would be slightly angled after the nut but i guess that's not a big deal - the guy on the link above has a string tree. [/quote] The misalignment over the pickup would have zero effect. But if you're OCD about that sort of thing, it's a definite non-starter! The D string is reversed and anchored at the string tree, tuned at the bridge. There's little change in string angles, but there must be some, I suppose.
  7. This is something I intend to do if I can get hold of a P-bass with a C width neck. The required hardware, if you can find one, is a Wilkinson device from yonks ago called a 4+1. It requires no mods to the instrument, except, of course, a new nut. The original kit came complete with a B string! I got the 4+1 off someone here, but have not yet used it...
  8. Already done for Christmas, good ticketed gig on 17th. NYE is at the Wharf in Tavistock, and we'll do two 90 minute sets, and if we can sell it out (12 squids a pop, 400 seats, 70/30 split), that's a good pay packet!
  9. Very hot and sweaty! Great gig at the Courthouse Bar in Lifton, Devon.
  10. Briefly had an RBX250, which is a P-bass with an extra fret, basically. Wish I'd kept it.
  11. I did once have a Ned Callan guitar which was a strange single-cut SG type thing. Was quite good! No more details have survived in my brain, however - that was 40 years back!
  12. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1481239034' post='3190980'] I would also run this by your local MU rep if you have joined - and if you haven't, join. There's lots of advice to be had from them as well as help with contracts etc. [/quote] +1
  13. TU-2 for rock band, Snark clip-on for anything else.
  14. Great gig at the Mary Tavy Inn near Tavistock. Always a good one due to two band members being from the village. We had several people come from far and wide, who seen us in the past. By far and wide, I mean Cheltenham and Bournemouth! That's just to see us, not as an add-on! A good time was had by all!
  15. Bluejay, might I post the Suzi Q pic on the Telecaster Bass page on Facebook?
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