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Everything posted by Meenie

  1. I'd want free health insurance and opticians....i can see me getting RSI and strained retinas quite early on!
  2. I'd like to be a boob inspector in my next life.
  3. I had the opposite letter last month, they were after me for £600!!! I got the accountant on to em and now they owe me 80p. Cant seem to find any Dingwall afterburners for that price though unfortunately!!!
  4. Dunno if you guys have seen yet but there's a rather tasty looking Z3 thats turned up at BD! Drooling
  5. Had a go earlier on at soundcheck, sounds bloody great for a budget bass! Nice to play too.
  6. My bandmate from Killer B-Movie picked a P-Bass copy Jim Harley from Cash Converters yesterday for £40, he says it plays and sounds real nice. He rekons they are constructed somewhere rubbish but with genuine Fender parts? Not sure where he got that info from though? Anybody shed any light on these basses?
  7. Hello! My name is G, its short for Graham but only my mum calls me that and only when i'm in trouble! anyway, i play bass for an eight piece ska/metal band called BEAT THE RED LIGHT www.myspace.com/beattheredlight we have a new album coming out sometime early this year. I also play drums for a deathpunk band (i dont know what that means either) called KILLER B-MOVIE www.myspace.com/killerbmovie We are also recording at the moment. i have other bands that keep coming in and out of retirement too which i play either drums or bass in/for.
  8. Its a shame the drumming is all over the shop, i suppose it adds character but its something thats allways annoyed me whilst listening to Supergrass tunes. Great songs though, especially the first two albums. Best single cover ever too for Caught by the Fuzz!
  9. Ive got it on on my Lovefilm list, looking forward to seeing it.
  10. I think the only band I've seen/heard that sound good without bass are Jon Spencer blues explosion, but even they compensate with bass lines played low on a guitar. Maybe Paul Simon had a night terror about bieng at a neds atomic dustbin gig and that's why he's now so anti bass?
  11. I'll be the one Sheldon Dingwall is beating to death and swearing at for bugging the crap out of him!
  12. [quote name='alexclaber' post='1098740' date='Jan 22 2011, 03:33 PM']Yes! If you can operate a staplegun then I'll send you some.[/quote] PM'd
  13. High Wycombe Alternator Promotions - [url="http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=51114796891"]http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=51114796891[/url] Neil will sort you out, eventually.......probably!
  14. Hoping to get there on Sunday, got a bloody gig in Manchester on the Saturday which has ticked me right off! Looking forward to getting my paws on a Dingwall or two.
  15. Blimey! Looks like i got one of the last Big One's then! It still blows me away every time i use it, bloody marvelous cab! Did that White piping ever turn up Alex?
  16. Take a hacksaw and remove the headstock from the bass, put the removed headstock on a raft and sail it off down a fast flowing river. Then take the gold tuners and bury them deep in the earth. That way the two entities will never be as one and the human race can breathe a collective sigh of relief!
  17. Hmm, its not Ugly but i dont think its that good looking either. Les Claypool's new bass....now thats Ugly!!!
  18. They've just got a few new Dingers in at Bassdirect, i think ill be heading up there pretty damn soon to give some a go. The Afterburner 2 looks sublime as does the Z2, bit pricey though. Im starting to be of the opinion that a Combustion is the way to go for me, simply because i play in a band where theres a lot of thrashing about going on both on and off the stage, if i were to buy an Afterburner or say a Le Fay or something and it got damaged, well i think i would either commit murder or have a nervous breakdown! I think i would be scared out of my mind playing it live! Yeah, the Combustion is still a fair amount but not that much that i would be getting all mental about playing it out of my safe bedroom!
  19. I guess i'll be testing out a Dingwall then! I spoke to one of the guys from Le Fay and he was up for sending me a 3000euro bass in the post for me to have a go on! Cant say ive ever come across customer service anywhere as good as that before! He also said he'd be over in the UK in march so im thinking of hooking up with him then. As far as the Lecompte goes, ive no idea when or where i can get my hands on one of those! Oh yeah, the sex change is going well, ive got both bits at the minute so going to bed and showering is taking forever!
  20. So I'm going to bite the bullet and sort out all my drop tuning/intonation issues out by buying a fanned fret 5 stringer. Problem is I keep falling in love with everyone I see and am finding it a very tough choice! My first port of call was a Dingwall but since my initial love affair with Sheldons beauties I have stumbled across Lecompte and Le Fay basses, now I really don't know what to do! I know bass gallery and bassdirect are Dingwall distributers, so getting hold of and trying out a Dingwall is relatively easy for me but where the hell can I find a Le Fay or Lecompte to try out? Has anyone here owned any of these instruments? Any other suggestions for manufacturers of fanned fret basses would be appreciated also as if I'm gonna be shelling out the big bucks, this bass has got to be just right!
  21. When i were a nipper,about five or six, i was playing out on the cricket pitch with a bigger boy and we found the drain cover for the sprinkler thingy...well he picked it up, i pointed at it and he let go...my finger that i was busy pointing with got hacked off at the tip! Thankfully the skin didnt fully tear and i ran back to the sports and social club with my finger dangling off of my hand, it was put back on by nice doctors and now i have one index finger slightly shorter than the other. The end.
  22. Cardiacs-the whole world window [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKfRTa6kzws"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKfRTa6kzws[/url] Neil Young-Cortez the killer [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-b76yiqO1E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-b76yiqO1E[/url]
  23. I thought Dave Swift was a Fodera man, jeeeeesus i want a Dingwall Afterburner 2 sooo fekkkin bad!
  24. The blend on the Sansamp pre amp i have is to do with how much natural sound or Sansamp sound you get......at least i think thats what it does!
  25. Sexy Time!
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