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Everything posted by Roblevybass

  1. Hi. It’s not currently for sale.
  2. Hi, Terry. I haven't sold it....but the problem is I'm currently enjoying playing it too much to want to sell it! I love the VTC....gives a vintage flavour, while still retaining the active Sadowsky sound. Maybe I should withdraw the original post...
  3. Hi, Steve. Is this cab still available? Best, Rob
  4. Please let us know if it becomes available!
  5. Well, my new Irig Blue Turn pedal works a treat. So it appears that my old page turner pedal was malfunctioning. It has now been 'retired' from service. The Irig pedal is more expensive than some other page turners. But IMHO it's worth it , as it is a class product. Interestingly, it is manufactured in Italy, which may explain why it's more pricey than many of the far-eastern made pedals on the market...
  6. It's a few years old. I've just ordered a ne wBlue Turn pedal, which hopefully will work. Will report back. Thanks for the help, guys!
  7. It happens in both directions!
  8. Yes, I use a Strich bluetooth page turner pedal. I've tried resetting it several times, but the problem persists. Sometimes it flips over around ten pages and I have to frantically turn back to the intended page, whilst playing.....
  9. Can anyone out there suggest a possible reason why my bluetooth page-turner occasionally flips over multiple pages in ForScore, rather than one? Very disconcerting in the middle of a gig! Should I be looking at a fault in my Ipad, the software or the page turner?
  10. The bass is in London N3, but I'm willing to travel within 100 miles, if there's any interest....
  11. Still available, if anyone fancies making me an offer...
  12. Any interest, folks? I'm open to sensible offers, and may consider shipping at buyer's expense.
  13. Hi, Tobie, Thanks for your reply. I've since found out that, sadly, your Barts will not fit my bass...
  14. I’m very interested if it’s still available!!
  15. Oh, sorry, please ignore the last message. I just checked again, and it was built in 2010. You were right all along, Terry!
  16. The Sadowsky web-site has M4106 listed as 2005.
  17. I believe it was built in 2005. The weight is 8lb 5oz. I'm afraid I don't know whether the pickups are single-coil or hum-cancelling. I will try and check with Sadowsky....
  18. Hi, folks. Selling this beauty to make way for a new purchase. I bought it three years ago used from the Bass Gallery in London. Serial number is M4106. It has the customary modern scooped Sadowsky sound, but with the added advantage of the vintage tone control. The previous owner inflicted some buckle rash, and it has a few dings and minor scratches, but....it plays, looks and sounds great! I'm based in London. I could ship it at buyer's expense, but would prefer to deliver it personally in, (or reasonably close to) London.
  19. Hi. Is this bass still for sale?
  20. He transformed my bass from an average instrument into one that is a dream to play. I would highly recommend him. I have also contributed to his crowdfunder. Small businesses such as this shouldn't be allowed to drown.
  21. I'm about to have a new jack socket fitted...hoping that'll work!
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