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Everything posted by lozbass

  1. Wow, Celinder's super Js (and Ps) are unparalleled IMO - just stunning. Ergonomics are beyond anything else I've tried. Good luck (doubt you'll need it!)
  2. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1352382989' post='1862391'] Well done Loz & congrats to the new owner, I hope he gives it as much love & attention as you obviously did once Cheerz, John [/quote] Hahaha! Thanks, 'nearly fell off my chair - me and that bass certainly had some fun
  3. And...SOLD...about 15 minutes. I know that market's bad but I think I've taken the pressure on pricing thing too far. Thanks gents for all the kind words - I thought I might get beaten down but the buyer's a gent. Clarky...it's been a tough decision. Selling something classic like this over these ten-a-penny coffee table jobs...
  4. On hold...you see, you can sell stuff if you price it right
  5. Pics now up - 'looks like a pushmepullyou
  6. Some of you will have witnessed partial divestment of a collection of sublime boutique basses in the past few months. The current sale does not constitute an episode in the series. For your consideration...a truly stunning, spray-can dakota red Columbus Jazz bass from 1975 (I think). This was my first bass and proudly acquired from Mamelocks on Deansgate in Manchester in the middle part of 1976. After around 2 years, the original sunburst was removed to reveal a gorgeous multi-laminate (plywood) finish (you simply can't get the quality these days). Considering that the high-grade pine (?) was just too lovely for dodgy boozer gigs, I decided to protect the finish with red car spray and then a fine brushed-on top-coat - just lovely. The finish was further enhanced with an 'upside down' 'boot' motif in snopake - 'can't remember the artist's name, but if I can find the paperwork... Some years (and countless gigs later), the frets were expertly ripped out to transform the bass into an extraordinary fretless instrument. With the craft and skill of a great luthier, I splodged some wood filler into the board to create a lined fretless effect. This just has to be played to appreciate the hand-finishing. Right...'bored with the hyperbole...the cheapest, roughest bass in the Basschat classifieds? This has done countless gigs in very seedy places, it's fretless, I think it works (it registered a signal through my tuner but the electronics may need attention), it's dirty (I normally clean basses very thoroughtly before selling but this is 25 quid!), it's been thrown off stages, it's 'strong', and it plays OK. The fittings are alright, there's not much missing, a few bent bits but functional, the finish is sh*te. No case or bag and collection only from central Manchester. I'll make a decent donation to Basschat too. This has got to be worth £25 hasn't it? Just take a look!
  7. I had the 50w version - stunner and superb for guitar too. Would love this for nostalgia alone but a true tone legend
  8. The quality of Celinders work is outstanding - there are very few luthiers on the planet that work with such precision and devotion to perfection. There's also something different about the way that a Celinder sits in the hand - attention to ergonimics is pretty much beyond anything else that I've tried. This is a great price for what is surely an outstanding instrument.
  9. Absolutely lovely - can't see this hanging around long! Hope all's well Rich!
  10. Absolute bargain - fantastic price for this spec!
  11. Wow...another beautiful example of Martin's work - genius!
  12. I haven't been involved for a very long time but I'd say that networks and delegation skills are likely to be crucial (along with all the other soft and hard skills noted above). I would be looking to employ a very good and trusted (and probably quite expensive) administrator/PA - preferably one with creative industries/PR experience. There will be a lot of essential admin work that can distract you from other interpersonal, technical and performance-related tasks.
  13. Fantastic price for a Series in any condition!
  14. I've used Newtone too - very communicative and should help - they will custom wind (though I've not been too impressed with longevity of the strings). I've struggled in the past with through-stringing on a Ripper (34.5" scale) - I currently have d'Addario nickel rounds on it and the E is strung to bridge only (there wasn't sufficient length for string-through on the E).
  15. Enzo - love the Distillate - I've never had the pleasure but one of my favourite Alembic shapes. 9.5lbs sounds pretty good to me - probably a decent balance with the extended upper horn too. The birdseye is gorgeous - fantastic figuring!
  16. Shoreline Gold and Sonic Blue are two of my favourite custom colours (I love Capri Orange and Shell Pink too but maybe not appropriate in this case?) A matching headstock would look lovely with the rosewood. Roger does have some very nice Brazillian rosewood (Mastergrade - $600 upcharge) - as others have suggested, I'm not sure if it's legal to ship this into the UK but I'd go for it if possible. Also, I'd be thinking of dots and bound (again if possible - I'm a big fan of the '66 look).
  17. I think that Rob Green (Status) recommends WD40 for the care of ebanol boards - somebody sent me an email to this effect a couple of years ago: if I can find it, I'll post it here. I've used it and it certainly 'blackened' the ebanol, some of which had a sort of grey, milky look to it at the edges of the board. A pic of the problem sketched in the OP might be useful?
  18. Our economy and industrial landscape are both riddled with structural deficiencies (the product of past policies, poor planning, short-termism and strategic blunders). This situation, coupled with the impacts of globalisation, implies a potentially bleak future. Though there are capabilities and resources upon which the UK can draw, unless these are deployed wisely, my optimism in general must be limited. Sell what you need to (and can) now...and if you have any short-scale, Series Alembics, a pm is welcome.
  19. Very lovely - I've always admired Alan's work - I probably shouldn't ask...but is this a 34" scale?
  20. It might be worth thinking about an AER Amp One - 200 watts into a 10" driver - tiny but dense at around 32lbs. Shockingly loud and very pokey sound with weirdly impressive bottom end (if you need that) - you really do wonder where the tone and weight is coming from. Very expensive at £950-1000 new, but they appear in the classifieds every now and then at around £750. Honestly my favourite bass amp - incredibly versatile and impeccable design and build.
  21. lozbass


    I had the cheaper, Korean non-'pro' version of this and it was a wonderful thing - a bit of a love or hate design but I'm certainly in the former camp - a design classic for me. As a short-scale fan (and short-scale player almost exclusively), I'd snap this up if I needed (!) another bass
  22. Still one of the most beautiful basses ever to make an appearance on these pages (in my somewhat biased opinion).
  23. To echo the views above, Tony is a great guy to deal with - what a stunner of a cab too - I'd love this but have absolutely nowhere to put it.
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