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Everything posted by lettsguitars

  1. [quote name='MatthewKeys' post='1140432' date='Feb 24 2011, 09:05 PM']Hey there I was just wondering, are there any gloves available for bassplayers? Because I am fed up of standard strings such as rotosound sounding dead after 3 hours play, and Elixirs only sound good for about a week, due to my corrosive sweaty palms. It's expensive as hell and I really cannot afford it, so if there any type of gloves I could buy that I would be able to play bass with? Thanks!![/quote] ha ha. very funny mate! have you tried playing with your teeth?
  2. [quote name='endorka' post='1140430' date='Feb 24 2011, 09:04 PM']I think it is very much a "marmite" tone. While it has its benefits, the fact that many people describe such tones as "burpy" does not indicate a universally positive perception. In the wrong hands, I think such tones sound like a bass version of Vic Reeves doing the pub singer. Jennifer[/quote] but jim's the best pub singer in the world! sorry, club singer.
  3. [quote name='rOB' post='1140385' date='Feb 24 2011, 08:29 PM']mmmm chips [/quote] we got another one ma.
  4. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1140377' date='Feb 24 2011, 08:23 PM']I used to take the camper van out there, but since the hike in petrol prices, it's become rather uneconomical.[/quote] old chip fat is like rocket fuel. but you smell like a chip van and end up with quite a hungry convoy.
  5. [quote name='Spike Vincent' post='1140362' date='Feb 24 2011, 08:13 PM']I recall some decades ago he was threatening extreme black belt violence against somebody calling him John,rather than Jean.Maybe he's mellowed a bit..[/quote] t' oh, good ol' johnny boy! ouch
  6. [quote name='ickleben' post='1140357' date='Feb 24 2011, 08:08 PM']Oh yeah.. and you can use a bow with an electric upright.. it's harder on the stagg because the curve on the bridge is shallower but it's doable.[/quote] that sound like fun.
  7. ooh. nice star mate. no money at the minute though due to recently spending a fortune on guitar knobs.
  8. what makes an electric upright different from a bass guitar anyway? is it just a scale length/piezo thing?
  9. punters! tsk. makes you wonder why we bother. cornflake box and a laggy band and they're happy.
  10. +1 on the saman. looks very similar to african mahogany so that would make sense to me. and a very cool looking bass. strange partial neck through thang going on.
  11. titebond will definately take the strain. looks clean enough. clamp that sucker up. what does a stagg upright cost then?
  12. post some pics mate, and together we'll sort it. p.s i wouldn't say it was an 'idiot' thing to do. or we would all be idiots as i think most of us have been there.
  13. the paint on eh stuff doesn't last 5 minutes. shouldn't detract from the value imo., agreat pedal but i never thought of using it on bass. should i have? aren't these things designed for 6 string short scale guitars? i already have one by the way.
  14. wow. no mention of flea, claypool, or one of my all time favourite players, carl hodgkinson. back door were such a fantastic 3 piece!
  15. love that top on excalibur! i like to see real character showing the true nature of wood. knots are great!
  16. those that can make a bass work for them through their technique are the [i]real[/i] players.
  17. there's a vibe at tb? i must have miss that.
  18. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='1140177' date='Feb 24 2011, 05:28 PM']In short: Vigier S3 Passion V- Not guilty Fender MIA Jazz- Not guilty Hohner B2A V - Not guilty Warwick Fortress Masterman V- Not guilty Status Streamline- Not even accused of anything Warwick Infinity SN TCS IV- In the balance Ovation Electro Acoustic- Jury's out OLP 'Ray 35- Jury couldn't reach a verdict Westone Raider 1- Gulity of a lesser charge of being pointy Yamaha Attitude Ltd 10th Anniversary- GUILTY AS CHARGED Warwick Streamer LX VI- Sorry.... I... Can't seem to... pick it.... up....[/quote] yamaha again!
  19. [quote name='mart' post='1140118' date='Feb 24 2011, 04:21 PM']I thought you had to unscrew that knurled bit at the top, then put the string in as usual, then tighten the screw up again. But I've no experience of these things so I might well be talking out of my backside.[/quote] they aren't all the same. my reference was an old starfield of a friends which locked automatically. you just had to unlock it when removing strings.
  20. all you need is a good bass with a good pickup and an output, and maybe a standby for those fag breaks.
  21. reference monitors! headphones will never give a true reference when mixing. as all 'hi-fi' headphones have an eq curve built in. even a pair of crappy hi-fi speakers are a better reference than phones. phones are used mainly for identifying little details like clicks and pops that need attention. if you have no other option than hp, it's good to be aware of how the particular phones are affecting certain frequencies. it's a bugger really and if you're after a good mix, speakers are the only way forward. i've spent months mixing stuff in phones and at the end of it all decided i was no good at mixing when it was just the way i was referencing that was the problem. akg are about the best and most affordable reference phones around but aren't cheap. monitors are generally cheaper than decent headphones. m-audio monitors are cheap and chearful.
  22. you should never run a head without a speaker so i've been told.
  23. [quote name='mart' post='1139801' date='Feb 24 2011, 12:00 PM']If you'd tried it, you'd know why people don't do it. With many solid-body instruments, if you tie a strap round the headstock (and use the bottom strap button as usual), then the body will quickly dive and the headstock will come and slap you in the face! Which can hurt. I know, cos I've done it! An alternative approach, which doesn't involve facial injury, is to connect your strap as usual, but then run a cord from the strap to the headstock, so as to spread the weight. That works, but you'll need to adjust the strap length to get it comfortable.[/quote] yea, those tuners can become a lethal weapon for sure. heres an idea. take a picture hook to gigs with you, screw it into the ceiling with a piece of fishing line and hang your thunderbirds headstock from that, puppet style. thunderbirds are go
  24. [quote name='mart' post='1139786' date='Feb 24 2011, 11:50 AM']I thought that string-spacing was usually designed so the centre-to-centre distance between the strings was constant. This, of course, means the [i]gap[/i] between the D and the G string will be larger than the gap between the A and the D, which, in turn, will be larger than the gap between E and A. Without a ruler to measure the centre-to-centre spacing I don't think I'd be able to tell whether a nut was cut correctly or not - our eyes are not good at gauging that kind of thing.[/quote] true 'nuff.
  25. [quote name='KK Jale' post='1139467' date='Feb 24 2011, 12:40 AM']In my experience, keep scrapers/razor blades and wire wool the hell away from lacquered maple fingerboards.[/quote] definightly. a laquered board is that way forever, or until it's refretted. in my original answer, i do say 'presuming it's unfinished'.
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