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Everything posted by Meenie

  1. O H M Y G O D ! ! ! ! Sheldon, you are now my favourite human bieng, officially! A D-Bird would make the world a much better place, oh just imagine it....yeah there would still be famine, war, poverty and Swindon but the difference would be that if i had a D-Bird i really would'nt give a sh@#! My Christmas and indeed Birthday have just been made! Thankyou good sir!
  2. Ive been talking to a few luthiers about modding up my five string T-Bird with fanned frets, unfortunately the price of the work makes it a bit prohibitive, so ive been drooling over the Dingwall's too. Looks like the perfect answer to all my drop tuned intonation issues. Any chance of a Dingwall T-Bird Sheldon? aaah, go on, you know you want to! Ive made myself come over all perculiar just thinking about such a beast!
  3. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1036335' date='Nov 25 2010, 01:50 PM']I'm not being funny but I gave the guy a sound medical advice, if he sticks his watch up his "you know what", he won't have worry about constipation anymore, he'll be as regular as... ..... clockwork [/quote] Good job it wasn't a grandfather clock, he could end up with a prolapsed pendulum!
  4. If I do end up buying new I'm either going all black or blue with black scratchplate. Wazoo, you really are an angry young man!
  5. Yeah, i really want one too! Gotta save up some cash first though! I was tempted (very tempted) by Wazoo's one but my funds were tied down to upgrading my amp and cab etc. Maybe if its still about after ive recovered financially from xmas i will be in the market for one again.
  6. As a fan of the T Bird I've come to be wondering what sort of innovations I could force upon my old trusty axes and I've been thinking that the shape of the Thunderbird would lend itself quite nicely to housing a fanned fretted neck and bridge set up. Anyone know anyone who's Modded a T Bird in this way or any other way for that matter? I was wondering what sort of money I would be looking at for getting one customised or custom made maybe? Just a thought!
  7. Meenie


    We have most of the album in the bag now so we have decided to play a few shows... December, 3rd,kings Lynn-??? 10th,Reading-rising sun 19th,Basingstoke-bang Bar
  8. I know! Amazing!
  9. Got my Big One cab this weekend, Saturday was it's first proper run out.... Sweet baby Jesus!!! What a cab! Got loads of positive comments from band members and audience members, I'm well impressed, would wholeheartedly recommend anyone shopping at Alex's for their next cab.
  10. Meenie


    There's some of our new un released never heard before soon to be recorded brutal pirate metal shreddie shizzle up on YouTube now after we played a set of new songs last weekend, here's one.... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnqJoTs1REk&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnqJoTs1REk...be_gdata_player[/url]
  11. Nice bass, shame about the tool!
  12. Cheers for your help guys, this is the pedal I'm using, I'll try out using the tuner in fx loop and before the pedal see which works best, still gonna have to have leads coming back and forth from the rack I guess but I'm sure I can live with that. [url="http://www.tech21nyc.com/support/manuals/sansamp/CharacSeries-VT_DLX-OM.pdf"]http://www.tech21nyc.com/support/manuals/s...s-VT_DLX-OM.pdf[/url]
  13. Ok, So I've gone and got myself a crown power amp and a korg tuner to go in my rack mount, I am using a sansamp deluxe pedal as my preamp though so here's where I maybe need advice(or don't as the case may be) I was thinking that wiring in the tuner inbetween the pre and power amp would be maybe detrimental to the sound quality so I was going to wire the rig... Bass-tuner-sansamp-power amp-cab. My only issue with this is that I will be going back and forth to and from the rack mount case, is this necessary or can I wire it... Bass-Sansamp-tuner-power amp-cab? Any help would be much appreciated, sorry if this is the dumbest question ever...I am a drummer too you know!
  14. Yeah, bit cheeky ain't it! Maybe they should have a disclaimer or something stating that the bass is not the exact same spec but 'similar'
  15. Ive just re read the original post...... £3500!!!!!!!! REALLY? COME ON!!!
  16. I bet it smells of lavendar or something similar!
  17. I am a massive fan of T-Bird's. If i needed a bass to play in the bath i would choose this one as it would go with the 1980's decor, towels and wee mat. For god sake take a sander to it man!
  18. go on...
  19. At the moment my take on the lend situation is this, Yes you can use my cab but not my head, end of conversation. If they abuse your stuff, you abuse them! Soon i am to be the proud owner of a Barefaced cab with a poweramp rack mount arrangement, as far as im concerned as soon as it all arrives it will be the end of my lending days. I will be using my stuff exlusively and all the time reguardless of whinging promoters/other bassists. You've got to look after yourself and your gear, other bands will take advantage of you if you let them,this is an unfortunate fact of life. Some of the nicest people i know can and have been very disrespectful of other peoples equiptment, in the heat of battle with all the adrenaline of the gig pumping around things just tend to happen. You can avoid your stuff getting stood/sat/jumped on/off of by not lending it. I might be coming across as a bit of a dick about all this but it is possible to say no to people without offending them, you just have to be polite, its not rocket science.
  20. Flanker was selling his Chevin Power amp on the cheap, I nearly had it myself as I've got a big one too! Might be worth sending him a message?
  21. and be having some kind of mid life crisis so it would seem. I am yet to see a "youngster" "rocking out" with a chapman stick. yuck! Even typing the two words makes me get all sicky in the back of my throat! I'm down with the fire idea.
  22. Anyone know any good amp techs in the buckinhamshire/Oxfordshire area? My trace head decided to let out it's magic smoke yesterday!
  23. Meenie


    Fraid not bro, thats the first day of recording proper.
  24. Meenie


    We BTRL boys are taking a night off of doing the album to support RANDOM HAND at the Nags Head in High Wycombe on the 23rd of this month, played with them a bunch of times before, should be a good one!
  25. Cool job!!!
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