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Everything posted by visog

  1. Sorry, been on the ale
  2. I do enjoy their YT channel a lot! Bass vids are great and often hilarious and feature Mark King's brother, Juan. *Jokes - Nathan*
  3. visog


    Indeed... So this is why a ramp helps... even though ironically he doesn't use a ramp as such because, as you say, uses his pick-up for the same purpose...
  4. Good review. Thanks. So it begs the broader question, is multiscale the way forward or just another quirk like true temperament frets, etc?
  5. Interesting bass. This was all about ergonomics... They did a '5' and '6' also. So this all about how it plays... The thing is, from outset these were super-expensive basses compared with their other lines. Now Ibanez can do a great budget and mid-priced bass - possibly more than any company but this one started at a sky-price...
  6. I wonder if the feature artist will be Victor Wooten on the odd months and an obscure metal bassist on the evens... with every other advert being for Warwick? Any no criticism of Fender ever.
  7. Chatters, Whilst the edited interview clips has been around for a while, I've just encountered the full episode of the Old Grey Whistle Stop when Yes were on a sabbatical and the band members were promoting their individual solo albums... So here in the full episode are Chris Squire and Steve Howe starting at just over 15m. As ever in an interview situation, Mr Squire is stoned but he promoting his monumental solo album... Kaftans at the ready everyone! Hold out your hands and enjoy some killer prog. Side-note, where's Chris' classic Rick? Seems to be sunburst??
  8. Lozz & BigRed, Take your points financially but I think Pledge gave artists the reassurance up-front that there was an audience ready and waiting for the output. But you are right, there are different models to make new music economically. Not sure many artists are particularly willing to explore these different models... Maybe depends on their managers?
  9. Found the original pretty poignant... It's not going to bring them back though eh?
  10. Oh yeah... can't beat a J-bass done well. Enjoy! That blue top is dreamy! ** Edit: PS I bet 'the Lady' was bored shitless' **
  11. So things not looking great for PledgeMusic: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-47015855 I've not been a particular fan of this site although did participate in the Allan Holdsworth 'Tales from the Vault' project. I raise it here as it means it's another death knell for new music from established artists without a current deal with a major record company. So the financials have reversed from the 70s and you only make money from touring. That's the popular wisdom. Are we stuffed from a new music perspective?
  12. Agree... maybe the Geddy YYZ pedal...
  13. Yes I enjoy that too but this year they've been noticeably bass-lite with no dedicated bass presenters (Lee?). Coverage of basses on the Ibanez walk-through was token to say the least. Highlights for me were the Strandberg Boden bass although it looks expensive for its production base (see other thread on this). YYZ pedal does look good too. Some of the Ibanezs look nice - BTB anniversary for example... Although the signatures are insanely expensive. So overall a bit 'meh' I'd say...
  14. Not sure I've seen Ibanez's new Mezzo line suggested here. Just launched at Namm… Covered on another thread.
  15. I had not heard that? When Dweezil came on Guitar womble 18-months ago, it was still alive and well! Bit cruel to inherit different proportions of the estate and its rights.... *EDIT: just noticed the profanity change.. Guitar Womble is the podcast by Bruce Foreman, Scott Henderson and Troy McCubbin.*
  16. It's in the wrong forum... it should be in 'Bass Guitars'.
  17. Too my shame, I didn't realise quite how accomplished Henry Thomas is, including a stint with Allan Holdsworth, which'll mean his harmony is top-notch... see his CV here: http://www.mikecollinsmusic.com/?page_id=1060
  18. So, I looked at the updates here. Firstly, incomplete as I suspect funded by marketing, so the whole Boden thing missed. But also how little there is for bass.... The Geddy pedal looks good as does the Ibby GW but that's a refinement on a 20-year old design. Is that all there is? Darkglass - where are you?
  19. An aspect not addressed here is the demographic. The EBs and the Ibby Messo's are for a female audience. Remember Taylor Swift is the new guitar hero... No, really! They're not for the like of us anachronistic balding fattys….
  20. £3k for an off-shored manufacture - ok... * walks towards door, then leaves shop..* So all the Math-proggers OCDing for the slant frets and wonky neck will sell a kidney... Bet the multi-scale Ibby's do 95% of the job at 30% of the price.. The 5% being the aesthetics...
  21. visog


    "Percy, it's green!"... Also of note is that Sandy sold you a Sandberg. Or when Ricky sold me a Rickenbacker. I made that last sentence up. Nice little rig there... enjoy...
  22. I only know of two famous PRS bass endorsers - Gary Grainger, who played with John Schofield and Etienne Mbappe who played with John McLaughlin. I don't see famous bassists lining-up to play them in the same way they do for the guitars... There was a time back in the naughties where everyone had one! Even my Nan and she doesn't play guitar. **Edit - I may have mis-remembered that last bit**
  23. Right! You lot just sit around. I'll do it...
  24. Clip please...
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