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Everything posted by visog

  1. That'll do finger-funk for days with that twin-bridge pick-up arrangement...
  2. Not sure that was a great move... you missed the hits which I won't share in case people want to be surprised.Yes it was cacophonous - gloriously, intensely. You say, 'dreary'... I say, 'joyous'. There were actually four drummers but Bill Rieflin is now backline and played keyboards.
  3. King Crimson (all 8 of them)! With the mighty Tony Levin on bass. Jolly good. Well done to everyone involved...
  4. Yes in its day, it was a beacon no doubt. Now it is an anachronism. Today you have a channel in the Net which gives us sound and importantly, abundant user experience of every piece of gear, not to mention tips on use and getting the best from it. The abundance of interviews belie the very ephemeral and frankly 'top of the head' nature of artists just promoting their latest product. And as for the ads... well, who has the deepest wallet speaks the loudest. Well done Warwick. Move on... it's day is over, like the wider (rock) musical environment... P.S. regarding the lessons, there has never been more access to granular, virtuoso lessons on every aspect of bass playing... viva SBL..
  5. Helpful if promoting a book you use correct grammar and spelling. Just saying...
  6. Bring on the fluffer, I'm losing wood...
  7. Heard good things about these too. That bridge is a feat of engineering!... GLWTS
  8. Perhaps you caught him on a bad day... twice?
  9. And by the same token, that Ampeg Scrambler takes up the real-estate of 18-hole golf course! Bigger than an SVT! (Almost)
  10. Indeed and he was his usual funny, benevolent and very modest self. A true gent. Plus the new track Stuart Maconie played sounded phenomenal... He was late so interview about two hours into the programme. Wish I was seeing him tonight now.. Link here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0100rp6
  11. He tears through a couple of Weather Report Jaco numbers on electric here... great intonation...
  12. Or you get in 'The Works' for £8.99 a couple of months after the publication date...
  13. which you'd pay to Kurt Vonnegut for his '76 novella, "Slapstick, or Lonesome no More" featuring the characters with middle names such as 'Daffodil-11' - nouns with numbers to create artificial families and end loneliness... Oh wait! We're doing 8-string basses! So here's Chris Squire's Rick-8...
  14. Jeff Corallini had some pretty extraordinary basses pass through his hands on his channel. His latest is intriguing - a fanned fretless, which sort of makes sense?
  15. Saw Stanley and George Duke years ago in the 80s at the Manchester Apollo. Great show... Phillip Bailey from EWF guested and sang 'Easy Lover'...
  16. OMG basschat... way to begrudgingly permit women to play guitars without tripping over their stilettos. Bring it on! You fat old tattoed, died-haired anachronisms.. you might actually get a gig supporting! Here's my favourite of the new wave...
  17. visog

    BOSS RV-3

    Reverb!? On a bass!? Seriously?
  18. Cool! Your 4-string Thumb is pretty nice too!
  19. World is a very different place now - especially for music, and within that guitar-based rock... Fun times... still got my Blazer from around this time too (from Curly Music in Liverpool. The bassist from the Icicle Works was working there at the time.)
  20. Yep! Should be TL... Going to see them in three weeks at the Bridgewater Hall... Can't wait I think Bill Rieflin has been 're positioned' to back-line keyboards with a new drummer taking his place.
  21. What a handsome instrument. A Dolphin is on the lottery win list. GLWTS
  22. Not sure South-West includes Brighton? If it does, give Bernie Goodfellow a ring. He's a bit of a wiz with bass and guitar builds. Not sure I've seen him do a T-Bird but he's done numerous original and cloned designed to a very high standard - Mark King and Lawrence Cottle are users. http://www.gbguitars.co.uk/gb_news.asp
  23. Liberty City, Jaco Pastorius. I love Basschat! I love these recommendations. Both beautiful music. 'Liberty City' is just the tune, the album is the wonderful, 'Word of Mouth'. For what it's worth, I think Jaco, Mick and Percy Jones are the only fretless players to achieve a unique voice. Everyone else following some of the previously mentioned..
  24. Not sure of your logic. GAS always strikes... if you've got 'the one bass' it pops up with your effects... or amp. I'm just chiming in because of your cool thread title, "The GAS is always greener"
  25. What's the correct interpretation?
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