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Everything posted by visog

  1. I'm being flippant. Site's OK but has just disrupted all those people who recognized the old layout. (Think your favorite supermarket changes - where's the coffee now!?) Depends what you're trying to achieve with the new site I guess.
  2. I said side scrolling... and I don't want any of those basses...
  3. So how do I get that quick view of what's new in... side scrolling worked really well on old site?
  4. It's the Goat of Mendes! What's this ungulate pedal? DG or TwoNotes challenger?
  5. Not sure it counts as a full score editor like Sibelius but Cakewalk Sonar is back (from the clutches of Gibson who bought it and dropped it in their mad expansion.) Any who, it has notation and a tab editor... and is free!!!!! https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk
  6. I wouldn't take him that literally. In the past he's said the same about high end basses in a live situation too. (He used to play Pedullas at one point.) What he's saying is that in a large concert situation, the details get lost...
  7. Actually I meant 'Wicked Lester'. Sorry. Said Kiss wasn't my specialist subject...
  8. Me too!... Extended scale on a 4 is good. On a 5 is better...
  9. Probably a good turnaround investment if you're not in hurry for a return. In terms of the bass itself, a bit idiosyncratic to say the least...
  10. Aww I'm not a Kiss fan but I'm going to go with the pro-Gene camp. Yes he's an arch capitalist but... he brought us Van Halen, Rush and was politely respectful when Chris Squire died. Plus he seems happy to engage fans in all his money-making ventures. Not wild about his claims to female conquests... 2,000+ That's just creepy and probably requiring medical attention. And it's also rubbish. Last of a dying R&R dream breed.
  11. Yeah! Exactly... on paper it looks great... loved all the heritage bands: 80s Crimson, Police and Level 42 (well early L42)... But in action... talent tribute band for anyone of the above.
  12. Gorgeous... perfect even if it were a five. Much better than the nerfed new shapes (which make them look like anonymous Japanese basses).
  13. I think Joy Division got there first... Fast forward to nearly 2020 and a disused factory is an anachronism - may as well video yourselves as blacksmiths or thatchers (Ironic!). It's not lack of jobs that's the problem anymore, but it's the quality - zero hours contracts & the gig economy etc. I don't think anyone wants to go back working in a factory - or even remembers for the younger generation, so lamenting them will be a bit of a period piece.
  14. Is it me or is the whole Gizmodrome thing all a bit, 'welcome to our new direction...'?
  15. It'll happen - Mike Portnoy on drums. Mark my words... Re. this rehearsal footage - It's good to see 'Alex' having a go at bass 'n' vox although he could have changed out of his potato harvesting/bear wrestling gear beforehand. And put his teeth in..
  16. Gotta say that the music coming out of that Chapman playing was awful - all fourthy but not in a good quartal harmony way - more in a 'bang two string at the same position' way 'cause it's easy. Plenty of vids on the Chapman basses and they introduced a natty looking fan-fret earlier this year at the Namm show - from about 3:45 onwards:
  17. Oh dear... All of PMcC's output and this is what we post! on Basschat. > Every time I watch/listen to it, there is something else that grabs my attention. I found that with Sgt. Pepper, but I won't bother trying with this.
  18. Wah guitar on Haitian Divorce is beautiful! Oh and LC's solo on Kid Charlemagne is of course a classic. Yes and the bass is great too. Didn't realise it was Chuck. Funnily enough, it's worth seeking out his videos where he speaks on YouTube. He's very articulate and has a lovely soft wise voice.
  19. Bump.... pretty. Bit a performance bass this and as a bedroom warrior not my thing but pretty darn saucy none the less..
  20. So where did we land on this? I remember seeing MK doing 'The Chinese Way' on ToTPs and buzz it created was unbelievable! Who's the guy playing Jaco lines and 16ths?!!! Didn't see or hear much of the other players mentioned on this thread. Think I did catch a Stanley Clarke show on BBC2 in '79/''80 (same week as a showing of 'Shadows and Light' by Joni) when I'd just bought a bass. Stanley was playing some slap as well as all his descending 16th triplet shred lines. And he play played a Carl Thompson piccolo which was erm, unusual. This one from '82 if it helps:
  21. 3-months! Bet you can't wait to bark epic bass tones of righteousness... This could give DK a run for it's money as all their stuff sounds great but is becoming a bit ubiquitous?... particularly in the math-metal genre.
  22. Anyone got one yet... sounds cavernous when Doug demo's it... I like the sound off the 'Yes' setting... just need the talent to do it justice!
  23. I see what you mean but it's actually Peter Erskine. Stupid thread otherwise. Pretty sure that if Jaco had pulled through his troubles and were playing today, he'd be on a four.
  24. Hmmm. Yes without Chris Squire, Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman? Possibly Alan White too at this show? Nah not for me. Love Steve Howe but Yes was all about the interplay of all those great musical voices.
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