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Everything posted by lettsguitars

  1. I think you'll find that 90% of members are in some kinda band. Most of em rubbish
  2. Awesome. Basschat threads dont half have some clout!
  3. Stickers are for kids Just drill the holes and glue some glow in the dark acrylic rod in there. File them back and shazzam! Perfect dottage.
  4. I would have to agree. Although I've never tried one. The original idea of modernizing the vintage guitars with improved tronics was obviously a good one 40 years ago but all the designs seem to be rehashed gibson, prs and the like. They should have moved on by now I would have thought. They just use the name now.
  5. [quote name='jamie_k11' timestamp='1360871754' post='1977780'] Here's a picture of the Body from Warmoth. Slight strange question guys!! If you look at the bridge. 5 holes are drilled. Does this mean its specifically for a 5 string, or can I still put a 4 string bridge on and have it as a 4. Or will the neck slot be to wide now? Very chuffed with the body however, really love the grain in the flame maple! Having a 3 tone sunburst put on it come pay day! ;D [/quote]Yea, the neck 'pocket' is for a 4 string. The 5 holes have no relation to the strings. They are there for fixing a specific type of bridge, ie; one with 5 screws.
  6. http://www.johnbirchguitars.com/John_Birch_Guitars/About_Us.html
  7. Needs more pics. Headstock, back etc.
  8. benny greb- bach bass.
  9. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1360681739' post='1974525'] Has anyone here had a go at building (but cheating) using pre-made necks and/or bodies? I've seen parts made by the likes of Warmoth, WD music, Allparts etc, but never seen them in the flesh or known anyone that's used them. Has anyone here and are they any good? I've built a bass from scratch on Jon Shuker's course, but without £10k investment in all the tools it's not going to be a garage project to build another easily, so I was thinking of getting a paddle neck and a routed body blank that I can shape and build. Any thoughts or experience welcome... (edited to correct my sketchy typing) [/quote]10k investment? You could get setup for way WAY less than that. A second hand bandsaw and planer/thicknesser would be the biggest outlay. Router, drill press or stand and the smaller handtool stuff would be well under a grand. You really dont need a great deal of stuff. The most important thing you can have are the skills and experience. You can build a guitar using handtools only, if you are brave enough. I've never used a tablesaw for one thing.
  10. Gonna be lurvly. Here's the rough-up.
  11. You can get the iron wool from b&q. It does 'clog up' just like sandpaper and you need to tap the dust out in the same way to extend the life of each piece, but it would definately work out cheaper than paper which is pretty expensive. One thing you should do is cut the wool of the 'hank' with scissors. Dont try and tear it or it will have millions of scratchy ends.
  12. You'll never make a jazz sound like a precision, of that I'm certain. The bridge pup has a sound of it's own and there's twice as many magnets and twice as much coil. Actually no, there is nearly 4x the amount of coil.
  13. Yea, the old racist mysoginist was always a favourite of mine in my youth No, seriously. I giggled every time that recent add came on with the 'little boxes' song sung in horrible indie melancholy. Just reminded me of Mr Vasey every time. I also chuckle every time someone mentions the word hospice
  14. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1360596357' post='1972995'] Before: After (refinish done by Rich - Ou7shined): [/quote]That is one helluva 'phew that's better' moment!
  15. This thread does seem unnecessary really. They have basses that very few other places would even consider stocking. That in itself is why the gallery is worth a visit and they must get a fair share of 'sightseers' which must put a dampener on their general outlook on 'customer service'. If you want to try a fodera with a view to buying where else is there? If you are serious about buying a £2000 instrument why the hell would anything other than the bass itself put you off? If the reason you contact them is to sell them a guitar of course they're not gonna be too fussed about it. They're not desperate for instruments and it isn't ebay you're dealing with.
  16. The magnets under the strings. They should be central to each string. There is no sideways adjust on that particular bridge. Raising or lowering the saddles is for string height adjustment only. I dont get email notification either which dont bother me. I'm sure there's a notification setting somewhere in your profile settings.
  17. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1360576473' post='1972413'] wasn't that part of point of punk? one for a t shirt there..... [/quote]Good idea. A new one every day, just like modern pop. Rip it up and start again on a daily basis. Yea, you are definately right. Punk was indeed about less is more and I totally get it. But actaully, bands like the pistols didnt even need any music. Just a snotty angry young Lydon shouting f*** off at a postage stamp would have had the same effect. For me music is about music, not making youths angry. There's a place for that of course but not in the adult mind as far as I'm concerned. There's no point worrying about not connecting with new music when you reach a certain age. you cant and you shouldn't. There are folk who like to feel young all their lives and embrace new stuff and that's fine too. But for me it's not about that. It's actually ok to move on from the music of your youth,see it for what it was and move on to better things as you grow up. You dont have to stay on the cutting edge your whole life and if you do I think you will only miss out on a more rewarding musical life.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1360530448' post='1971958'] Me neither. I'm more of a punk now than I was in 1976. Musically, that is. [/quote]Sorry about this but. . . The sex pistols are so boring I can obviously see how at the time it was new and refreshing but it certainly doesnt hold that freshness for very long. I do like bands like bad brains as they mixed it up a bit. There's nothing worse than a band who's 'guitarists' can only play a few power chords. Very limited. Yes of course ALL music is affected by fashions but some of it will stay with us forever. Most pop rock will most definately not be. It isn't about intellectuality (word?) at all. Come on, Albeniz, Bach and Mozart can't be lumped in with the rest of any old 'music' I've listened to all forms of rock music throughout my life and there isn't a band in the world that doesnt become dated and boring after a while. For me anyway. Rock is so young in terms of music history. As is all modern media, tv, radio etc and will soon be forgotten as each new 'fad' comes along.. Instrumentalists will always be here, Bands who write hits with the bare minimum of skills will not. Sorry if I seem to be a bit of a fascist. But I am
  19. As above. Loosen screws and give it a healthy nudge. This could damage the finish around the neck pocket though. Unfortunately, as I can see that the strings are also not lined up with the pickup pole pieces either, this is simply ANOTHER case of a missaligned bridge. A common problem with mass produced instruments. You could have a decent luthier re-position the bridge for you. Or just ignore it. You certainly wouldn't be the only player with this issue. Some I've seen are incredibly worse and still make it into 'look at my wonderful bass' threads and the badly lined strings dont even get mentioned. Next time you are in a guitar shop that stocks fender, gibson, Rickenbacker, musicman etc, just take a minute to look at the necks of all the instruments hanging up. You will no doubt find that more than half of them have identical issues. Not trying to be negative anout these basses at all, it is sadly a simple fact when it comes to factory made guitars. Poor qc is prevalent no matter what anybody says.
  20. They just make string changes quicker and stop any slipping which I have never found to a problem anyroad.
  21. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1360534004' post='1972053'] I went in and asked to play something (cheaper) and genuinly think I could have asked to play anything. If you don't ask... then you don't get. [/quote]There is that. There's nothing more annoying than overkeen shop assistants. A lot of folk just like to be left to it. The gallery's been there a long time and must be doing something right to be still trading when a lot of guitar shops are dying out.
  22. The little pin clamp things tend to get stuck too. Locking tuners on guitars I find are a pain in the ass. Always snap the strings if you need to take em off for any reason.
  23. Surprised. Do they make most of their money from the Sei basses? The 2 are linked right?
  24. As I get older I find that I strive for a little more intelligence in music. Pop/rock very rarely delivers for me anymore. I dont think it's a 'getting old' thing, but rather, a maturity thing. I dont listen to bands that I used to listen to and soon get bored of new stuff that fits within the band formula. Classical music gets more and more appealing to me, along with modern more technical players who are pushing the boundaries of their own musicality. If it has anything to do with current 'trends' I just aint interested.
  25. Do you have a mobile phone in your pocket? Or are you just pleased to see me
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