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Everything posted by visog

  1. Bernie made me a ramp for my Goodfellow. Very comfortable... playing a bass without one now is like walking across a cattle-grid!
  2. Wired differently as you say... I'm so bored of I IV V (blues changes) or ii V I (jazz changes) so Yes, Genesis, and the whole oeuvre of prog/fusion is such a welcome harmonic and rhythmic diversion. Then we get to the '00's textural revolution of AphexTwin, Chemical Brothers, Squarepusher and Radio Head moving the spirit on... wonderful!
  3. I'm post-Gabriel too... love the pastoral Trick and W&W phase - beautiful records and some really interesting, intricate music... deconstructed here by Rick Beato:
  4. Even though the thread's now dying with off-topics, I'll just chime in with the observation that the Fragile/CTtE edge line up had five unique voices, including for this forum, a killer bass player, who each took from their own preferred style and managed to mix it successfully with diminishing returns thereafter. But very glad they did.
  5. How are we doing on your tone? Sounds like dead strings and neck joint shenanigans are causing a fundamental problem with your tone. This unit should produce a good clean tone and potentially overdrive grit but more distorted tone's been hijacked by Dark Glass and this won't replicate that sound. Good advice previously to go flat and play in context bringing the tone shaping. Pretty confident good things will happen....
  6. Yeah the string spacing looks weird... Just a bit of magnetic pull with it lying flat? Is the action super-low?
  7. Just listened to the Rockonteurs podcast on Youth. Sounds like an amazing person.
  8. Saw Barry Manilow on Thursday just passed... Felix Pastorius and Mike Bendy with the Hipster Assassins at Ronnie Scott's next. Beat that!
  9. Victor W, Victor B and Will Lee give a try...
  10. Oh dear... Very musical... and a partner to our Chris Squire led musical chums Yes... and Jon Anderson's solo excursions... Also, dare I say it, the silent collaborator on aforementioned singer's solo album, 'Olias of Sunhillow'
  11. Trout Mask Replica is hard going... Bob Dylan is can be boring... Frank Zappa did some stuff that was meh...
  12. Big brand buys niche loved specialist. Eurgh! Does this ever work? Darkglass guy will make a lot of money then go and do something interesting after his clause expires... Oh no... It's SWR, Trace and Tobias all over again....? https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdlvr.it%2FSQhY5k%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1Gr9WXkuWrl9HNWJUFL2QVphyTV1AjUlf1ht_SmlJ3mmQ3HRvxbqpZWUo&h=AT1W-CQlbkJU5uAX-Sqg-K7-1pNQT4E1a1FMw4Z5nUy7Kj13YDmUe-Jlwd5TP19Dx28qyBv4_Pwi5Qhc_XuGO_HZFlfUyZoWWPpIM6H4s6Gpf9cVv3AbFLIJXie9p_LP4g&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0wyhTEZylq31r4fU1RMTxg3AalkGXmTc_YPb4s3KV0CzSctES1OGgLIdG5mgkkJGXvMABY4-OSqSaNhdpYq5DJGBhEkSwwNLfIDaH5XljEf9Pcl8SLZSWMhGUpIRmNLoCacH8lOqaFOHYo5lmNexLei4MuwaKM87aYD8K2XEF4spKiMzLYHWWaQ7KtZiQHFsDDT4Ipu7NJQnSd5vWLQIn4FZ_Q0clF7Jc
  13. Nice explanation... loving your bass. What scale is that one?
  14. Interesting point Lfalex (whatever your latest version is). Ibanez in particular have experimented with different fanned fret loci as you can choose where to to align the multi-scales against each other, as well as how severe you make the fan, i.e. 35, 36 or 37" on the 'B' and 34, 33 or 32" on the 'G'. Not seen a reverse 'long-low, short-high' design but I'm sure someone's done it.
  15. Ish guys review similar models:
  16. So Anderton's latest bass vid got me thinking - are multi-scales set to become the norm or will 'uni-scale' basses remain the default? I suspect the latter but this trio still look, and sound, very intriguing. Which did you think sounded the best? They all had their moments but the Dingwall maybe?
  17. Action looks a bit 'challenging' as I come from the John Entwistle (I wish) school of strings under the frets. Much room left for height adjustment at the bridge? Also, still got the ramp?
  18. Lovely. Sometimes JD look overwrought but this looks great. GLWTS
  19. Crumbs! What a wonderful looking bass. I thought that the BB's had offset fret markers but I could be wrong. That bass is going to make someone very happy!
  20. Not played one but heard one and it was glorious...
  21. 5 or a 6 and would bitten your arm off. GLWTS!
  22. Good debate. Great cause. Not very good though eh... elephant in the room.
  23. Yes, me too. Although a different year. Billy Sheehan and Victor Bailey were there. Victor was phenomenal and Billy was super nice - although I think worryingly he's got hearing problems Shuker and Goodfellow were there too. Both wonderful. Overwater had a great stand too.
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