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Everything posted by lettsguitars

  1. Great band. Gram was the man though.
  2. Ask the guy for all the seperate audio and mix it yourself or ask around. A lot of folks would have a go at a mix/master for nowt (me included).
  3. Don't sell if you can't get the right price. You'll only regret it later.
  4. [quote name='Ba55me15ter' timestamp='1334677572' post='1619604'] We were 'pro' and have gone hobby as we can't spare the time and commitment to booking up weddings and the like. We used to go out for minimum £100 a man plus hired-in PA. Tonight we go out for nowt (for charity) but we're playing stuff we want to play. No 'Superstition'. No 'Valerie'. We will have a damn good funky time with friends! Different motivation, music vs money. It's a shame we have to pick one, but our set tonight is like a breath of fresh air! [/quote] Spot on there. Music aint 'shouldn't be' about making money. Some folk are just lucky enough to be gifted enough to warrant a full time job in music. Tell the truth i think a disco beats a covers band hands down.
  5. Man that is '1' cool bass.
  6. Ditch 4 strings? But then that would leave you with only 1 string. What's the use of that?
  7. The same as a 1 piece covers band i would expect. Kick the bassist and singer out.
  8. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1334669874' post='1619424'] But that is comparing them to other mass produced basses from massive production line factories. The 'its a small family owned business' thing has already been said, that is supposed to give a high degree over oversight and quality control. Being as good as something knocked out by a bunch of production line numpties isn't a boast. Twin truss rods isn't a win, it is down to poor engineering. Through neck is a taste call, an can be implemented better, like in suck a way you don't have to route a hole for the bridge to float over. My £70 Johnson has stereo output. [/quote]hazaah
  9. White is easiest. Nitro all the way.
  10. Bleach?
  11. [quote name='vax2002' timestamp='1334483195' post='1616612'] Not a lot of what they claim would stand up in court, hence why they use threats so harshly. They put the wind in to people, even groups like this. Which has lead a lot of folk to question if that is the sort of company you want to buy products from, one that thinks it owns the words out of peoples mouths now ! [/quote] Well said! If it was up to companies like rick, fender, gibson etc, nobody would be allowed to sell guitars but them.
  12. What is it with Rickenbacker? Good question.
  13. If it's an old single action rod with an anchor it is a big problem. If the rod is a modern dual action that doesn't need anchoring then it could just be that the rod needs tightening up. You could find out from the manufacturer which type you are looking at.
  14. I might be interested if they come out of their wood cases. Lerruz know.
  15. oeergh. Looks like the body was made before they knew what a guitar looked like, and then they had a game of pin the hardware on the bass.
  16. Surprised at the responses here. This certainly is not the first 'stick bass' ever made. It is original and would be great for camping/busking. You could knock one together yourself in a few hours.
  17. He he. And the weight seems to vary slightly. A bit like Vanessa Felts.
  18. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1332775462' post='1592928'] I've owned three acoustic bass guitars (note the past tense) and the only advantage I can find is they're good to just pick up and play by themselves, particular ones with built in tuners. On their own they can be drowned out by a single acoustic guitar, and amplifying them brings all the problems already alluded to in this thread. I won't be partaking again. They can be beautiful of course: But regardless of how pretty it was, it was pretty pointless and no, you can't see an acoustic bass on the radio [/quote] egg friggin zactly!
  19. Obviously, depends on the model/year/country of origin etc.
  20. Yea. Load of rubbish. An electric bass is fine. Do they need a bass player for the gig? if so, what choice do they have.
  21. WICKED! I love a good sense of humour. Didn't do the sale much good though by the looks of it.
  22. Sorry but i have to pipe in for this one. I think you'll struggle to find a bass with an 'alber' body as this is very hard to come by in my experience.
  23. What do you need?
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