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Everything posted by visog

  1. Interesting. I think Ibanez over-priced these when they came out so this looks a good price. GLWTS
  2. Oof! Lovely and what looks like a good price too! GLWTS
  3. Hmmm, we've never really considered compressors before. What do they do again?
  4. Heard the recording of ABWH with Jeff Berlin who played all of the notes and barely any of the music. Tony Levin on the other hand donned his 'funk fingers' and went 'full Squire' and it was glorious.
  5. Best sounding clip of them so far... Nathan's sounds cavernouse! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE3P17uRoPI
  6. Sorry no. I went through the 'B-Social' debarcle and it was not great...
  7. I've got one of these and they're great! Ridiculous playability and electronics. All down to you! GLWTS.
  8. Oof... Muchio bass fun here... Very nice.
  9. Oof! So this is a Volo in a 6? Nice. Played one of the original 5s at Andertons. Very nice and good value.
  10. That should keep you occupied... Lifetime of music on that rascal...
  11. Nice! Muchio fun here....
  12. Yup. That's the motherlode. He was great - makes life worth living.
  13. His picking is pretty refined. And he's a whizz at odd time signatures. And he's singing harmony. Oh and bass pedals. He's a walking church - organ, choir the lot! And whatever it is that makes my arm hairs stand-up and adrenaline pulse when I hear one semi-tone of his playing.
  14. To the confused.... playing above the chord means adding to the harmony as a soloist, typically an octave above the prevailing harmony. In this context you're playing a high 'F', it'll clash with the 'E' in the 'C' chord as previously discussed (as a b9). But if you're playing bass, below the prevailing harmony, the 'F' played lower, underneatht the prevailing harmony will resulting an pleasing 5, M7 & 9. Lovely!
  15. WHAT!!!! Perceived wisdom is that we need a 'B' string scale of at least 36"!! Cool - looks fun.
  16. I watched it all and Rick's video is a heartfelt appreciation of another bass player. (Rick is a bass player by formal training.) The harmony is pretty complicated because it's a bebop standard so has lots of modulation and chord-tones with chromatic approach notes. What Rick doesn't say, and I've read independently is that even Jaco himself had this tune in development for a long-period, realising that it needed incubation and nurture before he could realise the standard he wanted for his performance.
  17. Anything by Allan Holdsworth... but boy do I like it!
  18. So interesting post but at this price-point the next bass along will have a different set of +&-s requiring an entirely new strategy.... with some not so easily achieveable? I'm still in the camp of an Ibby 1506 which at several times the cost, is likely to have more of a solid fit and finish. Opinions?
  19. Well that's a feet of endurance and no mistake. However, as its one of my very favourite pieces of music - I'll be content to listen now and again. Not a player this one - at least for me...
  20. *Makes pouty face* Play under the chord not over it. F sounds good under a CM chord, as does an A or if you want to be saucy, make the C chord your extensions over a low D. If you want to stick to chord tones, the inversion starting on E sounds less dull than C. I'm not wild about the forthy sounding G unless it's completing a line.
  21. So it's an alternative version of this...?
  22. I hoped an MTD player would chime in with some of their experiences as some of MT's basses have this feature? Perhaps the system a bit more noticeable/useful on a guitar particularly in lower position chords where the intonation is 'iffy?
  23. Basschat gave us the last critical mass before the final dissoluton of the instrument to a historic footnote as a guitar variant played in the lower register by the tall friend of the singer.
  24. Oh wow! Not the Chad Valley shape... GLWTS...
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