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Everything posted by lettsguitars

  1. It would be an honour mr sausage. Have a good old tour matey.
  2. The b does look a little low but if the string isn't wearing any kind of groove in the board it's ok. The other strings look fine if indeed a little high to be honest. You can always stick something under the b string. Tin foil works so I've heard and once it's in there you'll forget all about it probably. If the nut is removable (I rarely glue nuts in place) you can always shim the whole thing but then you'd have to take the other slots down a slither. I would definately say that the seller hasn't tried to dupe you and nuts do need replacing sometimes and it's a 10 minute job for a decent builder/tech and seriously shouldn't cost you more than £30 to have done. Just been told that I now own the record for most amount of 'ands' in a single sentence.
  3. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1359493377' post='1955749'] The B guide does look very low, as if it could get any lower. However, My Status fretless basses have the string come out the nut right onto the end of the fingerboard. Spose it just depends how it feels to you, that's all that matters. Status nut Those strings are too big for the slots and are not seated properly (judging by the photo). [/quote]
  4. You are very lucky. Most companies use stock fretted nuts on their fretless basses which is terrible news. That there is what a fretless nutt should look like. As with any instrument, fretted or fretless, the amount of pressure needed to fret at the 1st fret should the bare minimum without buzzing. Ideally a fretless should take off from the end of the fingerboard but that is the absolute ideal and rarely works out quite that way.
  5. [quote name='alembic1989' timestamp='1359486943' post='1955559'] I have been reading with some amusement, some of the smart ass remarks by the 'experts' here, I was gonna stay quiet, but the last post has pushed me into a response. I'm a member here too, and this very same bass has been up on the classifieds a few years back....in the same condition...no snide remarks then..just nice bass etc..the usual. So let me just put a few things straight....there are no cracks or delamination, it is not a friggin Chinese bass, yes the control cover is poor, yes it was built in the UK by a chap in West Yorkshire. There is nothing wrong with my memory..it was bought off ebay from the builder...and i don't know his name.... or the model of preamp he used. In actual fact the bass is a great bass..check out some of my basses..I know what a great bass is, it sounds great a looks the business. Some smart ass remarks about luthiery too...baloney. I own an Alembic amongst other basses, anyone who knows anything about multiwood type basses will tell you ...because there are several types of wood used in the construction..over the years they shrink at different rates...my alembic too. Delamination my arse. Perhaps 'throwoff' the real ale has affected your vision as well as your judgement. You lot sound like a load of old biddies bitching about another biddies make up...too much time on your hands I suspect. [/quote]Harsh but fair. AND IT'S LUTHIERY NOT LUITHIERY actually I always thought it was lutherie (make your mind up).
  6. Very good!
  7. Love him to bits. Not keen on the twangy picked fender sound though. Blew me away when I first heard back door. He had a carl Thompson which I've never seen him play.
  8. Dead easy for anyone with good coordination and sense of rhythm. Its just like dancing sitting down.
  9. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1359455770' post='1954896'] That's like saying it's a bit late to appreciate the Mona Lisa... It's music. [/quote]It's comedy! It just struck me as a bit like saying "has anyone seen that Monty python thing?" Obviously most people will have seen it and laughed a lot as it is a very successful show which has spawned hollywood actors. Not to be taken too seriously. I'm just pulling your leg of course.
  10. A few years too late? Anyone catch Testees? Very similar format albeit without the music and got cancelled pretty early on.
  11. and a quote there from Colin Hodgkinson! Cool.
  12. That Kramer looks cool as do a lot of guitars on the site. I would however suggest that you remove the defamotary page aimed at Mr Limon. You may end up in court over that if you havent already. As a builder myself warranties and customer satisfaction are very important however I would not be happy with being hit with a bill for $400 dollars from a random guitar tech and if I saw a page like that aimed at damaging my business I would be seeking legal advice immediately. Just thought I'd point that out.
  13. Spam on the way mate. Cheers
  14. and leaving the camera mic audio in adds 'room'.
  15. Make sure you record the audio with the same bit rate as the camera or they wont sync up
  16. I think the fact you got your money back says it all. The company are honest scammers!
  17. Oh well. He tried at least He is right though in thinking that a lot of these things are happening. The most virulent scam of all is the facebook thing where people share like, say, a picture of a cancerous baby with a like button saying 'like this if you dont like cancer' Every idiot in the world wants their friends to know that they dont like cancer so they like it. The likes are then actually linked to a company that suddenly appears to be very very popular. It is big business and people will always fall for the scams. I see it like this, if you are not getting enough views fairly then that is a clear reflection of your product. The best way to achieve viral status is purely sending links to friends. If they like it they will share it. If they dont they will simply say 'that's awesome mate' and then swiftly move on to liking a picture of some chickens with chinese fish flu.
  18. Fair enough. What is it with Warwicks and truss rods today? (another thread)
  19. Surely you could get a replacement neck that is the same width etc. Maybe not the exact model but one that will work just the same (lets hope it works a little better ).
  20. So why did you need to replace it out of interest?
  21. I will say that in theory this is the way to remove an un anchored rod. However it isn't always such a simple affair. The way that rod comes out is like a fairy tale.
  22. Good stuff. A truss rod should never be loose and knocking on the back of the neck is the way to tell if one is. It would be interesting if everyone who reads this has a knock on their neck. Lets see how many loose rods are out there!
  23. Necks can bow over time if they are unstable in the first place. Truss rods dont just break by the way, it would take an awful lot of cocking about to do that. I would suggest getting someone in the uk to have a look at it first maybe just so you know for sure that it isn't a simple fix.
  24. Dont see the point saving a dying venue. We lost the princess charlotte a few years back. One of them things. The best way to save establishments now would be to lift the smoking ban and bring the price of beer down. Mcdonalds will always win!
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