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Everything posted by lowhand_mike

  1. hmm pretty cool, liked the first and third ones not so much the second but certainly different, good find
  2. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1471372912' post='3112622'] I have no desire to show off to people, so I don't have a party piece. [/quote] no one comes round my house anyway
  3. +1 for Scotts Bass Lessons, http://www.scottsbasslessons.com/ just wish i had time to go through it all but his teaching style is excellent he also has the academy which gives you access to more tutorials (for a small fee) but loads of stuff is on there for free. Joe Hubbard is quite good to. The Hal Leonard stuff is good to start think that was one of the first things i had Wouldnt worry too much to start with with reading tab or notation but if you really want to go for it and have the time then learning notation would be the way to go according to purists, tab doesnt really lend itself to reading timings to well. But saying that i learnt everything i know from tab and listening to songs i wanted to play and i get by (not saying im good or anything though) oh and practice practice practice
  4. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1471368725' post='3112579'] This, for me, has to be one of the worst, though any Brothers Johnson album cover should be included on any list of crap ones. [url="http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/images_zpsly7ntrnw.jpg.html"][/url] I bought this album after hearing people raving about Louis Johnson's bass playing. It remains one of the biggest piles of crap I've ever heard. I played it through once, took it off the turntable, snapped it in half & threw it in the bin. [/quote] so can you clarify, did you like it or not?
  5. [quote name='tonewheels' timestamp='1471297777' post='3112001'] No brainer. Use the weight you saved on the cab an invest it on the amp. My rig: [url="https://flic.kr/p/zobkB5"][/url] [/quote] genius
  6. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1471366328' post='3112550'] I can't even reach the table [/quote] haha, grower not a shower nowt wrong with that
  7. if you need decent monitors for this to work i dont see the point as surely thats something else to carry, may as well keep your rig. unless of course your mean IEMs
  8. just a hobbyist getting beer money occasionally from gigs. would love to gig more but real life tends to see to it that we dont book as much as we would like or rehearse as much as we should. I dont get get any time to practice at home unless on the very odd occasion i get left at home on my own and the wife and kids go out and i squeeze in learning a new song or two.
  9. Higher Ground, the chilli peppers version, people who dont play bass seem to like the slappy stuff as being clever also as mind mind tends to go blank and thats the only thing i can remember on the spot
  10. this is nice
  11. nice and simple but does the job perfectly, woof! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWP-AsG5DRk
  12. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1471266671' post='3111648'] Good job you had the passive switch installed. [/quote] thats what i like about my bass is should the user be an idiot (moi) then there is a fail safe just in case, cant think of any other reason for it to be honest
  13. GIS for me, unlike some fortunate folk on here i really dont have the money to play with GAS and the gear i have does what i need it to do it just i would love a better cab(s) and even though my newest bass is amazing there are others i would also love.
  14. i only take one bass out, i have 2 (3 if you count my daughter affinity jazz) but i on ly take one as its a 5 it sounds the nuts and looks it too. It was made to be played and i cant deny its destiny
  15. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1469775521' post='3100920'] I'm struggling with the 16.5mm spacing on my Ibanez SR305, after years of playing on four stringers spaced at 18-19mm, and may have to move it on. I don't want to really as it ticks all the other boxes, sub 9lbs and well balanced. [/quote] i had exactly the same problem when i got my 5er even though id been playing an SR 4 string for years, but i say stick with it as i barely pick up my 4 now as the 5 is such a nice bass to play. still have the occasional brain fart when playing but nearly there
  16. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1469720152' post='3100640'] Think thats from the "i bought it so you better believe im using it" school of thought [/quote] dont blame him, if i had one id use it
  17. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1469641428' post='3100001'] The three cabs (it's actually Two10, Four10 and Eight10) are producing different signals (distorted, overdriven and clean respectively) so they don't interact like a normal stack would and he still gets all the dispersion benefits of the line array. It's great to see the rig standing out so much on a popular TV show! [/quote] excellent, good to know
  18. sooooo, if the 8x10 has the drivers set up like a line array (think thats right) for better dispersion how does having the 2x10 and the 15 (i'm geussing the sizes but thats what they look like) effect it? still sounded very clear even if a little low in the mix, definately very different from the B rig
  19. why not just get 2 4x10s and that way you have a modular rig that will suit most places, certainly what i'm considering but yeah lozz's idea seems the most practicle
  20. listening to it i really should check out more duran duran
  21. duran duran's Rio is awesome, certainly not on my playlist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD5rQkBMy50
  22. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1468705944' post='3092836'] My Spector Forte 5 weighs 8.8 lbs, has a slim neck profile and a nut width of 45 mm. String spacing is 16.75 mm at the bridge. It's a lovely bass and balances great with Hipshot tuners. Have to say, any narrower on the nut and string spacing and I think you'll be risking the strings rattling off each other and not much dig-in finger space. IMO the Spector has got it just right. [/quote] thart is an absolute beaut
  23. what else are they going to do, ban singing? ban cars from being within a certain radius of these poor teachers, f*** off
  24. so how strong does the wind have to be to blow a Brontosaurus over then?
  25. just watched a bit of them at bonaroo and he was using mark bass gear, nice sound though live not as tight sounding as the studio
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