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Everything posted by visog

  1. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1387049450' post='2307834'] Another lecturer introduced us to this, which we loved. Then made us play it as part of our ensemble exam. I had great lecturers! [media]http://youtu.be/kRkkJKf-hnA[/media] [/quote] It's a great album. John Wetton's tone, playing and singing on this is great. Allan Holdsworth is his usual genius. Bill Bruford is killing and Eddie Jobson plays some massive fat paddy synths too. A classic. Pity this was it for this line-up.
  2. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbIIoQtbB2k"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbIIoQtbB2k[/url] Man that's fugly..
  3. You need a Rick in that line-up! Chris Squire and Geddy both get awesome crunch tones out of theirs... Good vid BTW... intrigued that the Stagg held it's own alongside others costing x10 as much!
  4. Talking of ramps on Warwicks... here's Jazzmunki (is that a euphamism?) demonstrating his neat 4 finger technique which a ramp helps. Matt Garrison developed this and Mr Munki here does a great funky job of applying it... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCHMqajchDM&list=TL8DWzH0CVPb75BvvhgYPrFwyHxRa7Gris[/media]
  5. So I've got a TC Electronics BC500 rig and a GB with more DB boost than you'd imagine so my question is, would a tube bass pre-amp round out the clean sound of the TC rig? Would it offer me any more tonal options? Advice please...
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1386064313' post='2295090'] An early winner for 'euphemism of the day'. [/quote] ... or you could be 'waxing the dolphin' which is equally bad...
  7. I think you can use any wood or plastic really. Gary Willis has a couple of vids which may help: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKffNbWXRfQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKffNbWXRfQ[/url] Bernie Goodfellow did mine in the same wood as the top of my bass which is Walnut: [url="http://www.gbguitars.co.uk/gb_spitfire_gallery3.asp"]http://www.gbguitars.co.uk/gb_spitfire_gallery3.asp[/url] Fourth row down, fourth across...
  8. "What do you think?" A darned sight better than the normal single cut... But then the Dolphin is even nicer so what's the point? P.S. Nice Photoshops skills...
  9. [quote name='RoRi' timestamp='1384533959' post='2277884'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-21VQuPnXk[/media] [/quote] That drumming is insane.... Sort of a drum 'n' bass groove... Scott Devine's has done a pretty nifty tune in this vein too: [url="http://scottsbasslessons.ontraport.net/c/2/10999/940199/2/35/73164/1384181446"]http://scottsbassles...3164/1384181446[/url]
  10. [quote name='cybertect' timestamp='1378412575' post='2200051'] I've been having fun with this little app for IOS: Sight Reading Machine [url="https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/sight-reading-machine/id662692296?mt=8"]https://itunes.apple...d662692296?mt=8[/url] Handy sight reading practice when I have a bass to hand or just on the train. It generates a tune and plays it; you can configure it to select a wide range of parameters such as tempo, key, note lengths, etc. Notably, it comes with presets for both 4 and 5 string bass. [/quote] +1 for this. Great little app. Loads of sight reading parameters to experiment with. Great that it plays it for you too. Just what I needed to generate endless reading fodder...
  11. visog

    ding :(

    You can pay Fender to do it for you and call it relic-ing! I feel your pain. You either want no dings on a bass or loads of them!
  12. [quote name='bh2' timestamp='1383748793' post='2268515'] Take a listen to this... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiE0GkVTWKo[/media] Inspired me to defret my 62 Jazz, although I have been playing fretless on and off since the early eighties, I was about to give up playing alltogether, then I found this album! RIP Mick... Thanks for the gong link... I've just rediscovered Mike Howlett from another thread. Not fretless though. [/quote] Good heavens! That's good.... MK rules! (That's Mick Karn in this case...) The drums are great too...
  13. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1383908529' post='2270599'] Here is a great example of Percy Jones. It saddens me that a British bassist recorded this before Jaco's breakthrough on the Weather Report album "Heavy Weather" - yet went almost unnoticed. Its maybe a reasonable assumption that if Jaco had recorded this it would have been lauded as earth shattering. I think Percy is totally underrated and almost ignored by the main stream bass press in the UK. [media]http://youtu.be/ZQYkBwfzHAc[/media] [/quote] +1... agree with the sentiment but I think Jaco's breakthrough year was '76 and this is '78. Masques is a favourite of mine too...
  14. Actually I seem to remember also having an MP3 of his jam with Jonas Hellborg....?
  15. Still there... just search... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR5iUopTlxY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR5iUopTlxY[/url]
  16. Pedulla MVP 4... pea-green. Been in the shop for years. Made a cash offer of £500 which was accepted. On way home, brakes failed in Ford Orion (not a pleasant experience on the M602). AA rescue and following repair, you guessed it, £500 so no MVP. :-( It was a beaut' too - through-neck & P-J Barts.
  17. [quote name='merchant' timestamp='1382616280' post='2254422'] We have a winner!!!!! That's it, Bolin basses. Boy do I want one of the single pickup restless ones. Ah well. Cheers everyone [/quote] No, cheers me. Do I win a Bolin bass or something?
  18. Needs more 13th chord stabs!
  19. For me, it's not exactly, 'tearing it up'... more like, 'having a run through...'. A bit dull I'm afraid...
  20. P.S. I've no idea how (or why) I remembered that. Wonder what else is clogging up my brain.
  21. Yeah it rings a bell... Bolin basses? You'll have to Google them as posting images is incomprehensible here on BC.
  22. It's a beaut'! EBS_freak will give you the skinny when he sees this but it does look pretty Spitfire-prototype'ish. What's it play and sound like?
  23. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1381421966' post='2238932'] Good album .Sammy says ouch ,is also classic. Too '80s for some now The hot licks video is funny tho'. He is totally out of it [/quote] I think you deserve the medal! BTW I think it was Carl Palmer this guy played for, replacing Bass Tutor Stuart Clayton. P.S. Rather nifty GB Spitfire 6 in original post!
  24. To have a God, you have to have worshippers... And you'll have seen the stats that Urban/Dance now is by far the majority of music sales with guitar-based rock a minority. Coupled with this is the up-coming nuclear winter of America discovering dance music and the DJ scene in a big 'Ibiza' type-way - like our economy, the bass (&guitar) industry is driven from America and this (player as opposed to DJ-based music) will erode rapidly... Expect niche bass builders to go out of business and the big names to trade more on relic/artist models to an aging market. Bass Player will wind up too. (Will anyone notice?) Bass will continue to get less mainstream, i.e. in the top-40, and will only really exist at shrinking trade fairs, bass meets and on the 'net. The gig scene will move more towards hotels and holiday camps offering 'Heavy Rock' getaways and retro weekends. And the new gods - where they do pop up, will go straight to YouTube with no income stream. Let's meet at a hotel in Lytham St Anne's with our boutique basses to have one more round of 'Hot Water' in 2017. Look North may cover it.
  25. Pretty much what my wife says on a daily basis...
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