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Everything posted by jwood662

  1. jwood662


    Certainly is, comes with the original MM hardcase. Sorry no trades though as its going to make room for the P I got a couple of weeks back already. I can only have 2 apparently!
  2. jwood662


    Nope, still great basses. Just passive is the way forward for me at the minute!
  3. jwood662


    Bargain central right here...
  4. I had a couple of cheap power supplies that caused hum when chaining more than a couple pedals. Filtering on the £18 ones you can get is toilet, went and bought a Diago power station, sorted that problem out. 50 odd quid but worth it!
  5. After playing with the same cables for about 10 years i finally upgraded and picked up some new ODDM cables before rehearsals this week. Was using my new p bass for the first couple of numbers but when I plugged the jazz in again expecting it to sound weak in the mix as it usually does I was amazed by the difference! Loads more clarity and punch, so impressive it's put me off the idea of upgrading the pups for now. Forget pedals and new basses, if you want better tone dave's cables should be first one your list.
  6. jwood662


    Sorry dude, not after trades right now!
  7. jwood662


    thursday bump
  8. jwood662


    £650?!? Yes that is a ridiculous price! You know you want it!
  9. Nice guy, geat bass exactly as described in the ad when I picked it up. Hope you find the db you're looking for!
  10. jwood662


    Nice, but I got hold of a p bass today from flloydelgar off here so no longer looking to trade. However I can do you a great price of £650 for cash in light of this fact. What you reckon?
  11. Yeah for 400 you could pick up a Mexican P. Can't argue with that.
  12. Ha, just looked at your link discreet...great minds and all that
  13. Ampeg 410 hlf you should be able to pick up second hand for 400 quid easy enough. Bit heavier than the cabs others have mentioned but its crisp sounding and loud as hell.
  14. where abouts are you based?
  15. jwood662


    you need this colour in your life bump!
  16. [quote name='spike' timestamp='1331849633' post='1580035'] I've been using my Trace Elliot AH100 head as my main gigging amp for well over 20 years, can't really see myself changing it any time soon. I've always used it with a 1x15 speaker, first a Carlsbro, then a Trace and currently an Eden. [/quote] Always loved trace Elliot stuff too, had to borrow a trace combo one time. Loads of bite from a seemingly small amp. Are they still in business?
  17. My svt classic head is a keeper, there's a reason those amps haven't changed much since they built the first ones I guess. Obligatory gym membership not withstanding... The 410 hlf might get swapped for a 610 at some point though. But to give the 410 it's dues it sounds way louder than the 810e I uses to have!
  18. jwood662

    Mini Polytune

    Oh yeah, my bad, i should probably read that bit on the left sometimes!
  19. jwood662

    Mini Polytune

    I'm pretty sure andertons website say they have some in stock as of last week anyways.
  20. Thanks, sounds like I should practice this last point, any good exercises you recommend? I remember someone recommending watching tv and trying to convey the emotion on screen to sharpen up this skill, never tried it though.
  21. Well I wasn't saying Id use modes exclusively over the incorrect chord nor do i want to play as many notes as humanly possible. The question was more 'does anyone have any modal phrases that sound good mixed in with a pentatonic run over a normal minor/major chord'. Just trying to make things a bit more musically interesting, add a bit of tension here and there. I know this is going to be a case of experiemnting with different ideas but I was being lazy and throwing it out there first of all! Actually now that I restate the question, it did come across as unclear. ..
  22. awesome! your lessons are really useful, will check this out later tonight. cheers Scott!
  23. jwood662


    Super bump
  24. I think your mate would look good with a stingray 4 like this: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/168282-fsft-musicman-stringray-2003-l700/page__p__1541670#entry1541670
  25. Fancy trading for a mm stingray 4?
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