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Everything posted by lozbass

  1. [quote name='phsycoandy' timestamp='1320345901' post='1425720']This is still teasing me and more pics don't exactly help matey! mmmm[/quote] Oops...images now there in the first post!
  2. Hahaha - cheers Martin...I wasn't intending to attend bassday itself (I'm not entirely recovered from previous visits)
  3. Martin, Andy - thanks very much (and again, thanks to all for the comments!) The new pickup covers arrived from Nordstrand this morning - very pretty too! A nice satin finish and the Nordstrand logo on the P cover. It's a small detail, but the the covers look lovely now they're fitted. I managed to get some images this morning and will post later today. If there's any interest, I can deliver the bass in Manchester on Sunday, 6th November (to the UK Bass Day venue)
  4. The nut looks fairly narrow - is it an A or B width (or it could just be me and it's a C)?
  5. Again, thanks for all the very kind comments - apologies again too for the lack of original images. I'm away for a couple of days but will try to sort something on Wednesday (unless there's interest from the South today - I'm in Milton Keynes then London in the next few days).
  6. Hmmm...still no images - apologies. I'll be in Milton Keynes then London early next week and can deliver to a main station etc. if anybody is interested
  7. Back into the public eye - the Wal has gone so it's time to concentrate on selling this. I played it for 5 minutes on Tuesday and it really is rather lovely. Apologies for the lack of new images - I'm around the office on Friday and will try to get some then
  8. [quote name='phsycoandy' timestamp='1319554487' post='1415710'] I wish Trades? [/quote] I hadn't really thought about trades as I'm trying to reduce (fairly seriously) the number of basses that I have around. To be honest, I think the only thing to pique my interest would be all original pre CBS Js or Alembic SIIs (both with an adjustment from me obviously)
  9. I've been checking shipping prices - this may be of interest to some. Shipping to France or Germany is likely to be around €35-40 for a 1-3 day service with DHL (excluding insurance - maybe add €35-40 for insurance to full value). Shipping within the UK is around £20-25 for a next day or two-day service (again, excluding insurance). I hope this helps but let me know if you need anything more
  10. Hi all, thanks for the very kind comments - this is a rather lovely bass - wish I had a use for it! In response to some requests for information, shipping to France or Germany with DHL should be around €35-40 (for a 1-3 day service without insurance). I'd suspect that you can add around €30 for insurance to full value (though I haven't checked this). Shipping within the UK should be around £20-25 for a next day or two-day service, again without insurance. I hope this helps
  11. HI Norwood-1 - sorry, as far as I know there are no clips available (and I don't have the facility to record). If I can find a way to sort this out, I'll get something down (however, given workload, it's unlikely to be this week). Photographs later if I can borrow a camera!
  12. soliloquy - thanks for this - I'm afraid that I don't have accurate scales but the bass is around 9 to 9.5lbs I think - it's actually a surprisingly compact bass and feels very comfortable either sitting or standing Littleal - thanks very much for the kind words and entirely mutual. I'd love this to come back to you (I've seen the video!)
  13. [quote name='Alanbass' timestamp='1319399919' post='1413743'] Hi, Can you tell me what year the Sadowsky was born in? I ntoiced that it has the old style neck plate so I'm guessing it must be at least 3 years old - is that right? [/quote] Thanks and apologies - I realise that I'd missed the age in my original ad (now corrected) - the bass is about three and a half years old - as far as I know, it was delivered around April/May '08. It looks almost unplayed - as far as I know, it hasn't been gigged or rehearsed, just gentle play at home. I've been over the bass extremely carefully and it's entirely as new - there was a tiny blemish in the lacquer at the end of the headstock (two mm long and about two hairsbreadth wide and deep) - I had this drop filled and polished back to invisibility. To do so was well over the top - it was virtually unfindable and only visible with careful scrutiny in the right light anyway. I just want to be perfectly up-front. I think that anybody would be massively impressed - this really is like a brand new bass
  14. Many thanks to Clarky for the images - I'll get some more up tomorrow (Monday) - apologies, I don't have a digital camera to hand at the moment
  15. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1319277942' post='1412101'] MB1. "Thats just frightening Loz!" Local BUMP! [/quote] Thanks Martin - I'll have it down to sainsbury's car park for you later!
  16. Wow, thanks guys! It is a very lovely bass (Andy, the set-up tweak was miraculous). I'd love to keep this (and the Wal I'm selling) but it really is time to rationalise and focus on the basses that I actually play
  17. Price now dropped to £2050 (collection in Manchester) Sadowsky NYC vintage J with Nordstrand P/J and Sadowsky JJ options (Sadowsky pickups included). Absolutely immaculate and blemish-free - just about three and a half years old but un-gigged and unrehearsed. I picked this up as part of a 3 way deal and don't need it - I'm only keeping one full-scale bass as I play short-scales almost exclusively. Some details: Daphne blue finish - deep colour Matching headstock Brazilian rosewood board P/J or JJ option (spare guard and spare set of entirely unused Sadowsky JJ pickups) Supplied with brand new, satin and bevelled Nordstrand P and J pickup covers - expensive but lovely - on their way from the US now Recent set-up with 40-100 nickels (tweaked by Andy Trav and plays beautifully - very low action and great compliance) Hipshot detuner Original hard case (used by Sadowsky for shipping from the US) All paperwork and unused case candy Collection from central Manchester or ship to UK, most of Europe and the US at cost. Price is a firm £2050 - this bass would cost well over £3600 to import from the US. Indeed, at the current price it's a bargain - for the same as a new Metro, you're getting a very high-spec. NYC in immaculate, as new condition. The case is in excellent condition too with just a couple of scuffs on the corners. Please just ask for any further details. I'll try to get some recent images up on Monday. Original ads for previous sales are here (Mark, Dan, hope this is OK!): [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/134958-sold-sadowsky-nyc-pj4-daphne-blue/page__hl__sadowsky+daphne__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/142539-nyc-sadowsky-vintage-4-traded/page__hl__sadowsky+daphne__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url]
  18. For sale, Wal Mk3 with beautifully figured walnut facings. Less than a year old. Fretted ebony board (fretted by Martin at the Gallery - stunning job). The bass is staggeringly good in every respect, I just don't need a six. 16.7mm spacing and really easy to play. 34 inch scale. Commissioned by littleal - his original ad is here (hope this is OK Al!) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/137033-wal-6-string-fretted-as-new-now-sold/page__hl__wal+6__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] Collection from central Manchester or shipping at cost (to UK, most of Europe, and the US). I'm not going to give this the hard sell, everybody with an interest will know what it is and does. Entirely immaculate apart from a small, shallow, smooth rub (about 3mm long and 1mm deep) on the edge of the bridge pickup cover under the B - easily sorted if you could be bothered - it would take ages to find it if you didn't know. Currently strung (very recently) with D'addario nickel rounds - very low action and extraordinary playability...well, if you can play a six. Price is a firm £2700 plus shipping (this bass cost £4200 eleven months ago). Any questions, please just ask. Images below but let me know if you need anything specific - it's worth a look at post 235 in the Gear Porn section (Wals) - video of littleal making the bass sound like a musical instrument (something that I've been unable to achieve).
  19. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1319126433' post='1410347'] You are the man 51m0n![/quote] +1 - thanks for this 51m0n - I'd no idea - we probably need a Basschat glossary
  20. Fascinating thread...if I'd done my physics homework at home rather than on the bus, I probably wouldn't have needed to become a bass-player. However, it's genuinely good to get a better understanding of why the Amp One sounds the way it does. I have to rely on my ears - and can't complement this with a knowledge of engineering - but my ears tell me that the Amp One is probably the best bass amp I've heard. My main stereo rig involves an Aguilar DB680 and 750 on one side (into a Berg AE 112) and an Alembic SF2 into an Epi UL502 (into an Epi UL112 S1) on the other. There's a lex MPXG2 in there too - used sparingly. As you might imagine, there's a fair bit of heft, alongside some serious definition. Transients I don't know about. I'm not sure what perceived loudness means either in technical terms, but I perceive this lot to be pretty loud. My small rig involves just an AER Amp One. Large parts of the main rig are likely to be in the classifieds soon.
  21. Bump - I have one of these - truly outstanding - fantastic cut-through and very defined upper mids (and now out of production and very difficult find as a result of the price hike in neodymium). Lovely covers too!
  22. lozbass


    [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1319057959' post='1409548']This Alleva Coppolo LG4 is back in my hands again, after a brief affair with Happy Jack (the bass, not me). The last one of two made fully by hand in the NYC workshop in 2008 [/quote] Ooohh, love this Clarky - never tire of seeing it - just a stunning bass! One of JImmy's finest IMO. Honestly miss it but couldn't justify two!
  23. Hi Clarky, just to bump and add my voice to the chorus - absolute bummer, grim news for one of BC's heroes and true gents. Hope all's sorted soon with minimal hassle and expense
  24. Absolutely beautiful - as good as it gets...simply can't justify it for current activities but have a bump
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