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Everything posted by lettsguitars

  1. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1341349623' post='1717654'] Wood? How primitive. If you must use materials from the last century, what is the most sustainable? If this involves actually cutting down real trees, I'll take something sustainable and replantable over exotic jungle hardwoods every day of the week. [/quote]I wouldn't. edit: Last century? Try every century.
  2. [quote name='thodrik' timestamp='1341344353' post='1717518'] My view as well. My fiver has a scale length of something like 33 2/3 inches. Very good low B response. Although I have liked the 35 inch scale basses I have tried (Overwater/Lakland etc). [/quote] Construction goodness, yes. But the b will definately get better with longer scale basses.
  3. Most of the myths surrounding guitars are exactly that.
  4. Sounds like a bass off is in order.
  5. Nearly joined a ukelele band once. Couldn't even get past deciding who should actually call Hayley though hnya hnya hnya hnya edit:not enough le's
  6. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1341231940' post='1715385'] And for god's sake work safely aswell. [/quote]Spoil sport He has a point though which unfortunately my left thumb doesn't.
  7. All the info on building is out there in cyberspace if you're willing to search it out. Plenty of luthier forums, individual experiences etc. A bandsaw, jointer and router are the main expenses when starting out, but you can pick them up pretty cheap second hand. You will also need an outbuilding of some kind, as it gets very noisy and dirty.
  8. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1341066297' post='1713415'] I'm a fan of super low action at the 12th - My Fender is G 1.2mm, D 1.4mm, A 1.6mm and E 1.8mm. I had to shim the neck slightly to get it that low but it's worth it! . [/quote]He likes low action, but dead necks dont seem to bother him
  9. If you have woodworking experience and the range of tools needed for the job then no problem. You could bosh one together using only hand tools if you were clever, it can be done, i did it myself. Chances are you wont be happy with your first attempt for too long and will be selling your grandmother for wood money. It gets highly addictive and takes a long time to get the skills to a decent level. If the only reason is to have a six string bass then i would definately consider just buying a bass (off me) rather than getting into building, unless you really want to do it. I can list all the essentials and tips to get you started and help along the way.
  10. Pets come and go mate, nothing we can do about that. The loss of a bass is something you may regret for a long time.
  11. Necks. Is yours one of these? er yes it is. Third from the left.
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1340795584' post='1709637'] Not really - all you need to know is that there is no such thing as tonewood and the wood makes no difference to the sound of the bass. There. I've saved you three hours. [/quote] And that's reading fast.
  13. Never 'eard of 'im.
  14. Nice nitro finish by the looks of it. Old school, just the way i like it.
  15. I would reiterate what the Hopkins bloke says. Stiffening rods in a quarter wenge neck would be uber overkill. You could end up not being able to straighten it should there be any natural bow in the wood. The truss rod wont touch it if you know what i mean. Just another opinion though. Good luck with the build man.
  16. I hate restrictions. Bugger that.
  17. guitarbuild.co.uk
  18. There is a guy in Lincoln making all kinds of standard bodies. He's very good i hear and i'll try and remember his website. Back in a bit.
  19. Was hoping for something a little more risque. Nice story though.
  20. How do
  21. tune the harmonic, then the 12th, and adjust the saddle accordingly, rinse and repeat. 'tis true, perfect intonation on a stringed instrument is impossible. Every time you press the string down the length is affected due to the bending of the string.
  22. That would be a very easy thing to fix. Not something i would want to get into an online conversation to guide you through. Find a mate who can tweak it for you. If you're anywhere near leicester you can drop by and i'll sort it for you. I'm sure someone here who [i]is[/i] local would be happy to have a look at it.
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