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Posts posted by Telebass

  1. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1478880418' post='3172388']
    Don't me wrong, I love my P basses as well, and I agree with bandmates when they say they prefer the sound of P in the mix. No one is telling me what bass to play, but they always prefer the sound of the P over the J, so that's what gets used. I started out on a Jazz yesterday, then switched to a Precision after half a dozen for so songs, and the guitarist and drummer immediately said how much better it sounded.

    To be honest, I am increasingly finding the Jazz basses to sound a bit thin and lacking that authority thump of a decent Precision, but I suspect I'd forget that if I sold the Js and a year or two down the lone would splash out on another!
    Seriously, try a Yamaha BB. Both options, and the bridge pickup is every bit as loud as the P pickup.
    On less rocky stuff, standard P bass (with flats) every time.

  2. All this ^^^ dependent upon which type of nut. Slot type like a Fender, couple of spots of superglue. Gibson-style, a little more, but not much. PVA never, particularly if you're ever going to hand it off to someone professional to repair, because he's unlikely to thank you!

  3. Annabels in Plymouth. Probably not yet well enough/fit enough to be gigging, but what the hell...

    Two songs in, no sound. Frantic check of leads/pedals, all good. Uh-oh, looks like amp...
    Turned amp off then on again, sound. finished set and turned it off. Did second set fine.

    Good by the end, with plenty of keen punters, several encores, but by this time, I could barely stand. Surprising what two and a half weeks of inactivity takes out of you. Next gig on 19th, hopefully will be a little easier!

    Today: amp head removed from combo. It's a Markbass Combo Head (a Little Mark II, in other words). Top off, blow out not that much fluff. Haven't done this in some time, so it probably did contribute to what was almost certainly a thermal cut-out event. First time I've ever had this with MB amps, I've owned this combo since 2006. It's done a LOT of gigs. Let's hope it's not a harbinger of doom!

  4. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1478169179' post='3167201']
    No he doesn't. Danny (his bass tech) did present him with a custom shop replica but he prefers the old one

    you're right about the pickup though. Its a SD stacked thing wired in parallel, (same as in my Sting replica built by Bravewood)
    I stand corrected!

  5. Just like so called pro hifi speaker cables, it's all garbage. So long as you have the current capacity you need, your cables will work just fine. Hifi buffs go on about skin effect at high frequencies. This certainly exists. At hundreds of MEGAhertz frequencies, not audio. I've made perfectly good high current speaker cables out of Flymo cable, which is easily enough.

  6. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1476920098' post='3158581']
    This doesn't work for me as I have different basses for different bands.
    Exactly. I have two basses.
    If it's a rock gig, I use the Yamaha BB414. Anything else is the Precision Bitsa.
    That's it.

  7. Oooh, where to start?

    Around 1970, had a smallish Selmer valve combo. Took it to Swaziland, where it probably still is!
    Didn't have an amp of my own again until I found one when clearing out an RAF camp in 1974, a home built 50W 2x12.
    Next was a Selmer Treble 'n' Bass 50 combo, followed fairly swiftly by a Roost 1x15 folded horn fed by a Vox AC50 head. That was a great sounding rig!
    The Vox was replaced by a solid state 120W head which I had until I gave up completely around 87/88.
    Roll on 2003 and a fat redundancy cheque has me buying a Sting bass and an Ashdown Electric Blue 15-150 (UK-built!). Once I got seriously gigging, I added a Deep115 cab which made it a pretty good rig, although it had to work hard.
    On that note, I went to Mansons looking for a Mag 300 115 combo to go with the Deep 115. Guy in the shop says, "Have a go through that, you won't believe how nice it sounds!" Well, the Mag was sounding nothing special, so why not?
    Markbass CMD121H...my wife is not at all musical and even she said how lovely it sounded! Take my money! It woke up that Deep cab too...
    Since then (2006), it's been MB amps all the way, either the combo and cabs (currently a Traveler 121H) or an LMIII and a Barefaced Super 15, now both sold.
    So there we are...

  8. New one for The Rock n Roll Outlaws, the bLue Lion at Lewdown, out on the old A30 on Dartmoor. Plenty of regulars from our gigs at Lifton, which is further on at the junction of old and new A30.
    Great atmosphere, we played well, included a lot more originals than usual, and sold CDs!
    A very good night.

    Today, big charity bash at The Wharf in Tavistock, in aid of Crisis. This will be the only time in years that I've not played through my own rig, house rig is a MArshal MB410 combo, I think...

  9. Thought this might be good as a list of what works. Obviously dependent on what you're listening/playing through to some extent, as well as personal preference, but these have worked for me.

    For years I've used these with Tascam CD-BT1 MkII or MP-BT1 trainers. These are the only devices I've ever used, so can't comment on other devices.

    [b]Sennheiser[/b] HD 202 or 212

    [b]Skullcandy[/b] Hesh 2 - with care for level.

    [b]Bose[/b] original OE, surprisingly.

    List away!


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