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[quote name='bass_ferret' post='44565' date='Aug 12 2007, 08:07 PM']OK Loz I stand corrected - but there are still the warranty and support issues, but if there is no UK support anyway thats not such an issue. There are not many amps out there that pump 750 watts into 4 ohms, lots like the EBS only give full beans into 2 ohms. If you need that sort of power in one box the list is few.[/quote] Hi and thanks - I love the EBS stuff that I've seen (very little opportunity to use I'm afraid). I'm not sure about 'need' for 750, I think it's 'want' in my case (which is probably pretty childish but I justify it on the grounds of acquaintance with one of the most ridiculously loud drummers I've ever encountered!) Thanks again!
[quote name='bass_ferret' post='44568' date='Aug 12 2007, 08:09 PM']Just out of interest you are starting it up in standby and it trips when you turn the power on not the standby? Are you using an RCD?[/quote] Hi and thanks - I'm afraid we've not got as far as standby! The unit has a mute/operate selector and a 45 second diagnostic check prior to full operation. The circuit breaker (effectively the 'on' switch) trips as soon as it's engaged so we don't get into the diagnostic phase. I've not been using an RCD but I'm off to a friends studio in the next few days for further investigations (and use of a power conditioner) - I'll let you know. Thanks for the continuing help!
[quote name='99ster' post='44648' date='Aug 12 2007, 11:20 PM']+1. And it costs how much? Yet there's no UK tech suppport/service agent? WTF? [/quote] Hi Guys, I have a lot of sympathy with what you say but I'll put up with a lot to get the tone and power that I want! I'm not sure about frequency of occurence of the problem I've experienced - there are clearly other reports of difficulties but I'm not sure how many units are around in the UK and Europe (reports of problems can be found in the US too but I believe these have been largely addressed by the inclusion of the thermistor). You are entirely correct though, it's a lot to pay when there's little UK backup from the manufacturer (as yet anyway). No problem on the knocks - as I say above, I'll put up with a lot! I've been fortunate enough to use a couple of 750s extensively, and have been pretty-much convinced the amp has the characteristics I'm looking for (err...once they fire up). Maybe I'm a little too relaxed or maybe its a historical artefact - I started playing in the days when there was no expectation that you would plug in and go every time! Thanks for the inputs - the thread seems to have moved beyond technical points but has clearly spawned an interesting and important discussion re: reliablity and service.
Hi Bassferret and Ian, I've bought tons of stuff from the US over the years and this is the first time I've suffered any problems (I've also saved a great deal of money). To be honest, I think I could have experienced the power-up problem whether the 750 was bought here or imported (I've had detailed interchanges with Aguilar and the difference between a US and UK model are simply the circuit breaker and mains wiring - a 10 minute conversion job at the most). There seems to be an inherent problem with the power-pull on start up that is not connected with where the amp is purchased. I'm not really put-off - these amps are truly stunning when you can get them going - I do hope to find a fix without too much further hassle and will keep all informed: there must be a relatively simple solution that will improve reliability. Thanks for the inputs!
[quote name='Mike Brooks' post='44163' date='Aug 11 2007, 12:11 PM']Hi, I've recently reviewed one of these amps for BGM and was blown away by it. I'm interested to hear what you've experienced as I contacted Aguilar in the US regarding their warranty and servicing issues as I had concerns regarding what UK players could do should problems arise as there was no UK distributor or service centre. I was contacted and told that a UK servicing setup would be put in place soon, obviously this hasn't happened yet. You may want to contact John Henrys here in London as they were very helpful and supplied the gear for review, they may be able to offer some help regarding the issues you've been having. All the best, Mike[/quote] Hi Mike, thanks for the news and advice. I imported my 750 as a pre-owned (but almost new) unit from the US - I was aware that the ten year guarantee is non-transferrable and also that there's no service centre in the UK (currently). I understood there's a risk here but decided to go ahead anyway. The people at Aguilar have been extremely helpful and responsive but it is irritating that the problem with power-up has not been resolved. A UK servicing agent would be a great idea (I'm not sure how many units Aguilar have sold in the UK - probably a good number with the AG series, cabs and preamps etc.) and would offer some re-assurance. As it is, I'm at something of a loss and will probably need to use a local amp expert (fortuntely, we have a top class guru in Manchester) - I'm sure, on the basis of experience so far, that I can rely on Aguilar to provide necessary details and help. I will contact John Henry's and seek their advice - it appears that the problems I've encountered are far from isolated! I hope to be able to borrow a power conditioner in the week and will report on the outcome (though, I'm of the opinion that a conditioner shouldn't really be necessary - the 750 is an expensive piece of kit and should simply work!) Thanks again, I'll keep everybody updated.
[quote name='Hamster' post='44074' date='Aug 11 2007, 12:48 AM']Have you tried Dave Lunt in Stockport 0161 432 9698 ? Hamster[/quote] Hi Hamster, thanks very much for this - Dave was going to be my first call if I couldn't resolve the problem with inputs from BC members. I didn't have his number previously - I think Dave designed/built the hand-made pre-amp that I had installed (by Ted Lee!) in a Gibson Ripper in 1981!
[quote name='Toasted' post='44037' date='Aug 10 2007, 11:12 PM']It's a great amp. I love it to pieces and have no problem with mine [/quote] You're absolutely right! They are lovely amps (I've been knocked out with those I've used - I wouldn't have spent the money if I'd not been impressed). I'm looking forward to mine powering-up. Thanks for the info on the 'blue flash' - I thought this was a bad sign but it's good to hear others have seen/experienced it.
[quote name='alexclaber' post='43967' date='Aug 10 2007, 08:01 PM']That's interesting to note that a long extension lead solved the problem for one user. I bet if you use a high gauge (i.e. skinny) lead a good few yards long you'll get a similar affect in terms of voltage and current choking to using a power conditioner without giving Furman any money! What is particularly bizarre is that this amp is noted for its comprehensive diagnostic testing at switch on causing power up to take quite a while. Did it not dawn on Aguilar that there is a world beyond the Eastern Seaboard and some of us even play bass? Have you hassled Dave B on talkbass? Alex[/quote] Hi Alex, thanks again. I suspect your right, a long skinny mains lead probably does the job of the Furman at greatly reduced cost! Sub-optimal though, as you've suggested earlier - the 750 should simply work. Haha - I'd love to experience that much maligned 45 second wait with my own unit. All I have at the moment is an attractive doorstop (if you think industrial-style electronics can be attractive). You know, I often wonder about the US. I'm not a regular visitor though some of my colleagues are American and others travel regularly. I do get reports of sometimes narrow/domestic assumptions, attitudes and worldviews and this may be reflected in design practice (I'm not in any way criticising our American cousins here - I suspect many of us here in the UK could take a long hard look at ourselves!) I haven't hassled Dave on Talkbass - I've kept contact direct so far (but once this issue gets resolved, it may be useful to encourage Aguilar to go more public). Thanks again for all the inputs!
Hi Alex, thanks for the detailed response and the technical details - I'm really not expert where tech issues are concerned and appreciate the advice. I'm afraid I responded to your PM prior to reading the above and will re-appraise in the light of the details here. Given that one of the reasons for procurement of the 750 was headroom (and that this may be compromised by the conditioner if I understand correctly), then an alternative fix might be called for. I'll wait and see what I get from Aguilar and keep everybody informed. Thanks again (to all!)
"However...... If I wanted a bomb proof reliable, seriously loud tone monster i'd buy an Aguilar DB750 and a pair of 4ohm cabs @ 2ohms it's pushing out close to 1000w" Mark [/quote] I agree entirely...but just make sure you can turn it on (see my pleas in an Aguilar problem thread) - thanks Mark for your suggestions on the power conditioner (currently being actioned!)...sorry not mastered the quote box thingy yet
Hi, I used a TE Series 6 AH 200 throughout the late 80s and 90s and still use it now - it's absolutely phenomenal and you can pick them up on ebay for around €400 in good condition (probably less). Paired with your cab it should sound wonderful. There's also the more powerful versions (AH300 and up) - these can be found readily for €500 or so. I have a particular liking for the Series 6 though others may disagree - go for the 12 band too. With all that change, you can invest in some lovely Belgian beer!
Yeah me too on the Comfort Strapp - even makes my mid '70s Jazz bearable (for 15 minutes or so...) What did they feed bass players on in the '70s (Smash and Toast Toppers if memory serves - full of nourishing proteins)
[quote name='Oxblood' post='43868' date='Aug 10 2007, 05:10 PM']Well, it's not just a problem for European users, it seems. Get a load (but not too much of a load - don't want to trip any circuit breakers) of this from across the pond: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=190882"]TalkBass thread[/url] From what I'm reading, the DB750 certainly is "a truly exceptional amp in conception, design and performance" - but not in a good way! IMHO Aguilar's design staff need to be dragged into the village square and pelted with dung/rotten veg/concrete blocks over this. It's outrageous to market a piece of gear which you know damn well will be powered off ordinary domestic mains supplies, and yet not take this reality into account when designing the power supply stage. It really isn't difficult to design a power supply that has 'soft start' behaviour built in. [/quote] Hi and thanks - at least I had a laugh when I looked at the link and your suggestion re: the Aguilar people (who seem rather lovely by the way!) I do feel a bit more relaxed about the problem too - maybe my unit isn't peculiar/faulty. The power conditioner idea indicated above seems to have been succesful in some cases so I'll give this a try. On the 'soft start', I agree, maybe this should have been foreseen. I think Aguilar reacted pretty quickly however, and from what I hear, they were sending out/fitting the thermistor in the US for free on early models (I could be wrong here). The major problems seem to have occurred in the UK where our 240v system doesn't seem well-suited to working with the 750. I'll press-on with a Furman and keep all updated - thanks again.
[quote name='Marcus' post='43841' date='Aug 10 2007, 04:36 PM']I have 2 mates with DB750's both use a Furman power conditioner and have no problems, I borrowed one for a gig once and used it without the Furman, wouldn't even switch on ? Weird amp..... AWESOME SOUND !!! I hope you get sorted with it......[/quote] Hi Marcus, thanks - maybe a Furman's the way to go. I'll try to borrow one before investing and see if it makes a difference - I'll certainly report on the result. It's comforting to hear that it's not only my unit that seems to have the problem (though I empathise with those that are struggling). If you know, I'd appreciate advice on the Furman model that your friends are using. Thanks again.
[quote name='Stewart' post='43830' date='Aug 10 2007, 04:22 PM']Have you tried disconnecting the speakers while powering-on? Can't think of anything else temporary that would help...[/quote] Hi and thanks - nice idea but yes, I've tried it both ways with the same (negative) result
Hi all, thanks for all the comments and help - truly appreciated! On the tech - absolutely right - the guy I used here is good but pro-audio is not his main field. This is big mains stuff and needs to be handled properly. On the 'blue flash' on tripping - again, thanks, this is reassuring (I don't have a problem with pyrotechnics but I do get a bit edgy when my amp appears to be the source) The design fault comment is probably not too far wide of the mark...maybe a design 'issue' though - Aguilar did try to address this with the inclusion of a thermistor (of particular importance in the UK) - it seems to work in most cases but my unit appears to have a different/more extreme problem. No criticism of the company though - the DB750 is a truly exceptional amp in conception, design and performance (in my opinion, of course) and the help from the tech department is simply first rate! On inrush current - yes, it's 7.5Ax240v - 1800 is what I thought (err...what I was told by the local tech) but Aguilar confirm that it can be much higher on start-up. If you've not seen inside a 750, it's worth it - the guts are incredible (and incredibly heavy). Thanks for the insights and help - I'm really impressed!
[quote name='Toasted' post='43748' date='Aug 10 2007, 01:47 PM']Mine is a UK "factory" model (made in the US for the UK market). Mine does trip sometimes, but leaving it a few seconds and retrying normally sorts out the problem [/quote] Again, thanks. I think the 'US made for UK market' models are simply fitted with the 7.5A ciruit breaker (and wired appropriately). I've tried mine in a number of settings now but it simply can't get past power-up. I even managed to take the power down in a biggish commercial building! One last try yesterday and I noticed a small and quick blue flash at the IEC mains socket when trying start-up in a dark room. I've a feeling there's a problem with the power input that's well beyond my knowledge/understanding. I just thought it was worth a try on BC - it could be something common or simple to resolve. I'll contact Aguilar again (truly excellent customer service) but I think my unit needs a professional eye cast over it. Thanks for the help and suggestions.
[quote name='Crazykiwi' post='43734' date='Aug 10 2007, 01:28 PM']Would a power conditioner help at all? How do touring professionals cope with the mains supply in different countries?[/quote] Hi - thanks for this. I thought about a conditioner but was advised that given the pull of the 750 on power-up, there's little that could cope (at least at a reasonable price). I also thought about a step-down transformer but for the kind of power required, these are expensive (and heavy - maybe 25lbs on top of the weight of the 750 - yikes!) The point about touring is a good one (I have to admit I haven't done any proper touring for more than 15 years!). I suspect that anybody using a DB750 will need two switches/circuit breakers for US/Europe (or an industrial grade transformer and a crew to lug it all around). I think that some bigger bands carry around their own power these days. I'm also told that some users find that a DB750 can bring down the power in decent sized venues - it's a bit of a beast!
Hi, I recently picked-up a DB750 from the US after being very impressed with those I'd tried here. It wasn't cheap but almost new and in pristine condition (the orginal purchaser found it much too heavy...he's got a point). I had the circuit breaker (mains switch) replaced and mains re-wiring job done by a tech here in order that the unit can be used in the UK - something to bear in mind if you're thinking of importing a DB750, an additional cost of around £75. Aguilar customer service is absolutely superb and the experience of working with them is akin to purchasing a custom bass (think Martin Petersen at the Gallery) - personal and personalised assistance at every step in the process of fitting the switch and re-wiring. However (and this is a BIG problem), the 750 won't fire-up - the circuit breaker trips every time I power on (sometimes even taking out the power in commercial premises). The problem (one that is common in the UK apparently) is recognised by Aguilar - their engineers fit a thermistor to try to get around it: the amp pulls an incredible amount of power on start up and this can trip out the mains and/or trigger the circuit breaker. So...I have a major difficulty...a stunning amp that is simply unuseable. Has anybody out there had a similar experience with a DB750 and if so, any tips? Alternatively, does anybody know of a top class amp tech in the Manchester/NW area? I'm waiting for Aguilar to advise on a tech in the UK but it may be that they don't recommend UK servicing.
'91 USA 60/61 Stack-Knob Jazz reissue with J-Retro sold
lozbass replied to warwickhunt's topic in Basses For Sale