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Everything posted by lettsguitars

  1. I have one endorsee. He gets special rates and plays a lot of professional gigs with biggish names. I cant say as it has done the brand any good for definate, although it surely hasn't done any harm. The guy has a LOT of basses, jaydee, Pangborn, fender, Alembic etc and I would certainly not expect him to never use these other fine instruments for fear of pissing me off. We are now pretty good mates I hope. He does use mine exclusively as far as I can see, but that's because they are the best not because of any obligatory contract, and he owns around 5 or 6 of my basses, some of which were very early instruments. The way I see it is as long as he is willing to associate himself with my name and keeps coming back for more then I am more than willing to give him the best deal I can. He has had 2 for 1 deals and I knock a couple of hundred quid off every time. I would never give a bass away for free unless it was a world renowned player and even then not many players would expect something for nothing. Lets face it, the good players can afford to pay for them anyway.
  2. It's an awesome bass.
  3. The string height at the nut of a fretless should be 0. It is perfectly ok for the strings to 'take off' the fretboard itself.
  4. Sounds like the headstock has shrunk. If it has a natural oil finish, the neck would be oiled naturally by the hands whereas the head would not. Just an idea. The joint would definately not just gradually slip away like that. Sand it flush. Or. . . remove the fingerboard cut the headstock off, plane all surfaces, reglue the neck/head and attach brand new fingerboard. Or. . . buy a new neck, which would be cheaper but probably impossible.
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1343577005' post='1752241'] What on earth is the point of having an endorsement deal for gear you are not going to use? [/quote] Innit. Sounds like a ridiculous deal all round.
  6. If you can't feel the 'split' when playing there is no problem. Finishes usually start degrading around that area which could be the issue (not an issue). You can just sand it smooth if you want to but otherwise, leave it alone. Sounds like the tech was just talking out of his split. I can't see anything in the picture. A scarf joint like that would never just wriggle loose.
  7. I'd guess that 'plastic' would not be any harder than the wood itself. Epoxy is the proper way to do it although a decent rosewood shouldn't b any problem anyway. You can also use super glue if you can stand the smell. Any stain properly dried wouldn't cause any issues as ar as i know.
  8. Hmm. I wouldn't sand millimetres off the heel personally. You'll notice the thinning neck when the strings are on and you risk losing the squareness.
  9. You will have to resize the neck pocket (with a router) if the new neck is more than .5mm bigger. Need help/advice with that you can pm me. If the neck is very slightly oversized then sanding by fixing sandpaper to a flat surface and rubbing the heel firmly back and forth, back and forth, forth and back. . . fifth, will do the trick. You will have to move the bridge if you change the scale length.
  10. I see now from the pics that it is split coil and hum cancelling.
  11. This should be an interesting read for the warwick official.
  12. What's the hum like on the p single design? Also any idea of the output? I see it's unused but on the off chance you have used one. . . edit:ok silly question for someone who's selling one. Thanks anyway.
  13. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1342871867' post='1742120'] Best way to relic an instrument is to practice many hours a day and play every gig you can. 20+ years of that will make even the toughest poly finish start to look a bit second hand, plus you'll have the chops and experience to match your instrument [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx2lza1Rb0U[/media] [/quote]What an awful sounding bass. I guess the pick doesn't help.
  14. [quote name='BassPimp66' timestamp='1342877042' post='1742238'] I didn't know SUPER MARIO was a bass player... Is LUIGI on drums? [/quote]What an awful sounding bass!
  15. Alright mate. Get stuck in. What are your thoughts on tonewood?
  16. ho ho. Although it's spelled fjord. doh!
  17. Why would the chap want to pretend it was broken? Not easy to repair.
  18. The fingers are far more versatile. That's all there is to it. There may be pick players who deny it, but it is true.
  19. Writing songs and then expecting another person to play what you have written is the wrong way to do things. Freedom of expression is the key to a happy and dynamic band, especially duos .
  20. You dont even need a guitarist. Strong grooves and good lyrics?
  21. When the rest of the band disappears then you'll know it's not working. Until then, you are only one man down. What's the problem?
  22. You should watch Adam Buxtons bug. Some very low budget stuff in there.
  23. All very technical. Very good. I do prefer the more layed back (less busy) reunion thing. You both come across like you just lost a tenner and found a fiver
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