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Everything posted by lettsguitars

  1. What an amazing concept.
  2. Yea I meant the op project. Different coloured lines is a nice touch.
  3. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1344432307' post='1764370'] I put a wood veneer into the slots on mine with PVA glue, pretty easy to do, only used one sheet of light coloured wood veneer, cut into small rectangles so they stick out of the slots slightly and sanded the whole thing down smooth - by hand without a block, plays a treat, but make sure the rosewood board is nice and thick, some of them are hilariously thin! [/quote]Obviously if you want the lines to be visible, maple veneer is the only way. I assumed they were to be 'invisible' ish. I would use super glue instead though. Quickerer intit.
  4. True. Not on a stagg though i wouldn't imagine.
  5. I was just thinking the same thing. Although I have never made one myself.
  6. If the boards in good shape then you could get away without. You will need to get a block that matches the current radius, so if you know what that is and you think you need one then go for it. With the rad block you sand in 3 stages with short strokes. Make pencil marks all along the board and keep going till hey dissappear in one pass and then move on to the next grit. Make sure you adjust the truss rod so that the neck is dead flat before you start. Also make sure the neck is well supported so that it doesn't bend when you apply pressure. Use shims of mdf or a similar soft material that wont damage the back of the neck.
  7. It's called danish oil. You get it in cans from b&q. Colron natural danish oil. Not that cheap though, about 15 quid maybe. and there'll be way too much for what you need. The other option is lemon or almond oil from the chemist. Or maybe sainsbury's. The wood filler will be much easier to sand without a radius block, and you dont want to end up with a board that is no longer straight with an uneven radius. Go as lightly as possible. Start with 120, move to 240 and finish with 320 and fine wirewool.
  8. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1344423822' post='1764177'] Art just sang it. Batt composed it. Edit: "just sang it" is perhaps a tad unfair. [/quote]For a while now I have imagined a beck version in the mutations album style.
  9. Use a hacksaw blade to clean out the fret 'slots'. That would be my first thought for a cheopo option without buying a fretsaw. I wouldn't bother with epoxy if I were you. Just wood filler. The epoxy would end up harder than your fretboard which incidentally as a cheap rosewood will not last long with anything other than tapewound strings. You dont need to finish the board apart from a bit of oil.
  10. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1344423654' post='1764172'] Who were they when they weren't Wombles? [/quote]Mike Batt? I thought Art Garfunkel wrote bright eyes.
  11. Wasn't it Neil Innes with the flying v? All top musicians dont yaknow. edit: ah no, Mike Batt. Innes was the womble basher.
  12. My band (now ex) would refuse to transpose which used to piss me right off. The rest of the band consisted of a bass player and a drummer. The drummer had no issue changing key which i thought was nice of him. But the bass player just couldn't be arsed to learn the song in a different key. He needed to practice more as I could play a song in a diferent key without thinking about it. It's the only way to go if the singer sounds rubbish. Although unless you are a professional outfit and the singer enjoys the challenge then I would say just get on with it.
  13. They surely would burn it. Just think of all the fine ganga that has ended up on the bonfire. The feds have no soul. Anyroad, this is a very very old story isn't it? Amd I thought it was over their Brazilian Rosewood. Any guitar builder must be very careful when importing guitars into the U.S. Making sure the timber used is all legal. They have the power to extradite and lock you up in one of their prisons for the trade of illegal cites registered stuff.
  14. Do not keep that bass in the shed mate!
  15. lettsguitars


  16. A bar magnet with either steel poles or 2 flat steel 'rails' either side of the magnet. The coil is then wrapped around said poles or rails. Emg's are run of the mill, as are any mass produced pups. What you want is a scatterwound pickup such as the kent armstrongs or bareknuckle(do they do bass pups?). By far the best method is to take them apart and rewind the coil yourself using a hand drill.
  17. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1343980016' post='1758003'] Are you in a band with a guitarist who is also using heavy dirt? If so, either turn up louder than him or turn your fuzz off - it won't work. [/quote] Bass should be cleeeaaan. IMO Fuzzy guitar+fuzzy bass=overfuzz.
  18. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1343940387' post='1757740'] The Mrs does it all the time with texts! [/quote] Surely you mean texes?
  19. Easy as chips. I can lay down the how to if you like.
  20. [quote name='henry norton' timestamp='1343150623' post='1746192'] Yeah fair point. It can be done (especially if your string spacing's a bit narrower than usual) but it is allot of work that can easily go horribly wrong. [/quote]Also I was thinking that the neck would be fretted which would make sanding a no go.
  21. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1343724007' post='1754054'] Cool, while you're at it you could get him to change the colour of the hyperlinks on his site; blue on black is virtually impossible to read! [/quote]Duly noted.
  22. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1343664788' post='1753359'] Lou Short. That household name. [/quote]Ha ha. I didn't say that Lou was famous or owt. He plays with Martin Stephenson who does have a loyal fanbase and is a very good songwriter and performer. Like I say, the main reason I give Lou special deals is down to him being a regular customer and a professional player.
  23. Welcome to the fold. You are now officially 100% cooler than before.
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