I have one endorsee. He gets special rates and plays a lot of professional gigs with biggish names. I cant say as it has done the brand any good for definate, although it surely hasn't done any harm. The guy has a LOT of basses, jaydee, Pangborn, fender, Alembic etc and I would certainly not expect him to never use these other fine instruments for fear of pissing me off. We are now pretty good mates I hope. He does use mine exclusively as far as I can see, but that's because they are the best not because of any obligatory contract, and he owns around 5 or 6 of my basses, some of which were very early instruments. The way I see it is as long as he is willing to associate himself with my name and keeps coming back for more then I am more than willing to give him the best deal I can. He has had 2 for 1 deals and I knock a couple of hundred quid off every time. I would never give a bass away for free unless it was a world renowned player and even then not many players would expect something for nothing. Lets face it, the good players can afford to pay for them anyway.